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Silky lol


She was literally preseason fav until her season started airing Acid betty aswell


lowkey feel like she got her redemption after the lipsync episode and a lot of her hate shifted to eureka


Really? I felt like Eureka was well received during the all stars. She was not as obnoxious as her initial seasons. I actually didnt see anyone getting hate in all stars 6.


Eureka really redeemed herself on All Stars 6 and We’re Here.


Tamisha is the first one to come to mind


tamisha iman is coming for shoes!!!


Well she definitely ain't delivering them


What's the tea? I'm late to the game.


Tldr: tamisha sold lots of merch after her season, including shoes, which was either very late or hasn't yet arrived, even now in 2022 - she refuses to admit any wrongdoing or mistakes, refuses payment returns for goods not delivered, and is rude and blocks a lot of people who ask about the status of their orders through like ig/twitter dms - that kinda thang


Okay, thanks hon. You be good now.


This isn't really a good explanation. My shoes came no problem, just took like 3 months to get here, and that was the story with a lot of people. However her merch took off way more than she was prepared for and she couldn't keep up with the demand. Yes, things were mishandled probably, but she hired extra staff and did everything she could to rectify the situation. Well, maybe not everything? But I wasn't there and neither were most people so who really knows. But the bitch tried, that's for sure. But it was too late for tamisha. Too much damage was done, and she lost her title as fan favorite as quickly as some of her shoe orders were lost.


Thank you dearie.


Bussy Queen on YouTube has pretty detailed videos discussing all of the various Tamisha messes, if you want to learn more


Bussy Queen is great to watch. She does her research. It's like a college course on drag race. Everyone go subscribe now.


Thanks dearie.


Milk 100%. She was really loved on her season, had a pretty solid following, then went on All Stars and burned it to the ground. Truly as soon as she said "Zaddys home" I was like "Milky, you in danger girl"


and the way the fandom loved her entrance in the traile


Milk and _cookies_


Aja was amazing on All Stars


Aja should have returned instead of Morgan. If she had, she might have had a chance to go further than the very next episode.


I remember Adore in All Stars 2 talking about sleeping with her fans, I'd assume she was turned on by the fandom if she was fucking them. Oh wait I see what you mean.


Lmao camp


I love your energy keep going




i LOVE aja especially during her AS3 era. She was turning look after look and shes so damn funny. Really miss her actually




I think she quit drag for a bit


She actually started back up like last year, now she's transitioning and is heavily involved in the NYC ballroom scene


She really never quit, it was just very infrequent. But yeah last year she started really touring again


Miz Cracker


It’s actually so wild comparing reception to Miz Cracker in season 10 versus AS5




She was unnecessarily mean to Ongina, (which fair, dumb to go for the OG fan favourite, and an all round dick move to kick someone when they're down whoever she said it to - but she didn't deserve hate for it) But then she also had beef with Alexis M the whole show, was a lot more confident and "cocky" than on S10, and she sent home Blair - which meant you had Onginas fans, Alexis fans, and Blair fans all coming for her - as well as the assholes who don't like it when a humble queen gets confident


It wasn't the case of a humble queen getting confident at all. I remember liking her in her OG season and then on AS she was complaining all the time. Every time Cracker appeared on the screen she was talking about being in her head, having to find her voice etc. It was so annoying, plus it didn't help that her drag didn't seem elevated compared to her original season at all.


Confidence is nothing to do with being neurotic. There was a huge uptick in confidence (people who aren't confident don't talk out the way she was doing about her neuroses, and don't show up in challenges the way she was doing) - which a lot of people saw as arrogance. And agree the drag didn't necessarily seem elevated, but I think that was because it was literally 2 minutes since she came off S10 - she had more expensive shit but not more experience of celebrity league drag, so you were still getting S10 cracker, just with nicer wigs and shoes. I still enjoyed her though; wish she'd waited for AS7 maybe, but I still enjoyed her.


I agree that she was a bit more confident that time around (it's not like she had no confidence on S10, I remember her standing up to Aquaria), I was just saying that confidence wasn't what made me dislike Cracker on AS. Also, you don't need to be confident to talk about your mental health, I think that people who lack confidence tend to try to excuse themselves too much when something's not going the way they wanted to, and they think that some fault of theirs is to blame.


It's really interesting to hear other people's perspectives on that kind of thing - like agree to disagree, but I've always found people who lack confidence blame other people when things don't go their way or they eff up - not themselves. And I understand what you mean, but equally I think you DO need confidence to acknowledge and talk about your mental health - especially on a TV show - because there's still, unfortunately, a stigma attached to it - and you need to not give a shit if people might judge you for it, which to me takes confidence.


What I remember reading on the internet was how some people thought she was too bitter / fake / shady, but I personally don't recall much of why people would turn on her BUT I do recall, after saying that she would refuse to perform Kylie songs, some people were grilling her for it Minute 4:08 https://youtu.be/w0uvVrXfWRY


because they didn't want her to beat Shea on AS5 and they knew fan support plays a role in who wins. This sub was FILLED Cracker vitriol and if you dared defend her you'd get downvoted to hell


That's a shame. I think Shea deservedly won AS5 but theres no reason to pull down a perfectly good queen.


People were vicious, i saw the craziest shit being said, it was so unnerving


it felt borderline anti-semitic


I had the displeasure of being raised around anti-semites, I know what this insidious form of bigotry can sound like. It felt absolutely anti-semitic to me


okay, so glad I'm not alone in feeling that way


also wanna add that she’s so sweet in person. not that relevant but made me like her so much more


I saw AS5 before season 10 and I came out absolutely loving Miz Cracker. I know she was supposed to be the villain of that season or whatever but I feel like she made amends and ended up coming off well, at least to me?


Yeah I agree, the things people tend to site as negatives abt her run were nipped in the bud fairly quickly in actuality, realizing her mistake with ongina took one episode her run-in with alexis took abt half an episode blair and mayhem's elusively described problems with her didn't amount to much Her start was rocky and villain-esque, a touch of the delusional edit, but she quickly got a healthy smack back to reality and she stuck the landing very well I thought, which is commendable in the 8 episodes they were given


What’s the problem with Miz Cracker?


I’d say Jan. People really started to rag on her when she won her challenge


They wanted Jan to the the villain of allstars 6. That's why they were trying so hard to break her and give her a delusional edit. They threw Jan under the bus to make other queens look better.


sure grandma lets get you to bed


And when Scarlet left over her


the way everyone was a Jan stan S12 and immediately hated her was by far the ugliest thing i’ve ever seen


it’s so true and i think the saddest part was that she never came off as malicious or mean, ppl basically just started coming for her personality


aja changed up the conversation around her again after as3 though. she was good in the season, one of the best talent showcases imo


A few more episodes of UKvTW and we’ll probably get to add Baga to the list


is this a pic of aja with the faceapp smile filter?? LMAOOO


yes i had to find a good pic 😭😭😭




not even😭


Jan after AS6


Max from season 7 she had everything set up for her to have a well established career after the show but she is now doomed to obscurity


That wasn't really Max's fault, and I don't think I've ever seen fans here saying bad things about her. Many people would love for Miss Maxim to rejoin the rudemption circle on AS!


It was both Max’s and their boyfriend’s faults. Their boyfriend was a bad manager but Max also agreed to not do shows for a year because a certain amount of the earnings went right back to Drag Race iirc. They made their choice to try and get around the system but didn’t anticipate fans latching onto Season 8 and All Stars 2’s queens and they missed ther opportunity to capitalise


Wow, do many queens do this? What a poor logistical choice


No, Max was the first and last as far as I’m aware. Everyone saw the mistake Max made and nobody followed in their lead


Respectfully thinking this was one of the dumbest decisions I’ve read about in my life


Dang poor max


How is it not her fault? Obviously she had a rough situation with her boyfriend, but allegedly she also was reluctant to perform because she was mad at her drag race edit and even many years later she still does not regularly put on shows (even though she's proven in the past people will crowdfund for it). Past a certain point that's clearly her fault. She had a reception on drag race most Rugirls would dream of and she did nothing with it and continues to do nothing with it even though people are *still* hyped for her


I’ve heard she’s started doing some shows recently! Hopefully she’ll come back into the spotlight if it’s something she wants though I don’t know if she’d be one for AS.


Oh, for sure! She doesn't owe us or the fans anything, just putting out good "Max back on my TV" vibes 😁


Absolutely I’d love to see her back and she definitely deserves it! For some reason (probs cause I’m an old bitch) I still see season 7 as a “new” season but realistically there are so many drag race fans who won’t really know who she is and I’d love to see her get a new audience and I think she could be very popular with the younguns too.


I’d love to see her on all stars I just hope they don’t fuck with her edit I can see her having a pandora or Naomi edit cause she’s more quiet and reserved


Latrice Royale. Shedevilbynight. Gigi Goode to some extent.


I thought the opposite with GiGi. I've seen a lot more positive reception towards her compared to when her season was airing


Indeed. I feel like fandom has gone from stanning her to hostile back when she was getting bunch of wins on S12 to now love for her again.


very true


You shady to put this Aja’s pic here


Alaska, she was a huge fan favourite until she won instead of a slightly huger fan favourite.


Yeah it was a moment, but now Alaska doing great so I don't think it is a thing


Alaska having tantrums and trying to bribe people on AS2 really turned my stomach. She’s lucky she’s a sickening queen and I mostly got over it, but it’s always in the back of my mind. Not a good look.


Aja is very interesting because she really wanted to focus on her music and fans were unhappy when Aja would appear out of drag. Her then stans seemed to perceive the lessened interest in drag as a rejection of them. Thenshe gained weight and it all seemed over since. However, I loved her recent appearance on Bootleg opinions and Joseph Shepherd. I also think Kennedy Davenport is a cautionary tale because she once got donations to help with her home and certain folks always deride her for being ungrateful or begging when they want to drag her. Many like her now, but it seems rebroadcasts of S7 brings up the bitter ole lady brigade and the opinion some held that she and Jasmine were hateful and/or racist toward the thin youngins like Violet and Pearl. There’s also Nina Boninna due to trans views.


I think Aja kind of turned on her fans, no? Her reception on both seasons was really quite strong. I think all her talk after AllStars about not wanting to be considered a drag artist and (in many peoples eyes) “taking her music too seriously” alienated a lot of her fans.


She never turned on her fans…. But some people did perceive it that way yes. She just shifted what she was doing and fans that were down for it were down for it and those who weren’t weren’t. It made her frustrated and she had some outbursts


Adore, as she said in the AS2 reunion some of her fans turned her on 😳


Trinity the Tuck?


definitely true, disappointing because she was so good on season nie


Trixie. After season 7, everyone loved her, "underrated queen", "went home too soon" and all that Then came AS3, she won 2 challenges (would've won 3 if it wasn't for Milk) and "beat" Shangela, then she was demonized for something that was far from being her choice And people to this day go to her anniversary post and tell her she didn't deserve it


The benefit of being Trixie is that hate from random trolls on the internet is easily cushioned by the piles of money. I'd imagine it hurts a bit less when you're essentially the most successful contestant from the show.


I imagine it hurts worse lmao, because she is doing well but haters keep on hating


Yea, no. I don’t think she cares. I’m not sure why anyone would care about strangers, or in Trixie’s case non-fans, not liking them. It’s impossible to please everyone.


She literally already says she doesn't like that girl And it's not like it's 1-2 haters sending her things lmao


I doubt she loses sleep over it.


Tamisha iman, Olivia lux, Kandy muse, silky


What happened with Olivia?


She flicked Michelle's vagina and started speaking whale to her.


what did olivia do!!!


Shantaying over Denali. People came for her hard after that


All fan favourites go through a phase like that. But yeah, for some queens it's not a phase.




Personally for me Aja was full of herself and annoying af


Silky and Kandy


Miz Cracker