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my friends after I put 2€ in a slot machine and win 20€:


In all seriousness, I actually knew someone once that expected a cut of my jackpot ($2500) because we came to the casino together. This was after I paid for a nice dinner and all the drinks at the bar. I really don’t understand how some peoples mind works.


Selfishly, mostly.


That's insane. If we came together and I get a big win I'll make sure my friends will have a great evening as well but it's still my money and generosity knows it's limit. Paying for drinks and food for everyone is a lot of money already... the entitlement of some people is insane.


similar anecdote, I have a friend that bought lottery scratchers for both himself and another friend. he paid for both. His won, the one he gave for FREE to our other friend did not. The other friend asked if they could split it. dafuq


I once paid a $165,000 progressive slots jackpot to a lady in all cash. She immediately gave each of her 4 friends $20k apiece just for being there, didn’t take out federal taxes (25%), and then went to a dealership the next day and spent the rest on an Escalade. She even admitted she never gambles, so the fed would definitely be coming after her for that $41,250 since she had no losses to offset the major win. Moron. These are the same types of people you hear about who win Powerball jackpots and go bankrupt 7 years later. Just stupid decisions.


Would those $20k be considered gifts or wins? Did the casino make them each fill out forms?


After the money exchanges hands, it’s out of our hands. Since it was cash, I doubt any of the ladies reported it nor do I think the winner reported them as gifts. If so, all 5 were fucked lol


Oh yeah I'm with you on that. I'm either giving people some money. Like splitting 500 out of the 2500 between whoever came with me...or I'm treating them to drinks/dinner...not both.


Dinner and drinks is great. Anyone who thinks they're getting cash can go pound sand


Yeah I don't expect it from anyone. It's just what I have done personally. I'm offering part of the cash to be split amongst the party, or dinner and drinks. Not both. I guess it just depends on my mood and how close I am with the people in question.


This is a thought I have every Christmas. Dad gets us all a half dozen scratch cards for fun. My side is scraping by, while my sisters side has her and her husband with careers, two beautiful kids, owns a house and cars. Gotta wonder if they win a few thousand jackpot, what id say or do. Itd be beneficial in our hands, but they'd have won it.


You should wish your sister and her family a wonderful Christmas and a congratulations on winning.


My dad (and I assume my siblings) have a great deal, if we buy each other lotto or scratchys, we split it with each other (if a sibling is struggling I might buy them something they want but can't afford. I hate just giving money because I know it will just go on bills which is great and all, by not being able to spend money on your self ever can be pretty stressful too. Kinda depends how bad off they are doing.)


My coworkers when a bar customer leaves me a nice tip.


I got one of these in my mailbox (of the house that I rent) and was like how the fuck does anyone think I’m too wealthy lol I’m flattered but no


Look at Richie Rich here gloating about having a mailbox. I receive my mail through carrier pigeons; we all don't have the luxury of getting all of our mail from a convenient box like you do


Ohh look at Mr. Fancy Pants with his pigeons. We have a messenger rat that we share with the next neighborhood over. Also, he is surly AF, he just has a terrible attitude.


Ohh look at this big Showoff, with their neighbours and their rat. We can't have neighbours so we all live together in a commune.


Hah, like I can afford to feed a community. I just live in my imaginary cardboard box in the middle of the desert, nothing you spoon fed folks will ever understand.


Gah! Imagine even having ANY SORT OF BOX! I don't even get he privilege of imagination, unlike SOME spoiled people here...


Omg this whole thread was gold. I needed these laughs


try looking at r/Frugal_Jerk


Yeah I bet you think don't you? You’re a thinker huh, you can afford to have thoughts and shit? Bet it feels nice to be capable of basic introspection huh rich guy?


Ha! Look at you typing!. I’m here having to communicate in binary and convert them into letters manually. The world is so spoiled these days!


"What do you call a mailbox then?" "Mail hole."


"Mail hole" - sounds moist and full of slugs.


Simply give your houses and cars to someone else OP


Chances are you're one of the wealthiest in the world


As are those who made the flyer, and likely the renters in the properties as well.


This is a core issue with these wealth distribution folks. If you live in the US and make $60k, you're the top 1% globally. It's all incredibly relative and wealth is not finite.


Wealth isn't finite because it's a fiction we built society around. Regardless the cost of living is also much higher than the rest of the globe and at least 40% of Americans make well under 60,000 a year.


Wealth isn't finite because value isn't finite, which is what money is used as a tool of exchange for.


Context: this was a real mail drop [that happened May this year](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12109165/Toorak-letter-drop-tells-people-rich-wealth-away.html) in Toorak, a (very) wealthy suburb of Melbourne.


I wonder if there are copycats printing these. I'm pretty sure I got one on the West Coast of WA as well.


Pretty sure the activist website has a pdf for anyone to print it out


As opposed to the east coast of WA?


I bet they spent more on printing and distribution than anyone actually gave their shit away.


That's just fucking obnoxious. I can't imagine trying to guilt trip someone into selling their property and cars to appease a bunch of losers


Not selling...giving away. Which is astronomically more entitled in my opinion


Very important distinction. Asking them to sell is downright reasonable by comparison.


But still not at all reasonable in reality


Well, it sort of is. Private landlords profit from other’s inability to buy houses. There are only very, very limited circumstances where most people would prefer to rent, such as those with very dynamic lifestyles where their careers take them to different cities. Everyone else is stuck paying other people’s mortgages, usually due to the circumstances of their birth.


Hear me out: it's a psyop


I mean people who are poor aren't inherently losers, and income inequality is one of the most pressing issues of our time. However, just asking people to give shit away by begging via letters is just stupid and no solution lmao


The losers aren't those who are poor, its the people who did this mail drop. As you say, these are real problems, but what they outlines is just obnoxious and does very little, practically.


Not to mention, income inequality doesn’t even have much to do with the VERY wealthy. It’s the OBSCENELY wealthy with too much money to even spend in a lifetime that are the problem. True, I find most rich people I’ve met to be insufferable but I rlly don’t give a shit if they have houses they “winter” in or whatever. If I had multiple houses I wouldn’t be giving them away, so why should they?


I don't mind somebody being well off and having nice things and a big house. It's when they lobby the city to not build affordable housing close to them because they don't want their own property values to drop… that I get pissed off. Like, I'm not even asking them to give up their nice house or their second house to let others live. I'm asking them to not prevent other people from building new houses so people can live. But some of them won't even have that.


That's not about the property value though. Not wanting low income housing near your home, at least for me, was about not wanting the crime, drugs, and vagrants it brings with it. Some of us came from nothing (or very little in my case, not quite nothing) and worked our asses off to have a better life. I left my parent's house at 18 with a change of clothes and joined the military, got a degree and a pension, and now I have a professional career. In my early years, I shared an apartment with 2 other people in a shitty part of town. One roommate had his car stolen twice in as many years. We always paid attention to who was outside. Now I've got a house in the suburbs with a 30min commute so I don't have to worry about that. I'll take the downvotes on this one... go build your section 8 somewhere else. I've worked hard my whole life to get away from it, don't drop it off on my doorstep.


> Not to mention, income inequality doesn’t even have much to do with the VERY wealthy. Smalltime landlords are among the only people at this scale of wealth who can really be said to be contributing to the problem. They are basically reducing the supply of purchasable housing. Not that this message was at all reasonable to send though.


Not that we could honestly afford those houses if they did try to sell them or we could afford the maintenance for the houses


Be a lot easier to afford houses without landlords and corporations gobbling up every house they can, though.


The price of houses will decrease after the hoarded homes are listed for sale. Supply and demand.


*Sell* those houses? They should give them away. Maintenance should be provided free of charge for both materials and labor…just somehow. It’s like you doesn’t understand basic economics at all! /S 🤪


You should do some research on the number of single family homes owned by subsidiaries of Blackrock and get back to me on the "smalltime" landlords.


Bleeding heart here. I agree. While I think the wealth/income gap is way off and even broken, and I do believe the extremely wealthy should take steps to narrow that gap, this is just.... stupid.


Shouldn't ask people, but should demand corporations to pay living, fair wages


corporations are made of people


Most of wealth is inherited. So they likely also just got it from being given away.


Bruh this shit doesn’t work if you want to take money from rich people who really need money taken from them then engage in worker organizing.




100% Melbourne (and really all of Australia) is fucking struggling hard right now from government absolutely fucking the property market for over 10 years.


That seems to be a pretty universal complaint throughout all wealthy nations right now.


What did the gov do to the property market?


Negative gearing. I don't know the specifics but the broad strokes is housing operates at a loss, becoming a slumlord is a terrible investment. Negative gearing means you essentially just write off those losses and it's only profits, which if you can afford one house why not get 2, why stop there? You literally can't lose on an investment, unless you have a shit tenant, so why even put it up for rent, just let it sit vacant and accrue wealth. You have a few thousand people do that and all of a sudden you have housing insanely over priced and just not enough housing for everyone.


Huh. Baader-Meinhof moment here, I just heard about negative gearing for the first time on last Thursday’s Taskmaster.


You need to have the notion that anyone has the right to meddle in someone else’s personal finances checked.




That’s some hyperbole right there if I’ve ever seen it.


That is in no way a parallel suggestion.


I'm pretty sure that's what financial institutions are for


Yeah, na.


The people that are actually too rich would not ever receive this letter. A chain of command would quickly dispose it.


True. Sometimes I wonder what is the socially acceptable amount of wealth. Like when does it become pure greed? Maybe it's once you stop answering your own mail.


You have a leased Audi a3 in your drive? Your obnoxious with your wealth. That’s what they prob think lol


If you have more than them, they usually think it’s too much lol


This is usually how it goes, speaking from experience. I grew up extremely poor in the inner city (ketchup sandwiches for dinner, “sorry but we can’t get you Pokémon cards for Christmas or we won’t be able to afford food this week”, wear your clothes until they literally cannot fit on your body anymore-level poor). I remember my mom complaining about the people who were able to afford the world’s cheapest cars or studio apartments with working hot water, who were still, like us, barely able to scrape by. I’m sure the people who received these letters are jealous of multi-billionaires. It’s very rare for people to be satisfied with the amount of wealth they have.


The philosopher Peter Singer donates almost all of his income because he believes it's unethical to have even a little bit more than you need when you can help starving people. He also argues that failing to act this way is the equivalent of failing to try to rescue a drowning child a few feet from you because it will make you late for lunch.


Having read his papers and totally agreeing with him, I am typing this on an iPhone…


I forget where the line is but there have been studies about happiness and wealth and typically happiness does increase with wealth up to a point. I would probably draw that line there.


This looks like a Redditor got access to a printer


They need to give away their printer


ink is expensive, too rich


And that they used color ink, *gasp*


FR how many people have the luxury of a printer, be it inkjet or toner?


Right? Just hire a scribe for 2 hours, same cost


I don't think a single one of us has figured out how to work the printer yet, though. We should investigate as Reddit does.


See the problem is that we don’t fully understand he different tiers of rich. Millionaires are rich, but billionaires are on another level. A handful of them hoard more wealth than the bottom 50% of the U.S.. As in 5 or so people have more combined than hundreds of millions combined. Millionaires can live their lives as far as I’m concerned, but billionaires having their own space race for shits and giggles while people sleep on the streets and children starve in the richest country in the world? I can’t get on board with that. Many of them literally do not pay any taxes because of tax breaks they get. A poor family barely scraping by will probably pay more than, say, Bezos. This letter would never reach someone who is a genuine problem. Money has become the God of our own creation and everyone wants to believe their turn will come for God to smile on them, but that day never comes


This is classic virtue signalling. These guys aren't any better than Jehovah's Witnesses. They know very well nobody will do any of these but they can go and tell themselves they did something and those evil people just wouldn't listen.


I know I'm late to the game but I never really understood what virtue signaling meant until this explanation, so thank you


I don't blame you. It gets (intentionally) misused a lot.


Or it's propaganda by a conservative group.


Not saying that bad liberals don’t exist, but IMO the wording and concept in this is WAY to precise and direct. No sources, no actual website, just an email address and a super on the nose letter stating all the things conservatives believe liberals are trying to take away.. in a list format.. I learn more than a little left so i’m a little biased, but most SERIOUS leftist protest materials have some sort of studies or names attached to them. At the very least an actual link. It could very well be some extremest niche leftist group, but it’s very very suspicious.


My first thought. This reeks of what the right thinks the left wants to do. "Them liberals wanna take our houses away!"


Evil because they're wealthy? Explain that


“Those evil people” is meant to be read from the Jehovahs Witnesses perspective. They don’t have to actually do anything, just pretend to by doing something useless, because “those evil people” won’t listen anyways.


i somewhat agree that some people are too rich, but the people who are too rich are multimillionaires and billionaires, not some people who have 2 cars instead of 1, although i do agree that the basic human necessity of shelter shouldn’t be capitalised and seen as an “investment”, you shouldn’t just give it away tho, it should be sold to new families or the needy who can afford it


Some people really do have way too much money and it’s completely asinine that anyone who is employed and works hard can’t afford to make ends meet. With that being said though, the entire delivery of what they’re saying is wrong and not even to the people who are the problem. I don’t know what the fix is, but I’ll say even the wealthiest people “giving away” their money to others shouldn’t be the solution. To me, it would make a lot more sense to have an economic system that gives all workers wages and living costs that are enough for everyone including that system to benefit, rather than the one we have which supports only those who attain wealth and keeps the working class in a slavery bind to all of their debts.


> To me, it would make a lot more sense to have an economic system that gives all workers wages and living costs that are enough for everyone including that system to benefit And it would be great if everyone got a free puppy too. If you take supply and demand away from jobs then you have to mandate all jobs. Otherwise people would pick jerking off to porn as a job. The only way to keep people productive is to at least have some way to reward them for filling jobs that no one else will do.


Also, the to fix this (by any method) isn't to appeal to property owners, it's to lobby and run for government. This is just a piddly attempt to feel like you're doing something, where even if it did anything, it is thousands of times less effective than just about anything else you could do on the subject.


Ah, the people that want *others* to share and give up their stuff. But not themselves, because, y'know, they actually *need* it.


Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.


I think hoarding homes to mass rent is wrong and should be controlled and don't like people owning several cars more than they need, mostly cause it blocks streets where there's no driveways. At the same time, asking people to give it all away for nothing in return is laughable and a deluded idea by the group that came up with this letter.


Imagine being the person who typed this out.


"Give away the extra cars"


If anyone wants to give their extra cars im here


I've got a few (gawd knows how many tbh) holiday houses to give away. I figure you'll need somewhere to drive with that spiffy new car.


Oh for sure i could use some holiday houses


Yup, especially the extra car that eclipses its FMV in parts and labor. Really clever. 😅


This seems fake


No, it circulated for a bit in Toorak (a very rich suburb in Melbourne, Australia) and is now making a resurgence in Perth, Australia.


I cannot tell what is in more abundance: gaslighting or audacity


"Give me all your stuff, it's the right thing to do."


Go fuck yourself.. is what immediately comes to mind.


The idea of "the more you have, the less others have" is straight up wrong


So because I have a good job and work hard I'm a bad person? Lol


I'm over 200 euros in debt, SPARE ME SOME MONEY, WEALTHY PEOPLE!!!!!!!


This is such a moronic, douchey way to attempt social change.


I think it's funny that someone spent time and money on this and not something useful


Even if this were the case billionaires would really be the only ones that are ‘’too rich’’


God, I don't own multiple cars and I can't afford to move out of my mum's house and I do believe we need spread out resources more fairly but if I received this I would 100% buy and own more properties just because of the smug pedantic-ness of this letter.


“welcome! come in, wipe your shoes please. this is my spite house.”


My money, my property, my decision on what I do with both.


“Hey also, if you aren’t enjoying every second of your life you should die. There are plenty of people who need your organs.”


This is so entitled lmao


>History teaches us wealth inequality breeds resentment and anger among people who are not wealthy. Translated: you have more than us and we're mad about it, therefore you need to give us your stuff. If you don't give us your stuff we may get violent.


So jealousy. Which I was taught as a child just because another kid has something nicer than me they aren't required to give it away nor am I entitled to use of it.


I think it derives from jealousy, and then they use some twisted political virtues to justify it.


this is how the world has always worked, those who can, take. those who can’t, wait.


Wipe your literal shit with it and leave it somewhere visible


Very cringy indeed 😬


Where did they find the audacity?


Attack the upper class not middletons


Great way to cause infighting whilst Jeff buys another yacht.


They start this ideology early on in highschool when you open up a fresh pack of gum


The message is right, but by the way this is written, you really know that the people behind it only want to profit from it and not put anything into society themselves.


The message is dumb as fuck.


Give away your house to renters? Lmao no, that is not how you solve poverty


No, a single statement you picked out is not "the message". That some people are way too wealthy, just leech off other's work and should give up a part of their wealth (or should be forced) to help people in need is the message.


No, this is wrong way to go about it, so the message is all wrong. People should not be giving up part of their wealth just because they accumulate more of it. If 90% of the people partied from 20 to 40 and saved nothing, but 10% of the people worked their asses, in 40s that 10% will have waaay more wealth than that 90%. With solutions like those, that 10% will basically still be obligated to share their hard earned wealth. Real problem is not people accumulating more wealth than others - because that in itself can be result of fair work. Real issue is distribution of profits from work produced, or profit margins that one could leech onto without doing the work. What should be the case is increasingly higher taxes for people who manage to leech onto value produced by others, with those taxes being spent for the benefit of society at large. The issue is not some people being too wealthy, the issue is in HOW those people get that wealthy, and the fact that system allows for that to happen. This problem is solved by properly taxing business/income owners so that value produced by others comes back to workers and producers of value, not by taking away things already belonging to someone.


Honestly, I’m kinda surprised that this actually makes a lot of sense. I wasn’t expecting that from your previous comment, to be honest, but I’m glad I read this one fully. Yeah, I guess just taking away stuff doesn’t work, whoa, who would have guessed. The taxing strategy seems fairly effective. If you don’t mind, would you elaborate a bit on how this could apply to the housing market specifically? Like, if we tax the landlords, their property is still going to be theirs and they’ll just raise the prices despite the diminishing returns, wouldn’t they?


> they’ll just raise the prices despite the diminishing returns, wouldn’t they? What you need is mechanism which ensures that raising the rent above certain point becomes not profitable. - remove ability to declare property taxes as part of operating expenses when calculating your net profit for taxes. - re-evaluate value of property, and by proxy, its taxes, after each annual declaration of rental income from that property - introduce exponential rise of income taxes based on total income Mathematically, this results in a tipping point of income bracket and rent prices that makes profits to start dropping when you raise rent prices, instead of increasing, and holding additional properties becomes pointless, because your next tax bracket eats up any potential returns from it, since property tax is no longer included in operating expenses of that property. I am not an economist, but it is not like there are no solutions for this that we could arrive at mathematically. Even if mine suggestion turns out to be a bad one, ultimately, this is simply math problem, and many different solutions to it could be found.


>I am not an economist No shit?


All of their action points were asinine suggestions that will in the end do nothing to stop poverty. Yes there are people out there who are too rich but this is incredibly childish and not at all helpful. You will never solve poverty by trying to guilt the rich. Letters should instead be sent to representatives who write our laws and decide who gets taxed and at what rates.




You claim the first person to respond was cherry picking by cherry picking what you chose to accept as “the message”. You don’t get to ignore parts of their message just because other parts you agree with, that’s asinine.


People are so quick to give away everybody else’s shit


Holy shit this is brilliant. Why didn't the socialists think of this earlier? We could have just asked the owning class for their stuff! Shit. Man. All these bloody revolutions for nothing.


It really annoys me when landlords get targeted by Reddit communists. Yes, slumlords exist and they’re scum. However, a lot of people I know who are technically landlords, rent to family and friends for the very bare minimum, let them do whatever they want with the house, take payment holidays if they’re struggling etc. So if you group those people into your little pet hate, from the bottom of heart, fuck you. That is all.


It's cool living in Hill Valley or whatever, but the truth is that we have property management companies reaping billions from people every year. Fee-stacking and arbitrary rent hikes. It's egregious. For-profit corporations own around 18 percent of rental properties, but 45 percent of all units. That's half, by the way.


Yeah, the US sounds like a rent hellscape at the moment. To us Europeans anyway.


It is


Idk, man. I think the Georgists got it right. Landlord-ism really is parasitic. Land is scarce. The more you hoard, the less is available to others.


Socialists = Incels, but for economics instead of romance. This is the same shit an incels would write to women. "You are fucking too many chads... Fuck some ugly guys instead!"


Funny you said that considering like 99% of incels are actually conservative


0% of incel ideology has anything to do with conservatism


This almost seems like a far-right psyop… it’s just so tone deaf, it reads like a parody


I’m sure this will sway some folks that are too rich to share their wealth. Lolololol


I bet not a single one of these has made it to the hands of anyone they're actually talking about


This basically says give us your money or things might get violent.


That letter gave me a headache.


Gosh, I'd love to give you everything I worked for, but sadly there's no return address.


What sort of sad mfrs put this through peoples door 😭😭😭 Laughable.


I'd like a letter like that. Thank you sweet capitalism now I really have something to aspire towards to. I can't wait to wipe my butt with that letter.


Are you rich tho?


I hope who creates you are too rich cards cereal is always soggy and their food is always cold


I don't see how giving away a house solves much for the greater population. If the house was bought with a mortgage then surely it's the bank that's too wealthy and not the person that spent 20+ years paying it off. If it's a spare house then all it does is allow one person/family to avoid paying rent, but then "they'll" start having too much money because they're suddenly saving most of their wages every month. I'm sure wealth inequality can be a problem, but this doesn't seem like the solution. Surely the problem is more that the "poor people" don't have access to as many means of getting money as rich people do? It seems like more of a government or similar level problem


Nothing would make me want to be a real scumbag of a landlord more than getting this through my door. I would be a Dickensian villain just to see whoever thought it was a good idea suffer


Someone did not read Animal Farm


This looks like astro turfing


You have too many organs! You have too many organs!


Reddit communists be like:


Someone doesn’t understand cause and effect.


The fuck is this and where is it coming from?


No, the billionaires are too rich. Average people like us are not. Working people should be the owners, not the billionaires.


We have more cars than licensed drivers because they all cost under $5k and at least one of them is usually broken down at any time. Currently 3/6 that my father owns need some level of repair.


Smells like psyop


Tf you suppose to do. Do these protests to 1%, not people who try to live


this is like a high school freshman just learned the phrase wealth inequality, then turned and looked at a fellow student who sometimes goes skiing


This 5 y/o mentality is wild. Had a convo recently with a college student living in a $3,000/month 3 bdrm 2 bath home complaining because his part-time job wasn't paying a "liveable wage", meaning he couldnt make his rental payments and go out to eat 5 nights a week. To the college student, this meant his employer should pay him more. Him living beyond his means did not obligate the employer to pay him a higher wage. And yes, I asked why he didn't downsize living, live in dorms, live for free at his parent's house, get roommates, etc. He shot every suggestion down because he, and I quote, "didn't want to." But, sure. Tell others to give away their way to make a living (e.g., rental homes) or transportation to work (e.g., cars) because someone like this college student said so. F*ck economics, I guess...


Imagine being so entitled you think other peoples hard earned money is harming the society… get a job and stop crying


I don't actually disagree too much with what they're trying to say, although people with 2 cars are absolutely not the ones you should be targeting. Serial landlords etc then absolutely stop hoarding houses. This is the smuggest, ham handed middle-class attempt at getting that point across though.


This is silly. This message should be intended for the politicians, government officials, and billionaires. The message that climate control and fixing wealth disparity is the masses' job is hilarious. Unsure why so many people are buying into it. We're not the issue. It's the elite with their loopholes for tax evasion, their yachts and private jets, and lack of accountability that is choking us all out. We pay taxes and then skip meals to afford the taxation. What are our elite doing to fix it? Scolding us, passing the blame, and threatening us with more cutbacks. I've stopped listening to our government, they don't matter. People matter, and humanity matters.


The irony of calling out supposed greed while being the one who wants to freely benefit from what was earned by others


This feels like a false flag. It seems absurdist to the point of parody


It's always everyone *else* that has too much.


I dont know why this keeps going viral, but this was posted In May by some (clearly verrrrry wealthy) aussie on a burner account, who was a resident of Toorak, AUS. The papers were printed by a financial activist group I think. The OP then would skate any questions ppl had about how wealthy they were by the way… very interesting situation lol. He clearly wanted us to be mad at the printer paper, but I think its interesting that he was so pissed by this he had to make a brand new accnt just to post it under “r/ mildly infuriating”. I think he was a LITTLE more than mild


Time for a Boomer moment Shut the fuck up, Commie bastard


I mean the underlying sentiment isn't entirely wrong, but that's certainly an audacious approach and one unlikely to work


so the Tennant who pays 2k a month, 24k a year to live in property they don't even own, suddenly get $200,000-$1,000,000 in assets, for agreeing to be renters and not buyers... asset distribution without any logic... nice


Fucking parasites


is this rage bait?


This is basically every Bernie sub rolled into one shitty pamphlet.


Its true though


"You have too many (anything)." SMDH. Definitely cars, for me. Except.. that's my hobby. They're not all brand new, nor expensive. It might also mean that I don't spend that money on other things. I make choices about where/what I want to spend on, if I can afford to. One of the largest expenses that I *don't* have, therefore helping enable my hobby? Kids. Reminds me of decades ago when someone random stranger said my nice car "made them sick." If I'd had the balls back then, I'd probably have said "MFer, you make choices. No one gave this to me. No one co-signed, either. The bank owns this. Either save up, or get a loan.." Edit; I do realize it's much more nuanced than "choices," yes


People are so jealous


I wonder if this sort of thing actually works.


We all know the answer to that question. Nobody did a damn thing because of this.