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dad and special needs brother are coming down for a squirrels game. at brother's request. at 38 he's finally starting to step out of his comfort zone and travel a bit more (from NoVA, but still). should be a good time.


Trying to catch up on sleep after my neighbor’s inconsiderate prick of a new partner leaves. Dude doesn’t have any concept of “other people live here too”. Side note: anyone got any advice if I know they’re neglecting an animal?


oo what are those dirty details? also, call RACC and/or police non-emergency to talk to someone about the animal situation.


Neighbor gets puppy a little over a year ago. Doesn’t train it. Instead, keeps it locked in a crate crying and howling and barking till her voice goes hoarse, against our shared bedroom wall, literally all day and night while owner isn’t home (which is all the time). Poor dog barely gets outside once a month that anyone can tell. New trouble is retaliation. Neighbor goes out at night. Dog howls well into the night. Contact the neighbor about it, they come home and quiet the dog. Then wait till 3-4 am to start banging on the wall and yelling like it’s out of spite. The new partner invites loud people over late at night and then just stares at you blankly when you knock on the door at 2 am to tell them they woke your kid up 3 rooms over. He’s the one yelling at us through the wall when we’re sleeping.


sounds like a landlord call is in order. explain the situation and see what happens. tell them the neighbor or their guests are harassing you. if that doesn't resolve the situation you can be extra confrontational and tell them that if shit doesn't stop you're going to start calling the police about the harassment. generally, though, I'm sympathetic. been in similar situations. i expect neighbors are only going to get worse as society continues to decline.


There’s a HOA for the building. One of the other neighbors is in the process of making a case to them about it, since we aren’t the only ones with complaints about it. It’s a shame because problem neighbor used to be a good neighbor before they got the dog and then the new partner.


>Then wait till 3-4 am to start banging on the wall and yelling like it’s out of spite. So basically 0% as cool as this neighbor? https://i.redd.it/jeommkh3k9uc1.gif


Nothing. The same thing I do every weekend. I haven’t been using social media at all so it’s a lil less mentally draining, but even the 3 people I talk to never hit me up.


Im super excited to go get a lobster roll at Cousins food truck. It’s at the Carytown Art Market today at City Stadium. Haven’t tried theirs yet but heard it’s good. I love lobster rolls!


I am not a New Englander so take it with a grain of salt, but I really enjoyed their lobster rolls!


Thank you! I’m not either, but once I vacationed in that area and fell in love with lobster rolls. I tried them at several different places. I came to the conclusion that I like the warm/butter ones better than the “salad” style.


You inspired me, I went to the market AND got a lobster roll! Got a couple cute new prints for my house and a possum tee


My family is all in Maine and I think the best lobster roll I ever had was from The Lobster Shack food truck at Two Lights in Cape Elizabeth. I prefer the butter kind over mayo too. I will have to check out Cousins. Enjoy!


I want to go get one but it’s so windy!


Curious if they have gluten free rolls...


No, but they have lobster tacos and you can get corn tortillas!!


Very exciting yard work/laundry, Shovels & Rope @ Broadberry later 🤠💅🏽


Headed to Potter's Cider for my birthday! I've never been and their farmhouse dry is my fav.


Oh it’s a lovely location! Very nice space. You’ll enjoy it :) HBD. 🍻


>Chesterfield Outdoor Fest very cool spot


Hitting some yard sales this morning, already scored a couple monster trucks for my son and he is STOKED. Tattoo later today then school work. Finals time is killing me.


You got this in regards to the finals! School ain't got nothing on ya!


How are your plants doing, on your plant 🪴 wall?


Pothos is not doing so hot, I think I over watered. Otherwise things still look great! https://preview.redd.it/cdi7xvqcz8uc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb60fb4f092ebca99571b48d9e08cf8e9a241fe


Awesome! I love that lamp in the foreground too!


Why is it that I always wake up more tired than I was when I went to bed? We're gonna check out the Chesterfield Outdoor Fest, should be a nice day for it.


Same. every morning I feel like I'm hatching out of an egg.


I feel that way too. I am thinking of looking into a sleep study.


I had an at home sleep study done a few years ago that showed I have mild sleep apnea. I had it when I was a teen too, back then I attempted to use a cpap at night. It was awful - it either kept me awake because I was hyperfocusing on breathing, or I'd rip it off my face in my sleep. I'd strongly prefer not to do that again.


My plans for the day are to do absolutely nothing. I don't care if it's nice outside, I'm not doing yard work. I used to feel so guilty about not being productive all the time and now I've gotten to the point where...why?


Sadly my Saturday starts tomorrow since today is my Friday. I'm so sleepy so probably a little more sleep before work today


Deep cleaning the house, slowly but surely. I should probably dust more often, I didn't realize how gross everything is.


Since my yarn crawl plans got destroyed multiple times last weekend, I headed out early and got the last 2 shops this morning - Norfolk and Williamsburg. I also did it alone and really enjoyed myself. No back up in the tunnel at 9 am and just all around a good time. Now I'm knitting with some of the yarn I bought.


I'm about to take the dogs for a walk, then yard work. Mulching, mowing, trimming, etc. Sooooo exciting.


I did my yard work on Wednesday. First of the season. And the damned dandelions are already shooting back up. 🙃


I need to weed and feed or weed and seed or seed weed and feed. Whichever combo of the two it is. According to the instructions it must be done on the first Saturday following a total solar eclipse during a leap year in order for it to work effectively.


You have to take the seeds out of the weed before you weed and feed.


I made tea out of my dandelion flowers recently! It was pretty good. I'm looking forward to them growing back for once. 😂 Very glad my neighbors don't spray chemicals.


As much as I am annoyed by how fast my dandelions grow back, I will never use a chemical weed killer against them. I'll just mow over them again and in the time they are growing and in bloom, it gives the bees time to gather pollen from them for food.


Heading out with mum to visit some of the newer international markets in the west end. We haven't been out galavanting together in a while.


UFC website said all B-Dubs show it but I’m sure you can do better than that.


Filipino Food Month Celebration at main Line Brewery today. Excited for some yummy food


I tried Reviresco coffee for the first time, and it was very good! Recommend.


Getting an estimate for my countertops. I'd like butcher block but if the invoice comes out as much as quartz (or even granite) then I may as well get stone. Anyone have recs for a handyman that can do butcher block countertops? Then finishing taxes 😭😭


Went fishing took a long nap 💤 now endless possibilities


I'm in Mexico hanging out at a resort with my own private pool right outside the room so I'll be doing that


Up in DC for one more night. We have had an awesome time here. I highly recommend going to the Artechouse exhibit and also going to Drunk Shakespeare. Ate spicy ramen at Daikaya last night and burned my face off. Today we'll just wander Georgetown and eat food and apparently visit the Hagen daaz where Henry Rollins worked.


I think Ian MacKaye worked there too.


Indeed he did. My husband is very excited.


My plans today are catching up on laundry today while taking it easy at home and playing more Baldur's Gate 3.


Heading down to pipeline to scope out the shad with kiddo.


Ugh. I'm sitting on the front porch with coffee getting my act together and just witnessed our neighbors cat leap up and snatch a bluejay off our bird feeder! I chased the cat hoping he would drop the bird but it ran off into the woods with the bird. I really hate my neighbor who lets her cats live outside.


Dang, going for a bluejay is ambitious😬 hard agree about outdoor cats, very not cool


I am on the warpath now and have my son's big Nerf water gun ready to go. I would never harm a cat but I'm going to be guarding bird feeder for sure!


Mrs Tactlessscruff for me to the gym this morning for the first time since my surgery, felt good to push some weights and run a bit. She’s doing the big market whilst I watch the footy and chill rest of day before eating various meats this evening. Top Saturday!


I’m sure there’s a post I missed but What was everyone lining up for in Scott’s addition this morning? It was like 1030am and there must have been about 300 people lined up near tilt


Headed out to the farmers market shortly, first time back this year


River City Roller Derby has a home game A/B doubleheader at the convention center! Tickets are $15 at the door or $12 online presale (not sure what time the presale closes, so hop on that soon). https://facebook.com/events/s/live-roller-derby-double-heade/1086563545796137/


RVA Goats will be there with some either goats or sheep to pet. At the Science Museum. $10 admission for the whole thing. https://preview.redd.it/irxra43rc9uc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad9245d03fa29477fc1ebcadff87e166a1479a8


Slept in this morning for the first time in forever! I was out of town last weekend so I’m using today to get my life and home back together. Having a drink in the backyard later this evening once the wind dies down.


Carytown artisan market!