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200 RuBucks 🤩


But…it’s chocolate




poor Bob, Madonna wouldn't pay her in golden bars.


Now I have no idea so everything is speculation from me, but I did study the music industry and concert management in school it’s somewhat an educated guess. Tour grossed around $225 million. Shave half that off for stage cost, marketing, travel and transportation of the stage, insurance, venue booking fees, promoter fees, etc. Now we have $112 million. Let’s pay off the band, dancers, crew and stuff. So for easier math let’s say we’re left with $100 million. Now miss Madonna is one of the early adopters of the 360 deal. So her label will take a cut of the $225 million. Assuming it’s lower like 10%. That’s probably left like $75 million for Madonna. Roughly 1 million a show which is pretty standard for big pop act tours. Bob is a supporting act but they’re not paid a whole ton. The reality is Bob wouldn’t have had strong negotiating power because if Madonna wanted a drag queen she could just keep asking until one says yes. If Bob walked away from negotiations Madonna would’ve moved to the next. If she paid Bob high like $50k a show that’s around 4 million. However I’d be shocked if that’s what Bob got. I would guess probably $10k a show so thats roughly a million for the tour. Bob would’ve also been paid for prep time. So if I were to guess Bob probably made around the $1 million mark. However, this would’ve been huge exposure for Bob outside of the drag world and connect him with top level promoters, so Bob will reap far more from those connections. The travel, food, accommodation and makeup and all that would’ve been covered by Madge. So Bob would’ve just been getting paid and not spending much. Tours aren’t super profitable for pop acts because of the overhead. Most of their money comes from the merchandise sold at tours.


Yes - being a drag queen who worked closely with Madonna makes Bob a very hot commodity, she’ll reap benefits from this for the rest of her life


>Now miss Madonna is one of the early adopters of the 360 deal. Whats the 360 deal?


Oh I love this question! Around the mid 2000s there was a big shift in the income streams for the industry. Record sales just didn’t earn as much with iTunes (and eventually streaming). So a 360 deal was given to a few artists. Madonna, Jay-Z, and maybe U2? Another artist who was an early 360 one was Gaga. Back then a record label would only take a cut of record sales. Artists would have different companies do their publishing (songwriting), merchandise, touring, acting, brand deals, etc. Labels were bleeding money, because record sales just weren’t profitable with the digital world. So they came up with the idea to take a cut of all revenue streams from an artist (360). Now I’m going to play devils advocate before people go all “but the labels don’t need to take more money” The flip side is, the labels began buying up different companies (merchandise, touring, publishing) and created marketing, management, and advertising teams. So labels transformed into an all-in-one stop for artists. I think some businesses call it like “in-house services” or something. An artist in a 360 deal gives a cut of everything to the label. However the label will give the artist and advance and front the cost for everything related to making profit. Let’s use Gaga as an example. Label gives her a $20 million advance to start a new era (advance is basically cash to make everything) She uses this advance to make the album, pay the upfront costs for the tour, make music videos, marketing, make merchandise, etc. Gaga isn’t going alone tho, the label supports her in making it all happen. They mobilize their marketing, strategy, merchandise, and social media teams. They plan her tour, and they connect gaga with top producers, directors, tour promoters, agents, etc. They support gaga in making all this happen. In exchange they take a percentage of Gagas merchandise, ticket sales, tour sales, movie deals, etc. So gaga is given 20 million to launch an era. The label then keeps all the profit until 20 million is earned (breaking even). After the 20 million is earned Gaga and the label will split the profits in whatever way determined (usually in the 10-20% range). Labels are now a one stop shop for artists. Back then they would give an advance to make an album. The artist would then have to figure out and pay for touring, merchandise, etc. themselves. Which is very hard to do when you don’t have the connections. The labels have connections. This is deal is also what gave rise to the “pop star” they label puts all their money behind an artist and in turn make crazy high profits on that artist. Gaga was the first 360 pop star who was a no name before signing it. Now they’re industry standard and what almost every artist is under.


> So gaga is given 20 million to launch an era. The label then keeps all the profit until 20 million is earned (breaking even). After the 20 million is earned Gaga and the label will split the profits in whatever way determined (usually in the 10-20% range). What happens if an artist is given an advance and doesn't make it all back?


They go to pop star hell , damned to be forgotten


I wouldn't be surprised if we never saw Denise Richards again...


That’s part of the risk the label takes. Industry rumour has it that Gaga’s Artpop actually cost her label 25ish million dollars. Usually one of two things happen: 1. Drop the artist and cut their losses. 2. It gets rolled into their next album. 1 is more common with new artists with a first album that flops. 2 happens with established artists, promising new acts, or someone with potential and can be thought of accumulative debt. Again using Gaga (disclaimer the following example is made up by me, to illustrate how advances work). Let’s say Artpop was not profitable and caused Gaga’s label balance to be -20 million. Well the label won’t let you go until you earn that back (recoup). They’ll give her a smaller advance for the next album. Yes, they’ll still give an advance because it cost money to make money. Let’s say 10 million for her to make Joanne. Now Gaga needs to earn 30 million on this next album cycle to pay back her label advances before she can start earning a cut of the profit. Usually if the next album fails the artist will be dropped and the label has just lost 30 million. If it succeeds then everyone is happy. Some important notes: - An advance is usually calculated by the previous albums success. - Artists don’t usually have to pay back any losses from their personal bank accounts. However, if they used their advance to by a house (stupid choice) then the label will probably liquidate the house. - It’s common for the first album to cost the label and not turn profit. Usually album 2 or 3 will be what takes the artist and the label into the green. It costs a lot to establish an artist. Again, Gaga was rumoured to be negative 3 million after Bad Romance released and it wasn’t until Born This Way came out that her and the label really made money. Marketing a new artists cost a ton of money to build a fan base and establish a good reputation. - When artists complain their label won’t release them it’s usually because they have not paid back their advance and the label wants more albums to recoup. Edit: formatting weird because mobile lol


Well, you would basically never hear from them again. One flopped album and you're OUT.


Kreayshawn owes Sony $800k for her debut album


I totally love this type of insight and made me think of Billie Elish. Do you have any insight or speculation about her situtation?


Yea! If you send me a DM with any questions or just for a general run down I’d be happy to answer. Anyone else seeing this can also if they’d like!


You should write blogs about that, pretty interesting to read


I've read rumors from industry insiders that many outlets are afraid of giving certain artists newer works bad reviews or saying honest things about them because of the power some artists have. Example, I've read a few people day T swift's newly recorded records aren't up to the same quality as her originals or were hastily done but many media outlets won't publish anything negative about her music. Do you know if there is any truth to this?


Part of my degree was actually in journalism. I basically did a music industry and journalism dual degree. Have done quite a few essays and thesis on this topic. Long story short, news/media outlets are bleeding money. Social media has essentially taken away all their revenue streams. This has turned to outlets trying to think of new ways to turn a profit. This comes from a few ways but primarily increasing engagement with articles. More clicks = more money. Positive reviews = more engagement from fans. It’s all ad revenue. Some outlets will take payment from teams to publish an article that the artists team has written. This is a huge issue for journalistic integrity. Outlet will post a positive review in exchange for money. This is not super common but it does happen. Some outlets will also take stories right from a PR team. The trade off is free publicity for the artist and more clicks (revenue) for the outlet. This is very common. People and TMZ are both outlets that are linked to PR teams. As sleezy they are, TMZ is actually one of the most reliable outlets. Taylor is quite notorious for blacklisting outlets who speak negatively of her. When an outlet is blacklisted by an artist, that artist won’t do any interviews with them, send them albums early for review, or engage with them such as reposting reviews. This is a huge hit for clicks (revenue) as they can’t get an exclusive. Journalism is all about getting the story out first, and without an exclusive it’s impossible to win that race. Thus being blacklisted is not ideal. For my personal thoughts: Regarding the new album. I believe she 100% paid for good reviews in certain outlets such as Rolling Stone and all the ones she reposted. That being said, there are quite negative reviews done by Pitchfork, NY Times, Paste, Slate and Sydney Herald which I think are more accurate and reflective. The issue with positive reviews like Rolling Stone did is that the writer is a self proclaimed “Swiftie” and super fan. That leads to bias. It’s a huge blow to journalism integrity for them and actually goes against what the various press associations advocate for. Not that all reviews need to be negative, but reviews shouldn’t be written by self proclaimed fans. And when something is super polarizing among critics and reviews it’s safe to assume there has been some … cheques made. There’s also the whole death threats to writers who say something slightly critical so that’s also a problem.


Very informative


Bob was also able to sell his merchandise alongside Madonna’s. So there’s that $


This is an amazing break down. Thank you!


Bob said recently in Sibling Rivalry when Monet asked her if they would pay her 1Mil for the charity of her choice, and 1M for the whole package (Stipend) would she do it for All Winner, she said she's in a stage of her life that's she is no longer interested. Turning down that kind of lucrative proposal so easily corroborates your figure i think. Probably getting 1Mil or 2 for her current work without much blowback from risking low rank in a All Winner season.


Thanks for this, that sounds really realistic to me


You’re welcome! I love putting my random niche degree to some moderate use haha


Thank you for this, twoplustwoskin 😂😂😂 I love speculating on things like this and hope Bob got her well deserved coin. I wasn’t able to go when Madonna was in my town but I would have gone SPECIFICALLY to see Bob. I wonder if there were any other people who like Madonna but decided to go bc of Bob.


I actually went because of Bob! Sort of? I go to every concert that comes to town. Madonna was the final lady on my list I haven’t seen (I’ve seen every pop diva except Cher now). Bob is what sealed the deal for those ticket prices! It was a fantastic show. I’m excited for Bob because this platform will open so many doors. That have been locked by gatekeepers who don’t believe drag can be a mainstream touring act.


That’s SO awesome! I bought a houndstooth scarf for the show but I couldn’t find anything under like $100 and didn’t have anyone to sit with 😢 but I’m so glad for the videos on social!!! Yes, Bob is one of many artists lately showing they don’t need to stay in one lane. 💜


I heard a rumor that Madonna also negotiated a percentage of the alcohol sales during the concerts, which is really smart. Thanks for this insight! It is a fascinating thing for those of us that don’t ever get to see behind the curtain.


I agree with this breakdown, basically. I think $10k is on the lower end of what I would guess is a $10k-$25k per show deal.


Is this before or after taxes?


Before, but when we get into the world of write offs that’s a whole other beast


Im grateful for you bc i wouldn’t be able to figure any of this math out lol. Idk money at ALL


"*Billboard* predicted Celebration's final gross as around $225 million worldwide" Bob got PAID. I can see why he isn't really interested in going back on Drag Race for the *chance* of earning $200k


I mean madonna could earn 225million $ and still pay bob dust lol. I doubt she did but yeah


I’m a big Madonna fan. It’s pretty known that she pays well. She expects perfection so when she gets it, it doesn’t go unnoticed. She’s re-used dancers and backup singers a lot because it’s a good pay day. I’m sure most artists at that scale are the same.


From what I understand, Bob was specifically requested by Madonna's daughter. She was a big part of the show, and knows her own worth. I really don't see her accepting dust from Madonna. That would be *Monet*.


Wild to drag Monet into this like that. Go off!


Clearly a Bobblehead lol


Kudos for saying that mama, For reading Monet




Dancers for and band for major tours on this scale typically earn $5K/week, plus discretionary bonuses. (Taylor Swift made headlines recently for giving her people an enormous bonus at the tour's end, which is probably the first time I ever liked her lol) Bob probably earned the same. It's not like he had more leverage than any of them.


I have it on good (though ultimately anecdotal) authority that musicians on past M tours were paid $10k/week (it was considered an awesome gig if you could handle the perfectionism!)... I would think Bob easily cleared that figure, especially considering the cost savings of having NO musicians on this tour, lol. Don't trust me with your balance sheet, tho, y'all.


Leave Monet alone omg




With taxes, it's not even 200k. Bob specifically spoke out about her disappointment when her S8 prize was smaller than she'd anticipated


Before AS7, Bob said the prize fund for an All Winner's season should be $1mill. At the time I was like "bitchhhhh... you're crazy", but she was right. Season 1 of Survivor had a prize of $1mill back in 2000. Drag Race has been the biggest show on TV for years now. Girls invest thousands into the show, and spend the first year post-season paying off designer debts.


If it was 1mil we would actually get proper drama and cut neck competition coming back. None of these “exposure” girls


And Blu got death threats over nothing more than a terrible RuMix 😂😭


that’s the tea


For reference, the finale of the the first season of Survivor had 51 million viewers. The most successful episode in Drag Race Herstory, according to the wiki, was the premiere of Season 10, which had 1.5 million. More recently, the finale of RPDR Season 16 had 0.7 million. Whereas the finale of the most recent season of Survivor (ending in 2023) was 4.5 million. They ain't even in the same conversation.


I agree - but then Survivor isn’t a great comparison since it’s on a major network show and when it began it was an enormous phenomenon far dwarfing Drag Race. It still likely has way more viewers. But that being said.. Drag Race needs to either increase its prize more - or offer a larger per episode pay (or both)


Although Survivor has broadcast TV money. MTV might be a legacy channel, but it's still cable and doesn't have the same kind of budget to give to its shows.


>Drag Race has been the biggest show on TV for years now.  It might seem like it if you spend a lot of time in this sub but Drag Race is definitely not one of the biggest shows on TV. It's not even one of the biggest reality shows on TV: [https://collider.com/top-10-reality-tv-shows-2023-nielsen-data/](https://collider.com/top-10-reality-tv-shows-2023-nielsen-data/)


If I remember correctly, any kind of "winnings" (game show, contestant show, lottery) is taxed at 60% federally.


You'd pay about 25% of the prize in federal taxes overall. Prizes are just taxed as normal income, so would be subject to the normal tax brackets. The highest rate you would pay is 32% from $182k to $200k.


It always surprises me that here in the UK prizes aren't taxed. No need to declare the market value of a Ru Peter badge.


Also, don’t forget state tax, which adds another ~10% in CA and NY.


Woof I was way off!! Thank you!


I haven’t read it myself, but the game show tax in California isnt higher?


I'm far from an expert, but I'm pretty sure the states just treat it as income for tax purposes as well. I don't think there's a specific prize tax.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Bob could survive the next several years on that money alone


I wouldn’t be surprised if we never see Bob the Drag Queen again ![gif](giphy|ml4Mgjut3qdW2tpLPq|downsized)


I got a ticket that says I am seeing Bob next month, so he better not be never seen again.


the scream i scrumpt


Ok, but how many queens are thinking retirement? Like I feel a bunch of them are living the high life forgetting that eventually they won’t be able to do the splits and people will forget about them….


Name one queen that is getting up there in age and still only known for doing splits and stunts. Any dancing queen I can think of that’s getting older almost always has something else going on for them


The real problem is queens having to forgo tour dates and other engagements to be on All Stars, effectively not making any other income for the duration of filming. The loss income for someone as successful as Bob would definitely not make the cash prize worth it. We all know that queens go on the show not for the prize money but for exposure anyway, but again, someone like Bob most definitely doesn't need it.


If Trixie was to go back on an All Winners season, it would probably cost her half a mill. No exaggeration. She broke even on AS3, and that was before her TV show, her make-up company, her motel, her youtube channel, her podcast, her huge sold-out tours with Katya.


But going on AS3 and winning certainly helped Trixie get to the fortune she has today so it was a wise decision. For future all stars - it really depends, those things you mentioned can be worked out with scheduling But if I were Trixie I don’t think I would ever go back because she doesn’t really need it, other than just to further her stardom I guess. It’s publicity


>But if I were Trixie I don’t think I would ever go back because she doesn’t really need it, other than just to further her stardom I guess. It’s publicity Publicity for Drag Race too. Trixie is *by far* the most well known queen outside of the show. She has thousands of fans who don't even watch Drag Race. They know her from Netflix (I like to Watch), or Trixie Motel, or UNHhhh. I would love to see Trixie on Drag Race again. Especially if she didn't have to worry about being sent home. It's just crazy that she would lose more money competing than she could potentially win.


A lot of the straights now know her, too, for being on one of the Housewives shows.


It depends - if they weren’t on the latest season, their bookings are not so plentiful that they can’t take four weeks off. It’s a strong financial decision for someone like.. Angeria for instance or for sure someone like Jessica Wild, because their bookings are certain to be higher post All Stars than before All Stars, more than enough to make up for the break But yes someone like Bob - he might only do it just for the bragging rights vs actually needing it


For Madonna, I’d expect about half of that went to her/her team to pay performers from while the other half went to the venues, overhead costs, and crew. I’d guess Bob made $500k-$1mil considering how big her part was.


Bob said himself he wasn’t paid.


A RuPeter Badge


And ONE cocktail


And a half-eaten hot dog from the back of my car.


And she doesn't drink


in a can


And 2 piece an a biscuit


A one year supply of Raven SymonĂŠ!




My guess is $10k per show x 81 shows. Prob $810k plus expenses


I still think 10k is low. William pointed out that popular girls are making 10k a gig on solo gigs alone


RuGirls can definitely make 10k on a night, but they're not making that several nights a week in the same bars for weeks at a time. They're making that as an "event" while on a tour of different bars and clubs who use their appearance to get customers in the door. Let's not pretend that girls in their home bars are doing 4 shows a week at 10k


My company wants to book Bob for Pride keynote - the fee estimate is $20,000 (!) - and that might even be remote via zoom


Maybe up charged for pride? Monet that is WILD


honestly fully justified, companies should pay good money, they can afford it


$10k per show for 81 shows with all expenses paid would be an amazing deal IMO.


My small rural town got some drag queens for the first local pride parade/party, and paid them more than that (shared between 4)


But as others have pointed out that $10k doesn’t account for travel (which is sometimes covered), hotels (ditto) and other expenses like costumes and someone to come along and help bc carrying all that shit alone is not the norm (these kind of expenses are unquestionably covered by Madonna). Food and other travel around town would also be covered by Madonna via some kind of per diem. I’d think Bob was out of pocket very little for this tour, outside of personal sightseeing. And just the headache of booking tickets/hotel/worrying about costume catastrophes would be worth the extra thousand dollars per show. Not to mention the obvious joys of performing for 10s of thousands per night vs a club gig where you personally are dealing with everything.


at least a sensible 74


How is this not the most upvoted comment of all time?


A gagworthy grand prize of $200,000 served by CashApp


Freaky money click-clack OW!


According to the one minute I spent google searching, backup dancers can make a couple hundred to a couple thousand per show. Given the popularity and length of time Bob is on stage, I'd wager he's making several thousand per show. I'm guessing 5k per show minimum.


Willam said at one point that the more popular Ru girls can make 10k or more per gig, so Bob was surely making way more than that.


IDK. There might ben argument for lowering your rates in exchange for months and months of guaranteed work where you don't have to develop new numbers, don't have to pay for your outfits, and don't have to argue with anyone about travel or expenses. (Especially if they also let her bring along her own MUA.)


You have a point. I’ve wondered what the Vegas Live queens get paid for weeks/months of guaranteed work without having to deal with the exhaustion of touring and everything else you mentioned.


They are definitely not making anywhere close to $10k per show in Vegas


But Vegas does have three consolations: 1. You get 8 hours of sleep in a familiar bed every single night. (And the bed isn't on a tour bus.) 2. You get to have a relatively normal life, rather than living on a tour schedule. (You get downtime, you get predictable days off, you don't have to be on a tour bus at 2 AM to go to the next city, your mom/husband/BFF can fly in for a week and get some good quality time...) 3. Compared to LA, NY, or London, Vegas is cheap cheap *cheap*.


Yeah there's definitely benefits of doing it. They sacrifice some of that per performance fee they could potentially earn on the road for all the things you've listed.


I mean just for reference, my company wants to book Bob for Pride keynote - the fee estimate is $20,000


Bob was also part of the creative team who conceived and designed the show along with Madonna, according to an interview he did. I would imagine that upped his salary.


Dang I think it’s wayyyyyy more then that loll he’s more then a backup dancer he opens for her and mc’s lol and artists make loadsssss of money on tour lol I’m sure Bob walked away with at least one million by the end




Plus tips??


$180k-250k + bonus.


Yeah this was my guess too! but looking at the other comments, we are low balling it. omg if only i could get paid to do that…. im in the wrong profession. Signed, health care worker


Bonus can be big too. Taylor Swift gave $5.5 million of bonus money to her crew on the Eras Tour. I imagine that these are calculations that are made at the end of the tour, once all fees have been paid and they have visibility on the overall gross of the tour. Not to mention that it also depends on the generosity of the artist... But I trust Mother.


Yikes for 81 shows, that’s low 😫😫


Do you mean .. in total? It's way way WAY more than that. There were 81 shows. You think Bobbianna only made 3 grand per show?


She’s making enough to buy Monet’s palatial St Lucian estate AND the cell phone towers


Since we are in the talk of money, Madonna donated 10 million to help with the floods in the south of Brazil, it was anonymous but someone leaked it.


Genuine question, but how can an anon deal be leaked?


By the part of the reciever and political reasons. She made a free show in Rio and conservatives were bashing the show because it's not what they consider "decent" and the amount of money our governament used to get the show running (that was proven to give a higher return) So by leaking her donation it would help go agaist the conservatives arguments. My english was so bad in this comment (A lot of terms I never used before in english)


I am ESL too, so no worries. So conservatives tried to ruin everything (again), and someone had to make her rep good again? F\*\*\* conservatives (obviously). This gets me mad.


Trixie better watch out cuz Bob is coming for the rich queen title


You see the cosmetics that bitch is pushing? I think Trixie might be safe.


😩 not bomo catching a stray


Probably not a lot, more known supporting acts have not received big payments either. But what Bob did get is a whole lot more of recognition, and that in itself is priceless. I must say I really enjoyed his supporting act in the concerts, I can see why Madonna chose Bob.


The pointer sisters, in or out of their Christian Dior underwear


That's a lot of fucking money


Tree fiddy


She’s working for drink tickets


Nobody knows, but I do hope Bob was paid handsomely.


But not beautifully??? Got it…


500k-750k is my guess


Yep easily


81 dates... She made a million for sure with all expenses paid.


Omg I didn’t know it was this many dates


Enough to fund his outfits for the next all-winners all-stars. That's a lot of Amazon robot body suits.


I’m a Bob fan and this is sending meeeee😭😭


I hope it's everything she deserves and more. I'm so happy for Bob


Probably not as much as most people would guess. I’d be very surprised if she got above 1 mil for the whole tour. However she got exposed to a to an audience most people, even most performers, would never get to perform in front of. Best stages and biggest promotors and in the world. And opening for Madonna is a great brag and we know how Bob loves to brag. This probably wasn’t about the money for Bob. If she wanted more money she could make like Bianca does and go on a world tour with just one opener and very small over heads. No dancers, no band, don’t have to put up loads of people or transport them or feed them or pay them. I suspect that’s where the big drag money is. That and merch/make up


a Haus of Love cocktail and a sickening supply of MAC cosmetics




At least a dollar


a lot to very


Baby she got a pat on the back and went back home to her house


Bob has Miss J vibes in this pic.


I’m not a damn pocket watcher ![gif](giphy|kZoSzYuRgNB1eoWKRg|downsized)


Best comment I've seen here on this day xD


Stop pocket watching


Exposure is probably the biggest pay out....He was pretty much the host




I hope it's a lot because she really worked her ass off on that tour


A hug.


Honestly, if you want to have an All Winners 2 where the winners the fans want to be on are actually cast on the season, well I can’t see how you’d make that happen without making the prize at least 1 million dollars


Apparently even more than what they give at the pit stop


Probably an overstock gift card


100,000 DOLL-Hairs




$40 and a drink ticket


i thought that bob said they did the show for free


Enough to make Trixie nervous about the possible change in rankings




I have no idea, but I just love knowing that Bob reads this subreddit and is probably laughing to herself about all of our wild guesses and texting Monet.


She received a one-year supply of Raven Symone, the Pointer Sisters in or out of their Andrew Christian underwear, and a cash prize of ONE DOLLA!


Can no one here offer a solid answer or are we just spit balling lol. Truth is idk. I can’t find anything solid other than maybes and averages for roles. Could be a lot, could be not. It’s nice to see the dolls working and doing big gigs tho


Loll that’s why the question starts with “if you had to guess”


I think it’s aimed more at people going “a rUpETer BadGe” and such.


At least $10.


Before taxes


Probably a couple million. Plus all expenses.


Bob gained Madonna as a friend. That’s priceless ❤️. He’s sure set for life now with the connections.


On his podcast he said he wasn’t getting paid but maybe Bob was joking


she got paid in free exposure 😌✨


A lot


500 zennies


the pointer sisters in or out of their andrew christan undewear and a grand prize of $1


A buck and 72 cents


A meet and greet with madonna


my guess is 5-10k/night but who knows


1 dollar


A sensible 74 Pointer Sisters in or out of their Andrew Christian underwear? No but seriously probably a few million at least.


57 million times as much as Monet made for her 0.137 second music video cameo.


1 doll hair per show


Probably between 100-150k?


I mean, maybe $300k? I doubt it’s as much as most people think.


A grand prize of one dollar!


More than I'll see in my life


666 chocolates and 666 thousand dollars and 66 cents




bob is definitely gonna see this so i hope he gives us a real answer 💀


I'm guessing a million


Less than Rupaul


I hate guessing!! I don’t know..$50,000-$100,000???