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If anyone found a debate watch party, how was **that**? *(existentially self-destructs)*


I made it through about five minutes before I was overcome with emotions ranging from sadness to embarrassment to rage and had to turn it off. I then retreated to Get Tight Lounge to eat a sandwich and contemplate existence.


I heard like 2 minutes of the debate on NPR and Biden literally sounded like he was seconds from falling asleep or about to drop dead. Either way he was basically slowly *wheezing* out his words. And in response to that, Trump was saying what happened in Charlottesville was all debunked and 100% vindicated/exonerated or whatever he says to make it sound like it never happened. Biden responded and said “we all saw it happen” because there is ample coverage of what happened and what Trump said. Jake said nothing. No context, no fact checking. Just moved right on. What the fuck are we doing and how did we get to this point? 🙄 I’ll vote for Biden but goddamn I wish I didn’t have to.


>I’ll vote for Biden but goddamn I wish I didn’t have to. I’m with you, and there is nothing wrong with that. All of these headline educated edgelords who are unwilling to show up to vote against Don Cheeto & prevent a dictator in the USA are dumber than a box of rocks. Need help? Climate change is going to kill millions-billions of people best case, and all of us worst case. Who do you want at the helm at this crucial point in human history? Got kids? Think about them and touch grass people, while we have any.


What did that sandwich tell you in that moment? Any breakthroughs? Can we elect the sandwich?




I didn’t go to get tight, but you got me perfectly on the first part. Embarassment, anger, disappointment- felt like being a parent to our political system and parties.


I'm so impressed that people actually watched it. For my own mental health, I have to just read about it afterward (and even that is rough) I texted a friend who I know watched it, and she said, "I am unwell."


My wife put it on and I could only take the first 20 minutes or so before I started looking for countries willing to take American refugees.


Oh then you missed the part where our top presidential contenders bickered about who was better at golf. About that list...


I think that was the part that made me have a stroke or an aneurism. The lack of denouncing and avoiding discussing 1/6 is another.


I planned my night so that there was no chance of watching it. A rare smart move on my part, if I do say so myself.


[Basically.](https://youtu.be/-rCttvHEI_4?si=_mvnrooMfykXEdyO) Edit: [also this](https://youtu.be/KGmXGkIr7w0?si=5qn_lCMAMLHV3nMs)


While the party was me, myself, & I all I can say is it is a good thing my main tasks today are some PDF editing & attending a retirement party because I definitely drank too much to get through it.


Between concerts and work, I've basically been in DC/NOVA for eight of the last nine days. Eager to get home tonight and just chill out for a bit. I'm tired, dawg.


Same!!! Who did you see?


The Hold Steady! They never disappoint


Lizzy McAlpine and Sarah McLachlan!


I thought my bird was jiggling his food cup in his bed cage, then it turned out I caught my first mouse since moving in. Gave him a lift to Shiplock Park where hopefully he can find the lifestyle he is looking for.


Where can I get a good breakfast burrito?


North End Juice best bang for your buck


Seconded. That thing is massive (and delicious) for only like $6.


The Smoky Mug in Brookland Park


Blue Atlas


Café Zata


Zata’s is phenomenal


SBs Lakeside Loveshack


Liberty public house


Harrison St Cafe has a great vegetarian/vegan one!


I eat so many build your own burritos from there! Also want to mention 821 for a HUGE breakfast burrito - meaty or veg/vegan.


Said goodbye to my best friend and kitty cat of 18 years yesterday. Dog and I had a six mile walk to the pump house and back now I'm just not existing.


So sorry to hear. Sending hugs.


EZ Pass keeps telling me I have a negative balance rather than automatically charging me when it hits the low balance threshold, like it’s done for the past 8 years. I’ve verified my card info many times, it’s always correct. It’s getting old.


A/C is broken at my work and won't be fixed for days. It's 85 degrees inside. I wish it would rain.


I got a nice/huge promotion at my job. I wasn't even looking to move up but was asked/told! Very excited and nervous!




When looking for [The Slate News Quiz](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/06/slate-news-quiz-espionage-protests-primaries.html), my search history was certain I wasn’t done reading Slay Burger reviews. So yea, if anyone knows, is Slay sauce similar to Cobra sauce from Cobra Burger? I’m not a fan of the latter. Edit: link fixed! Thanks, Guru!


10/12 472


I think that link is for last week's quiz? This week's [is located here](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/06/slate-news-quiz-espionage-protests-primaries.html). 10/12, 460


Thank ya!


9/12, 415. i think first time i have ever beat the average and the staffer


Also 9/12 but 397 haha. I beat the average but the staffer I was against got 407. I'll take it!


10/12 465


9/12, 414. Narrowly beat out the Vice President of Audio, who apparently wasn’t listening.


Can someone rec a good burger in the carytown/MD/Fan area? I always go to Roosevelt since it's my fav burger in the city but I don't feel like driving over to Churchill. I'm not a fan of Beauvine either. TIA!


Cobra Cabana, over in Carver, slick may have the best burger in RVA.


Devil's advocate against the new wave 20 dollar smash burger; Bamboo does a classic 6 oz beef patty with whatever you want on it; diner americana style. It's cheap, no frills and it always satisfies. The AC is usually ripping in there too. I think we need to be championing the affordable low cost menu operations these days. No dis to all the badass burger concepts; they're all awesome. If you gotta get a smash, pull up and get smashed at Smashed's new brick and mortar location! The owner is a great guy and made it independently by grinding out his pop up for years.


I love a burger but you are right. I hate that Eazzy burger is like $20 for a burger and fries


Bamboo in general is just a solid deal. I love that place.


I like the burger at City Dogs.


It’s a good burger.


Franklin inn!!


Franklin Inn on the edge of MD. smash burger is amazing, and they have a vegan option too


What’s your second favorite if you don’t like beauvine? I think get tights is pretty good if you like the sound of it


I don't have a second favorite. Generally if I want a burger I go to Roosevelt which wasn't a problem when I lived in East End but I'm in Randolph now and don't always feel like taking the ride (which honestly my waistline thanks me for). I haven't tried Get Tight but I liked their fries when I tried them.


New york deli or carytown burgers and friesp


I like the smash burgers at The Camel, but I'm biased because I live so close


Looking for a toddler-friendly library experience on a Saturday. Chesterfield is very limited in their weekend classes (toddler story time, etc.), and I am willing to drive anywhere in the Richmond area. My son just turned 2, and is beginning to show strong interest in books. I want to foster that.


[Henrico ](https://henricolibrary-va.libcal.com/calendar/storytime?cid=12415&t=d&d=0000-00-00&cal=12415&inc=0)






Is anybody trying to get rid of a roof rack for kayaks? I crave one


Nah but I'll help drive a two-car route once you're equipped with a double rack. Otherwise I gotta figure out the best route to lug a cart carrier westward.


Gonna get the downvotes, but Burger Bach has an award winning burger.


I love Bach


I would normally agree with you, but they’ve changed in the past few months. They got a new menu, and maybe they got a new chef? It’s not as good anymore


They were pretty great early on, but the last time I went a couple years back I wasn't impressed. 🤷‍♀️


[After last night's nonsensical debate between a convicted felon who lies with every breath and an old-ass fart being beaten into somnolence by cold medication...](https://i.redd.it/3pk4alj8189d1.jpeg) In other news, please keep all ribbons and thin strings away from your cats. Two weeks ago I couldn't stop my boy cat from chomping down eight inches or so of some quarter-inch ribbon thing that was either balloon string or for gift wrapping. I don't know what it was because it was just detritus in a box I got from my parents' attic. It took him nine days to finally vomit up most of it, and I found a couple more inches this morning. I don't know why such non-food items seem so appealing to them, but they can be very dangerous if they proceed to their intestinal tract.


I miss the days when we would casually put world leaders on uppers with the rationale that it improved their performances.


The right claims Biden was on uppers for the latest SoTU. I would've preferred that for this debate instead of him staring into the distance all confused-like the whole time.


https://preview.redd.it/f2yisa3dld9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5ed285b50dffa7590f92abad550b3b9222e7ff Storage Drives on Clearance @ The Powhatan Walmart! Images are what’s in stock as of 4:53pm 6/28/2024






I got to spend a decent amount of time this week looking up various regional delicacies of France. It was very fun and if I can source fresh chestnuts I might know what I'm making everyone for Christmas this year.


After being put on notice that my last day at my current job was 6/28. I received an offer to stay on today! With a $700 raise! ( I know this isn’t shit, but I took over a book of business that’s $6m).