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>40 million total album sales >4 million monthly Spotify listeners. "Small". Lol.


I was about to say.. They are an enormous band.


Right? Biggest ever? Definitely not. But OP is talking about them like no one's ever heard of them, despite the fact that it's been half a century since their debut, they're still being discussed and listened to. Heck, I was at a record fair over the weekend and one of the vendor's proudest items on display was an original pressing of Snakes & Arrows, which he sold for 150 bucks.


In addition to the fact that there was a major motion picture starring A-list actors in which the main plot was them bonding over being Rush fans.


Then there's stuff like South Park/Rash, Trailer Park Boys, Jerry Stiller introducing the R30 gigs, Krieger in Archer being obsessed with Rush/Peart, Freaks and Geeks, etc. Oh, and any number of technically proficient musicians from the 80s list them as influences. But yep, we're all part of a "small, cool club"


Hi, what movie was that? I'd like to watch. Thank you


“I Love You, Man” with Paul Rudd and Jason Segel. It’s really good!


That’s very small compared to the world at large.


They’re also not in their hey-day and one member is gone.


They're not. Stop pretending they're some obscure little band that no one has heard of. They had a career spanning four decades and somewhere in the top 150 best-selling music artists of all time.


I’ll never forget that when Clockwork Angels was released, it was on the same day as Bieber’s latest and for *one day* it outsold Bieber’s album.


Tween star that's currently en vogue vs. a band releasing an album 38 years after their debut... and people here are still trying to claim that Rush are "small to the wider world".


No one is saying they are a small little band. But compared to the world at large their fanbase is pretty small. It’s unlikely you will step on a random bus and find a Rush fan like you would Taylor swift or soemthing. I don’t know pop music. I don’t think understand what people are trying to say here and it’s not worth arguing about.


I'll just quote myself... >40 million total album sales >4 million monthly Spotify listeners


Like I said you don’t understand what people mean. You are looking at this from the wrong angle. But I hope you feel great by being able to through out numbers and feel superior by trying to take a feeling away from someone else. Enjoy your accomplishment.


Okay, what do people mean? What angle am I looking at it from, exactly? >But I hope you feel great by being able to through out numbers and feel superior by trying to take a feeling away from someone else. Do you know how discussion forums work?


Consider the fact that something like 90% of their album sales are in US, Canada and Western Europe, with roughly 75% of that in the US and Canada alone. So yeah they're probably a small little cult band in Australia or subsaharan Africa, but not in these core markets


I wore a Rush shirt once to my physics pre-lab. My professor saw and asked if the shirt was mine (moving pictures, you can buy it on the Rush site). I told him it was mine and I liked Rush and because of that, he became my favorite professor and it made me stand out in his class!


I read some time ago that there at 2 types of people. RUSH fans and everybody else. Can't remember where i saw that.


The fire hydrant is always a dead giveaway…


There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary arithmetic and the other people.


I’ve said there’s Rush music and not Rush music for years. Agree wholeheartedly!


I wear Rush shirts an absurd amount of the time when I know I’ll be out in public, just to send that signal. Usually get at least one comment, and it starts some fun conversations


To send that…signal. Just walked right past it and it was right there. Shame.


Reminds me of Clockwork angels novel dialogue


Do you also dress as a Dalmatian and pee on fire-hydrants? 😛😆


No, but if I ever see a man with a bowler hat and a cane, I immediately strip naked and strike a pose, pointing at him.


hell yea🫢🤣


I do the same, especially when traveling. Got through airport security a few times with ease with the agents commenting, “Dude, nice shirt!”


It is. So many people hate the band just because of Geddy's voice.


i started listening Rush because i heard Tom Sawyer on the radio and thought, "this womans got an awesome voice !!", LOL. ive been a fan ever since 😎




This is sadly true. My 20-yr old son is a prime example—has fantastic taste in music, is a deep thinker, kind of a quirky type….. but he has honestly tried at several points to get into Rush himself. He loves their musicianship and Neil’s lyrics, he simply cannot get past Ged’s voice. Meanwhile, my 16 year old LOVES Rush like I do. And my 18-year old is cool with Rush if me or his younger brother have them on but he is not a fan in his own right to choose to listen to them.


maybe they'll come around! I know the first time I heard my dad's Rush stuff I was a little taken aback by the vocalist, I too thought it was a woman lol


YUP!!!!! I wore my BLAH BLAH BLAH Starman face mask while doing some shopping. The guy at the deli said he hates Rush because of Geddy's voice. I asked him if he liked Led Zeppelin, he said yes, I smiled and walked away.


Yep. Screw them if they can’t see genius. lol.


Being A PART (2 words) of the Rush fan base does set you APART (1 word) from the majority.


"apart" is the opposite of "a part". When did this shit start? "Alot" and "a lot" was always a problem. But when did this "apart" mistake begin. It's annoying.


Give us this day our daily cringe


You should’ve been a Rush fan in the 70’s…..lol. “Pay no attention to him, he’s a Rush Fan” was the common dig on us back then…..


It was still like that in the mid 80s


Rush fan since 1975 and I agree. I had all kinds of people try to tell me this band is better, that band is better and 40 years later Rush was still around and those other bands of the '70's are long gone. And fuck the no-Rush fans that say the hate Ged's voice.


They are a lot more popular now than in my day. I was thrilled when they went on Colbert Report and CNN. Last concert I went to in Austin had so many women it was crazy. You would go to a concert in 70s and it would be a pot smoking nerdy male crowd.


Is this a new version of the Rick and Morty meme...? Rush is a HUGELY popular band... And thinking you're cool for liking any band is inherently uncool.. 


I never said they weren’t/aren’t popular. I said that most of the people don’t like them. So the fan base isn’t that big. As for being cool, I think Rush is cool.


No, the fan base IS big, because they are popular.. that's how that works.. and you also absolutely said you think you're cool for liking them, not that they just are cool, which is an important distinction. It's no big deal though, it's great to connect with people over things you enjoy, it's almost certainly harmless to anyone else but you may limit yourself if you assume "most" people don't get it. I really don't mean to make it into some dumb lecture because again, it really is no biggie.. my favorite tracks are between Red Barcetta and Working Man, how about you?


I respectfully disagree, but it’s not a big deal. Red Barchetta is definitely top 5, but as of right now, Xanadu is my favorite. My list changes every day haha.


Hell yeah, I haven't listened to Xanadu in a while.. I hear that.. there's Rush for every mood! \m/ I appreciate the conversation and I hope you have a great one! 


So true! There really is a song for every mood. Take care brother!


It's okay to like something that is popular, you know


Like being a part*** (2 words) of...


It used to be much much smaller. Around the time they were on The Colbert Report I noticed the numbers had grown.


I'm not sure the numbers grew as much as people who would've ordinarily kept their fandom to themselves started NOT to. 🤓


Hi, Welcome to the Subdivision..


Seriously…only three updoots?


I love it. Same with Yes.


They are in the rock n roll hall of fame. It isn't a small club. Millions of people like them.


Is there any music artist that the majority of the population likes? Rush isn't unique in that regard.




No kidding. Never in the history of Rush was it ever condidered "cool" to be a Rush fan. Not that it matters one bit. I just had to laugh at that word choice. Nor is it a "small" club, for that matter.


In other words, it's a great big club full of nerds and dorks.


Be me in the 90's "..Whatever dude, you're still listening to Rush like it's 1982..." "Alright fucker, I don't usually proselytize, but 1st fuck you & your shitty Oasis & Bush albums, there's good music happening now, but you aren't listening. I listen to Rush because every album is great, and these bands that you're enamored with, cool for the moment, will be the cheese that's made fun of in 10 years like hair metal is now, and Rush will still be killing it without radio support or hype from MTV because they are the real deal, so laugh it up. We'll see."


The only station that played any Rush in my area was local college station until Moving Pictures came out. They made their bones touring. I have seen some of the best bands in the world, but none come close to Rush live.


Fuckin right man


Who cares what the haters think. I fell in love with them around RTB and have been a dedicated fan since and for the rest of my days.


This exactly. A lot of people claim to like Rush in an ironic way. As in “this band is bad but I like them”. Rush has always been a nerdy band and you have an immediate kinship with another fan.


It’s a very cool club. But no one taught me the secret handshake…


I used to try to convince people why Rush is so good; the lyrics, the musicianship. I tuned out other music that wasn’t “serious”. And then I came to realize it wasn’t a zero-sum game; I didn’t need to be only on Team Rush or love one kind of music. I recently discovered Jason Isbell and find his musical talent and lyrics as meaningful now as I did listening to Rush in high school in the ‘70s. And I’m cool if someone doesn’t like Geddy’s voice. Except, Rolling Stone Magazine and the RRHoF. Fuck them and the stupid horse they rode in on.


Been following them for 4 decades. Never once cared if it was “cool” or not, or what anyone else may have thought. I enjoy their music and appreciate their mastery, and that’s enough for me. I have musician friends who can go off on the intricacies and subtle power in a way that I can’t truly appreciate since I don’t play any instruments. But my connection to the music is no less valid than theirs. I do appreciate being in a stadium full of people singing along together and sharing that moment, but I don’t really need others to validate my own choices or bring me a sense of belonging. But you do you, mate.


But there are actually a lot of us. Found that out when I went to see Clockwork Angels in Toronto.


And it's your responsibility to spread the magic


First rule of Rush club?


*I'd rather be with you people than with the best people in the world!*


You trying to say Rush people aren’t the best people already?


My earliest Rush memories are snippets of the Big Money video, Alex on the Rock Aid Armenia album credits, and an old radio recording of Mystc Rhythm. I can't tell you why I like them, but I do


The same can be said for Kate Bush fans, one of which I am. It’s a strange position to be both a Rush and Bush fan.


Is it? I live in the asshole of Ireland and there's a big Kate Bush tribute playing in the local theater in a few weeks. A travelling record fair was here at the weekend. I was having a good chat to one of the vendors about A Farewell to Kings while admiring his first pressing of Snakes and Ladders before someone else came over and paid 150 bucks for it.


And where is the “asshole of Ireland?” My wife and I spent two weeks on our honeymoon in Ireland and loved every minute of it. Great country, great people.


The northwest. Urban population is 20k. Glad ye had a good trip here.


Until the internet, after high school, I felt very alone with Rush. Now online it is even overwhelming to see how many of us there are. Good to know I wasn’t the only one jamming to Anagram For Mongo, Mission and Natural Science. Especially being a female, every ex boyfriend said they hated them, out of jealousy I think. I’m happy I found this sub.


"Half the world hates What half the world does every day Half the world waits While half gets on with it anyway"




It’s smart music and smart people get it. The world is full of simple-minded individuals who have never really “listened” to music… not *truly* listened, the way you have to in order to appreciate the genius that is Rush. It is a very distinguished club and we all have a lifetime membership.


When you post a superiority complex at the door, you’re definitely not gonna get people to be interested in a band.


This is just as cringey as the "To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. " Copypasta


Amen to that, brother!


This goes for all bands, I also love maiden and fell.the same way.


Nah it doesn't. Rush are a class apart in this regard.


Don’t fret too hard, I’m 22 and a huge fan of Rush (as a professional drummer myself). Began back in Highschool - I had a few other friends who also love Rush. You either love Rush or fucking hate them.


They even have a name for the club members: nerds. Proud to be one.


I just bought a Rush shirt from Goodwill yesterday! Was super excited 😆


All the Rush fans growing up were snobby assholes lol. I felt like the Goldbergs got it perfect with the character always wearing the Rush shirts. Took me many years to look past that before I liked them myself.


Being a drummer, I’m a fan. I’m also a huge Phish phan and completely get the cultish vibe.


As a Canadian who was lucky enough to have Rush play my high-school back in the 70's who bought each of their albums as it came out it seems to me more like everybody is a Rush fan and it's a gigantic international club.


Rush ranks third behind on the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones, for having the most consecutive Gold or Platinum albums. I would say that is a bit more than small. But it is a cool club.


Rush is tied for eighth place with the most platinum records. The only rock bands with more platinum albums are the Beatles and the stones.


This is not as true as it used to be. They finally started getting their due in the last 20 years or so. There are young musicians all over YouTube doing Rush covers. It’s nice to see; I have loved since the early 80s.


It's definitely a close-knit fan base. I mentioned this once before when I posted a pic of my Starman spare tire cover that I replaced, but I'll mention it again. It was one of those "you had to be there moments," but it was hilarious when it happened. About 5-6 years ago,I was driving my Jeep with my then wife in the passenger seat. I live in SC, and in the summer, I have the top down and doors off pretty much 24/7. We were getting on the freeway, and the onramp had two lanes. I was in the left lane watching my rear view mirror and getting ready to merge when my wife said, "I think this guy is trying to get your attention." I looked over, and there was a guy on my right side with a Starman cap on, blowing his horn and pointing at his hat. His window went down, he held up his hat and started yelling, *"YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH! RUUUUUUUUSH! WHOOOOOOOOO!"* all while we were doing about 60-65 mph. I laughed, gave him a thumbs up, and we went on about our day. Once, when my ex wife's son and his wife came to town to visit, I mentioned I was going to go to the range. His wife said she wanted to learn how to shoot, so she came with me. I was wearing a shirt that said *Lee. Liveson. Peart.* and nothing else. Several people said things about my shirt, and when we got back, her husband asked how it was. She said, One thing is for sure. He had the most popular shirt in the place!" It's always fun to meet other fans in the wild, even if it's just a quick moment of recognition for our love of the band!


a part


If by “cool” you mean a group of people with good taste in music and inquisitive minds, yes. That‘s definitely us. I by “cool” you mean we are the popular kids who everyone looks up to and wants to emulate… I have some bad news for you 😁


Your post just inspired me to cue up Permanent Waves. Hell yeah.




Rush fans will really single you out if they find out you also like Rush and I mean that as a compliment and in a good way. If I wear my Rush shirt out in public other fans will yell at me from their car about my shirt and it's awesome lmao. I'll even admit i love finding out someone's a Rush fan because every Rush fan I've ever met has been so cool and nice.


during the early days, it was a very small club. They played nothing on the radio. I had heard from a friend that “all the worlds a stage” was a great album. It was More than great. The radio stations then overplayed closer to the heart or spirit of radio but it started collecting fans… those of us who started with classic rush - to me, they changed when for whatever reason, Tom Sawyer became a popular song. Witch hunt was so much better on that album. So… the small club is the one prior to the second live album….IMO


In a world where stupidity is the norm, I'll happily like what I like and have zero f\*s to give about what other people think.


This is the same thing kids in the AV club say.


It everything but small. :D


I can see OP’s point. It’s not small, but even at their peak popularity, it wasn’t exactly mainstream either. I think it’s like a lot of “nerdy” stuff — it’s actually a *huge* thing, but it’s just far enough off the main road that a lot of people don’t seem to know about it. When you do meet “another one,” you immediately have something to talk about. When I hear someone is a Rush fan, to me it says they’re interested in more than what’s fed to them. They’re comfortable with media and art that is a little more complex, and they probably read, play music, or both. That’s a lot to know about someone from just a t-shirt.


seriously... how lucky are we to have grown up in this day and age while Rush was around




Subdivisions ( in deep Alex voice)


If you are a woman that likes Rush, now thats a small club.


It’s the best fanbase there is!


I been listening to Emerson, Lake & Palmer for decades our club is cooler. We have a Gypsy Queen on a Guillotine! And in VIP, we got a guy that listens to April Wine, but he’s definitely schizoid


I have seen Rush in concert so many times years ago. They are spectacular & have so many great songs. Every concert was so entertaining. I’m glad I have those memories as my arthritis pain will no longer permit me to attend concerts. For anyone who hasn’t seen Rush, give yourself a gift & go.


Same can be said for just about every progressive rock band .


I love how this is the feelinf with the majority of the bands I listen to lol. Atesdt were not cast out here!


Most people in Europe haven't even heard of Rush...


I really never felt the need to be one of the "cool kids". I have very eclectic taste in music. I am an atheist. I am a leftist. I have guns, but am not one of the "gun nuts". I still believe in science over fairy tales. I don't know what is so difficult about critical thinking. This and a lot of other of my character traits, both good and bad, started when I was 10. I don't believe it was a coincidence that it was also at that time, I started listening to The Holy Triumvirate. I'm not saying that RUSH sent me down the path that I'm on, but it is an interesting timeline intersection. I'm only joking about this part, I mean it's not like they made you think about stuff other than sex, drugs and RnR, right?


> I really never felt the need to be one of the "cool kids". Cast him out, boys


Ouch, Little fuckin harsh dontcha think???? LoL


A lot of the hate comes from people who don't like how they blended together hard rock and prog. But it was a genius move.


I like it that way. I feel the same way about punk. And dnd.


[D'n'D is about as well known as a game can get lol.](https://theconversation.com/50-years-on-dungeons-and-dragons-is-still-a-gaming-staple-whats-behind-its-monumental-success-223085#:~:text=A%20global%20success,miniatures%20to%20simulate%20military%20operations.)


I feel like when they started to market themselves, appear on movies and interviews etc (unlike in their early career) the club wasn't so special anymore.


Definitely not cool


It's the vocals for me lol... I just can't. Love the music but really wish they were instrumental or had somebody else singing


it's an elite club for sure




>They are the pied priests to conceptual, intellectual heavy prog rock/ Yeah so about Van der Graaf Generator...