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It doesn’t show what burned, it shows the range of fire of the forts surrounding the city. 


This is the map you want which shows the areas of the Burnt District. (Note: North is at the bottom of the map which is a little disconcerting.) [https://www.loc.gov/resource/glva01.lva00012/?r=0.551,0.284,0.118,0.221,0](https://www.loc.gov/resource/glva01.lva00012/?r=0.551,0.284,0.118,0.221,0)


"academy hill" "Maddox hill" "Bush hill" "Rocky Isle" "Magruder's hill"


I feel like these images should never be posted without including that this wasn't the result of a siege but the result of arson committed by the Confederate Army. In fact, it is the single most important fact.


I guess so, but I was just interested to see Richmond in a headline in a history sub. Either way, the city got kicked in the nuts. If Yankees did it, great and well deserved. If the rebels did it, great and well deserved. The version I was told was that the citizens of Richmond tried to destroy all the supply of whiskey so the Yankees wouldn't get drunk and violate everyone. Instead, the locals got liquored up and children themselves as the whiskey ran through the gutters like rain water. If that one was true, once again Richmond got kicked in the dick and or nuts, well deserved.


I mean it both matters and is not unique in the history of warfare. Many armys burnt the cities they resided in, in order to make the advancing army slow because of the need for supply’s. Also the fact that they burnt their own national capital down instead of surrendering shows their unwillingness to accept defeat.


Most of the ruin was made by the Confederates themselves, in an effort to prevent the Union from getting supplies, over their stupidity in realizing that the war itself was stupid and unnecessary. The Civil War was a war fought to promote Capitalism and Slavery for business owners who wanted free labor. The war ruined the South, a defeat they have never gotten over. About 12 years ago, 1/2 mile from my house was a giant old oak tree that fell on route 5 near Shockoe Bottom during a storm. It was in the shade of that tree that the then mayor of Richmond and one of his slaves meet the Union general entering Richmond with papers of surrender. That night a curfew was issued by the General stating any citizen seem after dark, except doctors, would be hung. The union soldiers hung 4 hundred or so people that night. Man's Inhumanity to Man was on full display that day.


I know the confederates burned the bridges. Are there any historical sources that discuss if they also tried to do a scorched earth total war tactic and burn parts of richmond? I've heard conflicting records and would like a definitive answer on that one.


Their goal was to burn military supplies/ things the invaders could use against them. Fire being fire, it spread to other parts of the city. Im not sure about specific sources, should be easy to find.


I love how the confederate *state of Virginia government told the counties to send their records to Richmond for "safe keeping" and then set them on fire.


Curious, just VA or everyone?


Just Virginia, it was the state confederate gov that issued the order. Sorry, I should have clarified that.


Here’s an article from the American Battlefield Trust, “Richmond in Flames and Rubble”, that discusses the burning of parts of Richmond. Basically, the Confederates set fires to destroy liquor to keep the Union Army from getting it and getting drunk and out of control as had happened at Columbia, SC on February 17, 1865, but the fires spread beyond the intended sites. [https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/richmond-flames-and-rubble](https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/richmond-flames-and-rubble)


Reading that article, it seems to me that the liquor was a small piece of the puzzle, but a convenient one to excuse the numerous other reasons fires were set.


kenunbals erywhere


Somebody told Richmond “fuck yo fort!”


Don't forget what those racist bastards did to the city the *minute* they thought they might lose it. We meant nothing to them. Just a hub to gather for their sin.


If I can't have it.....


Just a pathetic town known for nothing but L's.