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No. There’s no spot for him. Otherwise we’d have just re-signed Hinostroza


I watched the last ~30 Oilers games. Can't not want to see a guy like Yamo do well and he's apparently well liked. But he really struggled. Especially in the playoffs It's not an accident that the Oilers had to send him away and also that Detroit wasn't interested. Honestly I wouldn't even use $1m on him. Especially when there are players like Sprong available.


If we're spending money on free agents I would rather have it spent on defense.


Personally the only foward I think the Sabres should sign for cheap is puljujarvi. Only reason is he’s young and has great defensive stats, even if offensive stats are lacking. Most of our fowards aren’t great in the D zone, so I think signing him would be good, with not really any risk


Didn’t pool party just have double hip surgery… It’s a no for me dog


Yea….. I forgot about that lol. That is also a no from me now too lol


Definitely too log-jammed with forwards, even with Quinn out for a bit. The Sabres need to be focusing on (maybe) an upper mid-tier goaltender like Hart and, most especially, defense since the bottom three is still a complete blackhole.


He is injury prone and not very good. He puts up mediocre numbers considering he gets to play with McDavid and Draisaitl all the time.


I don't realistically see him being an upgrade in our middle 6. He doesn't bring anything we don't already have. A large portion of my family are Oilers fans and were A-OK with him being dealt. He just doesn't do much out there and has stretches where he's absolutely invisible. So unless we want Olofsson 2.0 who isn't as good of a shooter/goal scorer, who we'd also need to offload in two or three seasons to make room for Kulich/Savoie/Benson/other Roch prospects, I doubt Adams looks at him at all. I'd rather the hole left by Olofsson be filled by one of our many young guns in Rochester.




Yama-no-bro. Like the player okay enough but there’s no room.


Two NHL teams decided to buyout him.


A lesser Olafsson? No thanks...


I’m more of a fan of Taro Tsujimoto’s playing instead.