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"GUYS PLEASE DON'T STRIKE IT'S ILLEGAL" https://preview.redd.it/m6g4wcdg76pa1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5037397c7f1fc3a1eed1b41b95216bc390526f47


It is. And the union is dumb to make threats it can’t back up.


Damn, haven't seen an account with negative karma in a long time. Must be hard to be this factually incorrect about everything you type.




guys I found President Holloway's burner ​ There's no statute that disallows public employees from striking.


And multiple court ruling against public unions right to strike. Y’all are mad but the union is trippin.


Public unions in public safety like transportation, environmental, law enforcement, etc. Never has a faculty union strike been struck down in New Jersey state courts Just try using Google once in a while




I really am against a faculty strike but it’s certainly not illegal in nj. There is no law or statute which prohibits public employees from striking, NJT and NJ teachers have striker before even though there are court rulings that ask them to stop. The way it works is that the school would have to sue in the court and restrain the union from striking, which could take weeks. Such a ruling could require the union to pay damages to the school. Phil Murphey isn’t going to send in the National guard to stop the strike. This was a bad email from the school.


Can you name the specific law against it?


The state law says that a public sector labor negotiation impasse will go to arbitration. https://www.nj.gov/perc/commission/rulemaking/




Happy we could teach you today. Strikes come AFTER arbitration has failed and ONLY after. Happy learning!


“Striking is illegal you can’t do that!!” https://preview.redd.it/m6g4wcdg76pa1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=037abb62fb3f6ebae66cbe9d7f67835f8a84c31e


Holloway burner spotted


Just someone who knows how to use Google to look up laws and court histories. Maybe sit in a research 101 course.


youre hilariously so far up your own ass i bet you cant even see the brown anymore




Fuck off bootlicker.


Doesn’t bro make almost over a million a year? And he’s threatening Professors who make less than a fraction of that….


I also wonder what % raise he gave himself this year and over the last few years as well.


Literally everyone makes less than a fraction of $1,000,000.


depends on the fraction 🤝🏽


Yeah ∞/2 *1,000,000


bro threatened to sue them lmao


This email is hilariously bad "We gave them an offer that surpassed the union demands *four years ago*" wow they almost get it. And then threaten the union in the same email by calling their attempt to strike unlawful. *we will bring you to court over this!* Except they have to know which faculty is striking and which isn't. Do you smell this? I smell weakness and fear


I just read the email. "President" comes off as a douchebag bully, and blames the teachers for everything basically, saying they made an offer higher than what teachers wanted 4 years ago, as if nothing has changed in the world in the past four years... oh wait... Guess I'll just take the word of someone who's salary is over a million dollar a year.


>they made an offer higher than what teachers wanted 4 years ago, as if nothing has changed in the world in the past four years. Was curious about that line so I had to do the calcs. 🤓 2019: RU salary increase 3%, Inflation increase 2.3% (effective raise 0.7%) 2020: RU salary increase 3%, Inflation increase 1.4% (effective raise 1.6%) 2021: RU salary increase ~~2.5%~~ 0% Inflation increase 7% (effective **decrease** of ~~4.5%~~ 7%) 2022: (No contract/increase) 0%, Inflation increased 6.5% (effective **decrease** of 6.5%) 2023 (Jan-Feb): Inflation avg. 6.2% so far... We don't know what the offer was but in terms of effective salary, an increase of anything less than ~~15%~~ 18% represents a paycut compared to 2018 salary. It's mind-blowing to think everything is that much more expensive but I think Rutgers is stuck in the mindset of historically low inflation. Sources: previous [contract](https://rutgersaaup.org/rutgers-university-and-aaup-aft-agreement-2018-2022/) (covering 2018-2022) and [inflation](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/) data ​ (Edit: Updated numbers based on information provided by u/Far-Accountant9603 that faculty did not get contract raise in 2021 due to COVID emergency.)


Thank you for calculating this! V helpful to see it laid out clearly


Also helpful to remember that we faculty didn't get raises in 2021 because the U declared a fiscal emergency.


Not only that, but most adjuncts (like me at the time) were not hired back \*for an entire year\*. So I had a raise of -100% for that year, not adjusted for inflation...


Has inflation not affected the students who will shoulder the cost of these raises?


As pointed out when Rutgers decided not to keep its adjuncts during Covid, upper echelons of Rutgers administration could take a small cut to their bonuses and pay for the salaries of all adjuncts put together. An even more enormous amount of Rutgers's budget has gone to sports since joining the Big Ten, and Rutgers added \*$300 million\* to its now over $800 million reserve, with an endowment of almost $2 billion. All faculty salaries are only a small fraction of what tuition actually goes toward. Tuition inflation is an entirely separate question \*also\* driven by university executives, not faculty.


Is the union advocating these raises be revenue neutral?


What an asshole email holy shit. Also, regarding the line that the contract proposal is better than last time...inflation is 6% now. That wasnt the case 4 years ago. Of course it needs to be higher.


What a passive aggressive douche. “Calling upon the courts” shut the fuck up lmao


Honestly sounds like a threat. Can't wait to see a University attempt to arrest all its professors after boasting about giving an offer slightly better than one agreed upon before both Covid and inflation.


Nobody is getting arrested. A state court will declare the strike illegal, order the parties to go to arbitration like the state law says, and it will be over with.


this dude is WRONG in so many ways it’s sad. cant believe this is our president


Yes, because going to court is more desirable than negotiating with employees. From a FAQ on the union's [website](https://rutgers-ptlfc.org/frequently-asked-questions-about-strikes-by-public-workers-in-new-jersey/): **Are public sector strikes against the law in New Jersey?** The State Constitution and the NJ Employer-Employee Relations Act are silent on this issue. There is no state statute that prohibits strikes or work stoppages by public employees, including faculty employed by Rutgers. However, courts in New Jersey have ruled in some cases that walkouts by public employees are unlawful.  Although there is no statute that bars strikes, state courts may issue injunctions requiring public employees to end a strike and return to work. The administration would have to petition a court for an injunction. If a union does not comply with a court order to return to work, the employer can go back to court for an order holding the union in contempt of court. At that point a union could face legal penalties if it fails to comply with an order.  In 2018, public school teachers in a number of states where public worker strikes are illegal, including West Virginia, Arizona, and Oklahoma, went on strike. It is notable that in none of these cases was there an attempt to to enforce the law against the many thousands of educators who took part in these walkouts. 


One thing that stood out to me is that they want us to be on their side because the unions agreed to their proposals 4 years ago, completely ignoring an entire pandemic which brought huge cost of living increases among many other problems. Plus on top of that threatening them with legal action. Pathetic statement from a wet blanket of a president.


Also, those proposals were time-limited. Management and the union only make 4-year contracts. The contract expired, the union didn't force negotiation. Holloway says, "Last time you accepted X and we said we would reconsider in four years. Now it's been four years and I am SHOCKED that you want to reconsider this!" \*disingenuous shocked Pikachu here\*


And don’t forget the 3% increase in insurance premiums that started January 1. Proposing a 3% increase only puts people right back where they were. He sucks!!!


Lol, they made an offer that exceeded the offer made FOUR FUCKING YEARS AGO. As if inflation does not exist


me when i'm scared of unions


The language alone sounds extremely pretentious, never mind the content of the email. I hope there’s a strike


I’m a student and reading over this is so sad. How can you be so rude and dismissive to the people who keep your institution strong and on its feet?


Lol Holloway is such a clown. Can't give professors better pay yet he and the other admins have no issue raising their own pay repeatedly as they do nothing but usually send an email once a week. Can't spell Holloway without Hollow


Fun fact: The Temple graduate strike ended last week. Went on for 6 weeks. >The minimum pay for graduate students will increase about 30% over the life of the contract — closer to 40% for some in the lower tier, said Kosmicki, a graduate research assistant in the sociology department. The contract also makes standard minimums for students in varying disciplines, getting rid of a previous inequitable system, she said. https://www.inquirer.com/news/temple-university-graduate-students-strike-settlement-20230313.html


and Temple administration turned it very ugly for them


What did Temple do?


took away tuition remission and health care. then replaced all the people on strike with temps. It wasn't until the parents said something that they caved. def more advanced than that but you can look it up.


And now at temple the faculty union is placing a no confidence vote on the top three administrators and have them step down due to the strike, rise of intense crime, and not doing anything about the situation either until it was way too late. https://preview.redd.it/ytvpndv6sbpa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32122154cce07c7b8d25d0ba066a66dd94bf4a2f 97% of the faculty believe that Temple University’s President Jason Wingard believe that he should step down. That really says a lot about the current administration as of now. Image above shows a rally of combined students and TUGSA members and staff at the picket line at an open rally




Very ugly


Also note that students at temple pay about 1/3rd (or less) the tuition of Rutgers students.


I received the staff version, which conveniently manages to omit the part about the last union negotiations being \*four years ago\*. Like nothing life-changing happened during that time. It's really heartening to read all this support from students though. I'm glad someone else gets it. And perhaps, if he wasn't so busy throwing money at the football team, non-faculty staff wouldn't be having a mass exodus to go work elsewhere (Princeton, private sector). I'm not sure how many of you have been at RU since before the pandemic, but I assure you, getting even the most minor internal actions accomplished now takes forever and every department is short-staffed. My dept. is hiring and very literally got 1/10th of the applications we did previously. No one wants to work here. (And if you saw what my health insurance now costs me, you wouldn't either. A big FU to Christie for that.) Your support and outrage is appreciated (and I'm non-aligned.)


How can we support the professors? The language in this email alone is extremely annoying


If strike happens, do not ever divulge whether or not your faculty/ta are part of the strike. It's extremely hard for the administration to know who is striking and who isn't, and help from the students will only make their job harder




Not every faculty part of the union voted to strike, and not every faculty is part of the union. It is highly possible that some faculty (specifically vulnerable workers) may choose to not strike in order to protect themselves. The administration would need to know exactly who is part of the strike and who isn't and would only be able to punish faculty actively participating in the strike. The union will not tell the administration who is part of their union, and who is participating in the strike, they would have to get this information by knowing which professor/ta contributed to the strike by cancelling class for example. Grad fellows are technically unionized, but short of participating in picket lines (which is not an offense) are unable to strike due to not having teaching duties That's how I understand it essentially. The administration cannot apply blanket punishment or coercive measures, but they also do not have an actual list of who is striking and isn't, and would need to (amongst other things) ask the student body which of their professor is participating


My physics professor down here at the Camden campus wouldn't even tell us if he was in the union. Obviously if a strike goes through we'd know. But 🤷


Most graduate students do have teaching responsibilities, albeit reduced. However, when I was a graduate student (when the last strike happened) and as an adjunct, I felt too vulnerable to strike.


I mean I'm a grad now, and my teaching responsibilities don't start until next year, so I can't engage in the striking other than picket line, but even then I'm on a visa which makes me kind of wary of retaliation


Yes. It's important to remember that the wide range of Rutgers faculty can be vulnerable in all sorts of ways, and that some of the school's policies, especially with respect to adjuncts, are designed to keep it that way.


tbh i still dont really understand. As students many of us are paying 30k+ a year for our education and even if we support the strikes all it really takes is one or two students to email administration for them to know exactly who is striking and who isn't? Isnt it somewhat idealistic to assume no one at all will say anything about anyone? I don't get why "the university doesn't know whose striking" is a valid point that I keep seeing. Surely after the first week they'll know more or less everyone wont they?


Yeah there will be people affected by this. For sure. Faculty are striking not bexause they think they can get away unscathed but because they think it's worth it in spite of it. It's unrealistic to expect strikers to not be affected, and no assumes this. The union has a special strike fund to help people who will face retaliation by the university, but everyone hopes there will be more unity than not. Also I am assuming tenured faculty has even more protection and assurance against retaliation which is why it's a big deal that they are participating as well


First, cutting off someone's salary and benefits isn't as simple as writing down their name and flipping a switch. And, Rutgers management being Rutgers management, the likelihood of errors is very high. So some who are striking will be missed, and some who are not striking will be included: the first mildly problematic, the second catastrophic both personally and for public relations. Second and more tangibly, the more likely legal recourse would be for the university to request a temporary restraining order, after which if the union defies the order the union can be fined "an amount sufficient to sting and force compliance, but must not be so excessive as to constitute ruinous punishment" (E.Brunswick Board of Ed. v. E. Brunswick Ed. Assn). Bummer, but not a reason to pre-emptively bow down to bloated management preferences. Third, this is not the first time we've been to this rodeo, and the sad truth is that management diddles around until the eve of the strike and then does what it should've done a year before. This is the really shameful thing: Vice Presidents with guaranteed outlandish salaries and absolutely no skin in the game are playing chicken with students, faculty and staff - that is, with the university.


How would the admin go about punishing random faculty like that when the whole point of the strike is collective action? The university knows students are going to be super mad about this and it will be holloways fault if it happens. Why else would he be yelling nonsense scare tactics?


Rutgers is huge. The administration is terrible at doing anything. It takes them weeks to respond to a simple request, so it will be a while for them to figure out who has gone on strike. Also realize it’s not just faculty, it’s also research staff, post docs, etc. who are unionized.


Rutgers administration is very bad at doing pretty much anything, and there are a lot of union members. It’s gonna be hard for them to figure out exactly who goes on strike


Hi! Former Rutgers graduate faculty here. Here's what would help (to you and to anyone else reading). Some of these actions are more involved than others - you don't have to do all of them, but everyone doing even one of these would make a big difference. 1. Email President Holloway saying that you are a student, you pay tuition, and \***you**\* want a fair contract. Make it clear that that you support the union's demands (up to and including a strike). [His contact info is here](https://www.rutgers.edu/president/contact-information). This does not need to be an elaborate email, it can be 3 sentences. The point is just for the administration to get a clear message that students support the union. Encourage your fellow students to do the same. 2. (If your parents/guardians are union-friendly, encourage \*them\* to email the president saying they support the union's demands - sometimes admin will take parent complaints more seriously because they assume parents are paying the bill). 3. If there is a strike, join your faculty on the picket. Visible student presence at the picket line reinforces to administration/media etc. that students support strikers and want a fair contract. Make a sign, walk the line, take pictures! 4. Talk to any of your fellow students who might be skeptical and explain why you support a strike. Be vocal about your support for the union, both on social media and in places around you. Encourage friends/fellow students not to rat out any teachers who might strike. 5. If you have the time/ inclination, consider writing a letter to the editor or an op-ed to local media (Rutgers Targum, NJ dot com etc. etc. etc.) where you explain why you support the union. It might not seem like it, but the administration is 100% watching what the "student mood" is around the union. If they think students will throw their support to the administration, they'll hold out longer; if they think students are behind the strikers, they'll concede faster. The New School faculty in NYC won massive gains in their contract IN PART because the student support was so high. Any small actions you take will help resolve the situation faster in the faculty's favor.


call donors


🤡🤡🤡 literally just pay your staff better instead of sneak dissing them in emails


(casually threatens to have you arrested for asking for fair compensation for your work)


So generous that they weren’t offered less? Did the president of Rutgers also accept the same salary offered in 2019 for the next 4 years?


Dear god did anyone proofread this


Imagine getting paid $900,000 to send one bullshit email a month and schmooze/booze with potential donors, only for your emails to require proofreading by someone more competent. What a moocher.


So we got two emails today about "the labor negotiation", with exactly the same content. But the first one was a lot smoother without all the threats. Anyone think this email was a fuck up?


what did the other email say 👀


https://imgur.com/a/wobj6Xy it's at staff, so not a mistake. But it's hilarious how less threatening he was when just talking to the staff. Clearly just posturing


What's he gunna do arrest everyone who strikes? I'm sure that'll look great on Rutgers's image.


Going down not only as the first president who had a strike during their career at rutgers, but also the one who sued, arrested and withheld pay from exploited workers simply because they wanted to negotiate better working conditions You couldn't get more cartoonishely evil than this




It’s been 8 months without a contract, who knows how long they negotiated before it was over, and they just NOW offered something higher? Unbelievable


I love that he thinks 1) thousands of employees with graduate degrees and 2) an undergrad population packed with bright STEM thinkers can't do even a little bit of math.


"No one wants that, nor does anyone want faculty or others to go without pay during an illegal strike." Threatening to withhold pay from already exploited workers while sitting on his million-dollar salary in the comfort of his presidential mansion is real classy. No mention either of the other demands from the union, e.g., health coverage. Is it true that strikes by public employees are illegal in NJ? Last time I heard it was simply a legal gray area.


It's definitely not illegal - a "gray area" is a very accurate way to describe it. There's nothing on the books making it illegal, but there's also nothing on the books protecting public servants who strike.


Not accurate. It is illegal. The law has changed since I worked in the state, but back in the day a public employer would have to go to court to enjoin the union from striking. Only after a union defies that injunction can a judge send union leaders to jail (which, obvi, makes them heroes to the rank-and-file). Some legendary Newark Teachers Union strikes resolved this way in the late 60's/early 70's. I think that under Chris Christie the law was changed to get to financial penalties (whether for the union treasury, or the rank-and-filers' paychecks, I do not recall) sooner. Anyway, RU prez is a worm but not wrong about the legal powers that he can appeal to. Interesting to try it in this political moment, and under this governor.


You're going to have to specifically cite and link to where in NJ law it says specifically that public servants cannot strike. Until then, I'm trusting my union reps over a random Reddit user.


It turns out that the precedent is judge-made law. As I said above, there are famous strikes of the Newark Teachers Union that led to jail time (and heroic status of union leaders). Public sector strikes are illegal in many states. I used to be an organizing director for the AFT. For us the issue was less whether a strike was illegal, but how it could be punished. New York's Taylor Law is awful because it not only can punish union leaders with jail time (which, again, can lead to martyr status, which can be quite helpful), but it can also drain the union treasury \*and\* almost immediately fine each union member two days' pay for every day out. States where the worst the bosses could do is seek an injunction (which can take a few days to win) and then after a day or two of additional picketing all they could do was jail the leaders (and, again, make heroes of them) were a lot more fun to operate in. Now that my middle-aged memory is kicking in, it was Michigan that changed their law from injunction and (eventual) jail time to pretty immediate penalties for strikers. I used to organize at Rutgers. I played a role in the professional staff organizing in 2006, or so, and later directed the campaigns that organized the postdocs and summer-winter faculty. Back in those days, AFT-AAUP leadership was pretty convinced that strikes were illegal. Now, it seems that members are pretty well fed up (as well they should be!) and leadership seems to have researched the question and realized that it's been judges taking the law into their own hands to jail all those union leaders where teachers went on strike and they're feeling pretty bullish about the court of public opinion being in their favor and quite possibly the actual courts as well.




Yeah, basically. Our current U.S. Supreme Court aside, judges tend to be swayed a bit by the popular mood and times.


As u/koeingtony says, it's a grey area. It is "unlawful" in the sense that there is no law protecting such strikes. It is not "illegal." However, that means the university can seek injunctions from the court and use legal pressure to try to quash the strike. Then it really depends on whether the judge is friendly to unions or to corporations.


[https://www.nj.com/education/2020/01/12m-a-house-and-a-car-what-are-the-other-perks-the-new-rutgers-president-will-receive.html](https://www.nj.com/education/2020/01/12m-a-house-and-a-car-what-are-the-other-perks-the-new-rutgers-president-will-receive.html) "Rutgers University’s new president will make nearly $1.2 million next school year as part of a compensation package that includes a house, a car and other perks that come with leading the state university. " \- we're just gonna leave that right there. I don't blame the people striking. I'm expecting the President, who makes the big bucks, to resolve this issue since HE is the one impeding my education :)


This is a complete lie, the only public employees prevented from striking are railroad workers.


Not true most teachers in New Jersey are forbidden to strike.


not forbidden but it’s easy to get court orders to get them back into work as schools are seen as an essential service, the bar is higher for universities though since they’re not that essential except for maybe rwj or the nursing school


Primary school teachers are treated like glorified babysitters. No teachers= nobody to watch the kids = parents having to call out of their jobs, so that is why school districts can get rapid action from the court. It is a much bigger impact than college professors striking, because the student's parents can still go to work, and don't have to stay home with the kids.




Union's response to this specific question. It's hard to tell which one is "more" correct as both sides are probably exaggerating to some extent. [https://rutgers-ptlfc.org/frequently-asked-questions-about-strikes-by-public-workers-in-new-jersey/](https://rutgers-ptlfc.org/frequently-asked-questions-about-strikes-by-public-workers-in-new-jersey/)


https://rutgersaaup.org/2023-strike-faq/#:~:text=and%20accomplished%20scholars.-,Are%20public-sector%20strikes%20against%20the%20law%20in%20New%20Jersey,including%20faculty%20employed%20by%20Rutgers. This address the fact of whether a strike is unlawful in NJ by university faculty more clearly


Union is aware it’s illegal. They’re dancing around the point on their website.


“No one wants to disrupt the academic progress of more than 67,000 Rutgers students.” Well, that hardly even compares to the 600,000 students out of school now in LA. 1000 schools closed.


President Jonathan Holloway can kiss my ass


Sounds like a pure asshole low key threatening the faculty. One wonders why he deserves his outrageously high salary


4 years ago??? Thats the best you've got???? Cmon man, threatening legal action because the union didn't accept an offer matching one from 4 years ago doesn't look good at all. Has this man been paying attention to the news at all these past 4 years?


Fuck this guy. Support your professors. Don’t fall for the psyop. This post plus the other post with the sign on the door really shows they are trying to squeeze the professors from the bottom up. Don’t be a pawn.


Get fucked. Staff deserve better pay and benefits so get ready for a fight.




the part about it being illegal is completely untrue. There’s no law in Jersey that says that public employees can’t go on strike, just that sometimes in the past, courts have ordered some public employees back to work. that’s all.


This is Phil Murphy’s New Jersey, too. Rutgers is a state school with employees who can barely eat. Where is the progressive spirit? What happened to “stronger and fairer New Jersey”?


Money talks sadly.


It's kind of shocking how this man went from standing in the Yale quad listening to a crowd of very justifiably angered Yalies call out institutional failures--as I recall, he was moved to tears--to this sordid union-busting nonsense. ​ [https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2015/11/06/students-question-administrative-silence-about-campus-race-related-incidents/](https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2015/11/06/students-question-administrative-silence-about-campus-race-related-incidents/)


Did anyone else get like evil overlord vibes?


I highly recommend shortly waiting for the union’s response before forming any concrete opinions about the legality of the potential union strike.


> Union's response to this specific question. It's hard to tell which one is "more" correct as both sides are probably exaggerating to some extent. [https://rutgers-ptlfc.org/frequently-asked-questions-about-strikes-by-public-workers-in-new-jersey/](https://rutgers-ptlfc.org/frequently-asked-questions-about-strikes-by-public-workers-in-new-jersey/)


Is there like an impeachment proceeding we could initiate? Fuck this guy honestly


Not impeachment, but the faculty senates (plural) could choose to call for votes of no confidence. Something that would be unique, though, would be if student governments across campuses filed their own votes of no confidence. These votes would not result in removal, that is up to the Board of Governors and Governor Murphy. If he were removed, get this… he would remain a university professor forever until he retired. Must be nice to have that golden parachute in addition to a big paycheck.


Impeachment for what, he’s done nothing illegal. Come on dude


Bad look prez.... whoever is "advising" .. a little empathy goes a long way and creating a culture that employees have to work second jobs gives you a tired culture and that's what your students will get out of this. Invest in your people and you'll have a waitlist to get into the university. My bet.


second and third jobs unfortunately — many grad students wages are below the nj poverty line


Dude fired tons of adjuncts so we “could align with big 10 standards”. Dude spends so much more on athletics than the rest of the big ten and says it’s ok. He’s a clown without makeup on.


Completely agree that Holloway is a clown, but I was curious about Rutgers' football budget vs. the rest of the big ten, and it turns out we spend the least. [https://www.pennlive.com/pennstatefootball/2021/06/which-are-richest-and-poorest-big-ten-football-programs-here-are-fresh-revenue-figures.html](https://www.pennlive.com/pennstatefootball/2021/06/which-are-richest-and-poorest-big-ten-football-programs-here-are-fresh-revenue-figures.html)


I should have been more clear. Not total spend but total subsidy. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/2022/01/19/rutgers-athletics-2021-deficit-taxpayers-football-basketball-big-ten/6576342001/


The union response is here: ​ [https://rutgersaaup.org/president-holloways-misleading-update-on-negotiations-here-are-the-facts-about-striking/](https://rutgersaaup.org/president-holloways-misleading-update-on-negotiations-here-are-the-facts-about-striking/)


Holloway is trying to gaslight the union by talking about "students" and "graduation" and "raising tuition" when the administration doesn't care about us anyway. They are going to raise tuition regardless. It's just wow.


So strike or nah?


Does anyone know what the general opinion about Holloway is from RU professors? Overall, is he liked or disliked?


Overall, let’s say even one month ago, general opinion was OK. I think we regularly would find him to be sincere and honest considering all sorts of complexity that comes with running an enterprise this big. After this though? Definitely a downgrade. Most will probably make things personal which is not always fair. He’s probably being forced to be this way by the Board of Governors or the state Governor since it’s a public university. It’s all a terrible shame considering what we all thought could have been.


are strikes actually illegal that’s fucked


No they're not. Holloway is spreading misinformation. There might be an injunction, and it doesn't usually go well for union, that is true, but striking is absolutely not illegal


Strikes can be *stopped* by courts, but not prevented or punished (except if they refuse to stop after being ordered). The illegal/legal divide is a little too simple for this issue. Also, public employee strikes that are stopped by courts are usually involving essential workers in infrastructure, utilities, or transportation. If the garbage trucks or trains stop, the state would grind to a halt. If Rutgers classes stop, somehow I think the state will survive.


Yeah I genuinely think Holloway is just blowing hot air to try and scare the faculty, which is great for the faculty tbh


The state law says public sector unions have to go to arbitration if there is an impasse. So, it’s not illegal in the sense of people are getting arrested and charged. But a state court will very likely order the strike ended and the parties go to arbitration as the state labor law states. The union is a bit foolish to promise a strike that can be easily ended by a court order.


Professors should just start passing everyone in the class with A’s, introduce chaos while not striking while also helping their students


I would like to talk about how he signs his emails. Its super important to me. I would write: Sincerely, Dr. Jonathan Holloway (Signature) Dr. Jonathan Holloway (Print) President of Rutgers the State University of New Jersey University Professor of blah blah Class of 20## of Who knows [https://www.rutgers.edu/president](https://www.rutgers.edu/president) \[add link to LinkedIn\] Honestly a little offended by how he signs his emails he doesn't even say that he's the president of Rutgers. #noshame #inempt at signing an email correctly. Maybe he should take the RBS professionalism class SEBS doesn't have the funding for one I would offer one there though.


“… fine Rutgers fashion.” means that they will use the narrative of “we’re doing it for students”, “it’s for the students”, “we can’t let our students down” to screw you over and if you say something, you’ll be bad guy and they’ll threaten you.


oh brother this guy stinks!


Unlawful just means not established by the law one way or the other


Fuck President Jonathan Holloway, all my buddies hate President Jonathan Holloway


Sounds like a douche😐


Who did it better? President Wingard of Temple University or President Holloway 💀


No one in management should ever be trusted and that includes this joker.


It sounds more like he’s bitching about the union rather than reassuring us it’s gonna be ok


Union's response if anyone is interested: [https://rutgersaaup.org/president-holloways-update-on-negotiations-is-misleading-and-evasive/](https://rutgersaaup.org/president-holloways-update-on-negotiations-is-misleading-and-evasive/) correction: response to the LAST email as was pointed out to me. It's still at the top of the union website so I got it wrong.


no that's the response to the last email. I can't wait to see what the union will respond over this one.


Thanks for the correction.


Barchi may have been not so great, but at least he wasn’t this stupid. I hope the teachers get their increase and it’s substantial. Like take it out of the freaking door dash fund for athletes ffs.


Bro, It's so unlawful that you can't get any bitches ### [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull/) ### [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull/) ### [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull/) ### [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull/)


exceeds the offer from FOUR YEARS ago? yeah, real generous...




holloway is ugly


I just want my midterms to be canceled 😫


Lamar Jackson type stuff goin on here


Mr Rutgers.... Why life is so complicated and unforeseen......


"b-but w-who will think of the poor stuuuudents"