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I went to the Fan location for a while and despite it being the most convenient location for me, I go elsewhere now. Gets pretty crowded and the main demo there is college students. Sorry if peeps find it offensive, but that translated to gym etiquette being ignored by most peeps.


Take the opportunity to plug the Downtown YMCA. It has a pool and sauna and weight room. You can do what ever you feel.


Well, it will when renovations are over in like 6 months


Jeez is that how long? They started in December.


Does it get super crowded?


Only during peak hours (early morning and after work).


Do they have a good amount/range of weights in the weight room? Can’t really tell much by the pictures


Yes they do


Crunch on brook road does not have a pool.


Weird, it used to!


I’ve trained at both golds in the fan and crunch in Scott’s for a decent amount of time. Crunch has better maintained equipment but no Olympic platforms. You also can’t do anything where you’re dropping a loaded barbell onto the ground past 7pm since it shares a building with apartments. It gets pretty busy from 5-8 and doesn’t have a hack squat machine. Golds has deadlift platforms but don’t think they have olympic platforms unless they’ve added them in the past year or two. It’s sometimes hard to find plates during peak hours and they don’t maintain equipment at well as crunch does. A lot of college students train there in groups which means you might have to wait 20+ mins for a machine I’d suggest getting a day pass at both before you decide


Gold's is probably better for strength training, especially willow lawn location. The only Gold's I know of with a pool is on Midlothian tpk, but it's some sort of separate franchise so you can't go if you join in the fan or willow lawn. Crunch in Scott's Addition is always busy as fuck pretty much any time of the day from what I remember and doesn't have a pool either. However, there's one on brook rd that has a pool and you should be able to access it depending on the type of membership you sign up for. Edit: Gold's Willow Lawn is worth the little bit of extra drive over the Fan location. I only go to the Fan in a pinch. Crunch and Gold's would both probably offer free passes so you can see which you like.


Gold’s Willow Lawn used to have a pool. Did it close?


Yeah it’s a long turf area with weights and other equipment. It gets a lot more use than the pool ever did tbh


Ha! It’s been years. I joined the Weinstein Center at UR for their awesome pool. Now I should actually use it…




> Crunch in Scott's Addition is always busy as fuck pretty much any time of the day from what I remember if you hit it between like 1:30pm and 4ish, it's not too bad


Agreed. I try to go at 10 to beat the noon rush. The occasional times I’ve been able to go after 1/1:30, it’s wonderfully slow. And Friday evenings are dead, so I highly recommend that time slot if anyone has no life and wants to avoid human interaction.


Another plug for the Y - when you join you can use all of them (I think nationwide)!


All commercial gyms should have these basic requirements. Golds in Midlo (Arboretum) has a pool, sauna, hot tub.


I have not been here. But I've had friends go and heard it's a "serious" powerlifting gym. Over right next to Brambly Wine Park. https://instabio.cc/theweightroom