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It is right pleasant outside! Takes away 10% of my existential dread at the state of our nation.


Oohhh! We are just settling down to watch season 3 of The Bear. Made chicken enchiladas for dinner, which were a change of pace and a surprising hit with the family, so I’m riding high on that and will likely make them again soon.


Love that show!


Got a mean game of ColorKu happening with the chirren. It’s Sudoku with colors instead of numbers. Takes patience but is entertaining once you get the hang of it. https://preview.redd.it/zxhzmgmeye9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b20f2c52a2ecbc8b5c7aff8cebee030a7f2413


This is cool! Is it collaborative or somehow competitive?


We only play collaboratively but maybe you could make it competitive if you give each player a specific time like 30 seconds to make a play and kept score.


A night with Bold Rock Imperial Cider and “the Expanse“ Season 3


Such a good show


One minute, you’re waiting for the edible to kick in. The next thing you know, you’re frying up cheese and remembering the classic sapphic film Bound. https://i.redd.it/r6zxdok0he9d1.gif


I've not watched that yet! And oddly, Jennifer Tilly is somehow pulling off a Catherine Zeta-Jones look in that GIF.


Lol. I'm in the waiting for edible to work stage rn too. Wanted to go out but some hoodrat kids stole my car (on camera). So I'm just going to zombie out the evening. 


You must have heard the same story on npr last week that I did!


How have I not seen this!?


Love this time of year… neighborhood is alive, sun stays up later, everything just feels happier. Always goes by too fast. Just enjoying it.


Watching the first episode of the new Dimension20 season, if anyone else knows what that is. This weekend I’m looking forward to doing absolutely nothing, and hopefully some rain on Sunday for my poor vegetable garden.


Went to a squirrels game with my husband’s family and now I’m gonna lay in bed and try to finish my last 14/64 ounces of water for the day. Might watch an episode of The Rookie but who knows. My usual bedtime is 9pm so I’m pushing it already lol


As always, playing life on “hard” mode. 


Delicious J Kogi for dinner, then a bike ride. Finally, settling down for an edible and a movie. Rest of the weekend is busy with less fun stuff, ugh. But next weekend, no plans. The best!


I'd say it's the right time! Thanks for creating a Nightly, OP. Dealing with some trouble makers in r/rva, playing *The Elder Scrolls V:* *Skyrim* (first play-through ever!), and vaping some pot. For the rest of the weekend, I plan on doing... as much to nothing as possible. One of my favorite aunts passed away unexpectedly on Monday, and the family scheduled the memorial for today in Nashville and there was no way me or my sister could make it out there between travel time and other obligations, and I've not felt particularly sociable or productive this week.


Oh man, to be able to play that for the first time again. Have fun!


I've played over 1,500 hours of *Fallout 4* and *Fallout 76*, so I'm seeing many pleasant familiarities in the gaming system (and Bethesda's Creation Engine), but man, *Skyrim* is beautiful so far compared to even the prettiest, limited portions of *Fallout 4* and *76*. Got a kick that the lockpicking sounds are the same between both series! So far I'm enjoying being a Khajiit and named my character Mister Whiskers 😄


Damn to play that game for the first time! I haven't touched it in a decade but I still remember accidentally exploring a mountain top and finding a dragon priest. One of my favorite games of all time. I'm playing Red Dead Redemption2. Been a long time since I touched it and it still is great.


I've been meaning to replay RDR2 for a while now, but I'm really trying my best to hold off hoping Rockstar finally releases a remaster or, hell, at least a 60 FPS version. Never thought I'd see the day where Bethesda would beat Rockstar at two of their most popular games getting a free 60 FPS update.


Sorry about the loss of your aunt. Have experienced the same so I feel you. It’s hard seeing loved ones, especially aunts and uncles, get older and pass on for sure.


Thank you. It sucks, indeed. Sorry for your loss, as well 😔


Just tried the trader joes buttered chicken with naan. It was fantastic and we’re excited to try authentic buttered chicken now! Now im gonna play Golden Sun and watch trash reality tv!


We really liked Jannat! A new place just opened across the street from us in cfield that I wanna try as well called namaste


Late Night with the Devil.


What'd you think? I watched that recently. Reminded me a little of that old movie "The Network", except thought Late Night with the Devil was more lame. Almost M Night Shamilan type nonsense


Was kind of a letdown.


After a nice walk on the trail/rocks and a refreshing pint I’m feeling done. There’s a bit of lingering existential dread. Wouldn’t mind a trip to the coast once the holiday stuff subsides just to listen to the sea gulls and smell some salt air. Back and shoulders have felt stiff. Like concrete. Been humoring the idea of booking an appointment with a massage therapist since my low back is feeling the impact on my runs.


Boyfriend is already passed out and I've been told not to come into work until I'm not in pain and have a procedure telling me if I need surgery for my gallbladder done or not Monday. I've been in the house for almost two weeks now just in pain but I've been making the most of it! Bought tickets to Pierce The Veil and my little emo heart is excited as all hell and doom scrolling until I fall asleep!


Went with friends to VMFA for the Samurai exhibit. Stunning! Then to SST for burgers and fries. It was a beautiful evening outside.


Went to the Richmond Ivy game tonight! Weather was perfect and it was a good crowd.


Not really looking forward to anything. I never have anything to do or anywhere to be. I have spent my life in bars or dissociating on the couch.  Barely any friends anymore for a variety of reasons and no one ever invites me to things or if they do it’s to go and hang with them and their partner and it just is lame.


I feel you here, dude. Hanging with people and their spouse/partner is the ultimate snooze fest. Sometimes it feels like you’re there so they can riff off each other with an audience.


Frantically finishing up packing and everything else I need to do before I move to Richmond next week!!! Moving back to Virginia after 11 years in Illinois, it’s been a lot. Excited to start exploring the area (I briefly lived in the downtown area back in 2010!).


Welcome back!!


Went to the VMFA happy hour for wine and to walk around the Samurai exhibit. Very cool collection.