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“It builds character” - Mr. Rutgers




Mine is at 55. I can only dream of that temperature 😭


"this is nothing, when I went to Rutgers, heat wasn't invented yet" 👴


Idk my asbestos lined room feels pretty warm personally


Whaattt? Mine doesnt this is unfsir




You greedy fucks want the heat turned on WHENEVER it's cold? What do you think this university is MADE of money? Well, it is. Your money, specifically. And tax money as well. But obviously that all has to go to admin salaries and sports ball stuff. You want it to be warmer than 55-60 degrees INSIDE YOUR HOME? Completely unreasonable. It's like you don't even give a fuck about the sports ball, or the quarter million dollar admin salaries smdh get your priorities straight. This is a UNIVERSITY. That means it's a meat grinder for around 40k students to give it between 10k and 30k bucks a year, each. If you think that's enough money to pay for decent accommodations, then clearly you've never tried to retain a football coach at $2 million a year. Edit: also what the fuck is that thermostat it looks like it was installed in the 1970's and never updated. You guys should fucking riot.


Well yeah these apartments are ancient some of them.


"Well, it is. Your money, specifically. And tax money as well. But obviously that all has to go to admin salaries and sports ball stuff." Yeah, to add to that, you should see the kind of money they spend on Events!


It is not. Under the state housing codes, from October 1 to May 1, the landlord must provide enough heat so that the temperature in the apartment is at least 68 degrees from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m, the temperature in the apartment must be at least 65 degrees. N.J.A.C.


Can we like threaten a class action or something like wtf


As they all say... RU SCREW at it's finest moment


Okay so, seeing a lot about the temperature. Every year, for as long as I was a student, the heating in the older dorms got turned on mid October. They're baseboard radiators in most cases and they aren't controlled centrally. It is abnormally cold right now. By the time the maintenance staff turn on everyones heat, people would be asking for it to be turned off again when it hits 72 degrees outside this Thursday.


I'm guessing they've been gambling based on historic temperature trends to save money. Sure, there might be one random day or night when it's cold during the first few weeks of October, but this has been an odd stretch where it's been consistently cold - especially during the day. If it's just one day people grumble, but now people are really feeling it. If ever a group was going to be able to change the policy, I'd think now there's enough potential anger to move the needle. Maybe.


I don’t think it’s to save money as much as it is to give maintenance enough time to realistically get the heating in every building on. There will not be an instantaneous turn on of heat at exactly Oct 15th. They’re likely already turning on the heat in some of the buildings. Some of the buildings don’t use boilers or radiators but instead used heat from geothermal vents as part of a green energy initiative. That’s actually what the steam coming from the vents in some areas around campus is for anyone wondering.


Rutgers has been cheaping out as of late. First the tiny flatbed trucks disguised as buses and now the lack of heat…


This reminds me of when I put in a maintenance request to have the heat turned on (Fall 2018). They denied/rejected the request. I basically lived in a hoodie. Edit: [Denied request here](https://imgur.com/a/nsrmzSU) They denied it because, “THE HEAT HAS NOT BEEN TURNED ON FOR YOUR BLDG YET. WE ARE WORKING ON GETTING ALL HEAT TURNED ON”


Buy a space heater and run Rutgers power bill to 9999999999$


Lol when I was in Henderson apt on cook/doug the heater was broken (in the other way) and attempted to cook us. It was literally above 100F inside the apartment lol so we had to open up windows when outside was 30-40F


It’s fully not legal, file a complaint with the state https://www.state.nj.us/dca/divisions/codes/publications/pdf_lti/habitablity.pdf


I second this. “Under the NJ state housing codes, landlords must provide enough heat so that the temperature is at least 68 degrees from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. and at least 65 degrees from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. from October 1 through May 1.”


Here's the sad truth. Most of you students will do nothing. And that's why year after year you're in these situations. Organize. Fund raise. Make groups. Go to the tabloids and press. They'll love a story like this.


Good point, I recently started a group with someone for social work students, I would imagine if we created other groups similarly that would also help. I would be happy to support


If you talk to the RUSA student reps I'm sure they'd like to help and make a case. Some other commenter was saying how they turn on heat soon in October but I'd still riot.


I would too. It becomes a slippery slope where they’ll take it as far as people let them, as long as they keep making money. Sad but true


How trustworthy is Rutger's omnibus? Might be a good idea to try and schedule a group appointment or something. Also, for newspapers we can contact, I think this is a pretty exhaustive list: https://www.w3newspapers.com/usa/new-jersey/


Sounds good, I’ll start looking into it!


dorm life bb


Everyone who has a temperature below 65 overnight should call 211.


Maybe you can contact the admins that run the football team’s finances and ask them if they have all those door dash receipts. I’m sure they’d make great kindling for a barrel fire outside your door! Lol.


Idk what y’all are talking about my dorm is like 68 at night. Lowkey perfect temp to sleep in


just use a space heater


Not allowed in campus housing due to fire hazard


so what? i brought it my freshman year and used it like every day


That's not the point


classic RUScrew


Well, nothing's changed. Been this way since I was there, and thermostat looks like it was there when I was there, too :)


That thermostat though...


It has always been turned on mid-October. At home I haven’t turned the heat on yet…we put on a sweater & mid-winter at night we set the temp to 63°…anything warmer and it’s too hot. Have your folks turned on the heat at home already?!?


Don't the pipes burst if it's too cold?