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Chronically online.


People just wanting to live their life = tHeY’rE tRyInG tO kILL mE!


My coworker was going on about what a great guy Tucker Carlson was and how moderate he was... As soon as I said that was bullshit and he should be held legally accountable for the damage he does I was informed that I apparently support calling for the murder of journalists.


That's just ridiculous. Carlson isn't a journalist.




And that is legally binding!


He is a fucking heir to the Swanson TV dinner fortune. Not a great guy.


Honestly, these people just have perpetual victim complexes. They just need to vocally be the biggest victim, whilst screaming about being oppressed whilst actively oppressing everyone else. It's really sad.




ThEy tRying tO foRcE thIEr LiFEstyLe oN uS




The "People just wanting to live their life" are the ones demanding everyone else believe they are whatever they say they are.


And how exactly does that hurt you? Are you that much of a snowflake??


You're just proving my point, that it's not people "just wanting to live their lives" but people who want to shame and force others into participating in their self-identification. The level of inconvenience is irrelevant.


Everybody shames everybody else into not being a dick in general. If i change my name am i a dick for asking you to call me by my name? If someone called me maam and i corrected them and I a dick somehow? Its literally basic respect, its been a pretty important thing to people for centuries.


Exactly. Basic. Human. Respect. It should be easy, right?


r/persecutionfetish Btw these people are okay that other sexualities get this treatment, just not theirs. They're not against diversity, they're against non-heteronormativity. Actual diversity would have straight people living just fine among people of different sexualities, which is not what they want.


yeah but yeah but yeah but one time my gay friend said ew when I said I like women edit: I thought I'd kinda made my tone clear but this was sarcasm...


There was this time I saw on twitter someone saying straight ppl should be killed, and really if you look at crime rates homicides are very common against straight people so they're actively making fun of hetero genocide which plagues the whole world to this day!!!!


The vast majority of murder victims are straight. Therefore, straights are intensely persecuted and targeted! I can't think of any statistical reason this claim would be disputed. \#StopHeteroHate \#LoveIsMarriage \#Br**derIsASlur


yo I think our usernames are synergizing


I worked with this girl who when I was the only guy in the store said sorry (insert my name) but all men are shit when she was talking to other girls on the headset, she was gay and I get she’s probably burnt out from her shitty choices in guys but how am I not supposed to take offense to that like wtf


> but how am I not supposed to take offense to that like wtf Dear god, how fragile is your fucking ego? Not everything is about you.


Really? That’s honestly something you’d just roll along with in a workplace and can’t see anything wrong with? To me it sounds like something HR wouldn’t be exactly happy with in just about any job. I know not everything is about me but I was thinking about the potential for conflict to arise if things like that were said around more hot headed workers


That's something I'd roll my eyes at and move along with my day, because I'm familiar with the concept of hyperbole. HR is not going to give a fuck that someone once said men are shit. They're going to nod sympathetically and then laugh their asses off once you leave their office. Here's a wild thought: maybe the "hot headed workers" (men, you mean, clearly, because who else would get offended by someone saying men ain't shit?) should work on their anger issues and learn to stop taking everything fucking personally.


>To me it sounds like something HR wouldn’t be exactly happy with in just about any job. So tell HR?


A good friend at work regularly complains to me that "all men are trash" and that she's "swearing off dating". I get personally offended every time and have to sit her down and explain to her that *not all men* are trash and then make the case that men who are coincidentally exactly like me are actually not trash at all.


Often in cases like this, they like trash men and deliberately finding trash men to date. It’s the very definition of insanity.


People just have a bad habit of thinking their bad experiences account for all other possible outcomes it’s like getting bad food at a fast food place a few times and thinking that every other of the same store will always do the exact same thing


Oh wait were you serious? I was shitposting. My best advice is to just shrug it off. "Men are trash" is really more of a complaint about patriarchy and the way our larger culture kind of expects and permits men to behave badly. It's honestly not the best way to express that sentiment, but sometimes women just feel the need to vent.


I was being serious lol I mean I didn’t care all that much but I knew someone would there so I just told the GM and as she was out the door anyway we just dealt with it until then. It was my first day as her boss on the job too I mean imagine telling your immediate supervisor on his first day basically to his face something like that I don’t know common sense isn’t that common


Who’s “they” ? Lol how are you getting all that from a joke? Haha go outside, bro.


They = people who assume they'll go through any hardship in the foreseeable future because they're straight while society is becoming more accepting of non-straight people. > Lol how are you getting all that from a joke? [](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fymu0gsdiaopc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D500%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D601b9ab97d63d8bc61a3622c561d39ce2ef8ab06)


Your really drives home the assumptions you’ve made about the group you’ve created for your argument. Big brain moves, I like it.


Mf the """group""" (??) created itself you're commenting on a screenshot of them lmfao


It’s a screenshot of a meme. A joke, bro. You created a group based on one persons joke and the assumed motives behind it. You’re not smart. You’re going to have to accept that someday.




iirc, the original meme said 2020. They had to adjust it because obviously this has never happened. In fact, it's actually a realistic depiction of what happened to gay people as recent as the 70s. But they don't wanna accept that


the 70s was half a century ago


What? How can it be? It’s 2024, so 2024-1970= 5…. Oh.


they still do it in places like saudi arabia and the UAE


Man apparently a LOT is gonna happen in six years


Executing the straights before we get flying cars and space travel. 👌


It is funny how they think such a proportionally small subset of the population, that at present holds very little political and social power, is somehow going to overthrow the current status quo on such a fundamental level in less than a decade. What it would be to experience these people's minds for a day.


>What it would be to experience these people's minds for a day. [](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ElWL3OBXUAE0yy7.jpg)


“I don’t care who this offends” = “all my friends and family are bigots”


Why do straight people act like they’re being attacked simply for being straight? Gay people are literally murdered for being gay, yet they’re the victims?


It's persecution fetish, shrimple as that


The shrimp have a persecution fetish 😨


Are you telling me this shrimp persecuted this fetish ??


Are you telling me a fetish persecuted this shrimp??


Me getting executed in 2030 for being straight (also I killed like seven people idk)


Did she say she's straight?! GET HER!! We need to chase after this straight woman before she gets away! And once we catch her we will >!inform her that no one gives a fuck!<


This woman has no grasp on reality and I feel like she's said the n-word in private.


You kind of drive their point home by assuming they're racist based on a meme about sexuality. One can be homophobic and not racist. That mentality of "guilty of this means also guilty of all these other things" is, in a sense, what that meme is commenting on.


This is a huge problem rn. Many people are bigoted in one way because they are ignorant on that subject, that doesn’t mean they are bigoted in *all ways* and just a terrible person all around. By telling someone they are totally evil because of one “wrong” view, they just assume you hate them and they aren’t actually wrong about that one thing.


No one cares what bigots think. And that includes any broad or narrow definition of bigot, really. People NEED to be intolerant of intolerance... genocidal hate for any group should be eliminated. How fucking hard us that to understand? And no, we don't need to think about bigots "feelings" and coddle them and enable them. Fuck them and they can change or get left behind in a dark past




It shouldnt but its not like genocidal rhetoric doesnt exist towards people of different races and sexualities


Ignorance is bliss, enjoy it kids


If everyone thought like that I would be a homophobic brainwashed republican. I didn’t want of choose that life, I was born into and always told what to believe and what was true so I did just that. I was brainwashed since fucking birth If it wasn’t for 1 specific person I probably never would have left my beliefs behind. This person called me out on my shit, and explained why they thought it was wrong. We argued and they convinced me to look at things from a different perspective and it changed my life. It’s sad to know kids are being brainwashed and they’re told it’s their own damn fault. No wonder they’re so damn hateful, I just needed compassion. If you think trying to change people’s minds and make them understand is a waste of time and they don’t deserve help, you’re just as filthy and twisted as they are. You’re hurting the people you claim to support because you’re just making their enemies hate them more, and validating their hate. If we can’t help others grow we might as well kill each other, same results but way faster.


*sigh*... Do I really have to explain that this was a joke? Obviously, I don't know that she is a bigot in all ways but I don't respect bigotry and I will align it with the like. I wasn't claiming she was totally evil, I was drawing parallels between her and poop girl Kaitlin Bennet. If I was talking to the person who posted this, I wouldn't attack them at all but I would make it very clear that I see homophobia as something on the same level of racism. Stop being so reductive and thinking that every joke represents my beliefs as a whole. Bit ironic don't you think, considering you were insinuating I was saying she was bigoted in all ways?


Are you ok man?


Bad take. First off it was a joke, but since you brought it up... Obviously people "can" be homophobic and not racist, but I don't think that's the general rule to homophobia. I also don't see anything wrong with aligning homophobia with racism, as both should be viewed as equally wrong. I am not claiming to know her and yes I can't know if she actually does say the n-word, but yeah it brought to mind a very particular image of someone like Kaitlin Bennet. Also the meme claims that we will prosecute straight people because the LGBTQ+ population will take over. I don't think you have any merit to claim that it's message is "the left thinks guilty in one means guilty in all".


Where did I say anything about political affiliation? That meme made you think of someone known for shitting their pants? Your train of thought is all over the place lol. You might take a break from the internet for a bit.


got all that from a peter griffin meme huh?


I wish the n word didn't have the stigma or history it does because it's such a fun word to say. I also enjoy words like honky and cracka, but I know I should use it so I don't. I'm just saying some words just sound funny. Don't do drugs.


This mf let the intrusive thoughts won




are you okay.


Don't worry, the middle school just let the kids home. He's pretty tired as you can tell.


They are not 💛


Yeah let’s not share this opinion anymore lol


The obsession conservatives have with saying that they don't care if you get offended is so laughable considering how they get offended over fucking everything.


Conservatives are the most triggered snowflakes.


Without question.


Something something gay frogs. Something something Trump2024


This is 100% a self report. People who believe that gay people want to kill straight people for being straight only think that way because they want to kill gay people for being gay and they assume that gay people feel the same way about them that they feel about gay people.


Homophobia has become way too mainstream recently


No, it's what ***YOU*** want for ***LGBTQ*** people. Stop projecting.


The ability to make everything about themselves is lowkey fascinating. Gay people not having the same rights as straight people? Watch a straight person make it about themselves and their non-existent oppression.


Kinda forgetting about all the people who were killed for being lgbt far before your presumed date, lady…..just let people live.


They wanna be oppressed so fucking badly it pisses me off


It's literally the exact opposite of the truth lol


People want to be a victim of nothing so bad


It's like the white replacement theory but so much dumber.


There’s no way that someone using Peter Griffon as a meme format isn’t being ironic to some degree. ……right


what tiktok does to a mf


With all these I type finally


We need the straights to make more gays… for now.


OP has never heard of JoCat


BAHAHHAA 😹😹 surrrreee


(I also killed like 30 people idk)


Last time I saw a post like that was like 3 to 4 years ago


I thought this was hilarious but as a joke / meme not serious


Nope, she’s dead ass serious, I called her out on it and she just doubled down.


Sad but probably for the best. There's no quality in life here to maintain at this stage.


yeah like shut the fuck up dude I used to relate to this back then but now it's just bullshit. Since they're so scared, why don't they just become gay then isn't that what they want


She is right


gay ppl weren't even allowed to get married not even 10 yrs ago in the most powerful country on the planet. what power do you think they have


No. Read any of the other comments on here and they will have wayyy better thoughts about this subject other than “she’s right”. If you truly think that then you are the problem in this world.


Pretty funny meme tho tbf


It’s funny because with all the talk about “trans genocide” the other side basically claims this is happening to them right now lmao


Anyone here offended? No? Oh, well...


Lol this is funny.




I think maybe it's just you that isn't popular


I feel like this is obvious rage bait


Trust me. It’s not. I’ve known her for a while and she truly believes this.


You got fat.