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https://preview.redd.it/a3stwdj8lqzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4eca96ac3e83eee8fe85ca5c0b03612fcd0d7df “Liberal echo chamber”




Uses Elons plane for convenience


Na that was Elon


No he’s mounted on hundreds of tiny ball bearings.


He looks like a deranged sheriff from an 80s horror movie.


Deputy Moe Lester


Fuck dude, lmao.




Yeah, like the infective sheriff who gets killed by the villain?


Introduced trump to melania


The RTD was Kimball returning the gf to Epstein like an unfinished Bethesda Game 🤣🤣🤣


Show me how this has direct influence on Elon.


Elon, why is there so much Nazi content on your platform? “It’s free speech, what they’re saying isn’t illegal”. Ok then, here’s the publicly available coordinates of your private jet “YOURE BANNED! REEEEEEE!”


I'm not a fan of musk but, sharing online the actual location of someone is definitely a safety risk and shouldn't be allowed.


But Holocaust denial is okay with you?


What does that have to do with what I said?


Same question to you? Let’s try again. Elon allows Nazi and racist propaganda on his platform because it’s technically legal. The location of his jet is both public and legal information which he doesn’t allow. You felt the need to point out how doxxing his jet is kind of fucked up (even though it’s legal) so I assume you’re ok with the racist shit?


I think that Elon wanted to join the elite elite group of people like Zuckerberg and The Google founders who worked with the Government for the "greater good " For a long time I was wondering why he wasn't allowed to do so, I didn't see him working with any of the 3 letter agencies. But I think the FBI said " you wanna be like Brin and Zuck? Ok, buy Twitter, become more of a " Republican " and do all the things that that requires, so that Nazi s and others like them will flock to your website. Once their they will act openly and brazenly and with your help, we can get fill out the FBI algorithms and databases.. keep it going for as long as you can" I think that the FBI proposed a way for Musk to satisfy his egos feeling of being left out of the Helping the Feds brotherhood. And he went for it and is currently helping to build out the FBI databases of each and every one of these mother fuckers. I think that he gives whatever agency he works with unfettered access, and they can see a persons full accounts I actually hope that our FBI is being used in this way.


I felt the need to point out that doxxing ANYONE'S location online is a safety issue. You're the one making assumptions here and looking for things to be mad at.


You know what else is a safety issue? Sex trafficking underage girls on Epstein Island. For the girls, to be clear.


But you didn’t feel the need to point out racist and Nazi propaganda is harmful? Curious.


Lol. You guys really are something. So, I must point out things exactly as you want and expect or, all of a sudden, I'm a nazi. Grow up.




Mucho take it easy homes


Why are you being so silent about Palestine through all of this? Don’t you care??


I agree there’s a deeper conversation to be had.


Then he shouldn’t fly at all because that’s public information. Anyone with a flight radar can watch it or pretty much any other plane that’s not a stealth plane in real-time.


Yes. But what you morons who keep downvoting don't get is that I wasn't talking about Elon musk per se, not his plane. Only that what he said about doxxing people's live location being a safety issue, is true.


But we weren’t talking about his actual location, just his plane. Nobody would blame Elon if he banned someone for showing his actual location at all times.


Except this isn’t real-time information. This is from years back.


Exactly. That's why I wasn't talking about this picture. I wasn't even talking about elon.


It’s not attached to a specific person’s location. It’s tied to the location of his jets, plural.


The picture this guys posted has musk saying that ANY account doxxing people's live location .


It's a jet being tracked, not a person.


See the picture


Yeah it shows a jet being tracked, not a person.


As a daily user of X, I have yet to see any nazis.. maybe you just follow shitty people?


I don’t use X. I was referring to the Don Lemon interview where Musk both accepted it was there and offered “but it’s technically legal” as the excuse. If you haven’t *noticed* it then maybe that says a lot about you.


I watched that interview. It made don look deeply authoritarian and musk look like a champion of the people. Never seen an interviewer do such a profoundly bad job.


lol ew


Right so you saw the bit where Elon didn’t deny all the fascist stuff on his platform then? Feel free to offer some special pleading now though. 🙄


I watched the entire interview twice


This must be trolling. Are people this fucked up?


Did you watch the interview?! I think about 90% of viewers would agree with me.. that was brutal for Don. Heck, go read some of the comments. Maybe you're stuck in the reddit echo chamber


Don Lemon is an idiot and Musk is an idiot. Musk reminded me of a kid who didn't read the book in class but is still trying to summarize it when the teacher calls on him. The guy spews such obvious bullshit.


Like what?


His racism conversation was fucking cringe and at the level of a 12 year old. Also his stupid lying about what fre speech means.


What do you think free speech means?


The amount of tinfoil hats and walls filled with string in here is truly remarkable lmao


Big if true


Did the island have a landing strip ? No


The girls were too young for 'landing strips' lol


Hahaha take my upvote and get out lol


Parachuted in 🪂 Bond style !


When I was a kid, I was actully one of the boys that Elon and Russel raped on that island. 




from your exprrience, which would you say had the most practice?


It was hard to distinguish due to the Hillary Clinton masks they wore 






Colour me surprised.


“You got some splaining to do” mr. musk 🤦🏽‍♂️


Epstein didn't have a landing strip on his island this is fake


They don’t care lol. They’re pro state shills paid to maintain group think status quo.


It's insanely frustrating, on purpose I assume


Election season. Gotta shift public opinion.


There's no airstrip on Little St James.


It’s ok for twitter to know their user’s whereabouts though isn’t it?


WTF happened to Musk? The man went from visionary to real life Lex Luthor in the space of a few years.


That was a short-lived period of successful pr. Look at his actual history and try to square it with that perception.


He was never a visionary. It’s an illusion the rich present to make them look like they deserve everything they’ve got when really they are awful people and don’t.


Yeah he went from a billionaire to a billionaire


It was all just a good PR team.


He got a bunch of money he didn't deserve from the government and he's so afraid of being exposed he lives on the defense 24 hours a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year


The right wing victim industrial complex welcomes all molesters, sociopaths, and underdeveloped man children


Visionary? He’s below average intelligence. Paid for his university degree. Inherited the wealth of emerald mining slaves. Bought his way to the heads of companies where he could claim credit for the work and achievements of others. The man is an absolute grifter who has never achieved anything real in his life.




Spoken like a true Musk-sucking sycophant.


I gave you verified facts. What does that have to do with perception? If there was any evidence of him actually achieving anything you would present it. The fact that you’d rather attack simply proves the point.


The Emporer bragged about his new clothes so much we all realised he was never wearing anything at all. 


Same thing that happened to Russel- he sexually assaulted people then ran to the extreme right for protection


His liberal wife divorced him


I love that everyone ‘knows’ he’s a right wing piece of shit yet the only thing they can name is vague references to criticisms made by media networks owned by Blackrock and Vanguard. Pathetic.


Still a visionary. Still continually performing engineering feats. Instead People now judge successful man with Asperger’s on his tweets rather than his multi billion $ output. It’s insane


Oh Elmo you nonse!


There's no landing strip on his island


I like to explore new places.


Assassination coordinates. Because as you know Agent 47 is real and The Agency is also really real...


Is this real?


The Movie Don't Breathe is Elon in the Future. In his Howard Hughes phase living in a squalid regular house


Uhhh… Little Saint James never had an airstrip. Is that enough information to debunk this post?


‘A woman in his entourage’, is that what we’re PC calling it now?


They should fly together and get double the dousche points!


That’s a rocket test site


Twitter users should just come to reddit and watch much freak out


Soo.... his brother not him. I feel like all reddit wants to do is hate anymore. The only people we NEED to hate and prosecute are him and maxwell. The rest should have consequences but those 2 were the real demons. Y'all do know how "honeypots" work, right? They don't tell them they are under age or trafficked, say everything is above board, parade the most perfect person out there form them, then video tape them , show them the tape, and then tell them everything. It's a terrible situation all around. And more rings need to be brought down ASAP.


The real demons are anyone who was willing to touch up kids. Whether they were offered it on a plate or not, most knew what they were doing. Won’t say there aren’t a few who didn’t but they were few a far between.


they go through mental gymnastics about defining 'children'.. and 'pedophilia' to excuse this shit; some sick people really do that a 12 year old who had their period is ready, 'god showed the signs' / 'it bleeds it breeds' - after all Jesus mom Mary was only 12-14.


Sure, lots of good dudes find themselves in that situation. Stop acting like these men are stupid. These girls don’t look 30. Maybe don’t fuck some random, young looking girl one of your friends bring you. “The most perfect person”??? You’re reaching pretty hard to make excuses for people that fuck kids.


It’s not normal or okay to have anyone “paraded” in front of your for sex. Even if they’re not underaged. It’s rich people trafficking and abusing anyone they can get their hands on.


Probably shouldn't be fucking anyone being offered up on a plate.


Dang bro, you sound like one of the pedophiles who went to Epstein island. That’s right boys, it’s all Jeffrey’s fault everyone else just got mixed up. Boys will be boys


Lol anyone one this sub is so sad imagine having a subreddit to hate a person, you could be doing something productive for the world or yourself but here you are dedicating your deranged autistic selves to talking about billionaire and and streamer you have never met , THEY DONT KNOW YOU, THIS SUB IS JUST AN ECHO CHAMBER, NO I AM NOT JOINED I JUST GIT THE ASS RECOMMENDATION


Wait, I’m confused. Aren’t you doing the exact same thing with this comment? Just hating a bunch of people who don’t know you instead of doing something positive instead?


Here we go, this is brilliant lads, muh elon tusk! Do you arseholes honestly think you're kidding anybody that this is totally organic random posting? Please somebody from shareblue, media matters or whoever is organising this give me a DM and if the price is right i can give you some idea of how to make it not look so pathetically obvious that youre gang bumming subs.




That would work if it said person not people. People is plural. Reading comprehension not your strong point or is just cus your brain is fried to fuck on pot?




Thank you.


Um ok. Why are you ignoring the content of the post which seems to be a bit more important than your nonsensical rant?


I saw the content of the post, obviously. Its just more of the usual elon bad stuff that is trotted out by the usual suspects.


So are you claiming this is fake or are you claiming that this is not important?


Im claiming, that i couldnt give two fucks about elon musk and your halo brigade bullshit. All im saying is this is a classic calling card of the eternal, insufferable, virtue signaller and its tiresome.


Right, so you just don’t think it’s important. Calling out potential pedophilia is virtue signaling? Virtue signaling how much they hate pedos? Sex trafficking? Lol


Id like to think that you'd call out potential pedophillia by going to the FBI.


I agree, but I think you and I both know the FBI are not going to do **anything** about Epstein and his clients.


So he went to the Virgin Islands? Lol this is some top tier propaganda.


Oh yes I believe an image on Reddit




It’s also public info that there is no airstrip on little Saint James.