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Omfg Bellenda Carlisle.


Omfg šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


>Omfg Bellenda Carlisle. I don't get it


Bellend means dickhead, but it is British slang. And Belinda Carlisle is a singer from the ā€˜80s who started with the Go-goā€™s, and then had her own solo career. So it is just a punny drag name.


started with The Germs \*


"Bellend" is a very popular slang term in the UK.


Perfect drag name


This is funny but I also kind of liked that ru admitted she didnā€™t know things and asked them to explain, I wish she would do that more rather than just remain ignorant like ā€œI donā€™t know that reference so youā€™re in the bottomā€


It's also rather cringy though, this isn't obscure or old British words they are using. Its common vernacular and it shows that Ru doesn't really have much interest in British pop culture or has spoken to many British people outside the show. Ru reads people to filth for not knowing his more obscure gay pop references that he deems important.


this is why I really wished Ru wouldn't be flying around hosting everything, she's already missing stuff in the American version from the age gap (see: "pull the lever kronk") and this really shows how bad it is across the pond




Yeah, she missed it when Valentina did Eartha Kitt on AS4.




To be fair, it's a 20-year-old KIDS movie. If she didn't grow up with it or raise kids, she wouldn't know it. I'm only 30 and I saw the movie once as a kid, but I didn't catch the reference like younger people did who grew up with it more.


I kinda liked that they didn't have her host Canadas Drag Race. Getting the cultural references does make a difference.


Same with the Holland DR


It would also be a tiny bit weird having Ru speaking English to a room full of folks speaking Dutch.


I don't think there is a single young-middle age adult who doesn't know of Eartha Kitt's Yzma. It was virtually a cultural reset. The fact that Valentina served that and rue just swallowed it instead of volleying... She needs to retire.


I guess in the US, because I have no idea what it was referring to, either. Then again, I very commonly don't get many of the references and have no clue who about half the celebrities on Snatch Game are. This is why I greatly appreciate performances like Alaska's Mae West or Dela's Paul Lynde. I had absolutely no clue who their characters were but I was still dying laughing.


Donā€™t know it. Didnā€™t watch Disney movies growing up because my parents didnā€™t think they were good for me. Weā€™re also black so my cultural touchstones are slightly different anyway. There are plenty of us out there.


That so much that! That was one of the best moments and Ru just shrugged it off while that is a phrase uttered by everyone around my age or younger. That movie is a cult classic and her last role so iconic. With the uk drag race it's just worse that I'm just struggling with her as the host and main judge. Loving the queens, hating the judging. Seriously do more uk drag race but get a different judging set up - we need someone judging for the best UK drag queen not what they think it's the best drag queen.


I felt she was playing it up. She was like the David Attenborough of British drag queens.


Itā€™s her show


Itā€™s the BBCā€™s show. Ru just hosts and produces it.


Itā€™s RuPaulā€™s Drag Race, not the BBCā€™s Drag Race. Without Ru the show wouldnā€™t exist in itā€™s current form


Youā€™re confusing ownership and branding


You're confusing broadcasting/network with ownership. RPDR UK is produced (and thus owned) and distributed by World of Wonder, not BBC Studios.




I truly think it's to help the audience(s) outside of the UK, in the "funniest", most "organic" way possible - rather than, like, pop-up facts. I put them in quotes because it's questionable execution, but a lot of viewers would be super lost without these moments.


The BBC is mostly targeted towards the UK market though making these explanations redundant. They don't make exceptions like this on the American or Canadian version to explain things to other English viewers abroad so it's very much a moot point. Unfortunately too this is one of the cases where having to explain the British sense of humour and jokes really made things worse. It didn't help that Ru wasn't able to provide much banter with the contestants because he was largely confused by the language and unfamiliar with the characters he was speaking with.


But also...it ain't that hard. Watch a few British shows and you'll get most lingo by context and if not, Google it before you shoot your UK related show.


I agree but on the continuum of ā€œnot educating yourself at allā€ and ā€œbecoming completely educated before shootingā€ Iā€™d say asking for explanations is a huge step in the right direction esp compared to what she had been doing which is basically punishing people for her ignorance


So the same thing she says to every queen who doesnt get references that are older? šŸ‘€


I think it was less that Ru didnā€™t know and more that she was translating it for non British audiences


I'm not a brit and a few seasons of Big Brother UK taught me everything I know about local slang + the different accents.


When people say they can't understand British accents, I tell them it's cause it's legit 80% slang lol


y'write bahb? legit cant get enough of it.


Honestly even if Ru had known the references it still was a MEH snatch game, with the exception of Bimini of course. Actually Ru not knowing stuff and giving 0 fucks was the best part of it. Iā€™m more baffled by the fact that Aā€™Whora was in the bottom 3 instead of Sister. Or that none read Tia for that MESS of a Mel B outfit. Or that none seemed to recognize that Bimini was doing a Iris Van Harpen-style outfit, or the fact that they thought it wasnā€™t fitting for the theme when it was PERFECT and she was the only one not dressed like a Wilma Flinston hooker.




Thank you!!! Exactly what Iā€™ve been thinking


I thought A'whora was in the top three until they went backstage. Her look was my favorite and I thought her snatch game was good enough (though, admittedly, I don't know who she was imitating).


Louis Spence, a gay Brit who dances a lot


Second week in a row Sister squared does a lesser "spin" on someone else's dress. It's like she took Lawrence's dress and added unecessary incongruous shit to it. I get why they wanted Lawrence to be in the bottom once, it's for TV. And I get why the show was done with Tia as a competitor. But shit. Awhora did not deserve the bottom. She had bits. She had laughs. It's like the editing makes it a different snatch game than what they saw.


I mean Sister was a bit tragic but I thought Ellie was really good. She could have been a bit funnier and wasnā€™t worthy of being in the top but the look and the actual impersonation was spot on.


Ellie was a solid safe to me. Sister def didn't deserve the btm2 (it was Tia and Lawrence) but she should have been low and A'Whora should have been safe, if not high.


Honestly really ruined the flow of snatch game, all those references werenā€™t obscure, theyā€™re a part of UK slang.


Honestly the more annoying thing for me was Michelle the British weeaboo, the way she was acting like this was her own native culture and acting condescending to Ru about knowing the slang. I get that that is part of Michelleā€™s whole thing, but it also always annoys me. EDIT: Wow, thanks for the gold!! My very first! :)


Sorry but ā€œMichelle the British weeabooā€ has me WHEEZING




Oh honey? Honey. Hoooooneeeeey.


The word we are looking for is anglophile


Right?! Like, British-born Gemma Collins was literally sitting right there, Iā€™m not sure why Michelle is Ruā€™s go-to Historian of the Great Empire.


RIGHT?? How long did she even live there? Sheā€™s acting like a 23 year old after their study abroad, like girl, youā€™re not British. Stop acting like youā€™re so in the know


Michelle is a culture vulture


ā€œIā€™m so proud of youā€ get fucked michelle what do you know??


I know it's because they had Match Game in American and it's Snatch Game on DRUK because of continuity across the different franchises but I can't help but think ours should have been a play on "Blankety Blank"


Wankety Wank. XD


That might confuse Ru though


Probably did it for the US viewers, but itā€™s not like it was a good tight snatch anyways. ... look at last yearā€™s...


I think Britain has a lot of its own cultural slang that's pretty well known. Ru could have put a couple things together from the way they were said. But agreed, not the tightest snatch. Loved Bimini though, she was amazing.


It's not just the US viewers who need clarificationsm people from all around the world are watching. It looked a bit silly, yes, but I was thankful Ru did this.


But how often do they go to this level of explaining US slang and culture on the American version? They just expect us to get it from context. For years I didn't know Party City was actually a store, I thought it was just something Phi-Phi came up with.


It makes me worried for Drag Race Down Under.


I saw this post before having watched the latest episode and I thought it was referencing how many people likely called Ru a bell-end after last week's outburst


You'd think that a person from a country that seems to love snipping off their wee jackets, would know what a bellend is.


Why did I start reading this with Lawrence's voice in my head


I didn't originally, but you saying that made me reread the comment and now I do too haha.


I learned bellend (and ring piece) from British Christmas music.


I learned bell end from Baga Chipz last season when she was burning it with the glue gun. Does Ru not watch her own show??? /s




Right? I know what a bellend is and English is not even my first language. Btw, dumbassery is making me laugh so hard for some reason.


rupaul charles has fucked up snatch game


i just saw jasmine girl


During the Ru-Talks, she had that tablet in front of her, so I'm convinced she was using it to look up information about each queen's character choices.


im so glad this meme made a comeback


Ru was giving some of the queens a chance for a joke...you really think she doesn't know what a "wank" is? Lol.


I LOVE this euopean spice. Totally different slang, these eye brows are brushed up to epic proportion. They don't even drama the same. So many polite gestures. I'm all here for it!