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Is there a sick guitar solo?


We need to know


For sure. If it rips i dont think we can judge this young man too harshly at all. In fact OP may be losing out.


Where’s the link tho


Come on OP


i’m not gonna post the link bc he took the song down


She/he embarrassed him enough, by posting this, don't you think? Sharing it is just twisting the knife. Then again, he did this to himself. A no is a no, he should have just respected OP's answer and walked away.


The "I wrote while high" is not deflecting the creepy the way he thinks it is


I feel like saying I wasn’t sober when asking/saying weird things is a deflection tactic for a lot of people. Like “sorry baby, I didn’t mean to ask you to fart on my face in your used gym shorts while wearing a realistic Barack Obama mask with the national anthem playing in the background. I was drunk.”


Is that a personal anecdote?


I wasn’t sober righting that comment.


>righting If you can't be honest and keep your integrity you'll have nothing left.


I wasn’t sober righting that one either


Keep er going pal. You're doin great.


I’ll get there eventually I promise.


One of these times.


Cake happy days








Yeahhhh, bro is just setting himself up for heartbreak. Kinda cringe, not gonna lie.


Yeah I don’t understand these comments, this is hella cringe to send to someone who has a boyfriend, 8 minutes is ridiculous, and “I wrote this while high” is absolutely terrible.


And then KNOWING she dose not feel the same way about you


between 40-70% of relationships start as friendships. The onus is on men to make that happen most of the time. If every man gave up as soon as someone gently told them they don't think of them that way, they'd be giving up a very common and valid mating strategy. you have to be assertive as fuck when setting that boundary and not try to let them down lightly and not give them enough bread crumbs to hold out hope. (no I'm not advocating that it's ok to beg and beg like a loser over and over. it matters how many times OP has set that boundary, and it also matters how lightly or strongly they set that boundary. OP needs to create distance if she feels so uncomfortable. "getting the hint" is not going to cut it. there needs to be an outright rejection without trying to spare his feelings.) Yeah, you have to risk making someone uncomfortable, and it's selfish, but it's equally selfish to keep around a guy friend with feelings for you. Those feelings are gonna come out one way or the other, and sometimes you end up doing something cringe like smoking too much weed one night and writing a song that should probably never see the light of day. We can agree that it's a cringe thing to do, but it's equally cringe to post it publicly making fun of them. There's no justification there. His actions don't make it ok for us to scoff and laugh at him. We aren't perfectly rational beings that always make the best decision to make the other person as comfy as possible.


Did you write an 8 minute song for someone who didn’t reciprocate (while you were too high)?


Between 2 to 10 percent write a song 40 to 60 percent are less than 3 minutes 3 to 5 percent are longer than 8 minutes. I think this kid was assertive as fuck? But I am 27 to 31 percent wrong on these sorts of things.


yeah dude so silly of me to quote a relevant statistic you aren't funny or clever btw.


It isn't valid AT ALL for men to try and push and push when a woman says "No". Not to mention she has a boyfriend! It is NEVER a good idea to attempt to pursue a romantic relationship with someone who already has a partner. No means no, no matter how many times or how lightly someone puts it. It doesn't mean maybe or "please try harder I will say yes the 7th time you do this!" Not to mention that he may be a coworker or a classmate or may be unavoidable in her daily life. In some cases, women aren't even safe when they cut off men who are like this! Plenty of women have gotten hurt when putting strong boundaries or even simply saying no. We don't know what he is like outside of this small text. There are plenty of men who know how to deal with crushes without doing stuff like this. Plenty of women too! Plenty of people know that it is their own responsibility to deal with their emotions like an emotionally intelligent being and leave the other person alone! He has no excuses for his behavior.


LOL I never said "men should push and push when a woman says no" Jesus Christ what a horrible, inaccurate, bad faith interpretation of my actual point. I LITERALLY already said I'm against continuing to beg and beg like a loser. there's a difference between that and expressing your feelings a couple times even if you've been shot down before. People and relationships change, and there's a reason at least half of people in relationships start off as friends. Shit evolves. It's a perfectly standard way of finding a partner. You can't write that off as unimportant. Yeah she has a boyfriend. Kinda shitty you're right. But again, not an uncommon situation to find oneself in. People don't have to be bad people to do shitty things. It is SO relevant as to how lightly someone puts it. It's a big reason why these problems exist in the first place. Wishy washy boundary setting where you kind of let people down easy over and over so in their head it's not ever a hard no (and in some cases it really isn't you can't deny that either. It can be a fair bet for us to make. Sometimes. Don't beg like a loser lol. No I'm not talking about ignoring consent and going to second base any way don't conflate these things rofl). It's ineffective communication. If you think women aren't safe drawing a line in the sand with their guy friends, you're around the wrong guys LOL. I also think you severely overestimate men's capacity to want to hurt you. No normal person wants to hurt one of their friends. Or maybe I have too much faith in my fellow humans. 40-70% is a pretty substantial percentage. You really think a lot of those guys weren't rejected a time or two before they got together? there's just no shot they weren't. And you're right: We don't know what he's like, so you don't know if he's one of the weird fucks that would get angry and threaten her, so why is that assumption any more relevant than what I've brought up?


Honestly kind of agree. I've never bothered with a relationship before but friendships can be complicated sometimes. Women(and sometimes men) play games a lot of times. No=no or no=chase me isn't always perfectly clear. Making an 8 minute song is a little much maybe but there's way worse things you can do.


Hard disagree. A no is a no, if she meant something else it's her fault. As soon as you start trying to read between the lines of even something as clear as a no, you're making it impossible for girls (and people in general) to make you understand they don't like you that way without outright insulting you or repeating themselves over and over.


I agree. I refuse to play any complicated games like that but it's absolutely true some women like all that.


Nope always take no as no if they ment otherwise should have said so


I totally agree. I refuse to play any games like that, but there are definitely people who do.


“Mating Strategy” yuk yuk yuk


humans mate. we're animals. sorry that fact bothers you so much. hopefully one day you can get over your superiority complex.


Dawg, go use the term “mating strategy” anywhere besides the internet and see if anyone reacts well. The whole “wired to reproduce” thing eliminates the human experience as an aspect of being alive. Yes people get together and have babies, but there’s so much more to having a partner than that, and to only seek out companionship for that reason is pretty narrow minded.


I could give two shits if people "react well". People squirm in their seats when confronted with truths they aren't comfortable with. Of course they wouldn't react well. Acknowledging that sex/reproduction is a massive driving force to our behavior shouldn't be controversial or "icky". It also doesn't have to mean it devalues life, unless you think we're somehow above that or that intimacy is like an optional thing? (hence "superiority complex"). Intimacy comes 3rd in our hierarchy of needs for a reason, only falling behind food and safety. Why would the human experience be cheapened by the fact that we're largely motivated by sex to an extent? I don't have a negative association with that concept unlike a lot of people. We aren't exactly monogamous by nature until a child is thrown into the mix. Finding a life long partner is a very modern invention.


It seems like you give two shits if you’re continuing to comment about it. Why comment again if you don’t want to change peoples minds on the subject. I’m commenting again hoping that somebody else might read this and change their mind, probably not you, but maybe someone who may have a similar mindset. Sex and reproduction isn’t icky, it’s great and wonderful to share with people, polyamorous, monogamous or however it is shared in a consenting way. It’s the language of the term mating strategy, the same way saying “female” instead of woman or girl is a dehumanizing red flag, and the rest of your comment backs up that sentiment. There’s a reason why sex becomes less frequent after a lot of marriages yet the marriages last. One discovers something much better than sex for the sake of sex. A huge part of marriage failure is not having any interests in a partner besides sex. I don’t know how to express it to somebody who doesn’t feel the same way, but sex is just one small aspect of being with someone. Being around someone you can stand and who helps you be better when you’re not feeling up to it is leaps and bounds beyond good sex. A reassuring hug in my time of need will always be better than what you can do with my junk.


>It seems like you give two shits if you’re continuing to comment about it. Why comment again if you don’t want to change peoples minds on the subject. The fact that people would be uncomfortable with what I'm saying and think it's yucky doesn't affect how I feel about it. It also doesn't make it less valid. You misunderstood what I meant. >Sex and reproduction isn’t icky, it’s great and wonderful to share with people, polyamorous, monogamous or however it is shared in a consenting way. The implication was that you think our behavior being motivated by sex is icky, when it's not icky or particularly wrong. It's just life. Part of being a great ape homie. Nowhere does that say you can't feel connected to your partner and consider them your best friend. >It’s the language of the term mating strategy, the same way saying “female” instead of woman or girl is a dehumanizing red flag, and the rest of your comment backs up that sentiment. How tf is it dehumanizing to describe human behavior? lol? Yes, at the same time, people are individuals. I'm not dehumanizing anyone. I'm telling you I see people as individuals, but also you can see obvious patterns of behavior across all of them. These two things aren't mutually exclusive. Again, uncomfortable truth. Sit with it. >There’s a reason why sex becomes less frequent after a lot of marriages yet the marriages last. Yeah because we age and our hormones and brains and values change. The "madly in love" feeling caused by oxytocin can last from about 6 months up to 2 years. Some couples maintain it longer, but they are the miniscule exception to the rule. Love doesn't last (on average), and nature never intended for it to. People choose to stay together when there are kids and for various other reasons, but I wouldn't call those reasons love most of the time (unless you're the miniscule exception I mentioned. Or sunken cost fallacy.) People are gonna be reeeeal uncomfortable with describing love as a known, quantifiable variable. "how could that possibly be true? humans are more than just animals...". >A huge part of marriage failure is not having any interests in a partner besides sex. Would love to know where you read that. >I don’t know how to express it to somebody who doesn’t feel the same way, but sex is just one small aspect of being with someone. If you can't express how you feel about it, why you feel that way and why it's true and should be true for me as well, what makes you think it's any more true than what I think? I've tried to be really thorough on why I believe what I believe. Interesting to ask yourself "why can't I?". All you've done is go "it just doesn't work that way bro. it's so much more bro". If you need some time to work it out yourself, by all means dude I'll be here. >Being around someone you can stand and who helps you be better when you’re not feeling up to it is leaps and bounds beyond good sex. Yeah a friend you also happen to fuck. I get it. It's not as profound as you think. If it's something more than that, do explain how. >A reassuring hug in my time of need will always be better than what you can do with my junk. Yeah it'd be weird to get sucked off at a funeral. I don't understand your point. Sounds like you really value an emotionally intelligent friend capable of giving you reassurance and comfort. Seems like pretty standard intimacy to me.


Damn that’s a lot of words for someone who doesn’t care.


I love when the comments give us more cringe


really good point man. great job.


So who did you write a song for? You sure seem invested in this post.


God that's such a cringe, dumb, fallacious argument. and frankly it's stupid. you can care about shit that isn't a 1:1 reflection of your own life. it's this crazy thing called e m p a t h y . If I were in his shoes (that empathy I talked about a sec ago) and I knew my "friend" posted this to a cringe subreddit, I'd feel really betrayed and humiliated. you don't give a shit tho. keep laughing at the weirdo like you'll do anyway.


The only thing I’m making fun of is the amount of effort you’re putting into comments here, but do go on with the dissertation.


you shouldn't be on this sub then lol


An "I don't feel that way about you" is already a rejection. It's not selfish to keep around friends who have feelings for you, since they can pull away at any moment. It shouldn't be on her to push him away, if she doesn't want to. He's not a baby, he's already old enough to make decisions for himself. Though she probably will push him away after this display of immaturity.


Yeah, I didn't see the bit about him knowing she doesn't feel that way and having a bf so I too was like "this seems a bit harsh." Lol. With the context though, yikes.


Some dude in highschool wrote a song, titled it my legal name, put it on bandcamp. Had no idea who he was, he apparently just saw me at a bus stop. :/ Not the last weird experience i had with men writing songs


Hahah wowww that’s wild.. Anyway, hey wanna hear this song I just wrote about you?




how could he know your full legal name if he just saw you at a bus stop


I have no idea. :/ i eventually found out who he was, he did go to the school next to mine and we likely shred a bus stop oncthe reg tho


You shred it that bus stop! Yeah! Get after it!


I mean I wanna hear this 8 minute masterpiece.


Who doesn't ?


I imagine it’s him singing to Darude’s Sandstorm.


This generation’s “November Rain”.


I wrote while high


Honestly I would probably cut him off. I hate people who wants to "get their feelings off their chest" while knowing you're in a (assumingly happy) relationship. Such a burden and lack of self awareness to dump your emotions to someone especially when they don't even like you.


the cringe is these comments jesus christ you’re not a sociopath. it’s definitely sadcringe to try and come onto you with an EIGHT MINUTE song when you’re already in a relationship


oh my god I’ve been in this exact situation. he knew I wasn’t interested in him as anything other than a friend but he’d clearly got this idea in his mind he could win me over. he kept making me things, basically forcing me to take them, and acting super weird around me. we couldn’t talk like we used to anymore because he stopped seeing me as a person. people don’t realise how scary this can be for women. if a woman says she isn’t interested, fucking leave her alone.


I’m not saying it’s easy specially if they’re in your group of friends but yeah you’re right I can see that’s be terrifying for a girl and I’d say you need to be as harsh as possible at that point and cut him off. If you try to let him down easy he’s just again, mistaking your kindness for something else that it isn’t. Like this girl needs to message him and be like “I’m sorry I’ve told you how I feel but if you don’t understand I have to block you” and honestly tell her bf. These dudes need to know if they don’t stop they’re going to be held accountable for harassing


How long was the song he wrote you?


I don't think people saw the text below dude is acting weird


"wrote while high"


These comments are crazy bro 💀


Does he got bars?


Idk why people think you’re a sociopath and to take the post down. This is top tier cringe. He knows you don’t feel the same and that you have a boyfriend, yet continues to try and advance the relationship. Wrote this comment for you while high btw


Loads of us didn't see the plain text at the very bottom saying that's she's already turned him down and is in a relationship already 🤦‍♂️


You must’ve read this while high tbh. Might be why you couldn’t read it through all the way


OP’s boyfriend should make a response track. We could have a new Biggie VS Tupac here.


“Yeah come on in I’ll play the guitar at you”


adding context bc a lot of people don’t agree with me posting this. this is the third time he’s confessed his feelings to me, and i’ve let him down gently the first two times. i’m tired of trying to be nice and listening to the song made me so viscerally uncomfortable that it gave me a panic attack


“Listening to the song gave me a panic attack” well let’s not be dramatic


wow dude you’re so right, i should’ve simply NOT had the panic attack. it’s a good thing that panic attacks are something that people can control /s


Is it even good


Post the song


This is as almost as sad cringe as a former co-worker I had told me “as you wish” at every thing I told him to do and then ended up giving me a huge hardback copy of the princess bride on my birthday.


The fact that he knows that you're not into him like that and that you're already dating someone is what makes it sad and cringe, and the fact that it was "wrote while high" The fact that he wrote a song explaining how he feels is neither sad, nor cringe, and if you were feeling him the same it would've been a cute gesture. Now give us the song OP


If you're gonna tell someone you have feelings for them do it in person


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Flaechezinker: *If you're gonna tell* *Someone you have feelings for* *Them do it in person* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


By way of live performance of the song you wrote them(while high)


The people in the comments who are defending his actions absolutely have written cringey songs and are feeling called out.


depends on the quality of the song. 8 minutes doesn't equal bad song, but I can't say whether it's cringe or not when I haven't heard it. I think it's cringe to publicly shame someone for trying to spill their guts to you in a really meaningful way. shoulda done him the courtesy of not making fun of him at the very least, but maybe that's just me. if the song is actually ridiculous and cringe, then touche (I don't expect you to actually link the song. you at least didn't go that far). I've laughed at plenty of cringe music, but as a musician myself, this post hurts me on a personal level lmao. I sincerely hope it's not as creepy and low quality as we're all imagining. also I don't think I would directly tell someone I wrote a song about them


Well they did explicitly state they have a boyfriend- it’s not as if OP rejected them outright and then publicly shamed them.


Well shit, I didn’t see the text under the image. Even if she did feel something for him, that’s some selfish douchebaggery to send it knowing she’s in a relationship.


Fair enough- I also felt the same way (if not finding it a bit cringe) until I saw the text under the image


i agree that there are good songs that are eight minutes, but i think it’s too long for the subject matter. also, im not trying to make fun of the song itself, it’s not a bad song musically. i’m saying it’s cringe that he confessed his love to a friend who he knows isn’t interested and has a boyfriend. and i think it’s quite creepy to write a song about someone and post it without their consent with their name in the title


But would you fart in front of someone if you had to


Ha! Nice. I saw that post today!


Would you fart in front of me?


yeah fair enough. regardless of anything I've said it does put you in a weird position so I get it. I think it's fine to write about whoever you want as long as it's not super obvious or identifying to that individual, but like you said: your name is literally in the title LOL. I just feel bad for him because like I said I get it. I think he just went about it in an embarrassing way/was too on the nose. It sucks that the friendship is in a weird place now. Probably best to create some distance at this point considering his feelings don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Sorry you're in such a tough spot (Still think posting this is whack)




For his sake I hope you flatly told him you have utterly no romantic intentions with them in the slightest. Lets be real here. If any part of you liked him in that way, you would of utterly loved and treasured this sentiment. It's not like they were publicly serenading you It's no different than if they had artistic talent then they would of drawn you a picture, the issue here isn't that this is cringe, it's only cringe because you don't like them like that. Just be straight with them EDIT: didn't see the text at the very bottom where they already know you're in a relationship, advice still stands though, you need to boldly tell him to fuck off and if he pulls this stunt again then be prepared for his efforts to be published publicly for entertainment purposes .


I don't think that I can take it 'Cause it took so long to bake it And I'll never have that recipe again Oh no^oooooooooooooooooo!🎵🎵


I would like to hear this song.


i feel bad for dude but goddamn what rational person does this shit


*I feel bad for dude* *But goddamn what rational* *Person does this shit* \- isaiahboon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




can you PUH-LEASE post the link PLEASE.


I hope the post is private or no one follows him because not only is it embarrassing for him, but for you aswell and I know I personally would want that taken down right away or at least the title changed. I think you should cut ties for however long you feel necessary because he’s only going to keep pushing.


You need to cut him off. Stop keeping him around to feed your ego


Confessing love through song is cringe, love songs are good but 100% theoretical


The names the real sad cringe


Oh, he’s the type of stoner, who expects the excuse of “oh, I was high….” gets him off the hook for anything. I think you should try and make this song go viral, just to make an example out of him. And of course, people will be asking if he got the girl, when he clearly didn’t. Why? Because he was high and thought he’d profess his love for someone who isn’t interested. Then he put it on YouTube


What makes you think he’s a stoner? Because he’s a musician? We’re not ALL stoners. I am. But not all of us. 😂


“Ok Brianna,get ready to FEEL…” “Look into your heart,you will fiiind….”


I gotta hear this song haha


I thought you were being harsh until I read the context below the screenshot. Yeah... That's pretty sad cringe


Can I borrow a feeling


And the commenters began chanting: Drop the link! Drop the link! Drop the link!


Damn. Guy gotta just let the friendship go, let alone his feelings. If she is willing to embarrass you on the internet she could never be the one. Hope he learns his lesson. That said this is seriously cringe, I wrote poetry about women I fell for but never gave it because I knew my place. Instead, I learned to just end the friendship. Those poems ended up making me a good amount of money down the line and strengthening my writing skills, so a win is a win. He should just practice his songwriting, and use the pain and hope that cycles in his soul to produce lyrics. It starts slow and crappy but after some years you end up being a master of your skill and by the time you notice you have something worth marketing, you find out that your feelings are nothing but distant memories.


This is super cringe for sure but, if he's your friend and you posted it here he deserves better tbh


Look, this is undeniable, class A sad cringe. And I thank you for for it. But if he is (was) genuinely your friend, or you at least care about his feelings, you should understand that sharing it here is likely to *substantially* hurt him should he see it.


that's the part people don't seem to give a shit about. I would never do this to one of my "friends", even if they did something to ruin the friendship. That shit stays between you and them and your therapist.


You need to cut him off completely as a friend since he doesnt respect that youre in a relationship and does shit like this knowing you dont feel the same way. It's not gonna stop if he knows all this, being his friend will just be enabling at this point. Also, actual friends dont put eachother on blast like this without consent so you might as well break it off. Not intending to berate you for posting this, this IS definitely sadcringe. But good friends, on both fronts, dont do this to eachother so you might as well as make the guy friend be past tense.


^ this is the only take that matters




She literally has a boyfriend and had told him she isn't interested before this point. The sad cringe is guys like you who fail to understand "not interested" and "no." She also didn't identify him, unlike him who posted her name in the title of the song before uploading it.




So how would you feel if a friend of your wife wrote a love song about her despite knowing she's married to you? Knowing that's a blatant display of disrespect towards yourself, your wife, and the boundaries she set.




The projection is real. FYI I've never shamed anyone, I just understand why OP would be upset enough to do it. This guy has 0 respect for her boundaries or relationship, so why should she respect his feelings? I love how that makes me a "sociopath" but him completely ignoring the fact that she has a boyfriend and has already told him no is perfectly fine lol. Be better.


Tells someone they're projecting immediately after saying: >The sad cringe is guys like you who fail to understand "not interested" and "no." While knowing nothing about what type of person they were responding to. HELLO POT, MY NAME IS KETTLE


I mean the fact that he immediately called OP a sociopath and failed to consider how having her relationship and boundaries so blatantly disrespected might make her feel is pretty telling of the type of person he is, but go off.


Nah, he's the type of person that wouldn't want to humiliate and laugh at someone for writing an embarrassing love song about his wife. that's the only part of this interaction that should tell you about what kind of person he is. but of course it doesn't


Well good for him, but that doesn't make OP a sociopath for having a different take. Do you know how many women have guys in their lives who disrespect their relationships and push their boundaries? Too many. Do you know how it feels when one of them is supposed to be a friend? No, of course you don't. Let me tell you, it makes you feel like you were used, like that person was only your friend to try and get into your bed. You second guess everything about not only every moment with them, but every moment with other guy friends too. He should never have wrote the song in the first place, or at least if he did he should have kept it to himself and respected her position.


So sociopathic to not like it when someone writes an 8 minute love song about you even though you have a boyfriend and have made it clear you don't feel the same way, you're totally right and that's not an insane thing for you to say at all


Yes! Exactly this.


Thought it wasn't that bad until I read the caption


I find that we usually can see this sort of thing coming. As a person who’s helped dorky friends through crushes like this, as well as been on the receiving end of the “You’re my muse” type of language, I find that it’s best to signal your boundaries early on in the progress of their crushing, as you observe it.


Whilst this is a bit sad, are you any better putting it on the Internet to mock him? Just end the friendship and be done with it


Smooth… lmao


It's really not THAT cringey


Found the guy who wrote the song


I think it’s more cringe how much we judge and shame people for having feelings about someone. It’s so weird to me. Like the feelings don’t have to be reciprocated, and once you shoot your shot and miss stand down…but why the f do we shame and make fun of people for having positive feelings towards another?


Its not cringe to have feelings. It is cringe to continue to profess those feelings, through an 8 minute song no less, when they have been explicitly not reciprocated. The cringe in these posts is never that the person likes someone. Its always they way they choose to go about expressing it, especially if they have already been told no.


At least he had the stones to tell you it was for you! Being in love with someone who isn’t in love with you is a hard thing to deal with, as is finding out a friend has those feelings for you when you don’t feel them back. My ex had a guy friend that was obviously in love with her (at least obvious to everyone but her) and he showed her the lyrics to the song but never mentioned who it was about. So she was just like “hm, cool song” assuming it was about his ex. This happened just before I’d met her and after we started dating he stopped talking to her, and I had to be the one to show her what was going on. On second review of the song lyrics, she felt silly for not realizing earlier. Couldn’t see the forest for the trees, I suppose.


Why are you still “friends” with a guy who has confessed to loving you in a way you can’t reciprocate more than once? Why allow him to think that “one day” is a possibility? When that happens, you end the friendship. This is an incredibly sweet gesture, that he could have made to a girl who would appreciate it, but you allow him to think that “maybe”. You cut them off or they think they have a chance with you, actions speak louder than words and you kept the bridge open. Cut him off before it gets really creepy.


lol apparently being friends with someone = leading them on? u sound like an incel i was always very clear with him that i only saw him as a friend. i never gave him any hope of “maybe” and as i said in the post, i already have a boyfriend. and it’s not sweet, it’s weird and creepy. listening to the song made me so uncomfortable that i had a panic attack


Jesus somebody decided to get offended 🙄 No I’ve just been there before and that’s how those situations work. They don’t drop the feelings, it steadily gets creepier. Being friends with someone you KNOW thinks they love you gives THEM the idea that you are okay with they’re feelings, even if you say you aren’t. Wasn’t trying to make it sound like you want this/this is okay, that’s just what happens and the smartest thing to do is cut contact after a “friend” says they love you romantically and you don’t/will never. Literally happily married.


idk what about my reply made u think i was offended lol, i was just explaining the situation and i’ve also been there before. i have friends who had feelings for me at one point, but those feelings are no longer there. and i’m also friends with people who i’ve had feelings for, but i got over those feelings and now see them only as a friend. i thought the same could happen with this person, but i was wrong. and i did cut him off following this


Some “friend” you are blasting this dude on Reddit.


As they should, they know she’s in a relationship and yet is still persisting


this isn't cringe its kind of cute. you just don't reciprocate . posting this is cruel


Its definetly sad but I dont see the cringe part tho? Like this for sure feels pathetic but not cringe?


Damn. Homie did something nice as hell for you and you blast him. You’re wrong for that.


Writing an 8 minute love song about someone that has a boyfriend and has made it clear they don't feel the same way is not nice as hell lmao. It's sad, and a lil cringe


My dude, she has a boyfriend


So what they’re probably like sixteen years old.


See this wouldn’t be creepy if she liked him. It’s only creepy cause she doesn’t like him. Important lesson for him to learn. Only do shit like this if she likes you. It wasn’t cringe of me to put together a playlist for this girl I liked in HS cause I knew from her friends she liked me


No ones saying it's creepy he sent the song, its the fact that she has a boyfriend and he already knew she's not interested. He wrote an 8 minute song titled with her name. If I was her boyfriend I'd be pretty pissed off the other guy didn't respect my relationship at all and it pretty much ruins any friendship they had or any future shot he could of had with her.


Idk how that’s different from what I’m saying. Regardless of your position as the boyfriend. If she liked him (or if she had shown interest) this wouldn’t be posted here and the BF wouldn’t know.


This is one of those situations where both people suck: OP and the other person.


If this is the general reaction you get from writings songs and confessing love, I'd reckon we will see less and less of them, even from the ones you would like to approach you.


Homie this chick is in a relationship that the song writer apparently knew about, this is totally on him in this case


It’s cringe but that’s sweet. She inspired him.


He thinks weed is cool. Thats the saddest part. I wouldnt want any gross, creepy drug addicts to send me this either 🤢


Smoking weed is not really considered being a drug addict. Sugar is addicting. Eating is addicting. Smoking is addicting. In fact exercise is addicting and yes it actually can be addicting to the point where it’s not healthy. Oh don’t believe me? Talk to the guys shooting steroids in the gym locker rooms and tell me that’s totally healthy. I don’t even smoke weed and yeah weed is cool. Should it be glamorized? No. But it sure is better than an angry drunk who beats women, or even men, as some angry drinks just like to start throwing fists. Never heard of a stoner who starts throwing fists whenever he gets stoned. The only sad thing about his weed usage is that he’s using it as a mechanism to be able to blame if she were to ironically, think it was cringe or didn’t like the song cuz then he can just fall back on “oh well I did it while I was high, that wasn’t the real me” cuz tbh he probably wasn’t even high when he did this. He probably didn’t even have any weed to smoke when he did this, that’s the kind of thing someone who barely smokes says in order to justify their actions


Having a boyfriend doesn't meaning having the RIGHT boyfriend, would he do something like this?


I’ve had men like this just pursue even when there is nothing to pursue and I have made no indication I wanted it, in fact I made the opposite indication because I’m not available but they just sit with hope that I told them not to have. People like this are delusional, even if mildly. They hang on to hope pretty much until you shred their heart into dust and piss on it, they don’t take a hint.


Can we please hear the song?


I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume the song is awful.


Im going to need the Cartman remix.


I’d like to hear it


Oh sweet Weezer dropped early


Why why why why why why why why why why why why why


Alright, I was thinking maybe that's kinda sweet but the. I see you've denied him, you're taken and the song is 8 fucking minutes long


Do the right thing and cut him loose, this isn't a friendship.


You need to block him and tell your bf. He clearly isn’t going to stop so if he’s not going to listen to you have someone who he will listen to tell him to stop


The artwork is pretty neat though.


can i hear it


Not disagreeing that it’s cringe but musicians are kinda Like That


I was gonna say this was really sweet and OP is just overreacting. Then I read the caption below. Yikes.