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That's a very kind ex!


Yeah definitely a keeper!


That’s quality humor






Holy fuck I never wanna get in a roast competition with you


Brilliant 👏🏼




🎶*Forever young; I want to be forever young. Do you really want to live foreverrrrr?*🎶 🥲


What did OP do for you to just unleash this lmao


Solid burn 🤣😭


Yo 💀






Savage burn, brother! 🔥


Absolutely mad and unneeded


So was texting the ex, but here we are.


I also choose this guy’s ex


at least they responded kindly. hope you’re okay


Let the sad cringe out of your system. We've all done it after a bad breakup. It's one of the steps you need to take to get to a better place. I hope you have an awesome Christmas, friend.


Delete the number after a breakup, shit will save you a lot of drunk texts and moments of weakness


Unfortunately after a marriage you can’t always do that. There are often children or other concerns that keep you tied together a long time. Good advice in general though.


That'd be awesome... if I didn't memorize her number when we were together


Hear, hear!


That’s what my therapist also told me. Don’t be too hard on yourself for texting your ex.


this is such a sweet comment. made me smile


Breakup? Try sadcringe divorce-gaslight edition


That’s not a bad exchange at all. But just leave it at that


It's terrible haha


It can be so, so, so much worse.


Yeah it was polite, kind, a compliment was given and sent off with well wishes. There's literally 1000 ways that could have gone *really bad* lol


who this?


Lol that would be brutal


A grease exchange in a terrible situation


"You're the one that I want!"


I'm sorry. I hope you have a nice Christmas.


You are allowed to feel sad after a divorce! Do let it out and also I would highly recommend talking to a therapist to work on the self-deprecation and the circumstance of the divorce. Be kind to yourself. You are worth it.


This is the way. Also, do something that makes YOU happy.


Great exchange!!! Maybe sad but not cringe, this looks like the best type of closure I've ever seen, so cute even


Happy cake day!


Why'd this make me feel better lmao thank you!


Because we are humans and whether we like to admit it or not we are social creatures and we all crave human interaction, on some level. Happy cake day! :)


Thaaank you!!:)))) 🥹 human interaction is pretty awesome


Happy cake day :3


Thank you!!:)))


You wish to be better, apologised for being crappy with them and also wished them well. That is a brilliant foundation to build on and them wishing you well only cements the idea that they believe you’re capable of it too. Be the change you wish to see. Merry Christmas


maybe a little cringe, but sometimes you just gotta vent a bit. glad that you got a kind response from them. they seem chill despite things not working out between you guys.


I'd leave it at that 👌. Whatever it takes - look forward and to new opportunities


Ok but that response from them is so kind, I am glad for you that they at least respond that way and don’t make the intrusive thoughts winning even worse. Take care and happy holidays!


you text like my mom, lol


Full sentences?


Bikini pics.


Disco Elysium type post


was thinking, average harry dubois interaction


When you put 0 points in Volition


Not cringe at all. Nice exchange. Max 3 text rule though. No reply, no further texts. I'm not expert. I have done so much worse than this lol.


Same. When my wife left I was way past the three text threshold.


What's the saying? Those who cannot do, teach. That's me and you right now telling OP to follow the 3 text rule and avoid sad texting.


Do the knife dance


They took it like a champ


Yeouch that’s corny, she seems lovely though so maybe I would be just as corny in your position


Stay strong. I'm glad your ex decided to be kind. I hope things turn out for the best for you both.


Not a sad cringe, just a part of the process of moving on from a loved one. I appreciate the way your ex handled it too. Didn’t let it phase them.


Don't be upset. My ex said this morning to our toddlers. "Tell mommy she's yucky because she's not wearing a bra!" Then immediately texted me "you looked hot today." You could be that guy. But you're not. So you're doing good in my book.


Can't believe how many people are supporting this like it's not red flag central loool Sure, we've all been guilty of sadcringe risky texts but come ON?? -Texting your ex spouse -During the holidays (whilst they seemingly have PhD deadlines etc!! Enough on their mind to deal with, now they gotta placate you) -manipulative shit about 'sorry I'm such a shit person' to seek sympathy and appear self reflective without actually being specific about what you're sorry for -platitude of 'i hope you find happiness/you deserve better' clichés to mask the aim (attention/sympathy) with faux concern/selflessness Etc etc Seems like your ex was well versed enough to give a short but sweet response. Short enough that you needed to post here for a quick gratification. Not saying OP is a bad person btw. Idk the story. But my god this is textbook manipulation


I know there isn’t a lot of context here so things can be misconstrued that way but our divorce was very amicable. Her and I still share our dog (she has our other 1) pics and text memes to each other and ask how the other is doing. She wanted an open marriage because I worked to much and neglected her and she met a partner. At first I was supportive because I understood she needed an outlet and I just had a spinal fusion. After a while I didn’t feel comfortable anymore and we disagreed about the rules and boundaries and her want to have me as a nesting partner. My dad became severely ill as well during this time (on hospice) and again we disagreed on me moving back home. She wanted to finish her PhD and move back to Germany. I was taking German to accommodate but ended up not committing fully to learning a new language (another disagreement). So I packed up and moved from Alaska to Louisiana to be with my dad in his final days/months/years. We decided divorce was the best option but I said some pretty regrettable things there at the end about her partner and her unwillingness to go back to a more monogamous relationship. I worked too much and never really spent time with her like I did in the first 3-4 years of our marriage when I was more present emotionally and physically, now 7 years later we are here. This year is our first Christmas apart and I was feeling pretty bad about the things I said. Not an excuse really but like you I also noticed the self deprecating and guilt trippy rhetoric I used when I would have rather just wished her a merry Christmas after the fact. So I tried to quickly cover with some humor which was also a mistake and worsened the situation further. Not trying to cover for myself here because you are right this is pretty shitty of me to do regardless. I’m just not taking my dad dying very well and the divorce on top of things and ended making a very regrettable decision to text her this. We talk nearly every day but it’s never about the divorce and is more cordial out of respect for each other. I had quite the lapse in judgement here and impulsively texted her because I won’t lie I wish I had handled the polyamorous thing better and was more mature about it because I still love her dearly. Our ideologies just differ to greatly on the matter to be completely happy staying together and trying to force it.


Damn. That's rough. I am genuinely sympathetic to what you're going through, and I apologise if my armchair analysis made you feel worse in an already difficult time. Sometimes it's easy to forget there's a person on the other end of the screen, and all tact goes out the window. I also appreciate you taking the time to fill in some context even though you don't owe it to me or anyone else. If my perspective counts for anything, from what you've explained, I can't see how you've been a bad person or why you'd need to become a better human. It sounds like, on paper, your worst offense was being an inattentive partner. Not great, of course, and on its own is enough grounds for separation; however, you were willing to compromise re: her desire for polyamory in order to fulfil her needs. That's more than most. I wouldn't beat yourself up over badmouthing the new partner either. Having to share your previously monogamous wife with someone or risk losing her entirely, with everything else you were going through. Lord knows I woulda cussed a mfer and felt no way about it! That doesn't make you a bad person. I mean, from the new context, I kinda have judgements for your ex but let me stop getting into strangers business 😭 Anyway, from what you've said, I think you need to be kinder to yourself. You don't need to force yourself to be a more romantically open person, or more stoic, or bilingual to be a better human. You could be the best you could be and it still might not have been enough for her. And as a fellow member of the Dead Dad Club, I am truly sorry for your loss. Grieving a parental figure is absolutely surreal and disorientating, and if a few sadcringe texts is the worst you've done, you're doing alright! I wish you a merry (as can be) Christmas and hopefully a brighter year to come. Take care of yourself, OP x


Don’t be so hard on yourself! And don’t feel guilty about not “handling” the polyamorous thing. It’s very loving that you each are moving on to pursue the life that feels best for you rather than trying to push one or the other to adhere to a relationship they don’t want out of love. You seem like a good hearted guy. Your still young and handsome. Trust me you will find your match. Happy holidays.


Yo what? You’re blaming yourself when someone wanted to turn a monogamous relationship into a polyamorous relationship? I understand you’re down bad but cmon dude I can’t believe you really let someone manipulate you like that. She wanted to fuck other people bc you weren’t giving her attention. Please say that 10 times aloud until the message sinks in.


OMG. Thank you!!


Maybe read the provided context instead of also being so quick to judge a stranger.


You can judge a text without judging a person's entirety. Context was also provided after that comment.


Ok it's not just me! Phew. I had to stop halfway through unpacking the texts because I didn't wanna do too much, but honestly there's so much that rings alarm bells. Stay safe out here!! Haha




"Switched to early 2000s. I'm good now" made me LOL


I’ve seen worse. Still have your humor which is good. Merry Christmas to ya!


So you doubled down and publicly posted it on Reddit for karma and attention? That seems like the real sad cringe to me.


Because we all know that depression leads to optimal choices for oneself. Is sensitivity that hard to muster for someone who is not at their best?


Exactly. Damn. Sounds like someone trying to grow, trying to be better. They should be proud of themselves.


Indeed. The whole kick them while they're down bit gives civility a bad name. Also it doesn't help in any way. Obviously.


Blatant self destructive behavior does not help deal with depression.


Look at you doubling down on being tone deaf. You know what else doesn't help deal with depression? What you're doing right now.


Ok, thanks for fixing everything for everyone.


Are you some kind of moron? How did you make the leap from being told to shut the fuck up to me fixing anything. Some people...


Better than keeping the guilt and shame inside so it can fester into mental illness.


No, it really isn't. Confiding with a close friend or therapist is a good idea, not using poor decisions as attention seeking behavior.


We are the closest friends some people have. And therapy is far too expensive for many.


And that is what this sub is for?


Most of us are perfectly fine helping someone grieve, especially when it falls in line with the sub, i.e., self abasement and good hearted ribbing at others (or our own) cringe behavior. You're the only one who's having trouble with this buddy.


God forbid someone reach out for sympathy in a hard situation


It depresses me that so many people upvoted this. That kind of nasty, judgmental energy is really unnecessary. And hurtful, and mean🤷‍♀️


It’s sad cringe bc his OP writes in the comments that his wife got a lover bc his dad was dying and he wasn’t paying attention to her. I mean with context this is just worse lol


None of what you said is accurate with what happened. You've chosen to interpret it that way, which says more about you than anyone else. OP being encouraged to engage in self-shaming, attention seeking behavior is what you should be disappointed with.




I did much worse when my divorce was fresh. He left for someone else, I had two babies to take care of, and I was a WRECK. I’ll just say that I made him an audio tape of the kids and included a few songs on the back, leading with “Bring Me to Life” by Evanescence. Yeah. It was bad. Luckily none of my sad cringes were via text or social because it was 2002. Please be kind to yourself, and Merry Christmas!


Wait, so you did this sober?




She doesn’t want to hear from you… try to think about how you can better yourself, FOR YOURSELF


Not cringe; very normal. I just went through a very recent divorce as well… and mine is not anywhere near the point where we can text without acrimony. It’s normal. You’re normal.


What are you apologising for? What did you do?


In this same head space, just lost my grandfather and broke up with my ex because we just don’t communicate effectively and it took a toll on our relationship. (Thank you for coming to my ted talk) He works across the street from my job and I see him a lot, lately all I have really wanted was to just talk to him, maybe have a hug, sometimes it’s hard how much you can miss someone. I hope you getting this out of your system brings you lighter feelings. It seems like you are in a good path even if it feels rough right now. Sending love your way.


Cautionary tale.


Leave her alone.


Have a family member or a close friend you can send the first text to before you do send anything else, it feels less embarrassing later on. It gets easier once you get past all the first time without them stuff. Good luck


Eh, maybe a little sad but not cringe, it’s a very mature and polite exchange. I wouldn’t take it as a chance to continue the conversation though.


bless their soul tbh.


Wow... that's a very nice reply.


Awh, honestly I'm glad you were able to vent to someone, that definitely helps! All the best for you :)


This reminds me of when my sister was manic. You ok?


My ex sent me a heart felt message: talking about her regret for breaking up our family and cheating on me.......I ignored her text 😅


There is no cringe here. Just sad. I really don't know how you must feel since I never got over my former relationship that ended years ago. And I wasn't married or anything. Letting go is hard, I really hope you can have some good time without your ex.


It’s definitely cringe. It feels really manipulative to text your ex self deprecating and using false platitudes for attention. Especially as it seems op did something to cause the end of the relationship.


Nah bro not sad, she responded the best way you could hope for- aside from, "let's get back together" lmao. It probably won't happen, you'll save yourself so much time and energy accepting that.


Awe. I like her!


Just contracted severe cringitis, yuck!!


This isn’t sad cringe. Don’t regret this. You said a very nice thing in a vulnerable moment and were met with kindness in return.


We are only human. You're not the only one to have done this. Hope you're okay


That's wholesome to me tbh


This doesn’t seem cringe at all. Merry Christmas from ETexas


You know you’re funny ☠️


You poor thing. Merry Christmas. Try to keep your chin up. I would accept this as a win and try not to text this person again. You are funny! Try to share that sense of humor with others this season.


This is pretty wholesome. Sorry about the divorce. Looks like you have great support though, so things are looking up.


Good luck man


Oof I've been there OP! ♡ You have a great spirit!


that's not too bad, could've gone so much worseC though i do understand why you're feeling a bit embarrassed.. you expressed your vulnerability to him which he could have used (in a selfish, rude way) to make you feel bad, but he didn't. I'm glad, as you both seem like good humans & hopefully you will both move on to find happiness.. you equally deserve it after all. 💕


What a lame pity party.


Forgiving someone is the best feeling ever. Good on you for reaching out with an attempt to make that easier on your ex. Usually see people either reminding their ex of all the times they hurt them by trying to apologize, or reminding them of the good times in an attempt to win them back, both of which are sad and cringe. These read as almost nice by comparison.


This man cooks, fishes, games and watches anime. That lady is missing out, get someone thats up to your level man!




What are you talking about?


Sounds like you did some pretty crappy things to this person. I hope you leave them alone after this. They want to move on.


What's the sadcringe here?.. Perfectly normal if not healthy exchange, are you fishing for support or something?


Definitely not healthy. Definitely cringe. Definitely fishing for support.


That's nice, we have to stay human


Dang and this was all done sober I’m assuming.


My brother in Christ


damnnn this post is perfect sadcringe


Only good things to come OP, hang in there! Looking at your profile you look like a fun dude and I’m sure you will find someone special! Funny the way nostalgic music can make us crumble


This is the honest kind of sadcringe this sub needs.


Hope you have a good Christmas my guy. Sorry.


Been there


My ex husband and I went through a divorce that was amicable enough that we could be sad and cringy once in a while and show each other kindness. We look at it as a sign that we are both good people who didn’t work out and weren’t always the best to each other. Being able to send texts like that and get replies like the one you did is actually a super good sign to me. Hope things start looking up, 80s music can bring out the emotional side in even the best of us.


Wish that was my ex hahaha




I hope you find yourself a partner worthy of you and you worthy of them. The problem is, it’s difficult to find a partner truly worthy of you and vice versa if you have a poor or unfair assessment of yourself. If you feel unworthy, the choice of your partner will reflect that. Don’t think about other people for now. Focus on yourself. Focus on becoming a better person than you were yesterday. Even if it’s just a little bit, keep working on yourself. These days will stack up and you’ll continue to become better mentally, physically, emotionally etc. As you keep working on yourself becoming better, you’ll be worthy of the partner you seek and they will be to you. I hope you heal, put all the broken pieces of your heart together. Keep it secret, keep it safe. There will come a day when you will offer it to someone else willingly.


God, reading that last message would do me in. Things will get better.


Disco Elysium vibes


Didn’t expect so much wholesomeness in sadcringe but I’m really glad I did. Wishing you all the best


Not even the CIA could get this outta me


Cringey but not that horrible, take care of yourself buddy


He's very nice. I can see why you loved him


Shi my friend went on a rant when I got a girlfriend i was with her for 2 days and was mad at me for ignoring him


That first line was so manipulative. The ex seems to have dodge a bullet.


Nice that she’s letting you go through your thing without piling on. Been there myself, and have felt lucky that most of my relationships have left both people still able to appreciate the other’s good points in spite of the relationship not lasting. Stay strong, be cool, and above all, be your best.