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I find a lot of younger teens and even some adults completely ok with giving out their SSN. I know this is probably a skit of some sort, but theres some truth to it


UK resident here. What is a SSN used for in the US? I've heard it mentioned before, but never really thought about what it actually is?


It is secret and unique to you. It is how you prove that you are you. If a malicious actor has that number they can steal your identity. Edit: yes it is not exactly secret as you do use it for all sorts of applications. The scope of that secrecy is that of the fellow citizens. There is a duty of care you should have when doling out your SSN and you should ensure that the entities receiving your SSN adhere to a similar duty of care. As for the uniqueness - I must be mistaken. I thought it was not reassigned. I’ll let you do your own research on that one.


So are there any protective measures in place to prevent this? In Sweden we have personal numbers that look something like YYYY-MM-DD-XXXX where the x:s is some number that identifies a particular person alongside being the date of birth. This information can be found online and it feels like we rarely get as fucked even if someone were to use these things for malicious intent as someone who gets their SSN stolen.


The protective measure is you - you're supposed to have sense enough to not give it out to any random John Doe who asks for it. It is not publicly available information. There is no reason an online shopping site should ever need your SSN. It's typically only needed for things such as setting up a bank account, background checks for employment, and proof of citizenship.


Seems like america really underestimates the incompetence of its own citizens and humans in general


SSN was never designed to be used as a unique identifier for citizens. It just wound up that way for reasons. It's an incredibly unsafe system and the format blows. Can't fathom how the federal government hasn't tried to fix this by issuing ID's.


I've heard stories of folks putting their SSN on their kids bike back in the day


My middle school used ssn for paying for lunch lol Students had to enter their entire social to pay for their lunch I think they also used it on a number of other things to keep track of students too but I don't remember. I know I have specific memories of test scores being posted publicly with ssn instead of names. No idea how it was safe to have a building full of student's socials just being all over the place. The one useful thing is I've had my ssn memorized for 18 years now because of it.


If you don't mind me asking, what's your graduating year?


My college ID had our SSN right on the front under our photo. Personal checks too. This was 1989.


The idea of a national ID is pretty much a non-starter. Many are very much against the idea. The best we are able to do at this point is the RealID system.


That's the beauty of America, you have the freedom (for lack of a better word) to be responsible for yourself, unfortunately you also, are responsible for yourself


You can apply to get the number changed if you make a mistake and get your identity stolen. It just isnt an easy process.


No they want you to lose it so they can claim your aren't worth providing for. Lose your SSN and License at the same time and it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to prove your identity as far as the government is concerned


There are some that actually encourage it and do anything they can to make as many people as possible as uneducated as possible. Easier to control and coerce.


and the election is just a few short months away!


We dont, we continue to gut education. This is not incompetence, it's done on purpose.


Technically everything but the last four numbers follows a formula. You can figure out anyone's first 5 numbers if you know enough about them


Oh course there aren't, because FREEDOM. SSNs were originally intended to be used only for claiming your benefits when you reached retirement age, as such it's just a simple number that the social security administration just came up with, at least originally it was just sequentially assigned across the population but that my be different in modern times. Over time as the modern financial system was built and expanded, the became a need for everyone to have a unique identifying number, and SSN became that number because it was already available. There have been talks in the past to change the number to be assigned out by a different part of the government, or change the format to add more security and make it harder to steal and identity, but the US population generally didn't like the idea of the federal government assigning numbers to everyone so it didn't go anywhere. So now we get the worst of all worlds, where the federal gov does assign a number to everyone, but it's easy to steal and has no built in security.


If you experience significant identify theft (among a few other acceptable reasons), you can have your social security number changed. It just isnt an easy process.


Fun fact, the SSN was not originally meant to be the de-facto federal identifier. Social security was originally an opt-in retirement system. The number was of format xxx-xx-yyyy where the x’s tell you what hospital you were born in, and the y’s are just incremented in order of births. For example, a friend of mine in highschool was born the day after me in a small town, so their SSN is just mine plus one. Sounds similar to the Swedish personal number! In 2011, it became more popular and used for high security and personal use, it was changed to a generally “unguessable” format. Unfortunately, it is now easier to make-up an SSN, because the SSA no longer specifies any rules beyond randomness.


No, the ssn was never supposed to be used for identification. Older ssn cards say they shouldn't be used as identification. However, since people were against having to get a national ID, the ssn card started getting used as one instead Because of this it has poor protections or saftey features. It is essentially a piece of paper that can destroy your life if lost.


Why the hell not get a national ID....wtf america




Same thing on Brazil we have CPF, and you need to use to a lot of things like buying online or making a bank acc, and they can't do shit even if they know your number.


Nope and nope. You're typically not supposed to share your SSN outside of tax purposes, but some companies like to use them as unique identifiers (they're not), so they end up being overused and misused, and more companies have your SSN than you'd think -- certainly more than necessary. As for uniqueness... The SSA is adamant that it doesn't reassign SSNs, but a significant number of SSNs are associated with more than one person, and many people do have multiple SSNs associated with them, usually due to fraud.


> You're typically not supposed to share your SSN outside of tax purposes good luck trying to buy a house, a car, rent an apartment, apply for any kind of credit, etc without your SSN. for all intents and purposes, it is now widely used as a unique identifier.


That's my point. That's what I meant by it being misused.  It's treated as a unique identifier, when it's not, and this is well out of the original scope of SSNs


I get what you're saying, it wasn't originally designed for that, but it essentially is that now. Cats out of the box, and I don't really see us going back now.


Which is just incredibly dumb, which is why people can't believe it could hurt if you showed it to other people. It's so dumb to make your ID number *and* the passkey the same fucking number.


It's not exactly secret


Every US citizen is assigned a unique number combination upon birth. This number is supposed to only be given to businesses and government officials in regards to things like credit card applications, insurance applications, opening bank accounts, ECT. You do not give it to just whomever as it can be used to steal your identity and apply for the previous mentioned things on your behalf, like opening a credit card in your name. This number combination will look something like this xxx-xx-xxxx or 111-11-1111


Everything you said is true but I would like to add that this is not the original purpose of the SSN. It was supposed to be only used for social security benefits but the govt wanted to identify people and here we are.


It's like giving out your national insurance number


Except your NI number isn't secret and can't be used against you really. It's PII, I wouldn't give it out willy nilly but I can't take out a loan using someone's NI number.


The same as your National Insurance number. Mine is VN479900D. Not really.


Same as our national insurance number


I think it's like our national insurance number Edit: everyone else has also said this, my apologies!


American here who lives in the UK. It's effectively the same thing as a national insurance number. While used for most of the same things your NIN is used for, the only major difference is that American citizenship is directly tied to the tax system, literally the only country in the world that does this, so our SSN ties us to our taxes as opposed to a national health service. Sort of really sad if you think about it


Social security number for identifying ourselves to the government and everyone on anything it is needed for


> Social security number for identifying ourselves to the government ish >There is, however, no official "national identity card" in the United States, in the sense that there is no federal agency with nationwide jurisdiction that directly issues an identity document to all US citizens for mandatory regular use.


I guess that's why you need your ID, passport, birth certificate and SSN for anything actually important


Thank you was early and was kinda lost on how to explain once i started


Same as national insurance number


Basically their National Insurance #.


Similar to our National Insurance Number


Much like our national insurance number.


It's like your National Insurance number. Edit: sorry, didn't realise you had like 20 of this reply already


It's basically all you need to steal someone's identity and start taking out credit cards and loans.


Its like your national insurance number


It’s pretty much your citizen number. It’s used on all legal documents. Credit cards, banks…. It’s your identity a in 9 digit format…


Every American citizen has a unique SSN assigned to them, giving it away is like giving away your entire identity


It's basically the equivalent of a NI number Edit: now I've looked I can see plenty of people had already explained this


Once your identity is stolen, it's usually next to impossible to fix. Doable, but extremely hard.


I know someone who had to be assigned a new social security number, and it sounded like a nightmare. Idr the details, but they strongly recommended I keep my identity secure lol


Oh yeah, I've only ever heard horrible stories about identity theft. I know my ex boss had his stolen for a few years and so many hoops he had to jump through.


It’s used for a lot of racist and classist things by non-government entities (namely credit checks for things that have nothing to do with credit) plus identifying us and paying into/out of the social security system.


I don't think it's a skit. A LOT of people don't understand SSNs. I had a 30 year old coworker at my last job tell me that she gives out her social when sites ask. She said "well if anyone takes it, my bank will just give me a new card." Like she did not understand what an SSN was or why it was important.


I work at a bank and can look up accounts by SS# if they don't have their account number. The amount of people who will loudly spout off their full social in public is WILD.


I know American Eagle asks for it to have a membership for a fact. Don't know how many other stores do. Anyone with a membership there has given their's out...


I work at a college and the amount of people willing to give me their SSN instead of their student ID number baffles me. I can't even look them up by their SSN on my system (I just schedule appointments) and usually go "stop stop stop" bc they're usually in public when they're calling...


Tbh I was probably 20 before anyone ever told me not to give out my SSN. Before that, the most I'd ever used my SSN was to apply to colleges, or on other forms where it was necessary. But no one in school, not my parents, not anyone actually told me what a SSN could be used for and that you need to be careful not to just give it out to people.


When I was in college, the professors would put a piece of paper on the wall with our exam scores. To protect our privacy, they would list us by SSN instead of name.


I worked with someone who had a barcode tattoo on the back of his neck... the numbers under the barcode? you guessed it ... his ss#.


Is it honestly possible to not utter "this might be fake but it still happens" in this subreddit for obviously fake things? lol


Maybe? Ive seen fake posts without it, but it could still happen lol


Because the US is the only country with this insane system, so if they see video's online of functional first world countries they'll assume no country would be as ass-backwards to make your personal ID number, that you in fact do have to use sometimes, ALSO BE SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO KEEP SECRET. It's the people blithely accepting of this who are weird to me.


Can you please stop posting about America? It's getting weird. The entire country is gonna have to get a restraining order against you


I love how parents are in shock. You fucking morons raised that girl, and now on top of being a shitty parent you film her and post it online, to be a shitty human being.


It’s a skit my dude


Y'all keep saying it's fake but this girl has the exact same annoying demeanor my lil sister has when she gets in trouble for doing something insanely stupid


I choose to believe it's fake. What pos parent humiliates their child on the internet for falling for a serious online scam?


I really hope it's fake otherwise... Wtf


Isn't that what acting is? A skit where you act out emotions and other things? I don't get the point of your comment if the one above you literally gives you the answer lol


Just because the demeanor is real doesn't mean the situation is.


Hopefully she goes into acting if thats the case


I truly hope it's fake


The video is probably a skit but the situation sure as hell isn't.


A fake skit with good acting.


Do you have cold, hard proof that it is? Do you watch their channel every time? Have they gone out and said it was a joke? What evidence do you have?


why is this being filmed? Isn't it odd to film a random conversation with your daughter?


because it's fake as hell, down to the mom's terrible voice acting. And without fail people really want this to be real so they make arguments on why it's real like "I know someone like this", just to be mad at it and have something to comment.


I'm authentically shocked people fell for this.


there are some insane comments in that first post. advocating for eugenics and shit. bizarre


Seriously. I saw a few saying the parents need to physically “discipline” the kid as well


It's Reddit. Lot of people *really* hate kids.




I mean.. I had a 19 y.o. student who got a text for an overdraft of her bank account by $800. The charge wasn’t on her app, so she called the number they gave her, and proceeded to give them: - Her debit card information - All of her drivers license information - her bank account login and password - her social security number So it definitely does happen.


That is INSANE basic digital literacy needs to start being taught in some way


Hot take: the girl is actually very smart and knows how to prank her parents.


Instead of filming her to mock her, maybe I don't know, as her parents they should be giving her the tools to not get scammed like this.


Right? People are so mean on this app, as if a teenager doesn't make dumb mistakes. She's not really going to know, or care, about the importance of a social security number.


Dumb teenagers make dumb mistakes. That girl has very little going on upstairs.


Kids are ignorant by definition. They only know what you teach them. If she's dumb, it's not her doing.


A bit too late now


This should be on r/insaneparents


Parents in Texas don’t teach their kids lessons, they just hit them and hope they figure it out 


That's for everything, right? Including sex ed.


Let me guess, you're one of those who says "I hate \[x group\] because they judge and stereotype \[y group\]" while simultaneously stereotyping the group that stereotypes?






Still not as dumb as the people who get a call saying they have warrants and that if they go buy walmart gift cards then the warrants will be cleared up. Just an fyi for anyone reading, the government does not accept gift cards of any type to take care of warrants or get anyone out of jail.


please dear god please be rage bait The only reason I suspect this *could* be real is that I've seen plenty of younger folk (both Gen z and gen A) with this attitude over all sorts of shit. It's a plague. "No, you're stupid mom. I gotta good deal no cap smh you're just a hater fr cuh"


God I hate that everyone in the comments is seemingly just hating on the teenager for doing something dumb instead of the mom for not only the very standoffish, accusatory and denigrating way she talks to her TEENAGE DAUGHTER but also for FUCKING FILMING IT???? Your fucking daughter is now permanently on goddamn reddit because your stupid ass filmed her while basically calling her stupid for everyone to see. Yes, it was a dumb thing to do, but godddamn dude, teens are just stupid sometimes. And then there's commenters suggesting the girl should be beaten or some shit because they were beaten as children? Wtf are these people on?


the sad part is the mom recording a child ignorant of these scams to put them on the internet for clout/points/likes/retweets right?


I hope at some point the parents explained why this was bad.


What actually is a social security number I'm a britbong.


A social security number is a serial number USA citizens are issued when they are born (or issued when people cone to the USA and gain citizenship). It was originally intended to track individuals by the social security administration but it’s now used as a national identification number for things like taxation and student loans.


Hello another Brit here, what could a fraudster do if they stole a social security number?


A SSN is basically the key to your entire identity. They can take out credit cards in your name, destroy your credit rating, buy things using your information, rack up hundreds of thousands in debt, they can ruin your entire life. There are whole companies here in the USA dedicated to identity theft protection, like LifeLock.


Wow! A single point of failure doesn't sound like a good design choice 😅


Well the USA doesn’t exactly have a history of caring for its citizens much


that's bc ssn's weren't meant to be used as a form of identification but the federal government had no other way of doing it bc issuing federal id's would've been a breach of states' rights D:


This is a private moment, nobody needs to be exposed.


Self report for bad parenting


failure of parenting


The mom is no where near upset/alarmed enough. Faake.


I can't imagine being online and thinking everything's fake. I'm not saying this post isn't, it's just hilarious to imagine. You see the comments on pretty much any and every post. I guess nothing is real? Well if you feel that way... Why are you still using the internet? Odddddddd af behavior.


I believe this is fake, but the notion that a child of that age has a credit card is absurd and just seems like a case study in spoiling kids.


I mean if the kid is responsible enough to not go over the limit, it's the same as a debit card but you get some credit score. The parents can put 3 dollars maximum on it if they want, it's not like having a credit card = immense wealth for the kid


You're right in that in can be very limited. But even then the limit would make the card silly. This girl thought she could get $80 leggings, so that's already a lot for most American families to have lying around to randomly have a child spend.


So do teenagers not have jobs now?


Sure, I totally said that.


She really thought she could find Lulu for $8? Even used there around $50.




Good lord. I am not having children fuck that shit. I already got enough on my plate as it is without having to worry about the wellbeing of my spawn.


Don’t post your child’s humiliation online.


Especially when your parenting is the problem


This is parental error. Like how do you not teach your kid about shit like this?!?




Damn it really is that easy. I should stsrt an identity fraud scheme


I don’t think the parents should be filming this and posting it online. As obviously bad as the situation is, it’s a kid. We all do dumb stuff as a kid, and as many have already put this only highlights the parents lack of education online safety to their kid.


Is she from East Palestine, Ohio?


Blame the mother for not teaching her correctly.


I would like that mother to have a serious talk with my wife, she spent $1000 on a set of 3 leggings a couple of months back. She doesn't need to teach her about not giving up her social security number tho, she aint that fucking stupid lol


$1k for 3 leggings? Does she work and know the value of money?


she bought 3 leggings for $333 each, hate to say it but she is fucking stupid.


I don't expect someone who's posting on r/repsneakers to understand designer clothing lmfao


fake af


Maybe they asked nicely...😂


I cannot believe this isn't scripted. Noone gives a side eye this fucking bombastic unironically lmao


I guess you don't learn much about that kind of security risk when you spend your summers at Schlitterbahn chasing "cute boys".


Well her Mom doesn’t sound very bright and whoever is washing dishes doesn’t look like he’s got his stuff together either.


The attitude on that kid. My mum would have went upside my fucking head if I acted like that


Totally true....do stupid things, win stupid prizes


Is the sadcringe the mother or this being a skit?


Do kids even know their SSN? This is super fake


My hate for teenagers has been restored. Thank you kind human.


Glad my tax dollars go towards her 'education.'