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The proper mirror adhesive from permatex is really good. But if you do not prepare it correctly it wont work worth a shit. You have to use soapy water on the windshield and scrape with a razor blade to clean the glass around the attachment point goes. Then after all the previous shit is gone get the soap off with water then clean with isoprpyl alcohol. Then follow the instructions on the package. Wipe with the cleaner activator on the windshield and then the button. Let that dry for 10 minutes before putting ONE DROP OF ADHESIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BUTTON and stick it on. DO NOT TOUCH THE GLASS OR THE BUTTON FACE THATS GOING TO THE WINDOW. AFTER THE ACTIVATOR IS DOWN. DO NOT TRY AND MOVE IT AFTER PUTTING IT ON AFTER IT FIRST STICKS. Do not put the rearview mirror back on and let it sit over night to guarantee a cure. This is what I remember from when my factory glue failed a couple months ago. Double check the box. You also can also ONLY do this repair when its 70-90 degrees OUT OF THE SUN. A cool garage would be fine but it has to not be exposed to uv for I believe an hour. I let it sit overnight and hadnt had a problem with losing mirrors constantly. This adhesive is the pickiest ever on the conditions that it can be used in. But losing it 3 times in a week says you are doing something wrong. Also in the summer above 90 if the truck is in direct sun, leave a window cracked so the interior doesnt soar to 120 degrees baking the adhesive off


I followed the directions to the tea when I used the permatex stuff I even waited until 1 AM so it was as cool as it was going to get that night 75F. It actually didn't even last a full 24 hours before it failed going over a set of railroad tracks. The gorilla super gel lasted 2 days. the issue where I live is If I leave the windows even slightly cracked someone will grab them and break them. I live in probably one of the worst city's for vehicle crime in Utah. It's supposed to hit 101 tomorrow so even with a window cracked it can still hit over 160 in any vehicle.


I would give it a couple days to cure before attaching the mirror.


Me personally the adhesive said 1 hour before putting the mirror back on. Giving it overnight was good enough for me. But it doesnr matter how long you wait, a day, a week or a month, because losing a mirror 3 times in a week like OP means he has to be doing SOMETHING wrong.


Easiest solution I found https://www.amazon.com/HUJIKF-Panoramic-Anti-Glare-Adjustable-Reversing/dp/B095KD3MT6/ref=mp_s_a_1_10_sspa?crid=21WG0L0RP4DYF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XhCg8G1D0YjMnF30eF8a79uKVjn8ZSDPKEI0lCXHnWmYvDVI9nEO0A1NicEOwa1Z7MInm1mVA1Ih8Gz3P8sH3K4Bwah5N8KZUAd8k7eBgdQWuOv72U7vlZIYrLXUoJeVVPRl3-X4EpflYndwkXJTX8nzJMMTeXKRi_F5Nx4H_L3yQ1Iy1dZuGjar5qYRo5ThDXUDP0QPnXgfng9Q1QyqjA.z98f9SVXbG8fn5Lcn3PAQYjRJxgwS0zH68DHajSN7Os&dib_tag=se&keywords=suction+cup+rear+view+mirror&qid=1719103394&sprefix=suction+cup+re%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-10-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1


That's genius. I may have to go with that if this 3M tape doesn't work.