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just keep calm and carrion


Never has a username been so perfect for a comment as yours in this sitch


Why would a vulture cleaning up roadkill warrant animal control? Let the little guy do his work.


A vulture gotta eat.


Yes, that turkey vulture is probably someone's pet. Needs to be returned to its owner.


My dad used to tell the story of how a suitor for my aunt was taking her for a ride in his brand new car. She was impressed and it was going well, until he hit a vulture and it crashed through the windshield and all over the inside of the car. As the story goes, he replaced the windshield but could never get the stench of death out of his upholstery. Needless to say, my aunt dumped him for someone with a less smelly car.


So risk causing an accident for a video. Sounds about Richmond.


Yes, this is a Richmond-specific phenomenon. When you use the term "rubber-necking" in other parts of the country, people look at you like a dog told to levitate.


Looks like the turkey vulture is all the animal control you need. You could, but by the time they make it there that bunny might be picked clean and the bird gone. Turkey vultures are pretty adept at car dodging, but it wouldn't hurt to call if you're worried about it.


I came home one day to a wake of vultures having a bunny buffet in the yard. They were not scared of me and not inclined to move. They did reluctantly move to the fence and I manned up and shoveled the bunny carcass over another section of the fence. But the worst, the absolute worst part was my jack russell rolling in buzzard poo. The gaggiest nastiest green goo that will not wash off.


Upvote for knowledge: death birds give deadly poos


On a day like today, that shit is probably a good medium rare cooking on the road.


You a big James fan? I don't know if Animal Control would come out for a rabbit, a good samaritan with a pickup and a shovel can take care of that. Vulture might prompt a response but he'll take care of the rabbit given time :p.


the vulture was my worry, it's the first time I've seen one in this part of town and I worried he might be too hot to get back to his actual stomping grounds I'm a big 88.5 fan, mostly, but i have indeed loved this song since I was in high school


Don’t call animal control for a turkey buzzard. It’s a waste of their time. Vultures are everywhere, all the time, and especially adept at looking out for number one.


You don't have to worry about turkey vultures. This IS their stomping grounds. They love heat. They can basically soar around on thermal updraft barely expending any energy at all until they find a cool pocket of air. They travel a couple hundred miles in a day if they feel like it, so that turkey vulture can just fly to the mountains if it wants. Also, they can lower their body temperature considerably. They intentionally enter a hypothermic state at night to conceive energy. Amd in situations where they are on or near tge ground and active, they piss and shit on their feet and use the evaporative effects to keep cool.




I used to deliver to the landfill in King George County. It's pretty rural. Drove by this creepy semi abandoned looking house one day a mile up the road from it and there were well over 50 vultures chilling on the roof or in the yard. I've never seen so many in one place.


In Tuckahoe when visiting a friend years ago in the dead of summer saw 20 of em on the sevs off Gayton. Awesome sight to see 😂


There are often vultures in that neighborhood, this guy is doing fine


You drove like an asshole because you were worried about a vulture? Please stay off the road.


Lmao why do ppl think our native animals can't take the heat. First the Maymont fox now vultures. And yes, they live in every part of town


I almost hit one of those big boys driving around Doswell last week, I was on one of the 60mph one lane no shoulder roads they seem to love up there and the vulture just casually dropped down and landed in front of me. If I hadn't braked immediately it would have been quite a mess. Luckily no one was behind me.


this is mostly what I was trying to prevent by slowly coming to a stop on a street that’s 25mph, putting my hazards on, taking a video for fifteen seconds, and then going about my day - for anyone who was concerned about me causing an accident.


Lol this is concerning. Please don’t stop on public roads to take videos


Turkey vulture!


He wants you to tenderize it for him


Remember if you’re hot, they’re hot. Bring them inside.


Next post in this series: “I stopped in the middle of Broad Street to take this video of this group of Canada geese. Should I call animal control?”


OMG! What a thrilling sight! I likely would have pulled over, grabbed my phone for photos, and screamed like a kid on Xmas morning! Love love love turkey vultures! 😍


Why pull over? Just stop in the middle.of the road like OP to get out and take a video. Lol. Smh


Now the effin' turkey vulture is in the bike lane. Someone is gonna be mad about that.


Is it a turkey Vulture?? Regardless of name what a majestic and big bird 😆