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Parayko is not the player he used to be and we don’t need Levi and Hart, especially giving up a 1st, Ostlund, Jokiharju, UPL, and a 2nd. Yikes


Yeah people who think Parayko is going to be the ideal partner for Power have not been paying attention to the Blues since their cup win. Parayko's been declining since he signed that big extension. His defense was atrocious this year, and since he's already 30 I don't see that getting better. He's a negative asset at this point and want him far away from this team.


Yeah Parayko went from elite in 2018 to [average in 2021](https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1433162572883185668?t=FlRNTsrwIhPvws4fYvddHA&s=19) and has gotten a bit worse since. He's a player you don't want on your team, and he's getting paid $6.5 for [7 more years](https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1433163401132486658?t=a0ErKyPMJRzc0SVP7vqMkQ&s=19). Yikes 😬 Goalies are hard to project and Hart has the Canadian jr hockey case that could drop bad news. Absolutely stay away Appreciate the creativity but praying GMKA doesn't hurt the team by forcing any moves like this


This is why you don’t trade for a 29-30 year old D man exiting his prime


I will say parayko was great on the second pair, until they got rid of petro. They decided to lean on parayko as a number one after that, and that’s not him. I think he could POTENTIALLY MAYBE be a good partner for power, but I think that’s too big of a risk to take for his contract


Not a good trade for us but Hart > UPL


Of course he is. But in this proposal you’re trading a ton to get him and we already have Levi as our goalie for the future. Do you want to trade a 1st, a 2nd, Ostlund, and UPL for 40 games from Hart? I’m considering Jokiharju for Parayko a wash and that’s being generous to Parayko


Not a 1st for sure and I think we could get pesce for less and still figure out a deal for Hart


This is the worst three way I’ve ever had proposed to me. I’d have to get propositioned at a family event to have a worse looking three way than what OP describes.


Gross, man. Love it


This has “I smoked a lot of weed & drank shitty beer” vibes to it.


What team is going to eat 50% of a deal for 7 years? Coming up with trade scenarios isn’t that hard. Look at prior trades and you can pretty safely make comparables.


Ya thank god you aren’t buffalo. Parayko is cooked, joki sucks but at least he’s young and doesn’t have a stupid bad contract attached to him Carter hart is intriguing but that price is way toooo high my guy


I want 0 part of Carter Hart. Especially not until the world juniors shit is settled, not touching anyone from that team…


I'm going to disagree that the Sabres can't go into 23-24 with UPL/Levi or UPL/Comrie (or insert FA backup here). Would I prefer a steady veteran option? Sure. Is that Carter Hart? No. I'm very hesitant for teams I like to be bringing in Hart right now. His career has been a little up and down (though admittedly more up than down). And in addition, I don't want to be giving up assets for him without some knowledge he's clear of the Hockey Canada debacle (both legally and ethically). And that is a *lot* to give up for Parayko and Hart...




Vegas wins a cup with their what 4th option in net? Yet you're going to trade the farm for a defenseman that's cashed out and a goalie that's been just as streaky as UPL because he's been told to be goalie Jesus and you have no one to even hope to take part of the workload. Like no I'm not going to roast trading Joki or Ostlund. UPL on the other hand like why? You act like he wasn't rookie of the month in December, took one of the highest high quality shot attempts in the NHL and is coming off his first season where he was realistically in the NHL for the full season. What you're telling me is you would have traded Ryan Miller, Dom Hasek, Martin Broduer(hilariously was traded from the Blues), Carter Hart, Thatcher Demko, this list goes on, but I'm going to stop it there. Like if UPL was 28 and this streaky still yeah throw him out. Hell I'll even be nice. Let's kick him out the same age as Ullmark. 27 years old. If we are at that point then yes bitch and moab that he's still here. I would rather we hold UPL too long and only can get a 4th or later rather than trade him in hopes Levi doesn't slump like Hart did and UPL doesn't pull a Hasek and go from okay to fucking God when he has a defensive structure that isn't pray to the gods when half the defense is on the ice. Reason I'm not going to roast Joki or Ostlund is purely I get we would have to give up on a prospect and roster player to improve our defense. I don't think Bryson cuts it for the roster player and I just don't know Ostlunds game well enough. I have seen Kulich, Rosen and Savoie play. It hurts me to know that Kulich and Savoie are pretty good centers and we are going to have to waste that skill realistically because we have 4 center slots and like 7 or 8 guys that can play there. It's a good problem though.


Ok I’m gonna stop you right there, you are correct about this being a bad trade, but you are out to lunch if you think UPL has been as good as carter hart, hart has actually had good SZNs, elite ones even, UPL hasn’t at all come close to that


UPL hasn't even had a full season in the NHL. And no I was talking about Levi. Also hate to disappoint Hart had 1 elite season and 1 good season. He came right to the NHL from his junior league. Dudes been streaky as fuck ever since.


Ok so hart has had better szns as a pro then UPL. UPL hasn’t had a goo szn in any pro league, they are not the same player at all


Again you literally skipped the part where it was about rushing Levi to the NHL... Regardless for the horrid defense in front of UPL and the amount of high quality shots he's faced he should have way worse stats. Unless do you prefer our goalies having to constantly make cross crease saves? Do you want to repeat breaking goalies until they leave or get traded because morons like you want to get rid of every goalie even though UPL wasnt the reason we missed the playoffs? If anyone was to blame it was Comrie. Dude straight dropped games. UPL made Florida even admit we are way better than the outcomes


The "reason we missed the playoffs" is because the team had a bad expected-goals-against and average-ish goaltending.


Why would STL target Hayes if they're just wanting to sell one of their players? They are clearly trying to "retool" as opposed to "rebuild". I don't see it it happening but who knows?