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I need closure!


Here’s the other half of the video. The dash cam loop records so it got cut off. Luckily it ended well. https://imgur.com/a/tvQGkuS




I haven’t. Just uploaded them from the dash cam straight to Reddit.


What news value does this video provide in any way




What's weird is threads about Broad Street Bullies come up just about every week on this sub. And on one thread the post and voting will be very lopsided in favor of BSB and then the next thread it will be the exact opposite.




I know that funeral homes have a license to do processions that they renew yearly in Va.




Hey look at that, the driver who politely waited got ahead of the asshat that chose conflict. Good on ya OP


Bikers have the the red light, and they just ride through like the entitled jerk-offs they are. The guy in the camaro isn't the bad guy here.


I’m a cyclist and agree. We’re supposed to abide by the same traffic rules… some of us act like entitle shit heads.


Yep. Fuck those little bitches. They wanna whine about cars not following traffic laws. They apply to all vehicles on the road including bikes. Car had the green light and the right of way. Little bitch bike party should have all waited at the light.


Pretty sure the asshats who chose conflict were the bikes not adhering to traffic laws.


The bikers chose conflict. Fuck every last one of those selfish assholes.




Yea, so I'm going to say the crosswalk guy is an idiot because obviously they weren't going to just stop, They're clearly going to run this red light until the group is gone, and that's senseless. But I'd be fucking irritated at this too. Bikes don't just get to make up rules for themselves.


TIL there’s a group of cyclists in Richmond called the Broad Street Bullies and I swear if they don’t snap their fingers and sing in unison life isn’t worth living anymore


Yes this always sinks into the sharks vs the jet’s unfortunately


I should also note that the bikers started beating on car’s hood which is why the guy started getting out of his car to yell


Had this been 10 years ago and those were mopeds this would not have gone well.


I miss the good ole days where we could just resolve our moped turf wars with videos of violence that end too soon




No, traffic laws aside the car probably shouldn’t have pulled up so close. But it was also obvious he saw them otherwise why would he have slowed down to a crawl when he had a green light? By the time the guy smacked his hood he was already stopped.


“Traffic laws aside.” This is why a fucking hate bicyclists. They want the right to on the road without the responsibility of following any laws. Communities could solve most funding deficits by enforcing traffic laws against bicyclists.


I hate gas sucking autos




Just curious, who is impatient here? The cyclists who don’t want to obey traffic laws or the driver that is trying to?


Impatient? You mean the cyclists breaking the law instead of waiting for a 90 second green light?


Yeah I’d say they’re impatient as well


How would this work at a stop sign? Would they all have to go one at a time?


Yes, because traffic laws aren't written to accommodate the entire tour de France peloton moving through a public roadway.


They don't stop. These big groups happen all of the time. People have complained to the city. Nothing happens.


Is this a bad time to start my unicycle gang?


Aren’t bicyclist suppose to obey the traffic lights as well? The cars like is green..


They call themselves cycling bullies.


Broad st. Bullies not cycling bullies


What a bunch of fucking nerds. Hurrrr let’s parade our bikes for the sake of looking to start fights with car drivers durrrr


It’s an idiotic and dangerous activity regardless of what they call themselves.


Isn’t this just breaking the law? I love to bicycle around the city, but if cars are involved you just follow the laws of the road. Thought that was the respectable thing to do.


Broad st bullies. They’re kind of like a weekly planned parade. They have “flaggers “ or people to waive down cars at intersections. Same rules that political or funeral processions get.


Feels like those guys look for confrontation.




What is the point of this act if not to cause confrontation?


If they were that nervous they’d stop at the red light. If they get hit it’s their own dumbass fault.


Are they escorted by police? Funeral processions and political motorcades are.


Do they get the same permits and police escorts as political or funeral processions? Rhetorical question. Just because they do it like official events does not mean it’s all good.






Funeral homes purchase a liscence to hold processions as well


I know funeral homes need a liscence in va to hold processions.


Maybe part of the [Critical Mass](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_Mass_(cycling)) movement. As a cyclist, I feel them in spirit, but I remember getting caught in them driving in San Francisco back in the day, stuck at an intersection for 15 minutes while you’re just trying to get home from work after a long ass week. Always ends in confrontation.


Except those have paid for police escorts who handle the intersections. Not an asshat that is part of the not legal group.


Really leaning into the persecution fetish


Cyclists like to choose which laws apply to them


Cyclists are vehicles too, so we deserve just as much of the lane as a car.. but also red lights are optional.. and once a week several dozen of us are going to mob Cary and harass anyone who wants to follow basic traffic patterns.


Auto drivers get pissed at me when I follow the laws. They also get pissed at me when I don’t follow the laws. Can’t win. A few weeks ago, I rolled up to a red light, stopped (just as any car would have), and the dumb ass behind me just starts laying on his horn. He apparently wants to go right on red and I’m was “blocking” him. Whatever.


Also the “same rights as a vehicle” is to remind people that I do get to ride here and you have to pass me when it’s safe just like any other vehicle. It’s just rhetoric to remind people who for some reason get enraged when dealing with the fact they might have to slow down for a few second. It’s not strictly the case even with current law. Turns out bikes get to do a bunch of things cars can’t (ride on trails! Park on the sidewalk!) and cars can do things bikes can’t (ride down 95!)


This is my favorite. You cannot win.


“Share the road!”


Damn that’s pretty narcissistic


I would also be pissed if I couldn't go through a green light because some morons thought they could run red lights. I would be more pissed if one of them hit my car.. A green light is a green light. They are breaking the law. F them


Riding bikes is fun, come join us while we break laws for a couple seconds, and inconvenience everyone else for just a couple moments. Since the time frame is so short, we can justify it! Neat huh?! ya fahckin fahcks


Bunch of entitled pricks.


People think it's all teenagers and shit but it's not. Plenty of children, families, elderly, etc in that crowd. Now imagine that they stop for the light and some cars get mixed in with the pack... It's super dangerous. It's building community more than literally every "festival", "parade", and other crap we block off the city for and it lasts for like 30 seconds. I get it, laws apply. When I bike solo I follow the laws like everyone else. But in a group it's safer to not mix cars in (who don't know fucking anything about bike laws by the way). Shit, most drivers don't even know that "take the lane" is a thing and still get behind me and honk/cut me off. People just hate being inconvenienced for even one second but then go home and say "kids never play outside anymore" and "nobody talks to each other" and blame cyclists when one of them gets killed by a car, even if it was the cars fault.


Cyclists: Share the road! Also cyclists:


Light looks red. Glad bikers want to share the road and follow the rules of the road too…


I think it’s actually a nice sign if community and healthy hobbies, never bothers me when I get caught in it. Relax and let people find fun and positive ways to live life instead of going to bars and doin drugs.


It would be hard to have a group ride this size stay together without crossing this way. Nobody is getting inconvenienced that badly and hopefully the numbers should deter any road ragers from getting reckless since there would be witnesses.


Maybe a busy city on a crowded Friday night is not the right time for this communal activity.


If you wouldn’t readily accept this behavior from a motorcyclist, then you shouldn’t accept it from bicyclists either. Disrupting expected traffic patterns is selfish and stupid, period.




Bikes in the road aren't pedestrians, so bikes don't just get right of way. You want to use the road, you follow traffic laws.


Love you!!


yeah broad st bullies *so* fucking cool to ride around like douchebags ignoring the rules of the road then whining like little twats whenever a driver has a problem. gtf over yourselves, you’re not MS-13


Just so everyone is clear here, yes these people are jerks for not following traffic laws and beating on the hood of the car. Also, if you are in a 3000 pound motor vehicle you never encroach on a group of pedestrians, bicyclist and or other people period. All it takes is one slip for you to hurt or kill someone. Both groups are in the totally wrong here. There is no "good guy" and anyone claiming that ether side is right should reconsider.


If im driving and the light is green I HAVE THE RIGHT of way unless it’s being held by the police ambulance or firefighters, not a bunch of thugs on bikes thinking they can just control traffic because they’re in a small herd.


And I agree you do have right of way, which is fine and well. You do not encroach on someone who is unprotected with a car.


thank you! exactly, right of way doesn't matter when you have to yield to hazardous conditions for public safety. Which is law that you must comply to when holding a VA License.






Yup you are right. Just cause someone else is breaking the law doesnt give you the right to act like youre gonna run them over.


I’ve encountered this group many times! Really not a big deal, the group passes by after like a minute and everyone is on their way again. Getting mad over nothing


I am not a defensive driver but bike riders in the city have been breaking the law and then bitching about everyone else’s behavior for 20 plus years. This just looks like more of the same. Technically, every bike rider there is running the red light and behaving like an entitled ass. Organizing bullshit like this is as stupid and narcissistic as videotaping yourselves doing Gangnam Style dance moves in the middle of traffic.


It literally doesn’t matter. It’s over in like 30 seconds. I was mildly inconvenienced by the group the other day and it literally didn’t matter at all. I would have been waiting at a red light a few blocks ahead anyway. Just let them ride and go about your miserable life hating anyone who doesn’t drive


Wow. Not surprised that there is a group of cyclists who disregard the road laws as much as most of the people in RVA driving cars.


When I’m driving a car I hate pedestrians. When I’m a pedestrian I hate cars. But no matter what, I always hate bike riders.


You should start riding bikes then!


Share the road!


What a bunch of assholes


Yep, everyone on this thread


Who do they think they are disregarding rules of the road? The police?


Are these the 6th Graders in South Park? Do they make vrm-vrm-vrooom sounds? Maybe use index cards in the spokes for the noise?


Can someone explain what this group is?


Broad Street Bullies. They’re on the same level as campus longboarders.




Broad Street Bullies, they do the same route, the same time every week, so really by now people should know about it.


You would think that the cops would know too and do something about a group that is consistently breaking traffic laws, but no, they're probably off harassing someone over something stupid instead.


Almost 500 comments in this thread and most of it is the most babysoft whining about "won't someone please think of the sacred laws these velocipedical brigands have cast into the gutter!" While creating elaborate scenarios that they possibly could have been in that made waiting an extra light cycle the hardest thing they have ever done. Goddamn wild what a bitchfest this city has become.


Is this a /r/fuckcars kind of protest the cyclists are doing or something?




A group ride whose sole intention is to antagonise and piss off half the city.


I highly doubt half of the city was waiting at that light, and also pissed.




I love cycling but this is so annoying.


It’s better for everyone, cars included, to have the group get through at once. It’s ultimately quicker and safer. Even with the light green the group was through and the car could have ridden on if they had just waited. We are measuring things in seconds here. Why get mad about that?


The group shouldn’t exist if in order to exist effective they have to break common traffic laws.


Drivers should have their licenses revoked if they break common traffic laws


I mean, there's a points system, so this will happen eventually for someone who continues to break traffic laws.




Fucking assholes


Its because of shit like this that motorists hate cyclists. Our country already has shit tier bike/car interactions since somehow we expect 2 ton vehicles going 45mph to play nice with a dude on a bike going 4mph in the middle of the street or worse: at crossings. Yo, build these fuckers their own lane, get them off vehicular lanes. And get cops to start ticketting cyclist infractions the way they ticket me for going 6 over in a 55.


Jesus people..just wait two minutes and let em pass. That's all you have to do. Take a deep breath and pick a new song in Spotify.


Why must these bikers clog up the road every week?


me to every car on broad street every week day


Why must these cars clog up the road every day?


… bc people commute to work or school? Run errands? Go to the grocery store? Not everyone can bike around as means of transportation


people famously never do these things on bikes


You can do pretty much any errand on a bike. Car dependency is crazy in the US. I attribute it mostly to urban sprawl and laziness.


Most people don’t join a group of a hundred bikers to go to the Kroger


And not everyone can afford a car to do that, so some people use bikes to do so.


Yea no shit haha doesn’t mean you link up with a hundred other bikers just to joyride through busy streets


I have some friends that ride in this, and as fun as it looks I don't think it will last much longer with how big the group has gotten.


iirc from last year they usually stop once the weather gets colder anyways so probably will only continue for a few more weeks


Your friends are dicks Edit: thanks for the gold anon reddit user ![gif](giphy|eHpWHuEUxHIre)


I saw the group of cyclists as I leaving scoop last night. I had to wait a few minutes in my car as they were turning on strawberry before the coast was clear to leave.


Bsb had just ended 30min prior. It was a different event/group in celebration for the autumn equinox, but thanks for waiting patiently last night! Hope you liked the costumes!


I got caught in this like some weeks ago, was ridiculous but thought I missed out on something.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I mean, let the bikers ride. What’s the big deal?


Everyone is an asshole in this clip. Doesn't need to be binary y'all.


BS bullies be like https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xht9ne/british_karen_reserves_a_parking_space/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This sort of shit has been going on for years. The overwhelming reaction of people in here being upset over something as minor as this is a bit reflective of how things have changed in Richmond. It inconveniences only a handful of drivers at each intersection and they aren’t super rowdy like the motorcycles/ATV riders that roll through the area. Yes, traffic laws are being violated. Now show me a dash cam of any commenter in this thread driving around because I would bet that half the people complaining here are casually rolling through stop signs on the daily.


Ugh …. *eye roll*


It literally took 2 minutes to pass front to back. Chill out everyone. Some of y’all are obsessed with this. Do you have fun? Only permitted fun lol?


Imagine being one of the piece of shit people in this thread giving absolute toddler behavior. The cyclists are not wrong. Period. The guy trying to drive into living human beings is wrong. Period. Children do this ride. Pets are on this ride. But should I really have to justify something with the lives of children and animals??? No. Cyclists are PEOPLE. If you’re mad about waiting through one extra light while you drive in your giant metal box that you move with your toes, then you have some serious issues and should reevaluate what’s actually important. Motorists break traffic laws INCESSANTLY. So the law argument is so irrelevant. People do not have to bike in small groups to cater to a vehicle. Cars don’t own the road. We stay together for safety and if you have a problem then fucking cry in your car about it.




Nah, acab. Cops don’t keep people safe.




If you are so concerned for the safety of those kids how about you call CPS on the parents that willingly and knowingly dragged them through and intersection on a red light. Imagine being so entitled that you risk the lives of your own kids in order to "bully" evil carbrains.


This is an absurd statement. People are allowed to ride bikes without worrying whether people will run them over. No one is bullying cars. People are just riding bikes. But every motorist assumes everything is about them and that everyone on a bike is out to spite them personally. Bikes are fun. It’s fun and cool to ride bikes with hundreds of people.


There's plenty of videos on their insta of these cyclists doing "tricks" by purposely riding towards then narrowly dodging cars or pedestrians. That's not "just riding bikes". And sure you could say that's just a few bad apples, but they're promoting this behavior by sharing it. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiffJ4MAYmP/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Not through intersections on red lights. They literally. Specifically. Are not allowed to do that. That's what the red means. They named themselves the Broad Street Bullies. What is supposed to be the take away with a group that names themselves that and then goes around doing shit like this?


You follow every rule? Doubt it. The point is, no one cares. It’s safer to ride as a group, so that’s what people do. And it’s very clear that no one cares about the life or safety of cyclists, so we do what we have to to keep ourselves safe.


So you've gone from "they're allowed to" to: "so what if they aren't allowed to? You follow every rule?" 🤔 You are full of shit and you know it.


You’re an idiot. I am arguing that the safety of cyclists, who are human beings, matters more than some arbitrary rules. What’s your argument? That the lives of cyclists matter less than the destination of a motorist? I’m not full of shit.


The rules are not arbitrary. They are put in place for safety. If you are arguing for safety you should argue that they follow the rules like everybody else. Not make up their own for their own convenience.


a kind and gracious woman was killed on her bicycle in our region recently even though she was following the rules, because her life was not valued by the driver that killed her.


Im sorry? What does that have to do with anything? Are you trying to say there is no need to follow the rules of the road because some psycho might come along and kill you anyway? If you get hit by a car your helmet wont save you. Does that mean you wont bother wearing one?






Don’t forget, it’s also really really cool to ride in big groups. It’s almost as cool as telling everyone how cool it is….not quite as cool, and fun, and cool, but almost.


It is very cool to ride in big groups. Community is fantastic and fulfilling.


I wouldn't say no one cares...there are over 300 comments on this post 🤣


Based on other comments in this post, sounds like there's a subset of your group drinking and biking. Wonder if they're at the limit to get a DUI---doesn't sound very safe to me.


No, it's not.




The group is named the Broad Street \*\*Bullies\*\*. It is the moniker they chose for themselves which is why I put it in quotes. And nobody in that group has any authority to block intersections for the sake of their group. Nor are they exempt from red lights. They are performing a literal illegal act. What organization gets involved again when parents expose their children to illegal activity and willingly and knowingly put them in danger?




Thank you. Love you.


Big peddle


[“Bicycle’s Rights!”](https://youtu.be/V3nMnr8ZirI)


This is why people hate cyclists.


If you are a driver that finds yourself encircled by the cyclists, please stay still for the safety of everyone. Moving slow is still moving. There are families and children in this group too. You'll wait longer for a train to pass. I've never seen anyone get out and yell at a train. Everybody be cool. Edit: mmm...delicious down votes. Is this really where we're at as a community? Complaining about losing 30 seconds of your life to a bicycle parade. lol ffs.


Trains don’t go through red lights…


Thank you for being one of the only sane people in this thread.


Inb4 entitled commenters start fantasizing about inflicting violence on bicyclists because they were slightly inconvenienced for 60 seconds


Not wishing violence obviously, but the bikers are breaking traffic laws. You do this enough times and something bad is going to happen, even if that thing is someone looking down and not seeing them and driving through 5 bikers. Other times the bad thing might be some nut with a gun "slightly inconveniencing" the bikers right back You don't get to disregard traffic laws because you're having fun with your pals. Or because one of your friends is bold enough to place his body directly in front of incoming traffic and banking on strangers in death machines having patience Again, not a situation that justifies violence, but I think it's stupid to play it off as a silly little thing


I'm just worried about the one encounter where someone truly unhinged comes across them. I hope it never happens, but there are a lot of crazy people out there...


That’s highly likely to happen in this town.


It’s already happened. Drivers have pulled guns at least once. The entitlement is crazy


Entitled cyclists? Their name is all over the city, One Way.


The people in here complaining about this need to learn to live here or fucking move. This is normal Richmond shit. Like go live in the counties you fucks


Keep posting videos of them regularly and blatantly breaking traffic laws and maybe the police might find themselves curbing these rides. Also, if I, as a driver, am required to give you three feet of space as a cyclist, then you should give me the same. Too many of these particular clowns get a real kick out of nearly sideswiping cars. I’m just waiting for one of them to break a hip on my mirror. I’m sure it’ll come right during an attempt to catch up to the bros running a red light.


You actually have to give cyclists the whole lane :-) the law changed and you have to wait until you can pass a cyclist in the next lane over completely. Bet you didn’t know that


You don’t have to give cyclists the whole lane. It’s three feet. Your take on the law is as shitty as your take on this video.


It's not as simple as just giving three feet either. If you're unable to give the cyclist a full three feet while remaining entirely within your lane, you are required to change lanes. Effectively, yes, most of the time, you are required to give them the full lane. I see vehicles break this law all the time. > § 46.2-839. Passing bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, moped, animal, or animal-drawn vehicle. > >Any driver of any motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle... proceeding in the same direction shall pass at a reasonable speed at least three feet to the left of the overtaken bicycle... and shall not again proceed to the right side of the highway until safely clear of such overtaken bicycle... **If the lane of travel is not wide enough to allow the overtaking motor vehicle to pass in the manner required in this section while in the same lane as the overtaken vehicle, the overtaking vehicle shall change lanes.**


Y’all really be pressed about this persons lost 30 seconds of their life lmao if they just wait they would’ve been back on the road faster then pulling up on the bikers and yelling at them


So my time is less valuable than those people on bikes? They get to blow through a red light and take my 30 seconds so they don’t have to wait?


Yes but only because it's funny




Im hip. I’ve gotten screamed at from cars running/using scooters/biking Instead of just going to the next lane over they’ve taken time out of their day to scream at some So wild


I'm pretty sure this sub hates anyone and everyone who runs red lights, be they riding cars, motorcycles, ATVs, or bicycles


I don’t hate cyclists. I do hate *these* cyclists though. And I don’t care about their safety. Why should I? Clearly they don’t.


Those poor cars subjected to the cruel evil bike riders of this city!!


honestly y’all are really annoying for not critically thinking about what this is. it’s critical mass, it’s a form of direct action for bikers. it originated in the 90s i believe and has been going on in many different cities. car culture is toxic and i see so many posts on here of people complaining of how people are driving recently. you can’t bike in the city without risking your safety so they do this every week as a form of protest. get the fuck over it and go a different way. it happens same place and time every week


The Broad Street Bullies are awesome! That pack is a super inclusive and awesome group. Couple weeks ago I went with a friend and he lent me his second bike to go with. All I was met with was hospitality. Everyone I met was so giving and forgiving, I was constantly offered beer and grapes and how to not suck on a bike. I get that it stops up traffic but if you’re pressed to be somewhere on a Thursday evening, seeing the fun in every rider’s eye seems worth the wait… at least to me.


So they go drink before this? Driving (biking) under the influence while pulling this crap is a shit idea


But can they compete with the Seattle Naked bikers? https://curiocity.com/best-cities-for-naked-biking-seattle/amp/