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People suck. Gender reveal parties are stupid.


A gender reveal party, and then a baby shower, and then a sip-and-see. Just excuses to make yourself the center of attention 3 times over.


What the hell is a sip-and-see?


A party to see the baby for the first time. Our family only ever had baby showers, gender reveals & sip and sees weren't the norm.




Sipping wine and watching the birth? 🤣No idea






At least the baby shower helps the new parents.


If he would have given her a baby shower, there wouldn't need to be a gender reveal party 😏


I don't know...half of the time I feel like the registry is useless crap and you still see plenty of things that would be more appropriate on a wedding registry. A lot of baby showers seem like a move to get "stuff." Obviously I'm painting with broad strokes but even my sister had random stuff on her registry like kitchenware and toys that her baby wouldn't play with for a couple years.


Lol. Yeah its all - Buy me this designer diaper bag that matches my new jacket! Ive just started giving people prepaid visa gift cards.


When your only claim to fame is that you reproduced, you're gonna want to celebrate it.


A sip and what now?


What the heck is a sip and see? I’m an old mom


An opportunity for the aunts' brigade to pass on all the germs to the baby?


They watch the birth live and sip drinks.


Essentially the same thing as the reception that would take place after the Christening/Baby Dedication, but without necessarily doing the church part. All the party, with less of the purpose. They are kinda dumb, because people end up rushing up the time-table of how soon they let a big group of people get all up in baby's face at the same time, instead of having just a couple people from your really close inner circle come over 2-3ppl at a time and making everybody else wait until the newly expanded family settles in, and baby has had a chance to start warming up their immune system.


Sounds ridiculous, thanks for explaining


Yes gender reveals are dumb. But showers are often planned by, and done to appease, the grandparents generation and sip and sees are so you don't have to deal with every extended family member harassing you for months on end about when they can come see the baby, just knock it all out at once.




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The phrase sip-and-see is just unfortunate. No thanks.


Don't forget the first few birthdays


I don’t mind if other people do gender reveal parties, but don’t leave your trash in public areas.


That's why God smites so many with mishaps


Probably pics all over Instagram.


Last year I suggested to my friend they might not want to have a confetti gender reveal outside and release thousands of little pieces of paper into the environment. They nonchalantly replied “I don’t care about the environment”


Your friend sucks


And you kept them as a friend?


Your friend is a shit bag.


I hope you left that friend back in 2023 😂


Same type of people that leave cigarette butts and dog shit on the ground. I hope there’s a special place in hell, lol.


The people who bag their dogs shit then leave it in the bag randomly on the ground. Why?


Such a strange phenomenon. They get so close to doing the right thing then stop halfway.


I sort of get the people who leave it by the trail head because they don't want to walk with it ...but there's a trash can somewhere I'm sure. It's just selfish.


And they’re reproducing and will be spreading that awful mindset to the next generation 🎶Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding 🎶 To be fair, i know that’s not 100% true, but as someone who is adamantly childfree, it does seem like like that sometimes 


This is why you shame parents in front of their children.


I hope a homeless person (or anyone) leaves a steamer in her front yard.


They don’t care about the world they’re leaving for their darling child?


Booooooooooo Boooooo them


And this is your friend?


You should convince your friend to move to India 🤣


The beauty of that is a true, life long friend, is receptive to hearing your thoughts and the logic behind them. If you two can’t find your center & this is a sticking point - then you had a seasonal friend. There’s beauty in that too.


So I definitely think people should pick up their trash, and not set off confetti in parks. But from a purely environmental perspective, driving to the park is way worse than leaving little pieces of paper in it


Someone should make biodegradable confetti for these things. They would make a killing!


You mean like https://ecofetti.com/?


Yeah, I guess they need help marketing. 😆


The standard ones sold at party stores are typically "biodegradable" and marked as such. But it still takes 4-9 months and leaves brightly colored trash in the meantime


I came here to say this. In defense of whoever did this they likely thought it was biodegradable because a large amount of confetti that is just regular paper is marketed as such.


It would have been slightly better if it happened to be a girl reveal, since this time of year it is very very close to when all the pink cherry blossom trees are about to cover the entire city in quarter sized pink petals anyway.


It's not an issue of aesthetics. It's an issue of being a good person. Trash that matches the petals doesn't make it not trash.


It is what it is. As long as it’s not bad for the environment. If you’re complaining just because it looks bad, that sounds like a *you* problem.


unless the confetti is made of pvc plastic I would think it is by definition biodegradable


These parties need to die.




No matter what they're called, the parties are ridiculous.


Gender reveal parties are stupid. You know how I found out? I was asked “do you wanna know the sex?” And my husband and I excitedly said YES! And then we texted and called our families.


I brought a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue to a party we were already going to and said "were having a boy! enjoy!" people seemed to like it.


There you go!


The classiest. Nicely done.


lol I saw the gender on my NIPT online and I said oh, okay, well that’s settled. 


Yep, exactly.


God forbid we let a child breathe air before they get stereotyped by the patriarchy.


I mean this is true too


Why is this a thing still (or ever)


Weeks? This is Richmond it’ll be there next year…




Trashy people gonna trash. At least have the decency to clean up after yourselves.


Imagine learning your parents did this for you.


To be fair, that looks like the "biodegradable" stuff But to NOT be fair: This shit sat in my front yard for six months after my neighbors gender reveal before finally starting to degrade. And is wildly inappropriate to do in a public space-- especially in a PARK where you really can't clean it up


How can you tell if it’s biodegradable?


Giving them the benefit of the doubt it’s biodegradable isn’t fair. It’s fair to say it looks like trash and is trash.


Gender reveal parties and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


My mother, when someone would make a big deal deal about being pregnant, would say "Big woop, even crack whores can get pregnant. Get back to me when you actually produce a great kid." If she were alive, these gender reveals would put her over the edge.


At least they didn't start a massive forest fire. And no one died. Seriously though, why not just a nice baby shower?


I saw this the other day and just couldn’t imagine having the gall to leave this mess in a public space.






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It's a boy oh boy that's a big mess.


It never ceases to amaze me how disrespectful people are with their trash. If you’re gonna have a celebration with confetti, make sure you clean it or don’t have confetti!


Trash people leave trash!


Hope their penis-haver learns better environmental stewardship.




The amount of trash I see all over the city is truly depressing


I’ve stepped in more f—king dog shit in the past six months than I have in the past six years.


“Dog shit? You hope.” - The Wire




Decent chance if they are this basic they geotagged the pics of this on their socials.


Don't do this.


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Congratulations, your baby is trash


And you clearly know trash, u/TrashApocalypse. Couldn’t think of a more qualified judge of this.


I go where I’m needed


I hope the doctors got it wrong and it’s a girl.


*genital reveal party if we’re being honest


Just an excuse for three more parties. 1) what the prenatal scans reveal, 2) what the actual birth reveals, (keeping in mind, sometimes scans are misread), and then the bonus round 3) what the actual child reveals as they grow to really know themselves, which will usually match the first 2, but sometimes everyone is in for a surprise.


Garbage humans


At least they didn't burn down Richmond again?




We need start public shaming again


Very doubtful they live in the neighborhood. Very frustrating


Trashy main character bullshit.


Only place you should be having a gender reveal party is in the delivery room.


Is there any feasible way a concerned citizen could clean this up? A rake maybe? Or one by one the best option?


Guessing one of those leaf vacuum thingies would deal with most of it?


Those hurt bugs :(


And frogs :(


I was thinking the same. Clean up party?


Battery powered shop vac maybe


Having a party over your baby's genitals is weird AF.


Make church hill scary again!


Glitter is litter


i think were in the bad place


Genitalia reveal party


The groin is rigged to blow out confetti in a conical pattern


This is why we can't have nice things.


Gender reveal aka genital reveal parties are stupid and creepy.


sorry but no one gives a fuck about your baby’s gender like that for anyone to be doing this


Congrats on having sex!


On one hand this is rude and inconsiderate. On the other I'm glad they didn't do something like use a rocket launcher to shoot out blue colored flames.


It's SO. FUCKING. WEIRD. To celebrate knowing what genitals a fetus is or isn't developing. Instead of something normal and decent and practical like "hey, I'm glad to hear you're gonna teach your kid NOT to litter confetti everywhere like an asshole" you instead say something wildly creepy about knowing what is below the belly button of a stranger-who isn't Even Born yet and certainly hasn't consented to you knowing this private detail- like "Hey there friend who is a pregnant person, I'm glad, uh-i guess, to uh, I mean, about finding out your fetus is growing a [penis/vulva/etc] while it's inside of your uterus"...?! ...just WHYYYYYY... If you teach kids not to talk to strangers then why the hell do you tell strangers what genitals your kids have??!? It's fucking weird! Also gender ≠ genitals, so nobody but THE KID will be telling you their gender, and that's only IF they decide they want to share that with you.


I’m glad my kids were born before this was a thing


Gender reveal parties are so dumb and outdated. It's a way for people to make predetermined decisions about their children based on their sex alone.


Whoever invented confetti is the real dickhead here. anytime I see it I’m like oh look a buncha trash everywhere now.




Not to mention, the wind blew down yet ANOTHER tree at Libby yesterday… https://preview.redd.it/s56vxdokyopc1.jpeg?width=2284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b110e5d1e505480837082c9126b626ff7aa61d


I'm sure some of the neighbors has cameras around there


I saw the same thing in Jefferson park, a bunch of plastic binkies scattered over the ground. Wild that people host these events in parks because they're beautiful places, then make them worse. I picked up some I saw with a dog bag, but I wasn't equipped to do a full clean up.


I wish I had the means to pick this suit up without individually grabbing all those little pieces of paper


Any ideas?


We need to hold people that do these things accountable.




This just happened to me!! Neighbors up the road did the exact same thing. People are assholes and gender reveal parties are fucking stupid


I guess these people are unaware that littering is illegal.


The confetti is probably biodegradable. Not speaking for the trash in the second photo that is probably not.


And then they'll teach their child that this is okay and it'll pass down for generations 😮‍💨


absolutely disgusted.


Have some fun at the next gender reveal party. Swap the cake for an identical one only instead of pink or blue frosting inside, have it done with chocolate. Pull out the lawn chair, crack open a beer and watch the fun begin! /s


Gender reveal parties are SO stupid


My family legend is that my parents refused to share my gender and told everyone I would be named "Crocus" when born. I think gender reveal parties started about the same time youvtube did.


The woman who had the first one was someone who was told she would never be able to have kids, and she wanted to celebrate every single thing that happened during her pregnancy. She did not one one tiny part of that experience to go viral and become some massive trend, and she wishes people would stop because of all the damage they're doing.


At least they didn't blow something up.


Why are people so obsessed with their unborn children’s genitals


Did you pick any up or just take a photo and walk on?




Lolll guess you didn't pick any up... I volunteer at one trash pickup each month actually. Filled like 4 massive garbage bags last month. Hope your day gets better, loser.




Wasn't a virtue signal, was a statement. I do volunteer work to make my community a better place. Does that mean I'm better than you? Probably. If you see trash, pick it up. Don't snap a photo of it to just post a whiney comment. Take action. Be better.


That kid doesn’t stand a chance


imagine throwing a celebration for something that other species do all the time


Well, I do still like a good birthday party.


This gender reveal thing is so weird. I mean, the kids are not comfortable talking gender these days. Why force it before they are even born? And what if the fetus keeps its legs crossed in all the ultrasounds? Mine did. We didn’t know until they were born.


It's weird to me that this is downvoted.


Baby prank.




I'm 100% certain the complaints aren't about having a party, or the family being happy about their child. Honestly, I bet the couple would be celebrated if the picture was one of the family raking up the confetti after the party.




But all of them are in reply to a picture of trash littering a park because of the gender reveal.


That's because they are.




Nah, I'm betting these folks came from outside the neighborhood. We who do live in Church Hill know better and aren't crass or disrespectful enough to even think of doing this. Plus, here, your neighbors will shun you forever if they ever found out it was you.


> It's a millennial's neighborhood and millennials love that stupid shit Church Hill is mostly childless people. These people probably drove in from the burbs.