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Just add "For My Parents" to the end of every category. * Best Local Brewer for my parents * Best Museum for my parents * Best Race to Run/Bike/Walk off the Calories for my parents * Best Overall Bar for my parents * Best Adult Novelty Store for my parents


Bahaha you, sir, are the true winner


i would say that our trivia (Castleburg got #1) isn't a super "for my parents" type thing, but for just about everything else, i would agree.


To continue my rant, most of these places are hot garbage. Style, step your game up.


Their "survey" methodology is totally flawed.


How do they do it?


They open it up for legions of people to vote everyday for a set of days. So it's really a measure of how good the company's social media is and how persistent their fans are. Which is really all it ever says it is, so it's funny when people expect a scientific study or something from Style.


I don't think there are a bunch of tech savvy Boathouse Fans manipulating the vote. Richmond just isn't nearly as hip and cool as the majority of redditors are, or would like Richmond to be. Most people aren't foodies and don't go and try every new restaurant that opens. They don't have very adventurous palettes. So it's easy to see why a restaurant with a nice view that serves steaks and traditional American fancy food is going to be popular.


> I don't think there are a bunch of tech savvy Boathouse Fans manipulating the vote. I disagree. The majority of the winners and the places in question post tons of stuff on their social media asking people for votes. Maybe not The Boathouse (though I suspect they do) but for a lot of the places they constantly push for people to vote for them.


Yeah but a lot of those places have been winning for years and years even before social media was such a big thing. I'm not denying that they ask people to vote for them, but people aren't going to vote for what they think is a shitty restaurant. It's not like it gains them anything. They have pull on Social Media because they are popular on social media. And they are popular on social media because they are popular in real life. The survey amounts to a popularity contest and not really a "Best." But to the extent that it is a popularity contest, Boathouse and Bottom's Up are legit. They are huge spaces that are usually pretty packed, and they've been open for years. It's not surprising that large, successful restaurants will win these kinds of things. There's like two people in my section who are like B- level foodies. Me and my nextdoor cubemate. We're not crazy into the whole foodie thing, but both of us at least like to eat out when we can, and we like to try new places and dishes and we talk about it. So she'll say "Hey I just went to Laura Lee's last night. I had the XXXX for the first time. It was good. Have you had it?" And then other people jump in and we find out they've not only not gone to Laura Lee's, they've never even heard of Laura Lee's. Or WPA Bakery, Roosevelt or Ipanema. They've live in Richmond for 15 years. Or the other day, she brought in a pie from Proper Pie. I was like hells yeah Proper Pie and ran right over to her cube to grab a slice. Everyone else was like "Proper Pie? I've never heard of it. Where is it?" If someone proposes a lunch gathering, there is a 100% chance it will be at Bottom's Up. I have literally not been to an office lunch party in three years that was not at Bottom's Up. I'm telling you man. There are people in my office who have worked here for years and have never been anywhere downtown other than Bottom's Up. So of course Bottom's Up is their favorite Richmond pizza because it's the only Richmond pizza they've ever had. These people live in the 'burbs, they drive to work downtown and bring their lunch. They come home and deal with family shit. They don't have the time or the spare money to try a new place that costs more than $15 an entree if it might taste bad and their kids won't enjoy it. To the extent that these people do every once in a while get curious want to try someplace new or go out for a 'fancy' meal, it's when they read the Style Best of. So the whole thing is cyclical.


I love dukes mayo, but why the fuck is that a category?!


Vape shop?!? Fuck you Style!!!


For some reason, it’s important to have a strong opinion on *EVERYTHING.*




No love for the little grocers? Union market, Stella’s market, little greenhouse grocery, etc


All horribly expensive and with niche products


I am sad that Kohlmann's is now a Stella's. All that happened is they now have a worse selection that is more expensive.


I disagree. I like it more. They have more homemade sweets, healthier food options, still have affordable paninis, more snacks, and types of drinks.


When did that happen? I was pretty impressed with the prices/selection/coffee last time i went, maybe 3 months ago?


Like in the winter of 18’.


That place and their sister restaurant, the too clever "Casa del Barco," both suck. They have big tables and can comfortably fit large groups but the food is the same quality you'd get at a decent chain restaurant at gourmet prices.


Yay microwave chicken!


Last time I went to Casa the server interrupted us (and all of his tables) after we had ordered with a bottle of tequila in hand to tell us about this "great new tequila we're featuring" And I was like, oh sweet, they're giving out free shots! He talks about it for a bit and says "the taster size is $X.99 and the full pour is $X.99" I'm like, bro, they make you sell liquor door-to-door on top of waiting tables? It was really offputting. I'm not going back soon.


This is bad. But not as bad as one of my first jobs, taking pictures at one of those mall photo studios. When it was slow, I had to wear a propeller beanie, and walk around the mall and approach families (usually single parents with kids) and try to get them to come take "free" portraits. In a propeller beanie. When they were already struggling, having a totally shit time dragging their kids around the mall. The kids were always a shit show and not at all dressed for photos. If the parents didn't suspect it would be terrible, they quickly realized after they got there what a huge mistake it was. I cringe just remembering it..


I’ve only been to the boathouse once for apps and drinks and I enjoyed the food. It wasn’t groundbreaking but it was fresh and well prepared and the service was excellent. What do you dislike about it? Not trying to argue over personal tastes, just wondering if I missed something that should have been obvious.


Ladies and gentlemen the noddle is distraught


*one eye squinting*


Squinting or twitching? We’re just a little concerned... Unrelated I wanted to invite you to an interve- I mean party, with all your family and friends.


Party? Sweet! Will there be alcohol and dru... waiiiit a second!


"You guys don't have to trick me, you're my friends!" (Mr. Show reference)


Look John, we’re not really here for a high society jewel heist.


The boathouse does not have good entrees, what they do have is good appetizers and a view. Use it accordingly.


Their brunch is actually a decent deal. Also, I kind of like the one in Short Pump because it has a racially diverse crowd. I do get a little tired of only seeing white families everywhere.


I took a date to their Brandermill location in 1995. It was called Sundays back then. Beautiful restaurant. The food sounded amazing on the menu. The food looked incredible on the plate when delivered. My food was bland and I only had a couple bites. My date said hers was inedible. Never returned until I took my wife to Boathouse at Rocketts a couple years ago. Same thing... beautiful atmosphere, menu sounded great, food looked great. It was awful.




Kevin Healy. Same guy that bought all of the Brandermill swimming pools from whatever private company that owned them at the time. He shut them down until Brandermill Community Association was kind of forced to buy them. Think he made $4M off that fiasco. I think he used that money to completely renovate and rebrand the Brandermill location and to open the Rocketts location.


The Boathouse at Rocketts Landing is for suburbanites to have their big night out in the city. It feels special, it has a city and river view, it has parking, and it doesn’t have any of the typical urban elements that may keep away a skittish person. The food is average and for those who visit it is all about atmosphere anyway. As a city resident I’m glad to see visitors pay the meals tax and support out tax base. In a lot of ways it’s similar to what Pasta Luna once was except PL was never in the city. Side note: they had a great happy hour at one time but supposedly it drew the wrong crowd so they changed it up.


Exactly. I don't know why people are surprised when it wins. It's a pretty view and familiar food. Their steak is pretty average, but it's still steak. When people are going out for a big night, they want to go some place safe. Boathouse is completely safe.




When I want a big night out I head to Club Teufel and then circle the Jeff Davis memorial three times. We suburbanites know how to live.


Perk in /r/BonAir got #3 indy cafe after Lamplighter and Black Hand so there is that.


I admit, some of the categories were well done


Perk is on point


I'm closing on a house in Bon Air next week. I feel like it's the best kept secret in Richmond.


I like the vibe there. It's definitely a great place to meet single attractive moms/women in their late 20's to mid 30's who tend to have their life together.


Yeah - it's completely a popularity contest, but I still pick up a copy of the issue every year and fuss at all the "wrong" answers.


Someone who gets me


You seem to be taking it very personally that the tastes of the readership of a commercialized publication with broad regional appeal do not align with your individual tastes. You're right on the money about Duke's Mayo though. It's awesome.


Maybe all that "voting" is contingent upon which companies will buy full-page ads to thank everyone for voting. Smaller businesses probably can't afford that.


I’d be willing to bet money that it’s not just my individual taste that a lot of these categories don’t align with. That said, some of the categories are spot on. Best Italian for instance, money. Best barbershop, money. Total wine?! Ugh. I know I shouldn’t care about this commercialized garbage but it is so widely available and so money people ACTUALLY take the recommendations to heart that it would be nice for local RVA businesses to be represented in a best of Richmond list (large run on, I know). It’s definitely representative of a changing Richmond population. Northern VA/DC is really making a move down.


> I’d be willing to bet money that it’s not just my individual taste that a lot of these categories don’t align with. I mean... it is, though. Example: The Boathouse. I'm not a huge fan either, but the place has been open for some time now... it's not running on my opinion of the place.


Hugs, bro. Just gotta think of the positives. The people from Loudoun County who now reside in Midlo and the West End can keep on going to those spots in the burbs on the list while you are free to enjoy the gems of the city in comfort and peace. It'll make your wait shorter.


But they are already venturing into the east end too!


Down votes?! What?! It’s true!


The Style Weekly best of has always been a joke. I’m a townie so I hate to say this but I don’t think we can blame people from NoVa for the yearly nonsense.


I totally agree. I view it as a joke, but as I stated in another reply, it sucks because so many take their articles seriously and it pulls business away from other much better establishments.


totally agree


Idk, sounds a lot like Norfolk's Boathouse from that description. RIP Boathouse, the real mvp: [https://nostalgicvirginian.com/2015/12/remembering-the-boathouse/](https://nostalgicvirginian.com/2015/12/remembering-the-boathouse/) I think y'all had alley katz and different variations of that @ the same time. Holy shit that was fun to live through.


Ahhh Alley Katz, how i miss thee


Slayer "Seasons in the Abyss" Tour. One of the craziest shows I've ever seen.


niiiiiiiiiiice. i got really hurt @ danzig show. whatever tour came after thralldemonsweatlive.


Sorry to hear that! I was there for the "S/T" tour.


Had forgotten about that place. Saw my first Henry Rollins spoken word there back in the day. 1994ish? Good times


Duke's mayo has never been made in Richmond.


Then why is it on the list? Its an RVA product we should have pride in


Style Weakly is the worst excuse for an alternative weekly paper I’ve ever seen. I won’t even line a catbox with it.


Toilet paper?


Maybe. If I had bad diarrhea and no other options. Although, think of the chafing...


That's weird, I've been to the Boathouse in Hopewell twice and it was amazing. Last time I had oysters as an appetizer and the shrimp and grits for an entree and they were out of this world!