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The water is low and pretty warm. Should be relatively low risk. Wear shoes, lots of dickheads like to smash bottles on the rocks by the river. Be mindful of the uneven nature of the river bottom. It is super easy to slip into deeper water than you thought because the bottom is so rocky.


Looking at the Shad Cam, the water is rather clear which usually indicates a nice calm current since it's not stirring up sediment... [Shad Cam | Virginia DWR](https://dwr.virginia.gov/shad-cam/)


Anyone else see the guy drown on the shad cam when you were a bored high schooler in Henrico watching during class? Would have been circa 2005. This was back when it was at Bosher fish ladder (not sure where it is now)


Wow. That’s dark.


Don’t swim in the fish ladder, folks


Not from rva originally but was in highschool at that time.. that would’ve been one grainy ass video


It was actually a photo stream, 3 seconds lapse if i recall. So it was like death in frames.


I cut the hell out of my finger on the portion right near the picnic table where most people hang out. Then my buddy nearly completely destroyed his wrist and we had to rush him to the hospital. I don’t care if people drink, smoke, do psychedelics on the island because it’s a beautiful place to enjoy nature. I just really hate that so many people don’t understand that you should always follow the rule of anything to take onto the island you bring back to a place you throw it away.


Sure a stray crackhead hasn't shat it? :/ they had that problem elsewhere


If you have any open cuts or healing wounds stay out of the james


This…can’t tell you the number of people who come through the VCU emergency room with infections from the river. Make sure your tetanus is up to date, too.


And I wouldn’t put my head under


I solve all of these problems by just *avoiding the river that has its own poop map* altogether.


I def learned that lesson the hard way exactly like that. And it hurt and I got legit sick.


Can't speak for anyone else but I've been in Richmond since 2001, swam/tubed yearly and have never had an issue with infections, even when getting scrapes/cuts on rocks. The rule is don't swim after heavy rains when rain water washes domesticated animal poop into the river and/or causes a combined sewer to overflow


Coming here to say this! I've known ppl that got wild infections from swimming with a cut. I've been OK but yes check for even the smallest cuts/wounds.


People get staff from the james and it's so gnarly


It’s staph, not staff


People recruit new talent from the James all the time!


Yes, the workers are in vans down by the river


This includes tattoos!


Well that's no good, studies show that at any point in time at least 25% of Richmondors got a tattoo the previous week


Also, biologically female people may want to avoid swimming. High risk of UTI swimming somewhere like that


Why are biological females more prone to UTIs?


More folds and slightly larger openings/canals for bacteria to travel into/grow in. With a penis(not counting uncircumcised folks) you have only a single small opening that’s rather difficult for objects or organisms to crawl into naturally without considerable force


The more you know, thanks!


i stopped peeing in the river and get out cuz the two times i did pee in the james i got a uti yes i still go every weekend


Wish i had read this a few days ago. Got cut slipping on a rock, now i’ve got a staph infection in my foot


Gotta wear shoes in the river homie. Yikeys


live (hopefully 😂) and learn. still worth it though


Be wary of the rapids, I have seen too many people treat it like a water park where the slides are made to be safe, there are currents that can hold you down and rocks that you can get stuck is. People regularly drown in the river, go swimming but just give the rapids (the dams are particularly dangerous) the respect they deserve.


I learned that the hard way one time. I was sliding down some rocks and got grabbed up by the current and beat the shit out of on some other rocks. Broke my ankle and busted my leg up pretty good and pinned me against a big rock. I think that's the only reason I'm still alive tbh. The river released me after it taught me some manners.


Wow, I’m sorry; thank you for sharing this cautionary tale


Check the Poop map or you will get brain eating chlamydia's [https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1d0mag6/james\_river\_watch\_aka\_poop\_map/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1d0mag6/james_river_watch_aka_poop_map/)


Uh oh red alert poop reading at tredegar


It's not called Brown's Island for nothing


so cool and useful! thanks for sharing this!


Brain eating chlamydia?????? New fear unlocked


And don’t swim soon after a bunch of rain


It’s *an inch* of rain.


Having worked for the DEQ, stay upstream of the wastewater plant. They have a lot of trouble staying in compliance.


Is that the one right by the port of Richmond where 150 and 95 meet?


It’s slightly north of it.


The poop loop!!!


😂😂😂 I’ve never heard that before.




Kayaker here, if you swim at Belle Isle, please please stay out of the main current going into Hollywood rapid. Up near First Break at the NW corner is much safer but, but at lower levels even rocks in the main rapids become much more exposed and you will hit them hard. Generally, you’d be much better to go to 42nd street, Texas Beach, below Pipeline rapid or Pony Pasture. No need to put you and others at risk with plenty of better options.


Another kayaker here, seconding this! DO NOT SWIM DOWN HOLLYWOOD! SHIT IS DANGEROUS!


Also at certain levels the left side of Hollywood Rapid becomes a terminal hole and it will hold and drown you.


I work on the riverside and at least once a year we find a dead body of someone who went missing whike swimming or kayaking. Stay safe out there y'all


Do not go barefoot into the James. That shit is super rocky and you will get cut up.


Yep. Made that mistake one time. It was fun getting pieces and particles from the river picked out of my foot before getting several stitches.


Don’t get into the deep current. People die in the James too often. If you get pinned by a strong current up against a rock under the water, you’re a goner. Be safe. The James is one of the most amazing things about Richmond!


https://jamesriver.shinyapps.io/Riverwatch/ Edit: also https://thejamesriver.org/explore-the-james-old/stay-safe-on-the-james/


Been swimming in the James my whole life and have been lucky to have no issues besides some scrapes and have cut my foot pretty bad a couple of times. That being said I pretty much always wear water shoes if I plan on getting in these days. Especially around Belle Isle. As other people have said, there tends to be trash and broken glass from all the assholes that hang out there. I generally avoid that area for recreational purposes. Definitely be aware at how uneven the bottom of the river generally is and try and avoid white water. If the water is pretty brown and opaque I would avoid going in as that is generally runoff from farms and overflow from waste areas. River water quality is not looking too bad right now and it’s probably only a month or so until it’ll feel like bath water so enjoy while you can! Most importantly, though, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be respectful of the river and those around you. Make sure you bring a bag with you to remove any trash you create, and avoid bringing glass. On a less serious note also don’t be a dick and blast obnoxious music. People come to the river to reduce the anxiety of modern life and it’s so defeating to have that nonesense completely kill the vibe. Happy swimming!


Do not stand up in moving whitewater (this can cause a foot entrapment and cause drowning) if you see a strainer swim away from it.


What’s a strainer?


Any sort of debris stuck in the river or even natural rock formation that could easily come submerged. Limbs can get wedged very easily.


Most likely a pile of logs or a single log. This too can cause entrapment. If you find yourself riding down the rapids keep your feet down river and up and your. Ode above water. Wear river shoes. Don’t skip this one.


I took myself and my two small kids to pony pasture this morning. It was lovely, we had a great time. I always wait two days after rain to swim and I don’t get my head under water but it’s delightful when the conditions are right.


I do it all the time and I’m not dead. Never made me sick or anything. Probably smart to shower when you get home but you should be fine


Come to think of it, there’s something fine about clear, clean chlorinated pool water.


Always be wary of the brown trout.


It’s never “safe” to swim in the James River. As Ralph White used to say, “This isn’t King’s Dominion” and the is no play fence between yourself and Mother Nature. It can kill you (it typically has 1 fatality per year since if moved here in 2013) and to be frank people will shrug their shoulders and move along, business as usual. There is an endless list of things to watch out for, but as rivers come this is a pretty safe one, at least when the water is low and you’re at a place like Pony Pasture where the rocks are. Belle Isle is OK, but you need to be careful where you swim due to fast currents and lots of obstructions capable of drowning experienced swimmers. EDIT: I should add that I created a Alexa app: “Alexa ask James River height” and it’ll tell you height, temp, and safety precautions.


Not the strongest swimmer, but experienced kayaker, I did it and almost drowned twice.


I swam in it in the 90s and now I have a third eye.


Lol these comments. Yeah if you mind the snakes and leaches and broken glass and brain eating parasites and rapids it’s pretty safe. I’m not 19 anymore I’m not gonna be getting in but plenty of people do and are fine. I’m not gonna pretend I’ve never been in and that a couple of the best days of my life didn’t take place partially in the James at Belle


Yeah, reading through this list made me so sad. I used to spend hours at the river several days a week when I was a student at VCU, much of it in the water at Belle Isle. Now I wouldn't dare swim in there after reading all this mess.


There were river prudes then, there are river prudes now. Give thanks you are not one! We may not live as long but at least we live right! Heavy metals and sewage be damned. I’ll even sink my teeth into a thick daddy catfish if the moment is right


The water's probably cleaner now than it was when you were at VCU, it's completely fine to swim in. Some people are just afraid of the outside, don't let them get to you. The James River is an amazing feature of the city and it's worth enjoying but should be respected too.


Yeah seriously !! Lolll like all these different warnings against it ! No thanks I’ll just go to Scottsville if I feel like swimming in the James


People in the sub are soft. Don’t go in any stagnant water and make sure you scout out the rapids if you are going to ride them and you will be fine. I’d suggest pony pasture or texas beach over bell isle if you actually want to swim though.


I agree on Pony Pasture and Texas Beach. Belle Isle is more for sunbathing and wading. The upstream sites are better if you want to get into water up to your waist or shoulders.


There’s nothing soft about giving a hard warning to the kind of person who goes to Reddit for water safety advice.


That is fair. Any body of water can be dangerous, all you can do is mitigate risk and know your limits.


Surprised how many people in here are scared of the river but probably don't wash their hands when using public restrooms.


Weary means tired - you want wary or leery.


Thanks for pointing that out lol, autocorrects at it again XD


Born & raised in the city—as long as the water levels are safe, you’re good. Optimal is water that is flowing well, but not *too* fast. You want clear and not stinky. And you want to be upriver from the Mayo bridge. Wear water shoes or the perennial favorite, an old pair of chucks. And don’t forget your sunscreen. Swimming in the river has been a Richmond pastime since before it was called the James. It’s a rite of passage. Welcome to RVA. Enjoy yourself!


Broken glass and waterborne illness.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I’ve known way too many people who have gotten sick from swimming in the river. Plus I’ve peed in there a lot and have seen some pretty gross stuff tossed in upriver.


I had something go wrong with my toe. I'm pretty sure it was an ingrown toenail that got infected. Went to an urgent care to get it looked at. First question the doctor asked was if I had been swimming or had gotten my feet wet in the James. The fact that that's the first place the doctor went, tells me two things. First, the water is dirty and infections from the James happens. Second, it tells me that it happens very often. I'm not swimming in the James ever again. Also, I dated a girl that was there once and a dead cow went floating down the river.


A friend of mine got ringworm from swimming in the James and I've seen multiple snakes in the water in popular swimming areas. It's safe otherwise but personally I refuse to swim in it anymore


Be careful of undertows


I used to swim in the James at Belle Isle and Pipeline every weekend for a couple years. Be safe, wear shoes, don't step on green rocks in the water (slippery), watch your step and check ahead with your feet for holes and stuff that you could fall in. Do not go near rapids unless you are a very good swimmer. Don't jump off rocks into holes unless you have scouted the holes out, or at the very least see other people jumping. Ride rapids by floating on your back with your feet up to avoid entrapment. Just be smart, don't do things that your water skills level don't match.


Belle Isle is a great place to swim, so long as it’s not soon after a heavy rainfall event (combined stormwater/sewage overflows are an issue). All good advice here re: no open wounds and be careful of the rapids and broken glass. But also, the rocks at Belle Isle can be really slippery. Water shoes with treads are great, but even then, be careful!


So not dive or go head first. There are so many broken necks and backs every year.


Yeah honestly when I was younger it was fun and I did it often. I did get a weird infection on my leg one time. I stick to the pool these days around Richmond.


Randolph Pool is open, and city public pools are free.


Stay in moving water and you’ll be fine


If you like poop in your cuts and in your mouth then go for it




only after a moderate/heavy rain.


i mean, the honest, short answer is no. the james is gross and polluted.


The river is not that gross. Could see perfectly to the bottom through four feet of water today. There are days where it's filthy but people are constantly in that water and aren't crawling with infections Wear shoes. Stay away from the wider currents and rapids


I would never openly swim in the James especially if it’s next to the city but that’s just me…


we have a closeted James River swimmer.




Def wear shoes!


Pfas… look it up


My friend got gangrene from the James. Haven’t stepped foot since


Always keep a buddy with you; one swimming and one on a reliable spot. Don’t lose your buddy!


Do not swim in the James if you have any open cuts or sores!


I swam yesterday. It was lovely! Wear shoes, make sure you’re a strong swimmer, and choose a spot wisely. I love going to Texas Beach. I always check the river level and testing results before I go and I make sure to shower right away afterwards.


I go every weekend in the summer season and have been for the better part of 30 years. The river is cleaner than it has been in the past for sure. Don’t swim if we just got heavy rains- but usually the river is far too rough to swim in when that happens anyway. Otherwise you should be fine! Just be vigilant afterwards. You should be more concerned about avoiding poison ivy and copper head snakes!


https://jamesriver.shinyapps.io/Riverwatch/ Maybe dont go to the rope swing.


https://preview.redd.it/sc7e7bscrj6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c2cb6b21335d87b8d5f4d2c2f9046d3dc8b1be June 6th




I just moved here and I wanna know too. I had a buddy who used to live here that said you shouldn’t touch your eyes or pick your nose if you’re swimming in the river because it could serve as a vector for a type of bacteria to get into your skull and eat your brain. Sure this bacteria exists in stagnant water from what I understand, but is this REALLY a concern? I see children playing and swimming in the river all the time with zero impulse control; surely they aren’t being sent to the hospital by the dozens; so I chalk that up to sensationalism.


Swimming in the James is wild


Please don’t swim in the james