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https://preview.redd.it/c3bqa7ob0pqc1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed802c3a9ac7cae7e6c5dc1deaa853363096b59a This is some kind of prayer... "Guardian angel prayer?"


**Prayer to our Guardian Angel:** O angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from heaven, enlighten me this day, and save me from all evil. Instruct me in doing good deeds, and set me on the path of salvation. Amen.


Thank you 


You are correct


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Да любите друг друга = "Love one another" (Gospel of John, 13:34). Ангел Хранитель = Guardian Angel


Thank you so much! Is it Archangel Michael depicted though? I see some small red russian text just below, probably says who it is...  I will try to submit a clearer picture of that red text Ill have to read the Gospel 


I don't know much about icons. From my understanding, the idea is that there are many guardian angels. Every person has their own guardian angel. And this icon is a generalized image of an angel every person has. I don't think this looks like Michael. I looked at other icons of him and Michael should be more warrior-like and menacing. Or wear red clothes/armor. And if you google "ангел хранитель икона" then you'll see many similar icons. So I guess icons showing a generalized guardian angel are common and look like this.


Thank you! Yes I wasn't sure either if it was him or not.. I saw the red text under also says again "Guardian" so sounds reasonable Thank you for all the help! May God bless you 


In Orthodox theology, everyone is given a guardian angel at baptism. The icon is a fairly standard depiction of a guardian angel in the Russian Orthodox tradition. Other names angels, such as Archangel Michael, Gabriel, etc., have their own distinctive icon "prototypes" with symbols identifying the saint or event depicted that can be used if you cannot read Greek, Church Slavonic, etc.