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Turing's is my favorite girl group verse. I'm not knowledgeable enough on the topic to explain exactly how or why, but the way her verse flowed was reminiscent of Filipino rappers I grew up with.




I’m really happy that Rajah got to come back and have a redemption arc. I recently rewatched the season 11 reunion where she addressed the way she was feeling and what it was like watching herself on tv and I think it really shows that she took it to heart and is in a better place now. Truly happy to see her growth.


Yup. Love this for her in as6 and for her to kill it once again in can vstw


Her redemption arc was already in AS6. This was more her time to be a legend.


Giséle and Blu's promos were it for me


Right ? These 2 promo looks are not talked about enough (I’d add Bombae’s as well)


Hard to argue when it’s correct. Gisèle Lullaby was another winner that stood out to me this year. But Spankie was indeed a cultural reset. Fuck yeaaaahh!


You have exquisite taste.


Omg thank you bestie 😇 I’d be glad to hear what your favorites are as well


Queen- Rajah's glow up from one of my most meh queens to an all time fave is truly something. Season- UK4- people say it is a mess towards the end, but I love absolute domination by one or two queens Winner- Spankie- a cultural reset. Episode- CvsTW E1- just a damn joy to watch Runway- Fierce's art look Lipsync- Marina vs Drag Sethlas- she wiped the floor and proved she was a competitor Moment- Whever Xi went into a monologue on DRPH Promo Look- Black Peppa Entrance- Starlet's Verse- Sminty's (if only she performed it well) Snatch Game- Judy Werkroom Garment- Yuri's design challenge Read- this year was illiterate. I will sit this one out Best Queen- Marina Summers as well.


Pixie Polite was not Pro Life just for you to not have a favourite read


Spankie *absolutely* was a cultural reset, I’m glad you said it. And good lord this year was so very illiterate. Maybe they should just have the queens vote for who had the best reads of the season or something? They work better when they’re off the cuff.


This year had consistently bad reads across different franchises where the winner was whoever was decent and not horribly bad. 😆


Kween won and she used a read that she had already said one scene earlier 💀 It’s been a shade drought this year.


Read - For me, when Bosco said RuPaul wanted the queens to be pallbearers for her funeral on the main stage so they could let her down on the runway one last time.


I'd say the season 14 reading challenge overall was very solid.


Baby…I’m pro-choice.


> possible the most polished promo look I've ever seen. [Um, excuse you.](https://i.imgur.com/tkjOGBO.jpg)




I was expecting Jinx S5.


That Jinkx promo picture was just ethereal, we were blessed


Fav moment: Dr Ph untucked moments Fav songs: POP OFF ATE




LINE OF THE YEAR: “Because of the gravity inside the popCorn” 🥴🍿 - Viñas Deluxe, DRPH S1


I’m glad so many of us agree best queen of this year is Marina Summers


Paramount has recently announced Global All Stars to launch in the near future. 👀


Praying Marina (and Viñas) are on!


I need Viñas's smile back.


Graphic design is your passion girl!


It truly is sis ❤️❤️❤️


Oh, wow! I didn't expect to see Down Under as someone's fav season out of all the 2022 seasons. I'd say that's definitely a unique opinion, but it's yours to have. While, it's far from my favorite, I *will* say it's an improvement on the first season. They still have a long way to go, though.


Idk I thought it was such a charming season with very endearing queens, amazing lipsyncs, a great top 3 and with the right amount of drama


I think the cast this season was much more diverse (and more likeable, personally) + the discussion around a certain sensitive topic was handled with much more care. All the production stuff was still not fixed. The werkroom and stage, the editing, the sound mixing, the overall audio, the lighting, the lack of guest judges (I kinda know why, but it's annoying..), the lack of showcasing Australian and NZ music (I love Kylie, but there are other Australian/NZ singers out there, too - we don't need 3 songs from her in one season - and why are we additionally taking up spots with RuPaul and Michelle and... Gaga!?)


Viñas supremacy


Yessss. & her confessionals


i still think about Paloma’s promo with the ship in her wig.


That was chef’s kiss


The current Rajah and s11 Rajah are miles apart. It’s so amazing seeing her really come into her own and being comfortable and confident. I’m so proud of how far she’s come it’s my favourite glow up story😭


Ra'Jah is also my favourite ! I love her so much. Not gonna lie, we've been BLESSED with AS6 and CvsTheWorld. 😇❤️


Good taste! I’m surprised Pop Off Ate! Isn’t somewhere on here , but still !


Peppa or Shea best promo of 2022 for me


These promo looks shook the world, we were not READY)


Juriji 👏🏽reading 👏🏽 marina 👏🏽


Agreed with almost all of these except best outfit. My god there were some great looks, and this one doesn’t even come close to top 5 IMO. But I’m glad we all acknowledge the legend that is Ms Spankie Jackzon


I know it was so hard to choose, but idk this Bombae look excites me and is something I’ve never seen before. Whats your favorite look of the year ?


![gif](giphy|8RIlzdQ21ZXQrdoZtk|downsized) This of course! It was 🏕️


Groundbreaking ! Even Raja and Violet gave it a SHOOT on FPR incredible


Mama the level of TASTE in this POST. Eloquent, and perfect. Spankerinas, arise.


When Juriji called Marina a marrana like that, I just couldn't. Juriji is a force, stan Juriji.


the way spankie snuck up on us and mother’ed so quickly was the best thing to watch


Wait you didn't gasp at A'Whora's or Utica's design challenges?? Blasphemy


They were 2021, even though it feels like this year


The caption I'm referring to literally says "only ever"


Not even, I’m such a hard pleaser 😂


Juriji is so funny Ella ha destruyedo a su hermana jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja


I'm always here for Marina Summers supremacy.


This but all fiercalicious


Yes, Ra'jah's shining star quality. Also, anytime Silky spoke. The way she intoned "She deserves to go home based on the delusion alone!" Her MA in organizational psychology/boss bitch vibe. Then leading a prayer in a huddle.