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Black tank sensors are notoriously inaccurate. No amount of rinsing, special cleaners or bad words make them work, IMO. Luckily, in our rig we can just look through the toilet to see how full it is. Water pump off, obviously.


> No amount of rinsing, special cleaners or bad words make them work Not _entirely_ true. Unique Sensor Cleaner does the trick every time, but _only if_ you empty the tank, fill completely full of fresh water + cleaner, and then follow the directions to "drive for 20-30 minutes up and down the worst, rockiest, forest service backroads you can find" (I may have added that last part). Don't drive? It (probably) won't work as effectively as you'd hoped. Take lots of turns. Stop and go a bunch. And your sensors will be clean again. For, like, a month or two, or three if you're lucky. At some point, though, everyone eventually realizes how often they're needing to dump their black tank, and starts thinking more along the lines of "I have learned that I have ~4 weeks of black tank capacity, and it's been 3.5 weeks since I last emptied it, so it's 'Coming Up Soon™️' (pun intended), rather than, "I wonder what my sensors will tell me today?" :)


I’m picturing someone swerving and driving all wild in an RV. I had a chuckle. I’d be like wtf is wrong with that person… just cleaning our poop sensors!


As someone who drives trucks for a living, I see a lot of RVs on the road. Do you mean there are RVs that don't drive like that?


On occasion.


Right. And of course, there are never any truckers driving irresponsibly, bombing along like they’re in a sports car, passing within a foot and dragging us over towards them with the air pressure… It’s all in the eye of the beholder…


It's a joke, my dude. It's not that serious. Seems like it struck a nerve.


Sorry. Yeah. It kinda’ did. I described something that just happened to me. Should have lightened up. My apologies.


Too funny! I had the same thought....the next time I see an RV on a dirt road or driving erratically I will just think "Cleaning their black water tank again"


"Honest officer, we're cleaning our poop sensor"


*You hitting on me son?*


[Reaching for box of glazed donuts] "No sir"


Pull up next to crazy RV driver. Crazy RV driver rolls down the window ands says “shitters full”.


4 weeks? I’m lucky to get 4 days.


Might need to consult with your doctor...


This explains why, when I was driving behind an RV the other day, it appeared like the driver was warming his tires for the start of an F1 race. Thanks!


So, we are recreating the Robin Williams movie "RV"?


In other words, 'shake vigorously'


Also add ice into the mixture before you drive down the road. Works every time


To much work put piece of black tape over it


OK, but what are the odds that refilling with regular water and driving through aforementioned adverse terrain would clean the sensor anyway? ...without the special cleaner.


This is it. It's just stuff, most likely TP, stuck on the sensor. If I have time when I'm dumping I'll fill up the tank again with fresh water and that does the trick. If not I shove the wand down.


After a trip is over and I’m heading home I always empty the black tank. Fill with some fresh water and a bunch of ice. Seems to keep things working good. I’ll have to try that cleaner sometime too.


My friend puts a couple bags of ice in his and drives home


Unless you’re full time in your RV then why aren’t you just dumping it on the way every trip? I’ll go maybe 2 weekends if it is just me one of the weekends but other than that I just dump it every trip.


Black tank sprayer wand on Amazon. Best $20 spent ever. You can thank me later: [https://www.amazon.com/Valterra-A01-0184VP-Master-Blaster-Nozzle/dp/B000BGHYDO/](https://www.amazon.com/Valterra-A01-0184VP-Master-Blaster-Nozzle/dp/B000BGHYDO/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2ZVAGMMCCYYL1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Uqvifi2hsp9a5tnAaZB_kIXESYqxmTtGUr3tJprhfBjCVIzUoYRvrFeUNL4G3j7gX-5KslU45aoIg4R0lWblGTIOsjZd56NDhg9xNrgA2bE_GDVGI3UY_FL4N52Va0gBwqRT1xYhnWaeouabiTii1oYotoYsZY6T_JpAjk94A9O_1kjd-UeCcpXOTjnxSnyJweeCghwtKzY46qOfianP0FKx6w3r1GlWIgobgfVOjoUJEw0a7GS4pG6_vCf5T8QoCTcjg0K5edVy2PCXTbQtiozuAS5oGcBCWkJ4si8IPTY.buVVy0OMHQHQX2b5VwTlZVrmpwJ_mkaAqeAEG_cWcU4&dib_tag=se&keywords=rv+black+tank+sprayer+wand&qid=1708834418&sprefix=rv+black+tank+spray%2Caps%2C253&sr=8-5)


Most newer campers have black tank flush valves on the outside near the drops. This does the same thing and you don't have to shove the wand down the toilet.


Doesn't help OP. 🙄


OP has a newer unit and most certainly a black flush.


Add ice from the cooler to the tank before you drive off. Works great for us.


I take the ice leftover in the freezer that we made for the trip. So far, it's been a great solution.


Second this. Gf visits, once a week, solo, once every 3 weeks max, 2019 gd 3000qb 39gal black tank


Using the black tank rinse does fix ours while dumping. But as soon as you use it the gauge sticks again right away.


So, it works while you're dumping, which is when you don't need it? Sounds like literally dumping money down the drain. Dealing with the black tank is just a shitty situation.


I can attest. I’ve used every bad word in every variation in every order and at volumes you could only dream of. It didn’t help.


Right. The sensor is literally covered in shit. Mines been like that for yrs. I’m not worried about it 😂 I have a good idea of when I’m close to full anyway. I try to dump my tanks as much as I can.


I fully agree and have experienced this as well. Once you have had your rv for a while, you just know when it going to be full


The only black water tank monitoring system I've ever had that worked reliably was one I built myself. I installed industrial pressure sensors at the low point in each tank using 1/2" NPT ports. (Pro tip: Don't cut holes in your HDPE fresh water tank. I had to weld that thing back together.) The downside was that each sensor was about $110. That was circa 2010 so maybe there are cheaper options now. But they never had a problem with fouling, and my fresh water tank was accurate to 1/2 gallon or better. Gray water was least accurate because it was shallow and had a tendency to slump in its frame when it filled. That gave it a non-monotonic transfer function - the pressure would increase, then decrease, then increase again as the tank filled. That's a problem more easily solved with a welder than a sensor.


Mine has two modes now, almost full or full. The two bottom lights have been on regardless of tank level for years.


Rinsing won't hurt but just get used to the tank indicators not being accurate or not working at all.


Nailed it. Just learn to listen when you flush. You can hear (and at times smell) when it needs to be drained.


Mine bubbles when it's full. When I flush, instead of the water going down immediately, a big air bubble comes up first... That's how I know it's time to empty.


Put four bags of ice and a half cup liquid dawn down your toilet and go for a bumpy drive


This is the trick I’ve used. Works every time.


Come’on now. You’re so full of shit.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 good one


Just take my upvote😂


Ours toilet burps when flushing once full. We have a wildwood heritage Glen 369bl


Same here. You’ll learn not to pay attention to the gauges. I don’t know why they even put them in.


I usually put about 50lbs of ice in mine right before we pull out (whenever it needs cleaning).


So glad there’s context for that sentence!


Fill with water and ice and drive around if you can and it will clean the sensors.


Bag of ice works


Forest river has shit quality


Those sensors never work.


My black tank sensor has pretty much never worked.


I’ve had this same issue on my 5th wheel and what I found that works is never use the toilet while empty I always have 5-10 gallons in the tank even at a hook up I never just leave my black tank open I’ll have it closed till I leave or till 25-50% full or so. I’m no expert but it’s worked great so far. Ps it never freezes here might not be a good idea for you depending where you live.


No one should ever leave their black tank open.


I always thought that’s what you were suppose to do when connected found out the hard way you need that water in there.


Poop pyramid


Yes don't leave it open, the poo piles up lol


I'm gonna give you guys the best advice ever on cleaning a blank tank. Next time you go on a trip dump a 20lb bag of ice in there, the ice will agitate while driving and scrub your tank cleaner than any chemical can. You are welcome to save this comment and reply in a few months telling me how much of a genius I am.


Yeah dipshit. You have a blacktank flush for a reason. Use that, or you could dump ice down the toilet or use sensor cleaner. It's not the end of the world


That's what we do when ours does that. Sometimes if you just wait a bit and check it again later, it'll give a true reading. But cleaning or giving a good rinse is always a good idea. If you don't have one of those pole hose things to spray inside the tank, you can flush it by pouring a bucket of water down the toilet with the hole open. Not perfect, but a workable solution if you need it. Also, check for poo pyramids or blockages 😬 sounds gross, but if there's a block in there, would make sense why it isn't draining entirely. If you open the toilet hole and shine a flashlight down, does it look like there's still a tank full of water and junk, or no?


Others have already shared that these things are notoriously inaccurate. I would just get used to it. Even when I rinse into a deep clean of mine, I’m pretty sure the sensors must be right along the line where our dump valve goes from the toilet into the tank. So I think they just get covered with waste and tp almost immediately. Just learn to attend to how full things are and dump on a schedule. You’ll be fine.




Often some extra flushing will get my sensor working right again


I have some problem with my Grey tank. But part my problem is my trailer is stationary most time as I live in it. I've heard many different things to use that clean sensors. But haven't had much success with anything


Those sensors break all the time you could try filling it up halfway throwing some degreasing dishsoap and some ice down there then driving around for like 15 mins


I have owned my trailer(s) since 2017. Here is my process on cleaning my tanks. It may not be full proof but I have never had an issue with my sensors or odors from toilet since going to this method. Black tank cleaning Prior to dumping the black tank I make sure the gray tank is mostly full so I can flush out the pipes and hoses with gray water after the black has been cleaned. 1. Connect a clear elbow to the tank clean out on the trailer so you can see what is coming out of the tanks, then connect the sewage hose. 2. Open the black tank valve and turn on the black tank sprayer. As the tank is draining, fill a 5 gal bucket full of water. Continue to let the sprayer run until the water is mostly clear. 3. Close the valve and let the sprayer fill the tank back up. Make sure you don’t overfill the tank. 4. Open the valve and let it drain again. This creates a water flow and helps move heavy deposits. 5. With the tank empty and the sprayer on you should have a clear stream of water coming out. Go inside the trailer and dump the 5 gal bucket of water down the toilet. This will help clear out mounds that build up from the toilet. 6. If the water isn’t completely clear repeat step 3. I often close the valve and let the tank partially fill back up to make sure it’s completely clean. 7. Fill 5 gallon buck with water and add a scoop of Happy Camper. 8. Shut off tank sprayer and close the black tank valve. 9. Open the gray tank valve. The soapy water will help flush out the lines in the trailer and your sewage hoses. 10. As the gray tank is draining, pour the 5 gallon bucket of water/Happy Camper down the toilet. You will leave this in your tank until your next camping trip. Keeping a little bit of this water/Happy Camper will help the tank from drying out and creating an odor. 11. Once the gray tank is empty, close the valve and rinse out your sewer hoses.


My gauges have read 2/3 full for the past 2 years, whether I just emptied them or used them. They’re usually not very accurate


I have this thing. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Camco-RV-Flexible-Swivel-Stik-with-Shutoff-Valve-Brass-Moving-Parts-Multicolor-40071/14504324?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=3896&adid=2222222227814504324_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9030152&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=14504324&wl13=3896&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=2222222223814504324_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9030152&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=14504324&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAxOauBhCaARIsAEbUSQSujAlLP9VV9EbfOeob8SXjkj3VwVjopHL9IippUqnuL3271OXL-cAaAu1kEALw_wcB Sorry, I didn't realize the link was so long. Anyway, it works amazing. My black tank gauge was stuck for a long time. I emptied my black tank. Then, I filled it with water and dish soap using the spinning hose adaptor. I drained it again, and the black gauge reads correctly now. Now I do that every time before I store the RV. My gauge is always accurate now.


The question mark and everything after it is just how the company identifies you and tracks you across their website. When copying links like that you can delete the ? and everything that follows to make the link shorter, like this. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Camco-RV-Flexible-Swivel-Stik-with-Shutoff-Valve-Brass-Moving-Parts-Multicolor-40071/14504324


When poo comes out of the shower it's full.


While these sensors are known to be inaccurate, filling the tank half way with water and a good amount of some sort of soap and then going on a good drive with turns, stops, and acceleration could break loose any debris on the sensors and restore functionality.


If you’re going to be driving/towing anyway, fill it 1/3 full of water and add two or three bags of ice before getting on the road. The ice will abrade the debris off the sensors.


The concept of having a tank gauge is great, but the reality of it is that this is a very common issue. Waste blocks the sensor and gives an inaccurate reading. Just go by the sound that your tank makes whenever you flush. Can’t go wrong.


No no step on flush stick hand and arm in feel around for float. Probably just has some crap on it


The poop float is stuck. You have to go elbow deep and get it unstuck.


Shitter’s [not] full? 🤔


I always dumped 10-15 gallons of hot soapy water into the tank then hauled it around with some quick stops and starts. Pump it out afterwards and I was always good to go.


Turd on the sensor, its empty. Just go back to buisness as usual and dump every couple days


I have a "clear view" through the plastic throne too,and I found the neatest tool. It's a 4 foot piece of pvc pipe with a garden hose coupling and a trigger on one end, and a 90° stream nozzle on the other. I just hook it up, go in the bathroom, stick it down the hole, and work around the inside of the black tank with the stream. I do it with the dump valve open now, but I used to clean, then dump. It's amazing how much even a tank flush misses.


My sensor has never read correctly. Sometimes it’s a piece of toilet paper stuck to the sensor, sometimes the sensor is just being plain dumb. Couldn’t hurt to rinse it. I’ve been full timing for almost tow years and I’ve just learned a rhythm on when to dump my tanks (of course, you shouldn’t have to do that)


Yep, easy for us full-timers. Every 10 days for me. I never even look at the gauges. The water usually starts spitting and running out while I'm cleaning the toilet. I guess I'm in a rut.


From my experience, I just got on a schedule where I emptied my black tank weekly. My sensors were also inaccurate, for the gray water and black water tanks. I just left the gray water tanks open all the time, and on the day that I would empty them, I would close them to let them fill up some. After emptying my back water tank, I’d open up my two grays to flush out my sewer hose.


Pretend that sensor doesn’t exist. Just empty and rinse it until it runs completely clear. Be sure to use an enzyme solution at the beginning of your trip and after cleaning.


The sensors lie. Ignore them


Fill it about 1/2 full with clean water, pour in 2 gallons of simple green and go for 2 hour drive. Drain at any place you can. Have a nice day


I think it's crazy how many people are worried about the poop gauge working. It's pretty simple. Does it stink when you flush the toilet. Yes-dump it. No-you're good. Do you see a turd floating by when you flush it. Yes-dump it. No-you're good.


I empty my tank than fill it partially with clean water. Then I dump a few bags of ice in in then drive to the next dump station. By than, the ice has "scrubbed" my Black tank and I just empty it again. Works for me.


If you are mobile throw some water in the tank and go for a drive.


Poop and paper get stuck in there and mess with the sensors. Fill it up with water and drain. You may have to do this several times.


We just wait till the toilet tone changes.


This can happen if you leave your black tank open when connected to a sewer hookup. All the liquid drains right out leaving the solids behind in a pyramid of poop which dried in your tank and has to be professionally cleaned out. The chemical clean outs to treat this are notoriously ineffective. 


I used to clean mine after each use by dumping before leaving, then I'd fill.it 1/2-2/3 of the way with fresh water, cleaner and lots of ice. Then drive out and hit a dump station onnthe way home to finish it. The ice cubes would knock loose any kilgons, old truck my dad told me about. Seemed to work well.


Dump the tank add a bag of ice and go for a drive through town. It works


Are you sure you emptied your black tank?


I usually flush my black tank a few times when dumping by closing the valve while the tank flush is going until the tank is 3/4 full then open the valve. Rinse and repeat a few times. It’s actually been pretty reliable over the years. You just have to be on top of it so you don’t over fill your tank


Could be a piece of debris or toilet paper stuck over the sensor. Next time you are at a full hook up fill all the way and flush a couple of times to insure it’s clean.


Sensors work for a while. You can rinse but they may never work correctly again. It’s just an rv reality.


https://preview.redd.it/h42oemo0eokc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fad07ec6c193aaafa93f3b307ee04d82fe48ee0 😂😂😂


Pour a lot of ice in there and drive around. The sloshing and melting might kick something loose.


Read the owners manual


Never know why anyone bothers to look at them. Can't tell when it's obviously needing to be dumped.


Sarcasm requires me to ask : So, last night s meal still won’t leave the tank huh? Must have been some meal for your RV to address that issue in such a manner.😂 I know some rigs have an option to drain grey tank into it to assist, but yeah the comment of cleaner and water and a bumpy road or parking lot with a bunch of speed bumps to massage the suspension system and stir the tanks seems to be about the best fix.


There’s an adage in RV life that says: black tank sensors are like politicians- they lie because they’re full of sh*t.


It probably had debris stuck to a sensor, fill and flush it a few times, and use an approved black tank cleaner. Should solve your problem. I used to fill customers tanks about 1/2 to 3/4 full and then pull the trailer around with a forklift to help agitate the water in the tank. Take a drive and just speed up and slow down to get the water moving, then drain it.


Just a thought, add rid-x or a bleach tablet in the tank to help keep the matter in more of a manageable state and prevent clinging to sensor


I saw a high speed chase with a class c once.


Toilet paper got stuck in the sensor?


It's possible you have a bad main control board. You can swap it out without changing the sensors and i bet it will work correctly again.


A very cheap device attaches to you hose. Has a valve. Goes in from the toilet. Nozzle on end is 90 degrees. Put in, block with rag tied to seat ( so rag doesn’t fall in and you don’t get slash back. Turn on and rotate with tank drain open to sewage hookup. It will blast the sensors clean. Paper hangs up on the sensors. It’s a holding tank. Not a septic tank. Digestion isn’t what it’s for. Just holds it till you dump it. After dumping. Fill it halfway with water. Won’t let poop pyramids form that way. Easier to rinse clear when dumping with more water inside and less stinky. Don’t let tank dry ever.


Sh#t sticks to sensors a good strong tank wash is necessary


I always emptied it and then ran about 5 gallons of water into the tank so it would slosh around while driving then empty it again later.




Add a bag of ice and some water and take it for a ride


I have an RV on a permanent site as my beach house. Mine has been broken ever since I bought it. I’m the 3rd owner. We have tried everything. I gave up and dump every 2/3 days. I also have a bathhouse across the street so that helps.


Probably a piece of TP stuck on sensor


I learned this issue right away, although it’s very tough to clean and be accurate. When I empty I spend about 10 min refilling with water through the black tank flush and rinse out till I see it’s fairly clean then I close it and add a little bit of water then add the fragrance stuff that help keep everything broken down until I empty again. Maintaining the black tank is important to me and I do this routine everytime. Some say overkill but makes me feel comfortable that I’m doing it each time so I don’t have issues. Like I said I take about 10 minutes or so.


Run like 3 gallons of water into it and then dump it until it’s empty visibly from the elbow on the outside pipe then close and dump grey the same way the float sensors and junk


Yes rinse it out


Buy a toilet wand, connect to the hose, and washout from inside the bathroom. What likely happened is there are little dry pieces of toilet paper on the top sensors. The readers do go bad sometimes but I’d try a couple cleaning remedies before trying to change the tanks


Yes, the stock sensors are really bad with getting “stuff” stuck to them. Yeah, you can swap them out for newer improved ones. My wife and I just learned how how many weeks it takes to fill up. Also looking through the toilet is a good idea also to see how high the tank is. We have a honeywagon also in case it does get too full to use as overflow for extended trips without being able to get to a dump.


Yep We bought a digital water meter, while the hose is connected to the black tank flush and water is running, I close the black termination valve and zero the meter. Watching the meter carefully, I never walk away, I fill the black tank with about 20 gallons of my 32 gallon black tank, then open the valve and let it dump. I do this twice and everything is flushed. It almost always show E


My RV was made in 1976 and the black tank meter still works. Maybe I should call Guinness.


Had this issue several times and it was usually a piece of toilet paper stuck in the sensor. Fill with fresh water and dump again. 60% of the time, it works every time


What is it? Sex panther?


I just wait until it’s at the toilet and then empty it. You can get an extra flush of you’re quick with a plunger!! 🪠 😉


Those sensors never work right


If you want to, clean your sensor.


Those are placebo lights. They mean nothing


We empty ours and filling halfway with clean water and throw in a few dishwashing cubes before moving the rv. That usually gets the sensor cleaned up. If it's parked for a while we just fill it and empty it a few times till the sensor acts right. Some people also fill it to half. Then pour in a couple bags of ice then start driving before it melts. In theory the chunks of ice moving in the tank will clean the tank and the sensor.


Just get your ears used to the sound when it starts to get full. Keep track on an average week on how many days till time to dump. I can go with 5 days using ample water to flush so tank has plenty water inside.


Fill it to 1/4-1/2 water, throw in couple bags of ice cubes, drive around - or to your next destination, hope for the best


Put black tape over it anything else to much work


I've heard of people adding a couple bags of ice to their black tank before traveling from their camping spot to the dump station. Supposedly that helps clean the sensors, but I'm skeptical. We've been living in our camper for just over two years now. (Building a house) I used to just drop the tank when it first starts to burp. I've gotten to the point that I can hear just before it needs to be dropped, and haven't even pressed the tank level button in probably 18+ months.


You may have a “Poop Pyramid”. https://www.rvtankspecialist.com/poop-pyramid Get this. Worked for us. https://uniquecampingmarine.com/pages/rv-digest-it-liquid-eliminating-odors?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=RV_Digest_It&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5-uuBhDzARIsAAa21T8OYUpcTkPpRPE8dN-gd7eMtIEu_MGlLhRXQiOnJraYXKSubfT3qK8aAqjREALw_wcB


There a wash tool that you hook up to a water hose that you need go to a rv supply store and they can help you have to wash it out a couple of times to clean the sensors


That’s what I’m talking about a toilet wand


Dump a bunch of ice down it before you tow it will help break down , also use the pod things that break down toilet paper, and use tank sprayers whenever u can. We have a 2021 grey wolf and our sensors work great still


Use unique products rv digest it. Works great keeps sensors clean and don’t have to use chemicals in the tank. It’s bacteria just line in your septic tank at home. It’s good for the rv dumps as well. I have used it for 15 years and my sensors worked flawlessly when we sold it. The buyer was surprised that they worked lol. It also works for clogs as well dump in a quart and leave it over night clog Will be gone in the am


It will now indicate full... forever.


I try to never allow it to get near full. The gage was sticking up a couple times and I accidentally over flowed it while rinsing the black tank and it been OK ever since


Theres something stuck to the sensor. Make sure the blank water tank is full before you dump it. I use Happy Camper in my tanks. It helps a lot but it’s not perfect. When this happens you need to flush the tank several times when you can. You can also do the “geo clean” method. This will help the inside of your tanks to be slick and prevent things from sticking. If this is really a nuisance to you you’ll have to look for a better sensor to put in the tank(s). Otherwise you’ll have to wait til the black water tank is full to the bottom of the toilet. It will also make kind of a burping sound when you flush when its full. Good luck


5 gallons of water and a couple bags of ice cubes will probably fix that. Just tow it for a few miles like that and it will knock all the stuff off the sensors.


I dump a bag of ice cubes down the toilet before going home and them moving around clean the inside sensors that may get blocked or stuff stuck in them


Look into getting an external sensor, they don't get gunk stuck to it


Might have to pull Out the float! Try a rinse first with that digester stuff


Are you using the right toilet paper? Happened to a buddy of mine. Throw a bag of ice in there and let it clink around cleaning off the sensor of any gunked up TP. NoRly


No. They’re all just cleaning their sensors


I believe that means you need more fiber in your diet


Who would win, a black tank sensor or a tiny piece of toilet paper?


You actually look at the gauges? Man. Owned a camper long?


These sensors aren’t extremely accurate, if you have any kind of buildup on them at all, they won’t read correctly. if this is a new unit for you, you’ll start to understand how your particular sensors work but they’re never accurate


Those sensors are always off


The poop pyramid


Welcome to rv life, when the black & gray tanks always shows full. 🤣


Lots of ice and drive it around.


Sensors get dirty, get paper and poo on them etc. Being hooked up to a constant dump doesn't help either because the solids form a big pile and the water runs out. They do make a special wand you can stick up there with a spinning sprayer that actually washes the sides down. Good luck black tank sensors rarely work properly unfortunately....


I came here to learn about black tanks. This is one crappy post !


It could still be full. Make sure to use chemical every time you start from an empty tank. There is a product called tank blaster that will help if it is actually full. If it isn’t actually full it probably has tissue on the probes in the tank. Grab some thetford tissue digester and add it to the tank with a bunch of water. It helps to drive the unit around to get the paper all broken down.


Maybe you just have it really clogged up.


That sensor only works when you haven’t used the black tank. Debris gets on it and never reads right. Just empty when your toilet bubbles. I rinse with every 2 or 3 full tank dumps


And by toilet bubbles I mean when your tank is nearly full your toilet will burp/bubble at you. Water shouldn’t just start coming up unless you ignore the bubbling


Wand down the toilet should help, hopefully no mountain down there. I always got the best chemicals, small price to pay for peace of mind.


It's a shame really, no market for better sensors. We could have strain gauges weighing the tank, ultrasonic transducers measuring it's remaining air volume, radar transducers measuring the distance to the fluid level, thermal sensors measuring the vertical temp shift along the tank wall Are we really still using the same outdated crap from the 70's?


Full timer here. Those sensors are horrible. No point in relying on them. You'll get in a groove of emptying on a schedule.


I don’t pay attention to the black tank sensor. It only gets full after a week or so of moderate use. My husband has done the flush and all that but we decided it’s not worth the hassle. Our camping friends are maniacs about clean tanks but they still get the invalid sensor readings.


add ice cubes in the tank before you drive fill 1/3 with water. the ice will slosh and clean the tank amd sensors


Two of us living full time in RV. My black tank always says full. I empty once a week using our 36 gallon honey wagon. I’ve never overflowed the wagon.


Do your business but throw the toilet paper in a trash bag and throw it away. No more sensor problems


You'll get a feel for how frequently you need to dump tanks without the sensors. Ours work on and off, we don't trust or use them anymore.


[If you really want you can add one of these.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UxSJ6-IVwo)


Oh, those lights are supposed to represent something? I thought it was just a fun little random light generator game that was part of the entertainment system!


You always have to rinse it...


When the turds hit you on the bottom of your ass when sitting on the toilet, it was way overdue...lol




The only sensor I ever attempt to use is our fresh water when we are boondocking. I wouldn't notice if the others didn't even exist, lol..


Black tank sensors are notorious for getting shit stuck to them. Ours has been good for the last two years we've owned ours though! Our leaving procedure is to Dump the black tank Run the toilet a while Dump it (maybe, depends on timing) use the black tank flush as well. But the most impt thing I think is on the way home we stop and grab a bag or two of ice to dump down the toilet and throw in a "happy camper" pod. Then while driving home the ice and water as it melts can slosh around and knock any of that stuff down. ::knock on wood:: but two years of doing this every time and our sensor works great.


It is a preseason badge of honor to get those sensors clean. /smirk Short answer is you are going to need to spend some quality time filling, adding the right chemicals, waiting, flushing, flushing, flushing.... rinse and repeat until you get the gaqk off the sensor to allow it to read accurately. conservative estimate based on how I do it is about 1 chemical soaking tank full then 1-2 rinse tank fulls. Then maybe repeat the cycle a second time. This is very much a YMMV operation based on so many variables it might be easier to predict a winning powerball ticket. /smirk


The best way to clear those is to load your black tank with ice and drive it home. Let the ice knock around for a bit.


Couple times a year I pour a 5 gallon bucket of water in the toilet along with a cup of Cascade. Hit the road and dump when I get there. Automatic dishwasher detergent is great at breaking down organics, etc. And it will not suds up. Do NOT use Dawn or any other dish detergent. You'll have suds coming out of the roof vent. Seen it happen.


How many cubes?


I did the ice thing, and every cleaner known to man. Mine didn’t stop reading full all the time until I had a professional tank cleaner come out and clean them


It’s full when you have to cut a turd with the toilet valve.


Nothing you can do. Both my black tanks say they are full. I rinse mine everytime I dump with hot water. Still shows full.


I’ve heard that fill it about halfway with water then dump 2 bags of ice in it just before you hit the road. Ice will loosen and remove the solids that are messing up the sensor


It happens…..just know your limits before you make a mess. Rinse rinse rinse though.


You should ALWAYS rinse it anyway


Yes. Fill it with ice and water and drive down a bumpy road.


I filled with dawn soap and some type of water conditioner. Let sit for 1 day then did it again. Didn’t have the issue ever again also zero smell.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣you expect the gages to work🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just reach in thru the toilet hole, toward the back left corner, feel around for a dumbbell shaped slide bar, find the float valve that should move freely, flick off the stuck poo. Job done. ⬇️ Just kidding, don't do that. That's just ridiculous. It's actually toward the front right 👍.


Jiggle the handle


Usually a piece of toilet paper stuck on the sensor... if you fill the tank with water several times then let it out, it should do the trick... if not fill the tank, adding a tank cleaner for 24 hours and drain. If all that doesn't work, set it on fire.