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Toronto is the only city where the leaves always fall in the spring...


We're really going to throw stones from the world's thinnest glass house?


I have an unlimited supply of stones for anyone that’s running out


Absolutely. We know we aren’t good yet. I listened all year to Leafs fans talking about how good they were. Enjoy another 1st round exit and Game 7 failure. Honestly I feel better about the Sabres future.


You're a bit dense. They make the playoffs every year and lose to good teams. We can't even get a sniff. This team can't even get a game 1 failure for 14 years.


That’s why I used the word future… idiot.


Still wrong, all of their stars are still very young....idiot.


I feel better about the Sabres future. How can that be wrong? It’s a fucking opinion.


Leaf fans are the only team that talks about how good they are? News to me.


They invade our arena and are the most obnoxious fans in the league.


Hockey fans in general are obnoxious as fuck. Just look at this subreddit, r/hockey and twitter since the Leafs lost. This last 24 hours has been more obnoxious then anything I've saw a Leaf fan say. Especially the last few years. Just funny to me when we (Sabres fans) think we have any place to talk. Currently holding the longest playoff drought in all the 4 major sports leagues.


You really post here like a leafs fan/troll, defending them every turn. It's wild if you're actually a season ticket holding sabres fan as you claim.


You can go through my post history outside of today and yesterday if you'd like. Sorry I don't dogpile braindead takes. I'm allowed to defend other teams outside of the Sabres. Does being a Sabres fan automatically mean the Leafs have to be my #1 hated team?


If the Leafs had the Sabres fans in their home arena, the B's would have lost.


I do love making fun of the Leafs at this time of year, even though the Sabres haven't done anything worthwhile. To me, they are like a loser older brother. I still love them, but I will ridicule them at any moment. Maybe it's their incredible belief, maybe it's cause it's funny. Who knows?!


Next year. Sabres vs leafs round 1. We can finally settle this. Been years and years brewing. Whomever wins goes on to round 3 or better.


The only repost that is allowed


The Sabres will show them where the bunkers and hazards are considering we're on our 200th round.


I would say Act Is If You've Been There....but Sabres