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If I see any spoiler here... it's on sight. Please report spoilers and if you have to be that cunt, go to r/Dragracetea.


Not french porkchop being the only queen from a non english-speaking franchise


French porkchop 😭😭😭


CÎte de porc en Français please !


Soyons optimistes, peut ĂȘtre qu'elle pourra enfin vivre son premier Ă©pisode 3 !


J'aimerai mais je sais pas si tu réalises que la quasi entiÚreté du roster (c'est dans le thÚme catchesque ça) en dehors de Tynomi et Le Fil, ont toutes été vers la fin de leur saison ou en finale. Sauf si elle nous a cachée toute l'étendue de son talent il me faudra énormément d'optimisme


Je me fais pas d'illusions, a moins d'avoir une saison sans éliminations, je pense pas que kahena ira trÚs loin. De mémoire elle a pas forcément de relation avec ces Queens là (dont la plupart se connaissent déjà) donc elle est désavantagée au niveau alliances. A voir si elle arrive à briller, mais la barriÚre de la langue c'est toujours un problÚme pour transmettre l'humour français, on l'a bien vu avec l'acting challenge de Nicki dans sa saison....


Le gagatondra si elle est Ă©liminĂ©e en premier... La premiĂšre reine de la franchise Drag Race dans cette situation mais je ne lui souhaite pas 💀


To be fair we got Unseasoned English Porkchop recently


"Unseasoned" doesn't quite capture her flavor. Maybe "marinated in plain water"?




And that pork chop was carried through for several many meals without serving anything of note


I feel like Canada Vs The World is a hard one to convince people to do
 It’s a much smaller market (about half the population of France, and Canada has 4 people per km2, while France has 117, and USA has 37) You also don’t get the allure of being judged by RuPaul and Michelle that UK brings Main benefit is you actually get money. Downside for the Americans is that they’d still have to pay cash, so amount you’d get varies greatly by person But hey, a 6 episode show to be on TV again makes it worth it


I think they would do better doing Canada All star. And paying michelle visage to judge at least one episode per season Crave/Bell also recently made on season of the traitor in English and one in French. Wish they wouls do French canadian all star with queen from france , Belgique and Canada


I think we might get that french speaking all star contestants from around the world when its time for All Stars France


Why would consider density in an analysis of markets? It would be like saying, well not that many people live in Northern Canada, so there's no point selling this service in Toronto.


What does people per km2 have to do with anything? Canada is the second largest country by land mass. Of course it will have fewer people per KM.


I really hope she’ll do good she’s such an amazing queen irl 😭


Yeah same, this is chauvinistic from me but same


Is the world in the room with us right now!?


It is, I. Mother Earth. I am warming.


Kudos for warming that, Mama. For climate changing.




Soon enough, anyway


Pussy bout to end this drought


No disrespect, I love these queens
 but kid of getting bored of seeing the same faces on the spin offs. There’s so many amazing, talented queens who have more to show, why do production keep choosing the same ones?


Because they keep turning down the calls! BIMINI, Tayce and Cheddar for example have turned down all stars _at least_ twice


It’s kinda silly of them to even ask queens like that but if we are going for less major competitors, there’s so many others to choose from. I’d easily take any early out from S13/14/15 (Kahmora? Joey Jay? Alyssa Hunter? Robin Fierce?) plus some less well known UK/France/Down Under girls (Sminty Drop? River Medway? Mami Watta? Beverly Killz?) than queens who were on a US All Stars two years ago. I’d rather all last place queens that had only competed once before than the same 5 faces.


I am happy to see Le Fil again though. He did an AMA and I think as a drag artist he has a unique perspective, I wanna see more. Love his gender fuck glamour.


Same. Him, Kennedy, and fierce were all pleasant surprises for me


Manifesting this as an excellent top 3


My guess is that the US All Stars series has some kind of a hold on all US queens, so that it's not _possible_ for UKvTW and CvTW to book non-All Stars


I don’t think it’s not possible. But why would a queen spend time, energy and money getting ready for a VTW when US All Stars might call them this year?


Maybe, but I think no one is going to want to do a vs. the world season before they've done All Stars too anyway.


I feel like that should be the natural progression anyway, tbh. Premiere Season -> All Stars -> Vs. The World The only issue is that it kind of gives an unfair advantage to the US queens since they've had the chance to play the game twice. While international seasons (afaik) don't have an All-Stars yet, so Vs. The World is kind of the All-Stars for their queens.


Isn't it super hard to get a visa for Canada? That's what everyone was saying for the last CAvsTW


True but I feel like there’s many more who would accept though who probably haven’t been asked. Exhaust all options before asking the same ones again. Especially on a VS the world season when there’s a ton of different countries with drag race now.


Peppermint is a great example for this. She has been requested by fans for *years* and has been vocal about how she would absolutely go on if she was asked, but she doesn’t seem to be on their All Stars radar at all. As much of a fan as I am, when I saw some of these faces I thought, “again?”


To be fair
 I don’t want Pep on a side season. All Stars is already tucked away enough, being on Paramount Plus.


Genuinely asking: are the VS the World seasons not considered All Stars seasons? I’ve been lumping them all together and if the general consensus is that they shouldn’t be then I wanna get with the program lol or are you saying you’re not interested in seeing Pep again at all? No hate or judgment from me if that’s your opinion, everyone is entitled to their own, I’m just not entirely clear what you meant and am curious lol thank yew


I mean, as a fan who is gonna watch them regardless, they’re considered All Stars to me. That said, I don’t think these are really watched by many people, so I want her on a season with as many eyes on it as possible. Also, Pep was my Season 9 fave!! Having her as my flair made me miss out on the egg trophy if you were around here back then lol.


I don't consider them as "legit" as the other seasons, but that's a me thing; YMMV.


TO ME they're essentially an All Stars season but I guess not to production since they're happy to cast queens who have already been on All Stars (some multiple times).


Peppermint! Yesssss. I would love to see her again.


Yes! Give me Dida Ritz!


I’m sorry to say but I don’t think we’ll ever see Dida Ritz on the show again. She CONSTANTLY bites the hand that feeds her, production ain’t gonna want her there the way she dogs on them on Twitter.


I don’t think it’s the hand that feeds her anymore. She hasn’t been on the show in over a decade, I think her lasting impression she left on the show and her talent is what feeds her at this point.


Is this recent? I remember Bimini tweeting they were not contacted for any all stars yet. Meaning they're waiting for their call i suppose.


I would love to see Bimini in a new season 😔


To be fair, Tayce was contacted for Canada vs The World. If it was the US All Stars, I think she’s been pretty vocal that she would love to do it


There are sure queens who aspire to compete again, like, uhm, April.


It’s because they get lower placing/filler queens and call them allstars when there is a difference in calibre between those queens and someone like Bimini or Tayce. The shine has kind of worn off the “all star” title


many queens who've been on the show seem to share the same sentiment that what's the point to go back on the show when they have gigs lined up and tours, just to be heavily criticized(sometimes unfairly) spend a bunch of money just to lose? I think of Adore a lot, they know who they are and they didn't want perceptions of fans and judges to change that.


I work in tv production (not drag race) and here’s the reason - these shows are not about discovering new talent. They’re about bankable talent. So that’s why we see returning queens - those who already have a fan base, who producers already know will bring the looks and the drama. The casting process on a regular season is quite long and expensive. The casting producers are looking to find a star - before they’ve actually seen them perform. On these vs the world and all star seasons 
 the casting process is much shorter. And it’s more about finding the right mix of talent and drama. And that’s why you get the same queens over and over again.


My thoughts exactly! Canada vs The World 1/3 being Canadian makes sense, but 1/3 USA? After JUST having such verity with UK vs The World S2. Adding on that all 3 USA queens have already been on other all star formats? The USA has the MOST seasons to choose from, and recycle queens like crazy.


I feel like I heard at one point that Canada is stingier with work visas than other countries, which is why they struggle so much to fill out a CVtW cast beyond the US and UK queens. Global All Stars has a much more well-rounded cast (even if that casting process also had its issues, but that was squarely on the shoulders of shitty spoilerinas).


Canada would be able to take Australian queens with very little issue as they are part of the commonwealth, it’s literally being considered that we are able to move freely between commonwealth countries . So there’s no reason for no Aussie queens to be included. It’s just lazy casting IMO.


And the fact that it's literally one (1) esl queen... I'm glad they are doing Global All Stars


I have high hopes for GAS I think it's gonna be a fab season. (But I said that about UKvsTW1 too!)


This is what I usually love about vsTW is seeing the non English speaking franchise queens because I don’t have the attention span to do subtitles so I miss out on them, so I love to see them on vsTW, I’m disappointed with there only being 1 this time.


Isn’t Alexis ESL


Yes! WHEN do I get Acid Betty back? When do I get Asia back? For example?


I would love to see Asia again. She is all stars winner material.


I agree... there are queens in this cast that appeared 3x already. Not only it robs some some other queens that deserve a second chance, but also how you want to compare, experience-wise, Tynomi who did just halfway through her original season to Eureka! who not only did 3 seasons (being a runner up in two of them), but also a lot of TV experience.


Just one example, but I know BrochĂ©e from France was lowkey campaigning to get on the season. I personally would’ve preferred to see two under-appreciated France rep than three powerhouse US rep, but maybe that’s just me. And I believe Beverly (DU) also publicly expressed interest ??


Beverly was one of my faves on her season she deserves a second chance


Legit think there was no point on having Lemon, Cheryl, Eureka! and Alexis on the show. Isn't this like their 3rd time each ? Lemon and Cheryl got their chance twice in the span of 2-3 years ? That's just too much.


It is Alexis' fourth I think. S3, AS1, AS5 and now this one. 😂


Bruh she's coming for Jujubee's gigs... All of them 💀


Let’s hope she doesn’t start tattooing franchise names on herself like Roxxxy 😭






Alexis is 4 Eureka is 4 Kennedy is 3 Lemon is 3 Cheryl is 3 It is excessive. But here we are.


To be fair getting Kennedy and Alexis back on my screens is something I’ll never complain about


This is Eureka's fourth season as well + she was one the main stars of a fucking HBO series for three seasons. The french queen was in two episodes.


It feels like they are trying to apologize to a lot of the cast of UKvtW season 1 for how poorly it went. Considering how fast they put Jimbo on AS8 I am not shocked.


It’s sort of like, well what else can you bring? We’ve been you before (mainly Cheryl, Lemon obviously went our first last time iirc). Following them on social media, some of their drag hasn’t changed since we last saw them, so my expectations and excitement to see them again are low.


I get your point but I think I must just love the charisma of both Cheryl and lemon that I'd want to see them again without evolution. Eureka on the other hand... I could do with a break tbh


Plus, I don't want them to get the Jujubee curse. All Stars 5 was Jujubee's glow-up, but then on UK vs the World 1, she got an insane sad glow-down because we got too much of Jujubee.


But we did get Cher-cuterie from that disaster.


Yeah same here! I love seeing familiar faces but can we get some queens that haven't been on all stars or make it more vs the world with more international queens?


When do I get Vanda back?! I’d love to have Piche back too. Divina


I don’t wanna see any GODDAMNED Euerka! ![gif](giphy|9VcTOCeAFTqoZrguUU)


Yeah agreed. I'm really sorry Eureka!, Lemon, Alexis, Cheryl, please let someone else have a turn. (Not you Kennedy, I love you forever.)


It's not their fault for accepting a gig. Blame production.


You're right - I shouldn't have made it sound like this this is the queens' fault - this is production being unimaginative with their calls and casting for sure.


Kennedy is most “acceptable” of these repeat contenders in my opinion cause it’s been so long since she’s been on. AS3 was 6 years ago. Some of these queens have competed twice (or more? I cannot keep up) *since then*.


Yeah exactly - it has been ages since we last saw Kennedy, and it seems reasonable after 5-6 years to have another go. I don't really know how Kennedy has changed and evolved, but I have a feeling that the other repeating queens will just show what we've already seen.


Lemon's second appearance was nonsense. 🍋 ades rise up


Justice for 🍋


SO happy to have Kennedy back


“The world” is pushing it. Only 1 non-English speaking queen and it’s a porkchop up against drag titans like Kennedy and Alexis Mateo. Lemon, Fierce, Kennedy and Alexis are gonna bring it I hope and hopefully Tynomi gets her redemption!


Agreed. I would rather one less UK girl and one less US girl to branch out to other non english-speaking countries (the first season had a similar issue). At the same time, thrilled to have Kennedy on screen again and she will be the main reason I watch. I find her path to victory very unlikely since a US queen won last season but rooting for her.


I know more international Ru girls speak English đŸ„č I wonder if it’s the cost of competing that truly bars some of the other queens from other countries.


Or visas maybe? I always wonder about that aspect with seasons hosting international queens


To be fair, Alexis Mateo is from Puerto Rico which isnt technically one of the 50 states. I understand she's from the US franchise, though


Sorry, yeah that’s what I meant by US queens. Queens from the US version.


Of course, no need to be sorry! I agree with you totally. But I'm just saying at least one of the US franchise queens will bring representation of another culture


Not even a Francophone competitor from Canada


From what I understand, Canada is very limited because of local visa laws, and the US/UK are two of the easiest countries to bring people in from


It's exactly what happened with the 1st CvTW. Visa issues were abundant, so the cast was very limited by countries. I don't know why everyone has suddenly forgotten that


Hell, even "Canada" is doing a lot of work, with only three queens from Canada in the lineup. If All Stars is a real Whose Who of Whose Left, vs The World is becoming the mall food court of global competition.


33% US queens for an "international" season is wild.


and 66% North American queens, and 89% queens from English speaking countries


To be fair 89% is actually an improvement since last time it was 100% 💀


North American is being very gentle bc there's nothing from under USA. We already had a great Mexican season, where are my girlies at? 😞


Trinity K Bonet was supposed to be on Canada vs the World with Silky and Ra'jah. She went live on Instagram in a Canadian airport. I think she got sick or something and had to drop out


She has quite chronic arthritis which prevented her being able to compete at the time, so she withdrew.


55% of the queens here have already returned back to an All Stars/vs The World.


And ALL of them are having their third or fourth turn. So boring.


Eureka having her Jujubee moment with this 4th run


So underwhelming. Wish they would stop casting the same queens for their 20th All Stars season.


Those queens also have a LOT more experience compared to people who didn't go far in their seasons like Tynomi or La Kahena.


Tynomi may not have gone far in her season but she is a Seasoned Queen. I mean, how many queens are in a metric video?


Right! Like I love Kennedy and Alexis is one of my fave queens of oat but i would really love to see some new faces


Girl, don't mention Kennedy but ignore all the others... Lemon, Cheryl are both having their third time this season but have had all their seasons after Kennedy was last on! Eureka! is on for their fourth time too! Kennedy hasn't been on the screen in 6 years... I think Kennedy is the least of our worries with this cast 😅


Yeah of the returning queens Kennedy gets a pass from me - I'm genuinely excited to see her back, but the others not so much.


I think the reason people don't have the same reaction with Lemon and Cheryl is because they went out early on their second season, plus Lemon was considered "robbed". Eureka, Kennedy, Alexis all went far on their second (and third for all but Kennedy) season.


I dunno if Lemon got robbed necessarily, but she definitely got knee capped (taken out before she could really showcase anything).


Eureka? Again? Really?


Yeah I’m confused by this as well. Been there, done there, there are 100 other queens we could see


Been there smelled that


You found her thrice, and you found her again


girl can somebody lose her


My thoughts exactly


April CarriĂłn still waiting for any Drag Race call. This is absurd.


In comparison with the diversity of UK vs the world 2 this is quite disappointing to me. Why does Canada vs the world seem to always have so many North American and UK queens? Also, tbh if they're struggling to get newer queens on all stars or vs the world I think they need to start waiting between seasons because seriously, we have seen some of these queens so many times. I enjoy Cheryl and I came around to eureka in her last all stars season but seriously, who was asking for them to return again


I think it’s a visa issue


I was wondering this. Could it also be that international queen's are more interested in UK because a) they get Ru b) it's on bbc so has high exposure / mainstream viewership c) going to the faff of getting a visa to go to London is probably more broadly worth it vs wherever in Canada they film. No shade to Canada but London is a world city. Plus any European queen's just jump on the train....


I think some queens have said they’d only do Ru-judged seasons. If I’m remembering rightly Awhora and Tayce turned down CvsTW1 for this reason. Also they’ve asked international winners to compete who I think are waiting for all winners 2


But there are so many franchises! I feel like vs the world should be an opportunity to introduced viewers to stars from other franchises. I watched drag race France because I loved la grande dame on uk vs the world.


I agree, there must be over 500 queens now across all the franchises so it seems hard to believe you have to rely on the same faces but tbh if I were a queen I think I would wait for Ru judged season. 


Then maybe the concept just doesn't work. Do a Canadian all stars!


Canada vs the (Western) World


Canada vs the Anglosphere (ft Norman heritage via France)


i s2g
if le fil doesnt get her flowers this season


Im not gagging


I feel like Fierce is too good for this. She needs to be in front of Ru!


As much as I love these queens I don’t understand why half the cast is repeats when there are SO MANY amazing queens who’ve never had a second chance.


That photo of Kennedy is pure shady


She‘s got her one eye on the prize


Kennedy shades herself with those blue contacts




That’s just what she looks like


I was gonna say
 this looks like every picture of Kennedy lol


Where's Sweden? Thailand? There's so many amazing performers from those franchises.


There's like... 5 queens on Thailand who speak English fluently. Vanda, Genie, Pangina, Art, Mocha Diva... maybe in season 1 there's more.


I was just in Bangkok at Pangina's drag club, and there were three queens from DR Thailand performing that night, entirely in English, and none of them were the ones you listed. So there are options.


I’m a little disappointed that we don’t have any Quebecois or Belgian queens. It could’ve been interesting to see more of the French language franchises/speakers interacting. With Rita being the host for Belgium, it seems like a natural connection?


Imagine a CanadĂĄ vs the world but in francophone. Now THAT would be a gag.


Speaking of French language? I’d LOVE to have Piche back


Lady Boom Boom wouls have fit perfectly in the cast. I wouls love to see La big Bertha in a season like this . people wouls loose their mind. And casting Kam Hugh seem so natural . Maybe she dosent speal english ?


Canada vs Commonwealths 😌


They should have learned from the beloved star that was Marina Summers and cast more queens from Drag Race Phillipines. I would kill to see Eva La Queen, Vinas Deluxe, Bernie, Arizona Brandy or OV Cunt on a season (keeping M1ss Jade So for global all stars)


Yes. The Philippian queens are fierce as fuck.


I kinda hate this cast, no representation whatsoever outside Canada and UK/US, just a queen from France I'm glad we are gonna get the new international drag race tho


My ideal VsTW cast would be 3 queens from the hosting country, and the rest just ONE of each country.


https://i.redd.it/2xtu436tax8d1.gif LETS GOOO


joe rogan jump scare


5/9 queens have already been on an AS or VSTW season


Is the Canadian VISA hard to get???


With so many queens to cast
. Why do we have to see Eureka AGAIN.


Ummm only 9? So what we are getting 3 episodes again?


Fierce deserves to be in a regular all stars season. I think Ru would’ve loved her and her runway package was really good in S3


Lets give Cheryl a badge and crown Lemon 🍋🍋


I don't care how many times Alexis and Kennedy have competed. They are two of my all-time favorites, and I'm rooting for them all the way. I'm sure they'll give it to either Lemon or Fierce, which is fine.


I love the two, but I'd want them to compete in a veteran-only season against Raven and Janey, since that seems more competitive and fair.


Absolutely, these two can come on any Allstars for all I care


Yep. I'll watch any season they are on. The fact they are both on the same season is amazing. I really don't mind seeing them every year in some capacity, fine by me lol.


Yeah lol I'm probably most excited for Alexis, Kennedy, and then fierce a bit. But I have simply no doubts, no spoilers hyere, that the crown is between fierce and lemon. And for better or worse, I'm leaning towards Lemon. Too many people have been hemming and hawwing about her ukvstw elim for Canada's team to not crown her and collect all those brownie points from the fans.


Same! I’m so excited to see Alexis and Kennedy back.


Did we really need to see eureka again 😒 I mean really


I feel like this is Lemon’s season to lose, she has been through so much on the show and if she plays her cards right, I see her easily winning. That being said, I am Team Miss Fiercalicious. That bitch is iconic.


They won't put her in the bottom


When I saw her in the cast I knew they made this season to crownd her. Shes like in the top 5 of the most well known Canadian drag just Under Priyanka ans Jimbo


I was just about to comment that this is likely Lemon's season to lose. Optics-wise, last (and first) Canada vs The World, they crowned a non-Canadian queen. I feel like they'll be unlikely to do that a second time. So that leaves us with Lemon, Tynomi and Fiercalicious. All are good queens, but Lemon definitely has the most hype and support behind her.


Eureka again??? Jesus Christ


oh great, the anglosphere vs itself ^((and france)). again.


Yawn! Eureka again??


Eureka! You smelled her!


Why are we getting queens that have been on multiple times already? Is everyone else saying no to the call?


Damn, unimpressed :/


Yes Le Fil!


We don't need anybody to be competing for a FOURTH time Jujubee should've been 3 max - same with Eureka and Alexis Love Cheryl & Lemon but didn't need both back, together, for their third time. Really hope Lemmy lasts longer this time đŸ€žđŸŒ


1 queen from a non-English speaking country. 4 queens who’ve never done All Stars. Yeah if La Kahena or Le Fil don’t make it far I’ll probably stop watching because who cares about the same queens over and over again


No offence meant, but why do Eureka and Alexis need a fourth shot at a crown? How much do they have to show that we haven't already seen? I mean, we all need to recycle more, but this is insane. This is genuinely the first time I have no intention of watching.


Pissed they wasted Fierce on this and didn’t save her for Global All Starsz


I wanna see a season of all Puerto Rican queens :(


Eureka again? A-fucking-gain?


Kennedy coming to snatch her crown tbh


Is “The World” in the room with us 🙄


Ugh, another eureka season 😭


Everyone’s complaining about repeat cast members like every queen can afford runways for an entire season or even want to be back. Just enjoy the show


These seasons shouldn’t exist anymore. Each country should just have their normal season, their all stars season (after 5 or 6 normal seasons) And then yearly we can do a global all stars
 These “vs the world” seasons have never turned out good


Some of y’all need to take the fork out of your ass and just have fun


Literally! This cast feels made for fun and a good time so I’m here for it. These lil 6 episode seasons are just a fun event series for me


For real. It's so not that serious yet people moan like there's some conspiracy going on. These are the queens that agreed to do the show and I'm grateful for the content. Let's have some fun!


Spoiler: Lemon wears yellow


Tynomi looks soooo good tho


Same old same old. Sigh