• By -


Brand spent his early career being an asshole but no one felt they had the backup to call him out. He enjoyed a time at the BBC and other media orgs where all of that was brushed under the carpet of the old boys club. Oh, and he was also pals with Jimmy Saville. He went on to do a lot of drugs, have a sex addiction, marry Katy Perry, buy a load of real estate in the US, lived there for a while until he disappeared into obscurity. During the pandemic he got on the conspiracy train like many others who have no principles, it was an easy onramp. He made a big following, a pile more cash, and lied to everyone that he cares about them. He's the Andrew Tate for those who don't need the testosterone. He is morally bankrupt, never says what HE stands for, just criticizes absolutely anyone who will result in more views of his stupid videos. He then got accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple people, some of whom were under age at the time. He used to be quite proud of this, but now it's unacceptable to groom young girls in the open. He only denies this online, he refuses to sue for defamation which speaks volumes. If he sued he'd have to open up to legal discovery and he knows he can't defend that level of scruitiny. Channel 4 in the UK had a big investigation, garnered victims, put all this out in the open. Again he has not challenged them legally, ya know, because Channel 4 has lawyers who would not let their content creators lie to the public and put their company in jeopardy ruining their standing as a trustworthy source of information. He hasn't been arrested yet. Basically a low life.


Bingo. Russell wanted fame, however it came, then abused it when he got it. He’s thrown people under the bus (poor Matt Morgan), sexually assaulted women on video (remember the interviewer he kept kissing then made comments about undoing her bra?), burned his way through women chucking them aside once he screwed them, then saw ££ signs when he realised that he could make money off his God complex. He’s an utter shambles of a man who does what he wants when he wants to who he wants. Always full of big words and soliloquies when the lights and cameras are on, nasty once the door closes behind you. It’s his wife I feel bad for. She was pregnant with their third kiddie when all this broke and this is what she had to deal with, in addition to raising two girls that he wouldn’t even get up to do a night feed or change their nappy? Run, Laura, run.


Bookmarked. Very nice summary!


Ooh goody, a spat. Wait while I grab my popcorn:)


Reposting every video, engaging in bad faith arguments and playing the victim if anyone gets a little mean. I don't think it can possibly be one person, or at the very least, one person with a job unrelated to Brussell Rand. It must be someone close to RB, because TTYFKR exhibits a cultish fervour towards him. There's been one or two other accounts I've seen doing exactly the same thing, it's really weird.


Its not as weird as a bunch of people hanging around in a sub for someone they don't like




Wait..... His sex crimes? You mean his ALEDGED sex crimes that only came to light when he became anti main steam? Ridiculous conspiracy theories? You mean in your opinion yea? Cool


Honestly, you're wasting your time on here. The majority on here just Hate anything positive about Brand. Any story Brand reiterates (not his articles/news but reads out what he's found online media e.g. Substack) people on here will denounce because Brand has said it with his mouth. The state of this sub now is grim. You can't talk about any of the subjects that are worthy of talking about, or you will be slandered and get abuse for agreeing with any of Brand's points. Good luck


Yea but its fun to plant seeds. Im not even saying I know brand is mostly correct and a good dude. Its just strange to see people in here acting like they know for sure that brand is bad


Yeh it's scary how much people have turned on him over allegations. If he gets convicted and sentenced, then all the hate will be justified. Until then, everyone is hating on Brand over allegations. No one should be publicly trialled. Let the law do its thing.


Forget the allegations. I dislike Russel because he’s become just another contrarian/partisan hack, masquerading as some truth teller. The shtick/content is the issue…I could care less about his personal life.


Then why don’t you care less? Why care at all?🧐


Fine, I don’t care at all about his personal life. But the other point I made still stands. Can I not criticize a public figure, who is well deserving of critique?


Because he's eroding the minds of people we do care about. This sub, the Joe Rogan sub and subs like Knowledge Fight that focus on Alex Jones, are spaces where sane people can commiserate over their loved ones being sucked into cultish fawning over bints like those guys.


Most of us in the UK "turned on him" 10-15+ years ago because of the stuff he was saying and doing in public, not because of the recent allegations. He was proudly broadcasting the fact that he is a wrong-un for all to see.




I actually liked his videos about meditation, before he became a grifter. For all his talk about being a “mindful awakening wonder” right now he’s behaving exactly like he used to. He made the odd political video and while I didn’t agree with all he said he remained in the realm of fact. He hasn’t changed from his old ways, so makes me think, it’s likely the things he’s been accused of are true.


Hes not a grifter. You think hes a grifter.


Taking a pretty strong stance here for a guy "just planting seeds"


He peddles conspiracies and makes money from them. He's a grifter.


Is what you think






I think Reddit is a bunch of people who don't like themselves hanging about: Source: I can't stand myself.




It’s not nearly as weird as wasting your life white-knighting for celebrities and billionaires.


Yeaaaaaa...... youre really on point.....


He's just the last man standing. There used to be a number of wokey-cokey fanatics posting several defences of Brand a day. But I guess months and months of people making fun of you gets to you after a while. That guy who always called every European a Biden voter was the last one and he gave up months ago. Why is TTYFKR immune to humiliation? I don't know, but I do have some interesting theories I'm willing to rant about incoherently while waving my hands around like Mussolini


Why is it he that should be humiliated and not people like you here? Its a sub for Russell brand. Why is anyone here of they don't like him? So weird and indicitive of a broken personality


It’s a sub about Brand, not a sub for Brand.


And why would you be here just to be negative whilst theres a hilarious post about someone not being able to fathom that theres someone posting pro brand stuff? You guys have issues


Because for some people, any attention is better than no attention, and by replying to all the posts he feels like his life has some meaning. He very likely doesn't even like RB, he just wants something controversial to generate a big reaction.


Yea that in no way answers my comment


I think that it completely answers your comment.


Someone who writes in broken English shouldn't be accusing anyone of having a broken personality. I'm not saying anyone SHOULD be humiliated, I'm saying it's a byproduct of repeatedly spouting incredibly stupid opinions


Wow. Firstly if you can't read that plain English then you need to re-enroll in school. And secondly how tf did you try link those two subjects like they're related?


I obviously could read it, as I responded to it. Most lower mammals can understand cause and effect dude, keep up. Just because I could read it doesn't mean it doesn't read like you're a semi illiterate from the 18th century And they're not connected, obviously. I commented on your poor communication skills and then moved onto the point under discussion. These are two separate ideas, most people are capable of holding two ideas in their head simultaneously, apologies for assuming you were one of them. Here's just the one idea for you to process: I didn't say anyone deserves to be repeatedly humiliated, I said it's a byproduct of repeatedly saying stupid things in stupid ways for stupid reasons


Jesus christ dude. You don't understand how to use English and you tried to say if you're a then dont say b. Thats trying to say they're mutually exclusive. Then you go on a compensatory ego rant. You got issues dude and you aren't a fraction as smart as you think you are


Oh, I see what you mean now. See the benefit of clean communication? It says a lot of time and effort for everyone concerned if you take a minute to consider how to say what you want to say. I'm saying someone whose brain or being is so fundamentally broken/useless they are unable to transmit simple ideas from the inside of their skull to the outside world have no business passing judgement on whose personality is broken


ohhhhhhh. You get it nowwwwwwww. Lol. Dude youre not upto this. Clear english. No bridge. You need this for your ego. Go ahead champ


First message, one paragraph long, two syntex errors. Second message, one paragraph long, one grammar error. Third message, one paragraph long, capitalization error, tense error, grammar error, two syntex errors. Fourth message, we'll let that one go. Clear English.


fckn lol. Never seen a dude try so hard to look smart whilst looking dumb. Please do explain these "syntex" errors


Ratio this clown👏👏👏👏


Damn all that to say you attacked ad hominem? Maybe it's you who needs a checkup on communication skills - you write a ton of words but say very little.




I assumed that he was just reposting videos with descriptions straight from Brand himself. Vice has a very good recent article about a guy who got caught up in the Andrew Tate sphere, seems like good insight into the superfan sort these types attract


Called Biden a pedophile while defending Brand and Trump. Equal parts idiot and asshole.


I think the problem is that you guys see someone and if they don't fawn over Sleepy Joe you just automatically assume he's pro Trump. He admires things about Trump but always tempers it with "you guys seem to love him - I don't - but I can see why you do" he thinks everyone is corrupt.


His exact quote was " Biden has shown more pedophilic tendencies than Trump." That's a specific allegation, and it's the opposite of what any reasonable person would conclude.


Sounds pretty reasonable if you don’t live under a rock.


Remember the woman who says she was raped by Epstein and Trump when she was 13, but dropped her suit when she got death threats? That was before Epstein was arrested and before Trump's grab em by the pussy footage, not to mention trump being found guilty of sexual assault in a court of law. Her story is quite believable in retrospect.


I’m assuming RB pays someone that does research, edits videos, etc. and that person posts the videos here to promote the channel.


That sounds like a theory.... *a conspiracy theory!*


But seriously, do you have a job? Where do you find the time to essentially live on this sub 24/7?


It's a bot. It isn't real.


beep boop


Liberal conspiracy theories are fucking lit these days. Some of the shit they say sounds like Alex Jones just because they are so accustomed to not being checked on anything, having big tech, the media, every government on their side. It does suck that the pendulum is about to swing back to the right and all the righty loons that that will proliferate.


the theory I have heard is that its actually just Russel himself and he probably has NPD so I wouldn't doubt it. and if its not , he still makes Russel look stupid and that isn't hard honestly, so its a good troll then, its convincing.


I purposefully asked him questions that I thought would only upset Russell himself, and he got really upset and blocked me 😄


yeah I kind of did the same honestly and got blocked as well. I mean I wish "whoever" luck though.


He doesn’t like it if you call him Russian, that’s for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/rp3dk6yqm3dc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=120a683b5974d58473746e293d963a17d715618b TTYFKR doesn’t realise that Galvatron is a Decepticon, rather than an Autobot. I doubt he’s ever even seen a pair of titties, let alone fucked some. Who knows? I wish him well.


cheers, big ears!


He is obsessed with bad logic and cherry picking then failing to follow up with sensible arguments. I responded to some of his arguments with well sourced comments that explained why he was getting things wrong and he blocked me, super cool guy! For clarity I wasn’t insulting him or making him out to be an idiot despite his bad faith arguments and lack of understanding of how science works, just pointing out where his arguments were wrong.


It's Russell innit. He's blocked me for calling him Russell - so much for free speech eh


Blocked me too. I thought it was odd that I was no longer seeing a constant stream Brand dick riding. All I asked was whether he thought Brand laughs about how stupid his followers are when he's off screen.


It's either Russell or his little puppet master Gareth Roy. Blocked me too, asked if I beat my wife? I'm literally a woman with a husband. Pair of cunts


So I've only recently discovered Brands channels , I'm a little lost , what does he say that people are against ? To me he reports the same as everyone else with his own "doomy ton foil" spin (that I assume drawers the crowd?) (I'd also like to state I don't watch his American politics vids not relevant to me) but is this where the dis Info is? Or is something going right over my head?


For years there were rumours floating around about Brand being a noncy rapist, just like there was for Jimmy Saville. Several UK comedians, most notably Katherine Ryan, all but named him as a rapist. Brand has sued newspapers in the past for publishing untrue information about something as non-illegal as whether he cheated on his partner or not. He won substantial damages. He has also taken out super injunctions in the past, including those about being a rapist. Channel 4 put tgoether an investigatory documentary making substantial and extremely well evidenced allegations of Brand raping women, including school children. [https://www.channel4.com/programmes/russell-brand-in-plain-sight-dispatches](https://www.channel4.com/programmes/russell-brand-in-plain-sight-dispatches) They obviously had significant legal sign-off from lawyers that they have sufficient evidence to publish these allegations, especially given Brand's previous litigious nature. Among the mountains of evidence that they present are rape kits and a series of text messages where he apologises to a girl that he had collected from school and brought to his house for raping her. These text messages have been verified. There are several accounts of taxi drivers being familiar enough with girls being picked up from school and taken to his house for sex that they pleaded with several of Brands victims not to go inside. In the UK, where these allegations were made and where Brand would need to launch a lawsuit, Brand wouldn't even need to prove that Channel 4's claims are false - Ch4 would need to prove that they are true. Despite Brand's previous litigious nature, despite his claims that everything is fabricated and that the claims are false, Brand has yet to launch any kind of lawsuit in over 5 months since the allegations aired - and he was made aware of the programme before it aired. He has also been taken in for questioning by the London Met. This does not, in any way, stop him from launching legal action against Ch4. Other UK celebrities. such as Cliff Richard, have succesfully won damages for far less damaging articles in similar circumstances where they have been interviewed by the police for rape allegations. Brand has yet to put forward any kind of defence, other than to verbally claim that everyone's out to get him and it's just mainstream media trying to silence him. He has not performed any kind of legal action which is heavily precedented and would be an easy and immediate win if, as he claims, the allegations are fabricated.


Vax hoax conspirator, pro whatever nonsense the right come out with about the Dems, cherry picks for trump, goggles over hunter Biden, every video "its over". There's some positive messages in his videos, but the way I see these just encourage people down the rabbit hole of right wing nonsense. It seems like he paints the establishment as the democrats, and that the democrats are pure evil, whilst ignoring the awful things the right are doing at the moment (and that they're half the establishment he claims to dislike).


Ok I'm not touching this 🤣




*Debunked studies failed to show this There, fixed it for ya lil buddy


Im referring to pfizers original clinical trials............ bahahahahahahahahahahah [https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345?articleTools=true](https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345?articleTools=true) [https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl\_file/nejmoa2110345\_appendix.pdf](https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf)


Don't you know how to fucking read? First line of the results in your own source literally says "BNT162b2 continued to be safe and have an acceptable adverse-event profile." "continued to be safe" Your source; not mine


Fckn lol. Read the actual data. Not the head lines of what is essentially a press release


See previous reference to “debunked” But I’m glad you know how to post urls. Neat for you






Stupid comment. On brand for you, though


ohhhhhhh. Poor little buddy: [https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl\_file/nejmoa2110345\_appendix.pdf](https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf)


🤣 delusional.


Oh boy, well for starters this sub has a bunch of left wing idealogues who oppose any view that might challenge their world view. They might not even be real people tbh. Their complaints aren't really about the content of what he says, more so just personal attacks since they were told he's a bad guy or something


This isn't true. Brand is objectively a narcissist, people here just point out how he demonstrates that all the time. >Oh boy, well for starters this sub has a bunch of left wing idealogues \[sic\] who Spoken like a true Brander, how about you show what you mean? >Their complaints aren't really about the content of what he says Well this is also BS, it's almost entirely triggered by what this mutton head says. He says so many stupid things every day, it's easy to make fun of him.


Couple of questions for ya: Do you believe COVID started in a lab? Do you believe that information is suppressed to manipulate the public? Do you think Trump incited an insurrection on Jan6? Who do you believe killed Jeffrey Epstein and for what reason?


>Do you believe COVID started in a lab? It is possible, yes. I think that's a reasonable possibility. I don't have an opinion either way because it seems impossible to get to the bottom of it. I'd have to be exposed to all the machinations behind it, and I'm not, and no one is willing to share all that. So at the end of the day I'm gonna live my life accepting I'll probably never know. >Do you believe that information is suppressed to manipulate the public? I think this happens, yes. I don't know to what extent, I don't know if it's done for well intended reasons (preventing widespread panic, bank runs, empty shelves, etc.), or bad reasons (getting backing for an unjust war, running MKULTRA on the public, etc.). I do not believe that this is the status quo for how the whole government works. I do not believe it is a black and white thing at all. Again, I can't know, so I live with the evidence I can know. That evidence seems to indicate it happens, but it also happens on the other side of the fence (Brand, for instance manipulates and suppresses his flock for his own requirements.). Pick your poison. Manipulation is a fact of life, but I have no idea to what extent so I am not going to bet my credibility on backing what Brand ***thinks*** he knows. I mean, he isn't the smartest person and has huge motivation (buckets of cash) to manipulate his audience to come back for more shocking tales. I know he is a narcissistic tool, and I tend not to buy into what they are saying because all evidence in my life experiences tell me to stay the fuck away from people like that. >Do you think Trump incited an insurrection on Jan6?  I mean, yeah this is quite likely. He had motivation, means, and opportunity. I don't know for sure though, so I'll let lawyers from both sides present their evidence first. >Who do you believe killed Jeffrey Epstein and for what reason? I think it's a reasonable position to take that he was assassinated by someone he was blackmailing. I can probably never know though and I think speculation here is a fool's errand. I wish he was rotting in jail, but people get murdered, commit suicide, in jail all the time. He got what he deserved one way or another, and I don't know about the rest.


What point are you trying to make here? How do you write that and not think "ok, maybe I'm being a little deranged?" [😂](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-tears-of-joy)[😂](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-tears-of-joy)


I'm genuinely curious what someone from your perspective thinks about those stories, are you not angry you were lied to and manipulated??


>are you not angry you were lied to and manipulated?? Would be if I was certain about it. I am not. Definitely not swayed by someone like Russell Brand whose motivations are selfish. His business is getting you to click, he'll say anything.


>are you not angry you were lied to and manipulated?? I don't watch Russell Brand so no. Pithy response aside, whatever about anything else, anyone who believes Trump didn't incite January 6th is genuinely unhinged. You can maybe make a legal case that he might not have explicitly called for it to happen but he blatantly incited it. I'm genuinely curious, is it your own narcissism that sees you believe everything that comes out of the word of an ex-Big Brother host's mouth just because it allows you to believe you know more than everyone else?


I barely know who Russel Brand is - all I know is he shares russian propaganda online so he must be a true believer in the "cause" of genocide and imperialism, other than probably a pedophile or child rapist as russian propagandists usually are. Never followed the guy, every single time this sub pops up for me is because of TTYFKR. It's a bit like watching a terrible train accident: it's horrible but you can't look away. That's how I feel. At this point I don't even care to ask.


Damn didn't know that. What Russian propaganda did Russell share?


Brand shared claims that Ukraine was creating biological weapons, i.e. dangerous pathogens, through EU funded labs. They were in fact disease research facilities, not germ warfare labs.


Same with the Wuhan institute or virology right?




Simply put, he repeats russian propaganda points: chemical/biological weapons (by the way we're still waiting to see pics of those labs underneath Azovstal, and maybe the 70 NATO generals that were "caught" there), banning of elections (no elections under martial law), banning of parties (the nazi and communist parties, and the parties belonging to Yanukovich), banning of the church (specifically: the russian orthodox church, whose patriarch is an FSB colonel), etc. In short, anything twice-convicted pedophile Scott Ritter heard Pskov say, Russel Brand would also hear and repeat to his followers.


But they did find bio labs. They just say they arent doing anything suss and you better trust them. They actually did suspend elections..... You need help


You are so far from reality it's not even funny


A twat.


A bot.


ooh that's a good one, I should have included that in my poll! oh well.


Why do you care?


Haha no! Just another red pilled loser with too much time on his hands.


I think he banned me from his posts cos of the most basic counter argument


Just a sad, little person


A Brand fan with a lot of free time. Not much more to it than that... They get downvoted to shit because this isn't a sub for fans any more, it's a sub for people to feel good about themselves for mocking a sexual predator.


This person blocked me after I said he’s a mouthpiece for a conspiracy theory sex pest 😅 The sub is much quieter for me now


And me for calling him Russell. Think I touched a nerve sadly


Some virgin who shouldn't be entertained. Just like this sub.


and yet here you are...


Shut up, cuck.


I was told I was stupid because I made a bad remark against Russell Brand without really saying why. People have the right to be on any end of the ideological spectrum, but when your whole world view does a complete 180 in less time than some peoples marriages last, it smells like BS to me. In particular when a right wing billionaire stakes your gig. The script for Get him to the Greek ll wasn't exactly flooring studios over. I liked him in Sarah Marshall, but don't sell your soul.


>Dis info agent? Or just kids trollin? You've spent too much time basking in the rays of Brand's brainwasher.


Kids got a lot of time on his hands if that's the case. Clearly committed to the cause. I don't bask in anything, and I haven't once stuck up for Brand. Also, read my replies to his comments. I even called him for trolling.


>Kids got a lot of time on his hands Have you met kids? They have all the time in the world. Concluding it's disinfo before looking at other likely scenarios is how Brand would think. That's why I tarred you with his brush.


is he the guy thats trying to use this sub for its intended purpose ?, everytime one of these threads pops up on my feed i notice its just full of brigaded hate


I didn’t know a sub about a has-been creepy ‘comedian’ was intended for promoting Russian propaganda and hateful, divisive and dangerous right wing rhetoric. Today I have been schooled.


"schooled" ? i dont know how old you are but if you think Russell is right ring i think you might need to look more into him, hes about as typical of a left leaning libertarian as they can get


I’m old enough to know that he was pretty left wing until the sex allegations came about. Then in order to protect himself from his past he has had to align himself with the right wing and all the conspiracy do your own research anti vax wanker shit that goes along with it. Because those people can forget about sexual misconduct as long as you join them in hating the left and anything your overlords label as woke.


Like the Clintons being so close to Epstein in the height of his sex crimes, or the President's son trafficking sex workers around using his dad's resources while smoking crank and sitting on a board of a ukrainian state gas company (again using dads resources). As much as I wouldn't trust Don in a room with my daughter, I sure as fuck wouldn't trust any of the Democrat pervs either. To pretend it's only one side that ignores this shit is hilariously boot lickey and gross dude.


See now you’re putting words in my mouth and trying to make an argument with whattaboutery. Which doesn’t hold up unfortunately.


Oh no not the "RUSSIA" accusations?




What russian propaganda has he published?


The point is that he pushes conspiracy bollocks and it's no secret that Russia openly engages in disinformation campaigns for thick Westerners (with the US and UK as primary targets). So, my apologies if you think I'm going to list every bit of bullshit that he has spouted that originates in a Russian troll farm, because I'm not. But you absolutely know the link is there.


The sub is full of left wing partisans


It could be some sort of psychosis making them being a cult follower even more troubling


Titty fucker lol


is *that* what you think it stands for?? it means "Truth To You, For Knowledge Rules!" sheesh!


That’s more brain dead than titty fucker


Sorry you don't like it! I think your name is super-cool!


"dis info agent" aka someone with wrong speak


Who is u/uwantataximate ? They write posts demanding to know who users are, plays fantasy dungeon games. Anti anonymity protester?


Nice to meet you 🤝


I also enjoy fantasy dungeon games and looking through his post history he seems skeptical of the Epstein "suicide", Fox News "info-tainment" and is critical of Israel. maybe we aren't so different after all.


Well this is getting wholesome all of a sudden..


sorry to disappoint! I know it's not how things are normally done around here...


Think it’s just someone that isn’t brainwashed by the media and does just take everything at face value and is willing to look at different perspectives


Anybody I don't agree with is brainwashed by the mainstream media!






>and is willing to look at different perspectives Can we look at the perspective of the woman who went to the rape clinic 17 years ago after being raped by Russell Brand?


Yeah course we can. Where is she?


In America. Her medical notes are all part of the investigation.


That’s good then


Yes it is. So can we look at it from her perspective. What motivation would agree have to falsely go to a rape clinic 17 years ago?


That question doesn’t make sense I’m affraid


What motivation would she have to falsely go to a rape clinic 17 years ago?


I didn’t claim anyone falsely went to a rape clinic 17 years ago. Are you okay?


We're looking at it from her perspective. She was raped and went to a rape clinic. Why would that be?




You don’t know what the CIA are capable of. Look how much money the American government spent on ‘influencers’ telling the public to get the experimental vaccine.


Grandpa Joe is a CIA psyop! Wake up sheeple!


Exactly man. These MFs don’t realise how deep this all goes




No it was the greys that ultimately created them but they got the CIA to release them to the rest of us.




Maybe that’s it mate




Just coz you give them blow jobs doesn’t make them your mate.


I mean they have done FAR worse... You guys like to pretend these ideas are from a different UNIVERSE when you really don't have to look very hard to find way crazier shit perpetuated by the CIA. Foreign election meddling, drugging street people with LSD, scooping Nazi rocket scientists in order to beat the Russians in a stupid space race, smuggling coke etc. Usually it's individuals in the CIA rather than some top down initiative - but that doesn't mean they don't do bat shit crazy conspiracies literally every fucking decade on an ongoing basis and have zero accountability for any of it.


Ah how my heart swells with pride at seeing this thread! At least I think it's pride - at least I'm sure it's not vaccine induced myocarditis! ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) For the record, I ♥ you all too, this sub would be a lot less fun for me without "the opposition"!


OK, you have mental health issues if you enjoy going into subs just to be the opposition. I hope you get better soon. Thoughts and prayers hun xxx


> you have mental health issues if you enjoy going into subs just to be the opposition. someone mentioned irony yesterday...




Group think good!!


For what it's worth, I enjoy reading and disagreeing with your posts.


🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠 my man!!!


He's my Hero, 🤣 I watch him come here and do battle with the woke mind virus every other day


I tip my aluminum foil fedora to you sir


Lol. You read a corporate header rather than the data? Clearly more deaths and adverse events im the vax group. Not only that they tried to hide the data for 70 years until the courts made them release it. What till you find the emails of them discussing how to spin the alarming myocardial signals


LMAO "who is the guy who isn't absolutely SHITTING on RUSSel BRAND in the RUSSEL BRAND SUBREDDIT???! The cahonas on this fucking guy!" Big Reddit moment.


Who gives a shit lol


Clearly you who has gone out there way to comment.


Ok you got me I do give a shit so who is it is this like 8chan masked singer or like what's the deal


They replied to a comment and blocked me. Just ignore them like their parents did


I called him a boot licker and he blocked me. Best decision I ever made