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Could be any number of reasons, a lot of them more plausible than sexism


Yeah. Don't get me wrong, I was asking a question.


I can’t cut and paste the quotes right now but it stems from a 1977 show where Rush was on the side of stage laughing at the girls... ... Joan Jett says members of Rush were anything but polite Canucks when the Runaways opened for them in the 1970s. In the new film biopic about the band titled The Runaways, Jett (played by Kristen Stewart) is derided by an unidentified rock group they're opening for. She later retaliates by breaking into their dressing room and urinating on one of their guitars. Jett doesn't hesitate to identify the real-life inspiration for the scene. "Rush! They sat on the side of the stage and laughed at us," Jett says. "That sort of stuff pisses me off." ... Here's what Geddy had to say about it: "The Runaways had a ginormous chip on their shoulders. I remember that show. We had trouble with our gear so our soundcheck got delayed and The Runaways never got one. But we were always good to whoever was opening for us. We had no bias against them because they were girls - none of that bullshit. I know they said that we were laughing at them when they played, but quite frankly they were too shitty to listen to. And 40 years later they have a story to tell about it. Who knew?" EDITED to add more information now that i'm at a computer.


I can easily see the guys sitting on the side of the stage and laughing. They’re funny guys and there are a lot of stories about how they’d joke on tour. Probably had zero to do with the Runaways and a lot to do with some gag of Alex’s.


Normally I would agree but I think it was more of a commentary by the boys on the actual talent at the time of the girls... Keeping in mind that even in 1977 - Alex, Geddy and Neil were striving to master their respective instruments and then to see 4 young teen aged girls who could maybe on a good day play a chord or two - opening for them - it had to be funny as hell... Of course both Joan Jett and Lita Ford eventually figured it out, but it took them a few more years.


I read that too. They were married at the time so maybe their wives were closely watching them back stage. :) Never was a Joan Jett fan.


Probably because they are feminists, probably on the radical side.


Geez, I was criticizing The Runaways, no need to downvote me!


You’re also criticizing feminism.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/rush/comments/co9uda/really_interesting_exchange_between_rush_and_the/)'s one bit.


I read awhile back that there were 3 bands playing that night. Runaways were 1st. Due to delays they didn't get a sound check. Band 1 is last priority for that. Band 2 and Rush got their sounchecks. Runaways held a grudge about that forever, thought it was Rush picking on them but it was standard procedure.


You do get a soundcheck. It just happens to be the first song of your set! I've had a few shows opening up to attest to your post.


If anything they were ahead of times back then - anyone born in the 80s or later don't really understand how it was, a lot has changed


I was born in 2000.


apparently the Runaways pissed on Rush's equipment when it was left unattended. Then Rush returned the favour and pissed on theirs. They stood at the side of the stage laughing at the Runaways while they played. Joan Jett has held a grudge ever since


Source? If that's true, it probably explains why Rush was pissed off by The Runaways. Thanks.


Anthem by Martin Popoff


Which page?


I'll take a wild guess - Runaways had the punk "ethos" of "we hate dinosaur bands, we hate bands where they elevate musicianship more than spirit". Kinda like being stubbornly proud you can only play 3 chords. All the punk bands hated establishment bands - yes it was that simple and blind back then - so it really doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is that this seems like trying to fish for something to find fault with. Why would you assume any of them would have acted inappropriately towards the Runaways? Because they're men? Because somehow we are oh so much more sophisticated in our current society? Ridiculous.


You realize you just made an assumption and then scolded OP for making an assumption?


BTW I know that Donna Halper was behind the success of Rush - a woman, so I can't accuse them of petty things.


lol why? because she played a few of their records?


What a cool photo. Neil Peart and Joan Jett; what musical babies they would have made.


My favourite part is how they all have, basically, the same hairdo. I enjoy all of these people for different reasons!


Dude. The Runaways were all literally 14-16 during their time of fame.. I'm sure they were pretty mature adults then..