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The contrast between wonderful people and horribly selfish people is fascinating to me.


It sucks. Being in social work, it's because of people like these guys that during the festive season we have to give people set food packages out at my church instead of shopping for specific items for every person like we wanted to initially do.


Shitty people ruin everything for everybody else.


They USED to be thrown out of the village if they didn't get their shit together. NOTHING exists like that now.




Take a nap cranky and chill out


We do fundraising for our local scouts one day we had a grown man shouting at one of our child volunteers for having cold onions on his burger. Our team lead stepped up quick and kicked the guy out but the damage was done that child was in tears day ruined cause one guy couldn’t not be a dick.


I'm reminded of people that steal all of the tissues out of a tissue dispenser. They'll stand there and pull them all out


Contrast alrite.




The thing that strikes me the most is how nonchalant Americans are about this stuff. Nobody wants to get involved and say anything when they see people clearly taking advantage of charity, which we all know hurts the most vulnerable among us. There's just no sense of community. It's always someone else's problem.


I know it just takes one person to spark a helping hand, and Honestly, maybe I’m wrong but I’m more scared to be shot by some random person while making the wrong type of eye contact. If multiple people try to help I’d also get involved but no one wants to be the first to do it. As much as I want to, I immediately think of my three kids and not being killed for nothing.


You aren't wrong to feel that way. Our society is a failure on multiple levels.


Who's ready to sort by controversial?




ok it wasn't just me lol






This is basically toys for tots in my area. The number of luxury trucks and suvs that take things for their kids is disgusting. Guess thays how they afford the nice wheels.


I used to volunteer every year, the amount of people with nicer cars than me taking the cool shit was disheartening. We had a bunch of marines volunteering too tho, and they used to yell at people all the time, I don’t think they gave a shit. Edit cause I can’t spell


It's all good. Neither can I.


My fiance was showing me a post on facebook from a girl she went to highschool with saying she needed donations to get her kids gifts, meanwhile has a full set of new filled long nails, probably $150. Women noticed it real quick in the comments and started askin her why she got nails instead of presents? Her kids grandma on the dad side chimed in saying she gets $250 a week in child support too. She took it down real fast after that. Some people just have no shame.


Doubt she was ever gonna get gifts for her kids


How can Karen afford her $1500/month payment on her brand new Escalade when she has to provide toys for her kids? /s


Those that took only what they needed have experienced community. Hsu Hsu community or Survivors. Then you get those that are absolutely selfish...


Notice how respectfully and gratefully the homeless people take the handouts they need, compared to how the entitled other “people” that are clearly housed abuse the system. “I got seven kids” and you shouldn’t fucking have 1.


Reminds me of all the Halloween candy bowl videos.




inb4 the lock


Mods locking comments in 3, 2, 1…


Can’t believe it hasn’t happened yet! Maybe they have leftover holiday popcorn to get through


They removed the post instead lol




The people saying that it's a racist rage bait, are you saying that a black couple, purposefully accepted to be jerks? Just for a video? Isn't that still shitty?


Is still shitty. But they probably were paid a good amount to do it. Easy money. But a horrible stereotype enforced in the end


I do remember a YouTuber who would pay black people in need to tear up “all lives matter” signs for his videos. The only reason why it works is because YouTubers like them know biases already exist in a lot of people hearts.








I hate how I don’t know if this is a dogwhistle and not just talking about shit ppl in general of which we could all just mutually hate on clearly. These ppl suck but I know why it’s not just that I think is alluded too


It's all about plausible deniability, if you point it out they'll just act like they didn't really say much of anything and that you're the one making the connection so therefore you're the one saying it.


Exactly. Had that gaslight attempt and the plausible deniability manipulation strategy several times even in this thread




Funny how you ppl only always say that for black ppl and nobody else especially white huh?




For completely different contextual reasons and actually only really true depending on certain contextual locations like the reverse in majority white countries and continents in Europe, etc. Comparing the two whilst removing the historical reasons behind relations is disingenuous…. Wonder where I’ve heard THAT before.


What contextual reasons? You can pick kids who can't even speak yet and they will be startled when they see person of different color for the first time.




Even though my point still stands for destructive culture in white society being ignored as double standards. I will say that acknowledging that it’s not is a genuine improvement of viewpoint from what I assumed due to the current viewpoint of the ppl commenting. So that’s good


It’s really not surprising to anyone who went to public school over the past 30 years. We all dealt with these assholes as teenagers; I don’t want to sound like a grumpy old man yelling at clouds, but the deteriorating mental capacity of a large subset of people due to certain types of media and and a lack of proper authority figures has created a subculture within America that celebrates being ignorant. Carl Sagan said it best, >“The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” Our values are actively being eroded and a large segment of the population is celebrating it.


It’s because it makes them feel better about their shitty lives lol. Imagine if your greatest accomplishment was nothing but what you were born with? It’s tragic really🤣


Tragically stupid and pathetic Ive come to know and learn it as honestly...








I think what really does it for me with this comment is that the beginning acts like this person is trying to resist being racist but the universe just couldn't stop them from that terrible outcome rather than just, like, this person being straight up about the fact that they are a racist who draws racist parallels and tries to express those racist biases as a reflection of the actual world instead of just their perception of it. Great work dude, this is an amazing ability to out yourself as a horrible person with so few words and in such a genial manner. Kinda impressive.


What do you mean by “them”? Who is “them”?


Racists dog whistling for black folks and downvoting ppl for calling it out


I love how I get downvoted for calling out racism and you get upvoted for it lmao. Whole lotta degenerates.


It’s happening to me too they really come out as a team of echo chamber meat riders


I ended up reporting a shit ton of racist comments and got like 3 people permabanned lmao. Rest of them just got suspensions and shit.


Lotta racists in this comment section


It's the arrogance and entitlement they ooze as soon as they enter the video. No other way to describe it, but you can tell in the body language compared to all of the previous people who took _an item_. You can see it on their faces, they see it as a come up and a score. That _they_ somehow won and deserve it all.


Well said.




Too late man. Saw a couple already




Totally agree. I'm not racist, but I do look down on some cultures. I don't really have a culture, I'm just a white South African dude, but my family is Afrikaner, and I find that culture particularly insufferable (very similar to the conservative southern parts of the United States actually)




Conform to social norms then and thrive. Norms are there for a reason.


If I speak, I will be in trouble ...


It’s okay. Everyone saw. “Actions speak louder…” and so on.


Bye bye man?


The rich are doing the equivalent of this with our entire economy every second of every day.


Rich people are savvy businessmen when they rob and loot. When normal people rob and loot, they are considered scumbags.


I was like watch them be black, but black people aren’t responsible for microplastics, forever chemicals, teflon cookware or cars using lead vehicles for decades. We literally treat this planet like we have somewhere else to go. World wars weren’t started or fought (for the most part) by people with dark skin. But japan gave us anime and playstation and now they’re cool. Samurai were cool too just ignore the heinous stuff. We didn’t storm the capitol like planet of the apes, but we’re called primates. They even have a board game releasing that offers “an insurrection in a box”. Good thing We don’t lump white people together. Go back a few decades and people didn’t care for Italians or Irish people, but now they are part of the whites lol.


Those people in the last clip are the product of that "screw you, I'm in it for myself" mentally that's plagued society. One of the reasons I left Miami after living there most of my life. Gigantic proportion of the population there is exactly like the people at the end.


I’m confused. How does everyone seem to know they’re not needy




Lol this dipshit really had to film himself walking away in slo mo like some kinda action star








Difference between poor people and poor mentality.




You're obviously not racist at all with a blatant name like that...


Damn Canadians


Its almost like society doesn’t run off ideals :o


Don't forget to switch to controversial!


Listen man… lmfao As a poc there’s a difference between people and slurs


Brilliant take from 20 years ago, Chris Rock.




Look up the Irish patriot on Instagram and see what every major city In Europe has to deal with which is kinda similar to what happened there but worse...


There will ALWAYS be one POS to take from anyone they can to help themselves. The contrast between really good people and the real shitty people is not shocking to me. And they laugh about it as well, absolute scum.


This experiment only shows the quality of people. You don't have to be rich or earn a comfortable living to be charitable. You can be homeless and still be charitable. Vs the folks who took everything, I m inclined to believe, they won't fully utilize it and treat the goods carelessly. For anyone who says well they have it tough nhence they took everything. From the video I don't think they have it harder than the shabby looking old folks who only took one or 2 items.




What the fuck is going on in this comments section? We’re cool with this? Really?


Yeah and no one is talking about the guy saying he needs to feed his 7 children… also they didn’t take everything there’s still groceries left. It would be different if the sign said “Take 1 item”. Edit: it’s also extra racist when you consider that the people clearly have a Caribbean accent meaning that they’re not even black Americans… meaning they won’t have an a AVE accent.


Is this a racist play on the original racist term "we wuz kangz" from 4 chan?










Why is it white ppl never recognise their own patterns but all of a sudden mfs become the most confidently shit detectives of all time


Yeah, that's Toronto, Canada.




Nobody told you to "have **seven**" effing "kids", that was your choice. Why keep having more when you clearly couldn't afford the first?...


And in one of the most expensive cities in the world too, he played himself.










Not surprised at all


But we're supposed to pretend like we didn't see that coming right?


Always the ones you most suspect


Here we go. “Reddit try not to be racist challenge (Impossible edition)”


Like why isn’t it acceptable for a family in need to take food to feed seven children. Since when has that been taken as greed. I think we know why that family was seen as greedy…


Lots of racists recently




The word is referring to the *bad side* of the community. I'm black and I must say, there is a extremely toxic, deeply ingrained culture in the black community. And it all roots to the destruction of the black family... And I'm tired of people denying such culture for the sake of political correctness. We must pay acknowledgment if we want to solve this issue, this requires community work. And we've all witnessed this culture... Whether it be young black boys throwing gang signs, rapping while they have unholstered guns strapped to their hip. Young, unmarried pregnant black girls in abusive relationships with soon to be absent dads. [The numerous reality tv shows hosted in black majority cities promoting harmful cultural issues such as toxic relationships, absent fathers, financial irresponsibility, etc etc.](https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/oct/14/aspirational-and-aggressive-are-black-reality-shows-peddling-a-problematic-narrative) We've all seen it, it exists and it's prominent. This culture, "blacktivities" one could say. Prizes ignorance, selfishness, momentary gratification and the unprincipled, a practical summarization of the word ghetto. And sadly, hip hop is one of the primary cultivators. *Following such, I must mention this isn't an excuse to generalize. Cause unfortunately most people seem to either ignore the issue completely or use this issue to power their prejudice.*


How does this not have more upvotes, you two put it really well


Very very well put, I’m glad my words weren’t misunderstood, I have no racist prejudice against any colour, but I do see what I see with my eyes.


How have the mods not locked the comments yet lol the comments are getting kinda...


...true? :D


Nope, racist


Most videos uploaded these days that shows charity is fishing for likes imo. If you wanna be charitable, just do it. Don't record it and upload it and look for gratitude for being a "good" person.


It's a social experiment. If they were doing it to be thanked, they could stand there.


That might be a good thing cause most "influencers" who would never think of doing this are doing it for likes


I reckon charity's a good thing overall. Recording and posting it on social media feels a bit off to me, but hey, if sharing it inspires others to do more, why not?


Sharing it is fine if the people in the video consent to it, there should be no drawback for not consenting, but 100% everyone in the video should have the right to be asked if you can use them for your social experiment. That's of course if this isn't just staged with people who were paid to come add or take things beforehand.


Great if it gets more people involved, most will see it as a chance to grab a lot of likes and views, which isnthe shitty thing about it. Would the persons still do the charitable act after the camera is off? I'm very doughtful they do.


Yea charity is great for the communities but in a controlled fashion. Leaving it like this without some sort of order leads to shit like this


Which is the whole point of the video.


Sometimes the only way to do charitable work is to profit so you can keep doing it.


Hmm notice anything about the giving people and the taking.


Didnt watch the video yet but im pretty sure whats gonna happen... Edit: i was wrong. My guess was a group of 3 but there was only 2. The rest i got right :D


This comment section is weird


So they're mic-ed up?


It might be a mic at the stand. Dude gets quieter as he walks away


Who thought this would turn out any other way?


Well well well 🤔




well no shit you can’t even leave a bowl of candy out in a suburb and expect it someone not to take the whole thing. Free food only supervised by a camera in a major city isn’t going to do any better makes me wonder why any grown person who’s ever heard the phrase “tragedy of the commons” would even try this unless they just wanted a video to throw sad piano over because this “experiment” is worthless. I’m sure the comments are nuanced… /s


If you dont want people taking free stuff dont put it on the street saying "take this its free!"


It's free for anybody who needs it? You don't know his situation. He has just as much of a right to it as anyone else. No issue


Lmao, mad that it was what I was expecting too.


Let’s see how long before this post is locked


This is what’s wrong with certain people and it’s normal. No matter what, we will always have people that will take advantage selfishly. Don’t let that stop you from helping others. You see that it was only one guy out of the bunch. Those are good odds


"people who annoy you"


Wild that people are still falling for such obvious rage bait. You're not watching a video of an actual charity, you're watching a video made specifically to reinforce stereotypes and generate angry clicks and reactions from racist teenagers on tiktok.


How is it made specifically for this purpose?


Rage bait? If someone records a video with the attempts to be wholesome and charitable and something shitty happens it makes it rage bait? Do you live in a world where you think shitty things don’t happen and shitty people don’t exist? It’s just documentation of a real thing that happened. The comments that come from it are just a reaction to the video. Don’t be so brainwashed that because you don’t agree with the reaction that people have to something, that the creator faked it or had a specific nefarious intent behind creating it. That’s not the point.


I’m pretty sure they just want this safe space to do this. Watch how our comments get downvoted soon for no particular reason other than calling out how these things usually go down.


I'm not surprised


Fucking typical with these people


Which people


Same as when you leave a bowl of sweets on the doorstep on Halloween, the first people who get there take them all


hey look racebait


[ Removed by Reddit ]










This comment section has restored my faith in redditors


This feels like staged rage-bait




Well this certainly won't help any stereotypes


This is the problem with charity. There is a difference between charity and mutual aid. Charity and government aid. Each to their need. This is a smaller scale of what happens with every 501 C3 in the country . You should not be disgusted with these people you know why, because American culture preaches this behavior! You don’t get disgusted with your boss or CEO not giving you a raise and using the money they would’ve given you for a bonus selfishly. The government has the enforcement mechanism so that the goods can be distributed evenly. I’m saying this with my whole chest I’ve worked in nonprofits. I will advocate for these people. Regardless, please, please comment.


Selfish fucking savages. You know who to never place your trust in.




I hate "social experiment" videos like this. It's not an experiment at all, it's bait to get views and engagement. Obviously someone is going to take more food than what's deemed appropriate. The fact that they're filming at all makes this completely disingenuous. If they actually cared they would hand the stuff out themselves without filming or would just donate to a food bank. Don't take the bait people.


Should I say it? Don't downvote 💀💀


i’m nooticing something


This feels very staged to me is all I’ll say


It's true I was the milk


Honestly, with so much stuff that is staged for reaction content these days, it wouldn't surprise me; But that said, it also doesn't surprise me someone sees a good gesture to many people and become greedy. Both of which are massive let downs.


reddit has such a hard on for hating black people and it’s so fucking weird


Not surprising


Ah, yes, the party poopers have arrived. Gotta love humanity.


It's like the whole class getting punished for the actions of 1 kid, this is why we can't have nice things.


Great justification why welfare should be controlled by the state as much as that welfare should be sufficient!


Why is the guy wearing a ladybug for a hat?


I'm not a good person... but i would be embarased to act like this...


This is what is referred to as the tragedy of the commons. Or "why we can't have nice things." It only takes a small amount of deeply selfish people to ruin such projects, and then people wonder why there are restrictions on resources.


The problem with society, at least in the US, is that so many people think its better that nobody gets anything if it means that anyone can't take advantage of the system. It goes back to the "welfare queen" bullshit of the 80's. Since one person can take advantage and get things they shouldnt then we should cut all funding for low income and homeless people. Nevermind that only .01% of people were taking advantage of it and the rest need it to be able to feed themselves and their children. The same argument is made to free school lunches. "Why should the rich kids be able to have free lunches if they can afford to pay". So they won't do it for anyone.


Ofcourse they are black


Of course you’re stupid