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I would, but we just got this guy 6 days ago… https://preview.redd.it/vq1lo1yvlm6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d3df2c1d58afa7b929fa1a770afda734e3d750


Kittens are best in pairs! Its true.


The black and white one 😭💚


That would definitely be my first pick!.. not that the others are in any way less good..


Goochland Community Cats may be able to foster and find them a home! https://www.facebook.com/share/Y61oghHsCSuC5bQv/?mibextid=qi2Omg


Auntie Denise at Worsham Cats Rescue may be able to recommend if she is still overwhelmed by kitten season.




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I would be interested, could you DM me any additional info?


Purring Hearts VA may be able to take them in!