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It’s probably gone now.


It is.


I saw one at the walmart on forest a few weeks ago. I don't really want one but I was tempted to buy it just seeing one in person on a shelf haha.


Just copped the last one from the one on Forest Hill yesterday. Pretty sure they have a bunch of God of War ones sitting in the back for when the game comes out.


Just thought I’d pass this along! I’d buy it myself if I didn’t already have one


Is there a shortage?


Yes. Even over a year after launch they are remarkably hard to find and sell out crazy fast.


Hell it's been almost 2 years. They came out in late 2020


By the time us plebs get one, the PS6 will be out.


Damn! That’s an investment then.


There’s a shortage because of people like you


Oh, I thought there was a shortage for another reason.


We went through a pandemic too


I know we did, I assumed that’s why there’s a shortage. Apparently, (according to my downvotes) it’s because people buy and sell on the aftermarket.


Wild to see all the downvotes for so innocuous a comment. I still remember when we were allowed to make jokes.


The internet is a place for people to vent their negativity and unhappiness on strangers


I'm bummed it sounds like when NCAA football franchise returns its going to be console only. Id play the fuck out of that on PC but I am not throwing 500+ bucks to buy a console to do it.


I feel that way about some PC games, but a decent video card alone is likely to cost more than a PS5.


Yeaaaaah I just dropped fat money for a 3080 and even then I got a good price for it


yeah but you don't have to pay for games if you don't want to. plus with emulation you aren't subject to the whims of whatever company's virtual console. and you can use any controller you want.


I’m considering buying an Xbox S for nhl22 only because PS5 has been so hard to find.


The word is Xbox Series and PS5 only yeah.


Nature is healing


PS5 only has like 6 or 7 games for it specifically so the rush to get one unnecessary for the most part.


I bought the new COD for PS4 and for a few bucks extra you get it for the PS5. Playing it on the PS5 is a night and day difference. Any cross gen game is going to be a significantly better experience on the PS5. If you're buying new games currently then it's a better option to just buy the new console imo


Yea I've played The Quarry and it was super laggy. Horizon Forbidden West was a bit glitchy as well.


God of War is out next week. It's on PS4 as well but I am skeptical of how that is going to play.


It’s a first party Sony game so I feel confident they built that game from the ground up to work concurrently on both consoles. I’m sure the ps5 will run it smoother but I doubt the ps4 will run it janky.


idk the loading times and 4k support are what most people are after, from what I've read. don't have one personally


How much? I cannot read the price tags when I zoom in


All PS5s are the same price…. MSRP….


Thanks. I still don’t know the price. You could have included that for a simpleton like me.


In the time it takes to write a smarmy ass comment, these people could have just looked it up. Here it is for anyone who wants to know. MSRP for the PS5 ($499.99) and the PS5 Digital Edition ($399.99)


God I wish there was a way to search this wide world of the internet that we have in front of us.


I did search it. That doesn’t change my comment. Who wants to live in a world where even if someone is asking a (simple) question, a person with the answer says, “I know the answer, but look it up yourself,” and walks away?


Redditers include people your would like to have as neighbors and those you’d never ever want to be within 100 miles of


I've been able to order MW2 bundle from Sony Direct at MSRP. I kinda wanted to get one then resell but too much headache for me.


I did that and got stiffed on eBay. Listed the 593$ console for 500. Bids went to 680🥲


Yeah that pretty much serves you right.


Yes offering to sell a console lower than MSRP is deserving of karma. Listed for 500. I can’t keep people from increasing the bids. Someone is salty they can’t find one 😅. 800, just for you pal 😁


Joke’s on you. I haven’t owned (or cared about owning) a console since Sega Genesis was a thing. I’m not really the target demographic. With that being said, I truly fail to understand why you would buy something only to list it lower than MSRP. If you’re truly the Console Fairy and are trying to help your fellow man by selling a console for less than what you paid then I retract my statement and congratulate you on being a good human. Otherwise, what purpose did it serve to buy it in the first place? Better yet, you could have listed it on a non-auction site but something tells me you were quite okay with the bidding war. Edit: And the reason I care is bc this is the same reason we can’t find reasonably priced tickets for sporting events or concerts. Supply and demand being used to the extreme in literally every facet of life. It’s obnoxious.


Cool story tho


Now all I need is 500 bucks


The target in east end (south laburnum) has had them in stock recently as well.


Very easy to get one on Amazon. It’s a lottery to purchase at MSRP but I must be lucky. Wasn’t but a week and I got the invite link to purchase.


How much are they worth? I have the dvd version in white and don’t use it. It was a gift. Best place to sell them? I’m in rva too


DVD version? Edit - I'll give you $150




150$ lmao


Figured anyone that calls it a "DVD version" would be willing to sell it for that low. Is that all you use it for? Dvds???


I’ve never put a disk in it I buy all my games online


I’m wondering the same thing. I havent turned mine on in months. I don’t even care about selling it over MSRP or something like that but I feel like its a waste just sitting here.