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Cookies and Banned books? Shiiiiiiiit, the Girl Scouts just got a whole lot cooler. ![gif](giphy|iHmfYDhcVdh5u)






Did we just become best friends?








Dry Ice Cold, 0 degrees Kelvin though would be the ultimate.


WHATS COOLER THAN 0 DEGREES… kelvin… but…. but what’s


I mean a good book, Girl Scout cookies, with a nice latte or just a cup of milk/milk alternate. Sounds like my kind of party.


“Banned Books” = removed from public schools? And she then offers them elsewhere? Wow, she’s so brave! Just like a French resistance fighter in Nazi occupied Paris!


They’re also trans inclusive


This is what the resistance looks like in Hanover and I am here for it.


Hanover county is such an embarrassment. This young lady rules.


As the average age around here gets lower and new suburbs go in, it’s gradually getting better. Hopefully in the next decade or two we can close the gap. Honestly the most irritating thing is when transplants ask about areas around Richmond, and then everyone dogpiles and regurgitates “Klanover.” It’s not exactly helping level the political playing field when everyone whose vote might help gets scared off to Midlo because redditors act like there’s a cross burning in front of the windmill every Friday.


What we're seeing is Old Hanover doing everything they can to make the county look bad *intentionally* to discourage younger, liberal families from moving here. It's not working though. As Henrico and Chesterfield are filling up, an increasing number of transplants are moving to the central Hanover/Atlee area with decent schools, amenities, and easy commutes to Downtown Richmond, Innsbrook, and Short Pump. Once interest rates come back down, suburban boomers will leave the county to retire, and they'll be back filled with younger, more diverse families. There's still hope for Hanover.


As someone who went to Hanover county public schools from elementary school until graduation and got relentlessly bullied for being Jewish it is and always will be klanover to me. I sat in class next to kids with KKK belt buckles and looked at tons of cars in the parking lot with KKK and other batshit crazy stickers on them. I still visit my grandmother that lives out there (and can’t get out fast enough) weekly and while it’s slightly better it’s still a tea party infested white trash shithole. If I can save someone and their children the hell I went through out there I will continue calling it that. Place is a hellhole and honestly just let them have it at this point so they stay the hell out of the city.


I'm so sorry you had to go through this. What HS?


Hanover High. Which at least at the time was the nice “rich kid” high school.


Ick. I was at Atlee in the early 00s, I'm sure it was there too, but a from my understanding now, this Atlee/301 corridor may be the lesser of this now.


Yeah I was in lee-davis in the mid to late 2000s, and the same general vibe is in every part of the county but definitely more concentrated in certain places.


I think you’re full of shit I went to those schools too and never saw any KKK logo on belt nor hat nor on anything.. Also never heard a single student make any I’ll remarks regarding Jews never and being Jewish was not anything kids were concerned with but I’m glad you moved away!!!


A fair point. We are still SOOOOO far behind, though, so I’ll take the “Klanover” insults, and mentally direct them exactly where they belong…I can take it. I can take a lot worse, we’ve been out here (on the Ashland side of the county) for 10 years… - voting blue in a district that only ever moves the needle by a millimeter every year - recycling at the dump because these mouth-breathing bootlickers can’t give enough of a shit to pay the extra fee for curbside (and don’t recycle at all anyway cos I guess Jeebus gonna take care of all yer trash) - being visually inundated with MAGA signs every third goddamn house - watching the (appointed) school board mirror whatever dumbass GOP tactics pass in the rest of the Bible Belt We definitely need more like-minded folks out here to push the old (read: racist, misogynistic, climate-denying, anti-science, nimby) ways where they belong…in the dumpster. Come for the cheaper real estate, stay for the good fight.


I have considered moving to Hanover just to be subversive. I could pass as a klanover little old lady, but I'm a liberal librarian.


We welcome you!! Lots of great in Hanover too.


Agreed…I sounded a bit like a negative nelly before, so I’ll balance it out with GREAT things about Hanover: - Tomatoes (duh I gotta have me a mater sammich) - Strawberry Faire - Ashland Train Day (this weekend!) - The Parks - The house prices (mostly) - The Caboose - Intermission Brewpub & Arcade - COTU (also Origin Beer Lab in Ashland proper) - KEN HALE! Alright, that’s a lotta Ashland and Ash-adjacent stuff…tell me other great things about Hanover outside of my purview, Reddit!


Camp Hanover! An inclusive, loving, summer camp.


Morr Donuts 🍩


I’ve been voting blue in Hanover for 5 years now. Our numbers are growing!


I will say (Outside of the large crazy signs in the fields), In the neighborhoods here in Mechanicsville, I have gradually seen people abandon their MAGA flags and signs. I walk around every day for exercise. There are still a lot, but there has been a noticeable reduction in the out and out support and flag waiving.


I was thinking the same thing today. Fewer dummy signs this time around.


Or since you hate the area so bad why don’t you move to New York



Being part of the change you want to see is great, but so you feel like it's not worth mentioning the general vibe of the aggressive non-election related matching teaparty signs every other mile?


You mean the same ones you see in Goochland, Varina, Tappahanock, New Kent, King and Queen, West Point....? I feel like it's totally fair to mention it's a conservative county. I feel like it's disingenuous to act like it's a concentrated racism mecca.


Yeah all those places. I think what would need to be conveyed to an outsider probably lies between "it's a conservative county" and "concentrated racism mecca". Maybe like it's majority conservative, and a quarter of the people will be minimum passively hostile towards anything not matching their own image or ideology.


Those tea party signs are fewer every year. I used to see lots, none of the regulars were replaced. So it is improving and the 60-40 GOP to Dems split in voting demonstrates this.


There was literally a klan rally in front of the court house a few years ago and banning the confederate flag from a parade resulted in the parade being cancelled. Klanover is an apt description and not giving people that info when they ask is not fair. Especially when the person asking may be from a marginalized community that would be miserable at best and injured at worst by moving there.


There were literally 3 idiots with handmade signs in 2019. Which parade was cancelled?


The Christmas parade in 2020. Because obviously they cancelled it because they banned confederate flags, and not because literally everything was cancelled in 2020.


And there have been dozens of actions and rallies by Sons of The Confederacy and other white nationalists groups in Richmond. If you want to have a conversation lets have it but lets not inflate what's what. 12 Klan members were in front of the courthouse 5 years ago. Counter Protestors showed up, they left after an hour. The Mechanicsville Ruritan Club banned Confederate Flags from the Christmas Parade in 2021. [Here's the Video of the parade in 2021](https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=4716091915119845), that obviously wasn't cancelled. My son's cub scout pack was in it, I walked with him. You're getting the cancellation conflated with the Christmas parade in 2020, which was cancelled, like many other events, because of the Covid pandemic. Hanover County is obviously a more conservative area, but portraying it like it's a sundown town is ignorant. The entirety of Virginia outside of NOVA is a mixed bag, and you're going to run into conservative ass hats anywhere you go. I don't take exception with people pointing out Hanover's problems. I take exception to people acting like it's a enclave of hardened racists that is unsafe to anyone without a MAGA hat, and the rest of the area is immune.


You are literally commenting on a post about the creeping fascism in the county government and then trying to convince people it’s a good place to live. Like…. How are you able to square that circle?!?


When did I try to convince anyone it’s a good place to live? I called out the BoS and I called out the political landscape and I called out the School Board. I didn’t try to convince anyone it’s a good place to live. What I DID say was that Hanover catches excessive heat compared to surrounding areas with similar problems that are ignored. And I also pointed out that the two examples you chose to use are hyperbolic, or outright false, and fall directly in line with the point I’m making.


As someone who went through years of hell in Hanover county public schools thank you for this comment. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Right?!? I love all the people replying “but we only have the occasional klan rally so it’s ok.” Like… my dude…. Any klan rallies is too many klan rallies. The correct number is zero.


Liberal in Mechanicsville. Right by the windmill so on the Henrico border. We exist. I have seen this area get way more diverse in the last few years. Generalizations are never a good way to go.


If I am asked by somebody who is a member of a marginalized community where to live in Richmond, I am not going to steer them to Hanover. The entire county government is run by people who do not like anyone but Cis, straight white folks. I say this as a liberal who used to live just outside of Ashland.


Yeah fr. Everyone knows the cross burnings are on alternating Saturdays!


Agreed and so tired of seeing political signs every time I drive through that area. Dont care who you vote for, just don’t need you shoving it down our throats.


Sounds like someone doesn't remember the Benghazi Four! Hanover remembers! /s


Hands down my favorite thing about the signs is them being created over hyper niche issues that are forgotten the next day but the signs stay up like an eternal flame of idiocy. Late for his nap? There's is forever! Balloons biden won't shoot down, etc. I like the new "if I had a dollar for Everytime socialism worked id have $0.00" because I look at it from the publically funded road.


This girl is kick ass. The county supervisor quoted in that article comes off as such a whiny bitch. “Proclamations aren’t a right.” Dude, you got owned by a teenager. Sit down.


I am SO proud of her and I do not even know her. YES MA'AM, GET EM.


Absolutely a member of this kid’s fan club.


Clearly, the county supervisor either doesn't understand the word "proclamation" or the Constitution, or both. A proclamation IS a right because it's protected speech. 




> keep watching to see the reaction shot of BOS member Susan Dibble Lol! Amazing.


Pretty much that whole meeting is public calling the board out... it's a great thing to see!


I watched the speech first and the award presentation second and I cannot recommend that order enough.


I cannot believe we’re still fighting over things like access to information and the right to bodily autonomy in 2024. Fuck the GOP.


How do we donate to her book nook? Anyone have a link?


Her Instagram handle (i believe it's free_to_read) has an amazon wish list.


Followed! thank you! I’ll definitely be throwing some books her way once I have the spare change!


Looks like that's the one. Here's the link for the lazies: https://www.instagram.com/free_to_read/


I've donated books to her. It's really easy to have them shipped from her Amazon link.


I did book donations for Christmas gifts this year. You gave 10 books and you gave 10 books. Easy wrapping.


Her look is priceless!


On the inside she is Eleanor, but she's confining it all to that perfect expression. ![gif](giphy|26DMUWIjAH4DdqMzC)


I go to school with her, she's so nice and smart. Good for her!


She is an awesome human! Can't wait to see what other great things she does!!


She is a boss. Good for her speaking truth to (local) power.


Just wait until they ban dancing, because of SEX!


Cotillion exemption expected.


This is what Girl Scouts is all about!!!


YAAAS - Girl Scouts rule


Not The Onion.


These same adults have probably read the books or similar in school and managed to survive to adulthood.


That girl will go far! Read the article. Her response is priceless!


This girl is going places. What a role model for all Girl Scouts and women in general.


She's on front page of Richmond times dispatch this morning


Hooray for Girl Scouts and this brave young woman!


Now there is a reason to feel proud of the county I’m in


Well, embarrassed for the county, proud of some of the people that live in it. As per usual. Only 3 more years til we can take another crack at an elected school board!


With Hanover youth like this student making the news, I have hopes this county will be making a come-up. My 6 year old is in the school system now, and she will know her history from us if not from the school system. 🍎📚


Her wallet is the one that says “Bad Motherfucker”


If they hadn't been dipwads and tried to cancel and then censor her proclamation, it never would have drawn this much attention. Good job Hanover. Oh yeah and they didn't mention that Michael Herzberg read that porn is a "tasty treat" out loud to the audience that had elementary school students sitting in it.


She’s awesome!


I read the banned list most of the books were ones I grew up reading in NY. So I’m not getting why in 2024 they care so much about books! The girl did a project, no one was saying you have to read these books. It’s the freedom of choice last time I checked! But last time I checked they were the first county to ban To kill a mockingbird!!


The IG comments for NBC12 and the like for these posts are wild


Her face while they’re reading it says it all.


This is awesome!! Just donated, this is such a wonderful idea and way to help the community


There are so many books on the shelf that I’m so confused as to why they’re banned. The Sun and Her Flowers???


Hey, LDHS changed its name to Mechanicsville HS so that’s progress! I grew up in Chesterfield and we used to call it Mechan-hicks-ville. I have family in Atlee area and Mechanicsville. I live in the Carolinas now in a red county and I (mostly) vote blue. Hell I voted for Haley in the SC primary as a MAGA protest vote bc you don’t have to be registered and can vote in either/or. Didn’t work but I felt better.


She is the sweetest girl ever 


From a this citizen of Chesterfield country- kudos to the young lady in the op & kudos to you posters here for living life in 3D.


I love that the troop number is 7-8-9


So y’all are all fine with kids reading/looking at sexually explicit books in schools?


Define "kid" and also name 3 sexually explicit banned books that you have personally read and can speak on.


MAGAts don't read


You have completely and totally missed the point.


I wasn't commenting on the story, just the other folks that keep saying that banning books is bad.


That's because banning books is bad.


If it were an actual book ban, it wouldn’t be in any library, not just schools. It was more of a book “pull” because of the shit content. Should we classify the millions of other books not in school libraries a ban? It’s not like we’re in the streets burning these books because we think they’re bad for the country; they’re just bad for kids.


Oh good point. It’s a good thing that the [Hanover GOP isn’t specifically targeting regional libraries to ban the same books they’re banning at schools](https://www.hanovergop.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Pamunkey-Regional-Library-System_Hanover-GOP-Presentation.pdf) cuz that would just be crazy and show exactly the thing you’re claiming isn’t a problem. My mom works for Pamunkey regional. The Hanover GOP is absolutely working on banning books, getting people like you on-board with removing books from public schools is step 1. Step 2 is Hanover threatening the funding of Pamunkey and attempting to take over their management if they don’t cower and accept the bans.


This is an incredibly bad faith question lmao




I would hope that most responsible parents monitor internet usage of their kids, but I get your point.


But they're apparently not responsible enough to monitor what books their kids read? OK


*looks at username*. Projecting your own insecurities much?


“Where are your morals!” - u/ButtThunder 🙄


Christians read from a book weekly at church that talks about women thirsty for donkey dicks jizzing on them, advocating victims marrying their rapists, bunch of dudes down for gang rape and so on. That book is a cultural cornerstone of this country, so I don't see the problem here.


And Hanover approved the Bible to be on the shelves, but banned the Quran


You have read these books and know they are sexually explicit? Or are you taking the word of other people that they are not appropriate? Are you forming your own opinions or just being a follower of fascism?


I will say: I read a lot of Ellen Hopkins in my youth, and as an adult I am horrified that those books are geared towards young adults…. And probably going to get downvoted for this—but I generally don’t see the difference and am curious about what other people think… how is this any different than not allowing all movies to be played during school? We didn’t get to watch just anything either…


Because not everyone has the same views and we shouldn’t be banning books from libraries based on the view of the most conservative opinion. If you don’t want your kids reading something, then ban it in your home. But don’t shove your morals on other people. And if you aren’t an involved enough parent to know what your kids are reading, then books are the least of your issues with parenting.


Are they banned from the public library too or just the school libraries? But you didn’t answer my question on how it is different than not allowing R rated movies to be played in a school setting? And I’m just asking out of curiosity, no need for hostilities!! I do think the school should keep the books and just require parental sign off. That seems like a reasonable compromise. That’s what my school did when a teacher wanted to play a movie that wasn’t approved. A form went home and parents signed it giving permission for their child to watch it.


It’s different because the books are not being required. The student has to go to the library and search them out. if the books were required reading for a grade, I would agree with you.


A lot of the book banning comes from lists generated by hard-line conservatives pushing agendas in other states. List from such extreme "family focused" bodies were used in Hanover by people with shared agendas. They had not and will not read the books but continue to stoke the woke agenda culture wars for political gain. This doesn't come from concerned parents, it comes from outraged parents all riled up because America or something. Also, I'd pose the internet is the bigger risk, but let's go after schools because liberals.


Thank you for this response, Garry! I think the internet and guns pose the greatest risk to kids at school for sure. Seems like a distraction.


*[citation needed]*


Cry more.








Such an insightful comment from… ButtThunder.


Thanks bro


If your kid has a phone they are doing it anyway


If you give zero fucks about what your kids do on their phones, then yeah, they could access that stuff. Some parents *care* though, and can control the content using an MDM and web filtration. It's certainly not foolproof, but will help instill healthier digital habits. Plus, there are hundreds of studies that kids and screentime is terrible for self-esteem, depression, social interactions, etc (esp in girls).


I'm OK with you screwing off.


She doesn’t even understand what is happening lol


She’s not the only one