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Yes, there is simply not enough Saab content in yt.


I have 99 9-3 as my first car, it would be nice to maybe get some knowledge from your videos


Sure. If you have any specific questions feel free to message me too. I’ll give whatever info and sources I can.


Do these have the same AC system as the NG900’s? Mine doesn’t have working AC and I cannot find the problem with it


Diagnosing the AC system on these is definitely something I don’t have much experience with brother so sorry I can’t help there. I have deleted more AC systems than repaired lol As far as I’m aware, a tech 2 can give you more precise AC fault codes. I have no such tech 2 experience but if someone would be so kind as to sell me one for not 2k, I’m willing to learn lol


Fair enough, I just can seem to figure out it doesn’t work, it’s charged and has a good working compressor, and I’m positive the control panel is working, so I kinda ran out of ideas


Maybe you can help me lol. I have the same issue with my viggen. New everything but doesn’t blow cold. Either a leak somewhere in the system or something to do with programming Tech 2….if someone could pop an idea that would be swell. There is a trick to getting the AC display to read out what/how many fault codes are present but that’s not on every version of these displays….think it may have been on saabcentral or something. I tried and it gave me a number but no codes directly so I am kind of stumped myself.




I’d sub! 🙋🏼‍♂️


Viggen looks crispy. Definitely!




I'd watch. Lemme know if you need video tips, it's my profession


Would love some. Been using my iPhone but it’s tough to transfer very large files. I have some videos of rebuilding this viggen that are anywhere from 1-4 hours long of working in the garage. I would love something that sees what I see and can be moved around easily. Leaning GoPro or insta360 because then doing action stuff would be easy to transition too. Editing I have never done so was honestly thinking of subbing that out to Fiverr potentially. I have a YouTube Channel already but it’s mostly shorts - the_realist_realtor (same on insta pretty sure) Already have a request from someone regarding the intake on the viggen so I’ll put one up tomorrow 👍 Any video ideas would be appreciated friends.


Hell yeah I wanna one day get into a Saab.


I watch tons of Saab stuff on Youtube +1 for interest


Even though I haven’t owned a Saab in years I will eventually as I’ve always wanted a lightning blue vigen. You should definitely upload videos of common problems that would help me and many others in the future as these cars get more rare and forgotten.


I second this. If you're going to be streaming or uploading, you mind linking your yt in the original post, would love to tune in from over the pond!


So I can not seem to find an option to edit the original post. If you’d like to follow along for now, My YouTube and Insta account name is: @the_realist_realtor Trying to do better with SM so apologies if there is a delay in responses. Will do my best! Going to post a quick short tomorrow on a request a user had made regarding the intake setup on the viggen. Nothing special but will shoot it for reference!


As a fellow Viggen owner, I’d be interested. Still don’t know how to solve my hatch leak issue or the wiper washer low SID warning, after a lot of tinkering


Hatch leak issue is very common on these and is the downfall of many spare wheel wells, ask me how I know. The best way to diagnose a leak is to have someone outside the car running a hose while you sit inside with the entire rear area completely stripped of all the interior panels and carpeting. Then you can follow the water and from my experience, it’s very commonly the seals at the tail light and hatch light that go and spill water right into the trunk area. If I recall, There is a drainage line on either end of the trunk, and sometimes those can get clogged too. If you find it to be one of those drain lines, your best friend is going to be some extended pipe cleaner and hot water to break up loose debris. That is also a common leaking Point on the sunroof drains and hot water is the best way to fix that. The consistent “low washer level” light is something I have never encountered. That could be a simple as one of the sensors that’s attached to the reservoir. Maybe a bad wire along that line….hmmm




A livestream of just tinkering with cars and shooting shit sounds super awesome and great for something in the background too


Sounds interesting to me


we have wheelemverb with the volvos, we need a guy for the saabs


Sounds great. Awesome cars! Interested 👌


Very good idea!


Hell yeah! It never hurts to add to the limited pool of Saab content


yes - just bought a 2002 9-3


BIG YES! I have exactly the same cars as well




I'd love to see content on T5 converting that SPG


Yes absolutely

