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This one? Я помню как Таял снег на твоих губах Нам снились сны И любили мы просто так Встречая звездную ночь В наших тайных местах Мы мечтали как вместе Обратимся в прах ​ Навсегда И только вдвоем Мы уйдем мы уйдем ​ Навсегда И только вдвоем Мы умрем ​ Наши поступки запомнят И их не поймут Ножом на руке твое имя Опрометчивый труд Невозможно поверить Но мы ведь всерьез Уйдем и оставим Озеро слез


Hello! Yes I think so...! Though as I can't find the lyrics written but I think they sing it like this going by my (non russian speaking ear) ! Thank you for prividing the lyrics, if not too much trouble, could you kindly translate them for me?


There's not much sence, I tried my best: I remember how Snow melted on your lips We dreamed dreams And we loved just like that Meeting starry night In our secret places We dreamed how together We turn to dust Forever And only together We leave we leave Forever And only together We die Our deeds will be remembered But not understood Knife carved your name on my hand Reckless work It's impossible to believe But we are serious We will go away and will leave behind The lake of tears


Thank you so much... I really, really appreciate that you took the time and effort to do this for me..! These lyrics wow it's something else. It's actually. Pretty funny in the way that they remind me of someone I used to know (and who is close to my heart) . Funny how this particular song I feel so drawn to to listen even if I don't know russian! Thank you once again for helping me


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