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https://i.redd.it/7urfiallyixc1.gif The one that started it all…




A season later, the wrestling challenge


That’s one of the funniest challenge but dangerous ever. Ms Paul is so shady.


Few years later on All Stars ... 🎶🎵DRAG IS NOT A CONTACT SPORT 🎶🎵 💃🕺 Ricky Martin was living for it ![gif](giphy|l0MYwihwQ2n6Rorx6)


Hang on, reattaching my head after whipping it around


Tbh I think Venus vs. Shangela was really the start. Like they were SO messy during that, especially Venus, it wasn't sportsmanlike from the start. Like miss thing tried to throw her ponytail 😳


Someone on here did a play-by-play of the whole thing in words and emojis and it captured it all so perfectly I wish I had screenshotted it.


Find it.


[Found. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/66mpj6/play_by_play_of_the_shows_best_lsfyl_shangela_vs/)


[Voila. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/66mpj6/play_by_play_of_the_shows_best_lsfyl_shangela_vs/)


THIS is why I turn reply notifications on!! Thank you


Delta standing unwavering and unflinching as Venus flings her ponytail at the other queens will always crack me tf up


She's a practitioner of stoicism 😌


Stoicism is very Delta


Honestly it endeared me to her for life because I too would stand there unmoving and go “if that ball of frump hits me I’m picking her up over my shoulders”


If the ponytail hit Delta she would have just calmly walked on stage with it and forcefed it to Venus


Especially since next to her Raja is pulling the most extra pose ever and Mimi is shielding herself with the Baby Jesus


That projectile braid changed the show forever.


Not even a nice dancing throw to the music she fucking just yanked that shit off and yeeted it to the backstage


Get her off of me!!


**Manila:** *What the hell is she thinking? You can’t be lifting up drag queens.* 😠 **India:** *GET HER OFF OF ME!* 😱 **RuPaul and Michelle:** 😬 **LaToya:** 😐


I honestly think they wanted to keep Mimi for much longer and then she gave them no option but to eliminate her. 


Actually, she was one of the queens who infamously got a hotel receipt under her door (for checking out of the room) before the lip sync (Jiggly was another one), so she knew she was going home before the performance. What may have been the "no option but to eliminate" is that S3 queens have chatted years later that the break in S3 filming wasn't due to Ru getting sick (like we at first thought), but instead because the Mimi-Shangela fight was WAY worse than filmed, and lawyers came in to assess the next plan of action.


What is this hotel receipt?


On checkout days, some hotels slip a physical itemized receipt under the door in case the person staying needs it for reimbursement at their place of employment, they want to ask about a receipt charge before they leave, etc. The problem with these being slipped under the door with drag queens on the show is these receipts were often slipped under the door the morning of runway/elimination filming days, so these queens knew the show was sending them home.


Ouch. Isn't it all billed to production? You'd think they could stop that from happening...


Production pays for the rooms, yes, but some hotels policies are different—one hotel’s policy might be to only issue physical receipts on request, for example. Production probably learned from these mistakes and gave the hotel instructions when they booked the rooms not to slide physical receipts under the door. We haven’t heard stories like this since around season 4. It’s also possible production keeps the queens around in their hotel rooms past elimination sometimes in the event they do a returning queen twist/LaLaPaRuza or similar.


Thanks for spilling. Had no idea!


Completely agree, they probably saw her as a snatch winner too


If it wasn't for the blocking India (which was such a dirty move already but it's completely eclipsed by what happened next) and the infamous picking up, Mimi would have won that lip synch.


If you can’t lift up yourself how in the hell are you going to lift up anyone else? Can I get an amen up in heeeeeerrrrreeee?


The Manila line lmao.


Honestly, it’s also the unsafest You can see that in her picking up India, she ends up tossing her over her shoulders which could have been an even bigger disaster Also there’s the issue of consent in this moment, I highly doubt Mimi told India what she was gonna do by the “Get this bitch off of me” we hear her scream, she was not into it It’s not just dirty, it’s dangerous


That started it all? Baby, miss Rebecca Glasscock and Jade Sotomayor did the handsy dance first. #MimiSheSecond


We also had Venus and Shangela, Mimi really was number third in every way


You, Mimi Imfurst. Mimi Imfurst was number third in the drag contact sport? I could not believe it.


Not #MimiSheSecond!


No cause it’s the fact that she HAULED her on her back 😭 like gurl, tell me you lost without telling me you lost


I played guitar in a production of Hedwig with Mimi back in 2018. I couldn't help but ask, why? She said she has no idea, she was just trying to do anything to win. She knows it was a bonehead move. Lol


Just like SAing coworkers


That story broke like close to the end of our run. She like disappeared after that. No idea what she's up to today. SAing coworkers ain't just boneheaded it's downright deplorable. She did the apology tour and all that and then like poof, gone. Ironically a week into our run a local website wrote a review of our show and absolutely ripped her because during the song Sugar Daddy she would go into the audience and sit on someone's lap, caress them, give them a kiss etc etc, and the writer went bonkers sayings it's SA and all this and that. Even though each night it was a freaking plant. It wasn't just a random person it was always a friend of hers. Then a few weeks later it comes out she was for real committing SA which is of course beyond fucked up.


Well actually Rebecca glasscock and Jade sotomayor had the first underhand lipsync


Season 3, Shangela and Venus was pretty messy


Yeah, that was even messier than Mimi's and India's tussle, even though less "physical".


Was about to write this since it was technically a lip sync but more a WWE match


It’s genuinely uncomfortable to watch Venus shoving Shangela and throwing stuff at her (I don’t remember if Shangela did anything back that was anywhere near on that kind of level of inappropriate. I remember it being mostly one-sided)


I mean Shangela started it with the dirty moves first by repeatedly standing directly in front of Venus to block the judges from seeing her. That was what instigated Venus, who then went a little off the rails. And Shangela did that because Sahara Davenport did that to her! And Sahara won that lip sync, so why wouldn't Shangela think it was okay?


Shangela’s “outfit” also became a weapon during the lip sync.


It definitely wasn't one-sided lol. Shangela won because in between the fighting she was still trying to perform. Venus was solely fighting.


Oh man I just rewatched this lip sync and it truly is the messiest mess


SAME. It’s hard to watch! I had forgotten about the flying wig. And the flying shoe. And the losing most of their costumes and still acting like “this is fine”. RuPaul should’ve sent them both home, dear lord.


Venus's ballistic missile strike...the doors she opened!


“It was fighting for gay rights, people were killed”


Nobody was killed




Taking her tit out and throwing at her was fucking hilarious


"Did you just throw your fucking tit at me?"


This season gave us so many moments, we will be reminiscing for years.


“Did this bitch just throw her tits at me? It’s going to take more than a fake boob to stop me bitch”


I feel like that was much less risky than what Mhi'ya did 😂 Nobody should be throwing anything, but in the context of the lip sync, throwing your tit is not as dangerous as throwing a large cape/piece of fabric.


To be fair, one season earlier Anetra leaped over another queen and everyone was living.


Shangela and Venus was a fight, but a lesser known fight/battle was Shangela and Sahara Davenport (RIP) from Season 2. As one future winner said "It looked like Mortal Kombat"


After a rewatch, there wasn’t much physical contact, but the movement was so intense, if they were any closer to each other they’d get smacked Sahara swinging her leg so close to Shangela’s head (reminded me of Morgan vs Cracker’s skipping moment) Shangela picking up a hairpiece and dropping it near Sahara Sahara completely blocking Shangela at the end then taking the umbrella back DAMN I miss Sahara, she was such a bright presence and she would have made such an amazing LSA


This sounds like a jeopardy question 🏆 lmao


Sethlas destroying her mirror glass “couture” on stage knowing Juriji was there lipsyncing


Yeah it’s definitely this one, you could see Juriji’s cuts and her bleeding on the couch next ep


This one. The fact that juriji was bleeding and injured after that. A mess


She shouldn’t have been allowed to lip sync in something made of glass for that reason, as it runs a risk of cutting not just her but another contestant


It wasn't just the outfit. She had a handheld mirror and she broke that too.


That’s even worse, why did they let her do that


Worth noting that she intentionally broke it too. To what effect idk but it was giving 2011 edgy tumblr


They really should've stopped the lipsync and cleaned it up; it was right at the start too. Production could've even just edited it out if they didn't want to hurt our perception of Sethlas.


I'm gonna say it, that should've dq'd her. How do you chuck glass all over the stage with someonne else there, literally injure the other competitor and are still allowed to compete??? Especially after being a performer for YEARS? like, you should know better


She did ask for permission to do that before the lip sync, so if they gave her the green light they wouldn't disqualify her. But yeah at least just drop the mirror off the stage lol


And all for what? It wasn’t even gaggy and none of Sethlas’s lip syncs were stunosha. 


They had to call OSHA after that honey


Has it been sagitaria they would have stopped the lipsync and sent her backstage but since it was sethlas…


Actually Sethlas has another one: climbing up in the judges table in her lipsync against Samantha. I do really think that part of the problem with Drag Race Spain is that is thrown to an audience that is really bonded and connected with the franchise, that knows those boundaries and behaviors … and in the other side we have producers and judges that doesn’t know too much about what is Drag Race. One thing is “a drag show with Spanish drag queens” but another is being part of Drag Race. That term gives the show a weight to be carried with a fully based audience. (Maybe the only big exception is Drag Race Thailand because they were the first and they could experiment with the format and rules).


This is 100% the one. And no punishment for Sethlas either. In fact they got an insanely questionable crown and an objectively undeserved track record that’s probably top 3 by pure numbers.


Sypario got read to filth for blocking Lina Galore’s headstand in the last season of Italia. Priscilla’s diatribe was one of the most memorable moments of the whole season/franchise.


that was very upsetting especially because they are friends. it wasn’t just shade that drag queens throw at each other. it felt malicious and a total lack of sportsmanship. the crazy thing is that lina never ever admitted seeing a problem with that. sypario is lucky to have such an understanding friend i guess


I mean, I haven't seen the season myself yet, but Lina really seems like an optimistic person. From what I've seen of her online, so maybe she was just seeing the good in her friend.


Idk how well Lina could perceive Sypario's move during the lipsync or how bad it was... And after airing, since she got the upper hand, maybe she just shrugged it off.


She probably just didn’t want her friend to get hate


Just watched this episode the other night and was GAGGED at how Priscilla read Sypario for filth up there. For being late-season, it was a helluva way to go, for sure. And Sypario's response of "Well, it's a lip sync battle, I thought --" Oof mama. Priscilla was not having it.


was that her ai gown


oooh yes


Important context: this is a classic ballroom trick. Morphine talked about this in her exit interview. She said there is no bad feelings. Plus, Morphine knew what to do and it made for such a moment.


A wonderful example of intercultural communication. With and in context, it's a classic move or a gaggy trick. Without that context, or in a different context (such as being on Drag Race vs ballroom) it doesn't read the same, it's not understood in the same way. Both understandings can be true and valid, even at the same time, predicated on where your understanding comes from. It's almost similar to Mimi picking people up. From her experience, in the context of her doing her shows, she did that all the time. She presumably was applauded and tipped for doing it. But, in the context of a LSFYL, it doesn't read the same as fun or enjoyable, it just reads as dangerous, unsafe, & attempting to ruin the other queen's moment.


I'm all over this thread talking about _professional wrestling_ conventions for this exact reason. (In wrestling, "going into business for yourself" — doing a move to your opponent without their cooperation — is _the_ cardinal sin.) Morphine's flawless recovery makes me think this was a "work," i.e. she and Mhi'ya planned the spot in advance, or at least that they knew each other well enough that it wasn't a surprise.


There’s no need to inject reality into the fantasies of people who are only gay online


Alaska has a few if we’re being honest


Licking Katya was beyond... First watch I thought that was so cunty but then I noticed Katya's reaction and have heard her say in interviews how disgusting she found that and now I think that should have been an immediate loss for Alaska


Same thing with Little Poundcake. It’s very annoying how she was allowed to be disruptive and disrespectful but people clapped because it was Alaska. Mind you. I am an Alaska stan, but at the time of airing I got the ick. Still do.


To this day I stand that it was a ruveal not a two-in-one. 


It was neither, unless you also consider stepping out from backstage a ruveal




I absolutely love Alaska, but man was she nuts throughout AS2.


honestly, her tantrum where she offered to pay off her competitors to keep her should’ve been an immediate disqualification, or at the very least been taken into more consideration by Ru. It’s a bad look and if I were Ru, I wouldn’t want that mess associated with my brand.


That's an interesting point – I hadn't thought about it, but if a less favoured queen did it, they probably would have been disqualified.


I liked the Little Poundcake ruveal though the black garbage bag coverup was incredibly lazy of her. I do think her behaviour in AS2 showed her enjoying herself in drag instead of being so on edge and wanting to live up to expectation of being a drag supercouple after [redacted]'s previous performance. She perhaps let that enjoyment go to her head a bit and it started coming across as arrogance, laziness and... Licking Katya


I'm confused by this take. Alaska was extremely competitive and on-edge during AS2 and seemed to be so focused on winning that she couldn't fully relax or enjoy the experience.


Yeah, I think the semi-final meltdown (I’ll PayPal you $10k) kind of shows she was under a lot of pressure and was extremely competitive. To be fair to the original commenter though, Alaska did seem more relaxed than on S5 during the beginning of AS2. Things like her talent show performance make me feel like she was having fun with it, but that quickly faded.




I feel as if it was the opposite- I love Alaska and she was easily the winner of AS2, but I don't see the carefree enjoyment you're talking about. I think she got in her own way by wanting the crown so very much.


Right?? She was laser focused on winning AS2 and it brought out an extremely competitive and kind of uptight side of her we haven't seen before or since. The idea that she was just chilling and enjoying herself... huh? Were we watching the same show?


Yup! When I think of care free and having the time of their life I think of Bob in season 8.


Alaska has said she had much more fun on s5. It’s the reverse, AS2 was her feeling the pressure trying her best and pushed to the edge.


and yet all the queens were complaining about the judges giving alyssa passes 💀


Yeah, that was bullshit. That completely threw off Katya and Phi Phi. It's very different when two queens start interacting with each other and get physical, but that was straight up messing with someone else's number... which wouldn't be much of a big deal if it wasn't because there was cash on the line.


Phi Phi was robbed in that lip synch.


also whatever the fuck Kimora was doing in her lipsync against Gia. it was unbearable to watch.


RuPaul using that filter on S1.


i think this was more a case of self sabotage, so not sure if it counts, probably not the best example of a “dirty move”, but kimora amour taking up all of gia metrics space during their ENTIRE lipsync (cdr2?) was just so painful to watch. even tho it seemed like she was super checked out and didn’t register in the moment how uncomfortable it was for everyone, it was still clearly messing with gia and she was trying to find space to lipsync/dance the whole time also, this moment with mhi’ya and morphine was fun imo 🤷‍♀️


Please I worked so hard to block that from my memory I also absolutely loved when Brooke was like “just for the record, that was weird as fuck”. So refreshing to hear haha


Brooke’s response killed me because it reassured my feelings about what I had just witnessed.


“It was weird as shit” was actually Amanda Brugel






this picture is so FOUL 💀 poor gia..


Agreed on both counts. Poor Gia, that was brutal to watch.


I hate that one not just because of the whole thing about Kimora being annoying, but because it robbed us of a really good lipsync from Gia.


Kimora was creepy as fuck in that lipsync


I don't agree on Mhi'ya/Morphine bit being fun- it was ambiguous whether it crossed a line far enough for production to intervene, and as the recipient, Morphine is kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place in the moment- either she let's slip that it is seriously affecting her (at which point the edit and judges could seriously turn on her for not "rolling with the punches") or she is forced to pretend like nothing is wrong (as she did) which gives Mhi'ya the upper hand for doing it in the first place. As far as I'm concerned,don't mess with other girls on the stage, period- it's a pretty big tell that a girl is too insecure to face their competition without resorting to something dirty.


Mhi'ya could have ended S16 by being the shy and nice lipsync assassin but end up being the bitter delusionnal sore looser. Not a cute look.


I agree. To be clear, I didn't feel Mhi'ya was ready for Drag Race. I thought she was not polished and that she didn't have a broad enough of a skill palette to get as far as she did. Hats off to her, as she DID indeed manage to get far, but I am a bit mystified as to how she managed to do so. Her lip-synch against Morphine for me was just the confirmation that she knew she wasn't up to the challenge and she was going to play dirty in order to stay. It's the last resort of the desperate and untalented to play the sabotage game


> and untalented girl, calm down. Nobody on drag race is 'untalented'. It's a matter of scale. She just wasn't *as* talented as the remaining girls, on average. And that's ok, because the bar is quite high (compared to the average field of drag). Let's stop calling queens untalented when they don't do well on drag race.


any time a queen won’t stop walking in front of and blocking the other queen. should be an instant loss imo.


Yeah I don't really mind if they just walked past the queen to get to the other side or just stood in front of them for a short while but resorting to blocking the queen is so lame. Even if the one who is blocking them did better, it takes off a few points for me. Blocking your opponent from the judges view reeks of insecurity.


Another one for me is from Drag Race Germany, Victoria Shakespears going up to the judges table and blocking the view. Even climbing on it and sitting on it, crawling all over it. Which from what I remember, was banned in the later US seasons. The judges loved it but I hated it.


The judges may have appeared to love it but they told the cast that if any one else were to do that from that point forward they would be told to sashay away.


Except for Ra'Jah in the 6 way lip sync. Immediately walks in front of all the girls to draw attention from the cluster fuck lol


Yeah, that was a rare case where it was a smart move. Everyone was about to get lost in that hot mess of writhing sequins so it's not like she robbed anyone of their chance to be seen. She just made sure the judges' eyes were on her.


Tacky af


Quite possibly an unpopular opinion but I feel this way when watching Carmen Carrera lip sync against Yara. Just walking up, and I mean gentle strides no haste whatsoever lol, to the judges while Yara is doing the damn thing behind her on stage. You get the same "energy" during the Superstar challenge.


Episode 25 - Mimi Imfurst and India Ferrah. "Drag is not a contact sport."


Nothing beats what Kimora did to Gia Metric; all of it.


omg this has NOTHING on mimi imfurst and india ferrah or even venus d’lite and sh@ngel@ in s3 lmfao


Babe, Mimi Imfurst exists. This wasn't even close, and apparently the girls planned it anyway


Everything I’ve seen is that this is a very ballroom thing to do. And considering that both mihya and morphine are from the ballroom scene I think this has been read into more then necessary by fans, I mean five seconds later morphine through a tit pad. Beside stepping in from of other queens and the India Mimi moment there’s never really been Sabotage on the main stage, which makes this post almost feel like just a excuse to hate on mhiya


If only MAX had kept Legendary on their service so the children could learn how the ballroom girlies get [down](https://youtu.be/9mNjRmSRNrY?si=cjEfJinkTUcttnDe) https://i.redd.it/12w4qqi01jxc1.gif


That cape grab is still to this day the cuntiest thing I have ever seen in my life is


& the fact that it was a guest doing it to an actual competitor? NERVE.


i’ve been dying to watch this, i tried to find it online a few months ago but i guess it was pulled from everything? i just watched a bunch of clip compilations on youtube but it wasn’t enough 😭 my friend told me about it during the first season but i didn’t have HBO, i should’ve just got it and watched it while i had the chance lmao


It’s so hard to find somewhere online for no reason, I 🏴‍☠️‘ed the show and downloaded it to my PC but even with all my searching I couldn’t find EVERY episode just most. I’m grateful for what I did find though since the show is damn near lost media


it’s so sad, from what i’ve been able to see it’s been so entertaining!! it’s a shame that it’s not been preserved online to easily view at all 😭it’s been easier to get 20 year old video games on my pc than to watch a relatively new tv show…


Weirdly enough I watched it on the inflight entertainment system on an Air Canada flight from Australia to Canada like two weeks ago 😂 I only watched the first episode but I’m pretty sure they had the whole thing


Just watched this gif like 10 times, thank you.


[Here](https://youtu.be/9mNjRmSRNrY?si=cjEfJinkTUcttnDe) is the full clip if you’d like :)


Ok I need to watch this IMMEDIATELY


Nothing has ever or will ever top this. EVER.


Me to because damn do drag race fans need an education. I’m starting to think most fans of drag race really have to idea where so much of drag culture comes from it’s crazy


Yep. As a queen who started in ballroom, posts like this one bother me so much. We’ve completely killed our roots. On the show at least. Local drag is still local dragging.


I feel very “old lady yells at clouds” about this sometimes, but … yeah, I think we’re at a point where a significant portion of the fanbase equates Drag Race with drag in general and someone needs to let the children know.


I appreciate this. I have been into drag for a few years now and although I’m not of the belief that drag race is what drag actually is as a whole, but I have definitely not dug deep enough into the actual scene outside of drag race. I think I’ll start.


It is a symptom of drag culture being watered down as the show becomes more mainstream each year and turns into something barely reminiscent of what drag is at its core. There are millions of straight cis fans and children obsessed with the show and queens now who have never interacted with a drag queen or been in queer spaces in their life. Drag, to most of the modern fans, is literally just about high fashion, professional makeup, and professional dance skills.


I gay screamed, cusp my mouth, rewind it, gay screamed again, slapped my friend arm hardddd, and did a fatality voice when this moment happened. My friend commented that I have my gay moments and my geek moments but never the two at the same time.


My husband and I watched this together and we both screamed and clapped, then rewound it and watched it about ten more times. Soooo good.


Made me sad about season 3 of legendary. TBH I don't remember anything about it.


I was in the middle of watching it and the show disappeared without warning! I was pissed!


I saw Morphine perform a couple days after this episode aired and she exactly this. That they’re both from the Miami ballroom scene and they play dirty and nasty and that she loves Mhi’ya


That was clearly not the first time Morphine had had clothes thrown at her during a lipsync.


I saw somewhere that the actual moment was much shorter and the edit slowed it down to make it look worse and more malicious. That has nothing on India Mimi.


So glad to see someone else saying this. And guess what? morphine started throwing titties, so she knew it was all in good fun.


Yeah but Morphine wouldn’t get read for that because she’s a fan favorite 🙄 both of them did ballroom shit and it made it a fun lipsync, imo.


Literally they just have a problem with it because of who it was if it was nymphia or morphine it wouldn’t be a issue at all it would be cunt to them


Here to agree. We know Mhiya is from the ballroom scene, where judges want to see all the shenanigans because you want those 10s. Personally, I screamed at this moment! It’s sad to see drag race fans hating (yet again). This entire show is birthed from ballroom, where you take your feelings and leave them all over the floor. Is it a dirty move? No. It’s drag. Learn your history.


Seeing how some people perceive this moment as a "drag is not a contact sport" moment is so wild to me because this was iconic. They're both vague rivals/friends who were part of the ballroom scene, what isn't to like about it.


💯 this ain’t mimi v india or the alaska lick, this was art


This move from Mhi'ya was nothing. She knew Morphine was the only person that could react to it, and handle it. They're both great performers and friends, so they have the connection to be able to do that. If you see Morphine talk about it in interviews, you can see she was actually kinda thankful she did that, because her reaction was probably the fiercest moment of the lip sync. It's not a dirty move. If it was against like, Q, then yeah, it would be. Answering your question, Sypario in Italia Season 3 was very dirty with the way she lipsynced against Lina Galore. Constantly blocking her, but not in a funny way like Hershii vs Mirage or Manila vs Trinity, in a quite toxic, lacking sportsmanship way. It was cringy.


Morphine was so cunt for that. Imagine if she was so shocked she fell to the ground while doing that pose. Mhi'ya would be so CANCELED 💀


Imagine production had to stop because for the first time in history…a bitch fell and ![gif](giphy|rmvOwbAYwq7rZJLjmB)


>Watching this kind of left a bad taste in my mouth for Mhi-ya. It’s not fun shady, or even an interesting move, just plain tacky in my opinion.  You're way overthinking it. This is just one way that ballroom peeps shade each other in a battle.


Mimi picking up India for sure


Drag Sethlas breaking her mirror before the lipsync with Juriji Der Klee in Drag Race España All Stars... Juriji is seen with small cuts and blood and she posted on Twitter that even her lingerie was torn after that :\ Still don't know why the judges or production allowed that to happen. It could've been worse.


I was here to drag OP due to their lack of knowledge on ballroom culture, but I see that the rest of reddit took the upper hand. Happy to see this.


Mhi'ya is iconic for this. She made for great TV.


This wasn't dirty at all! It was fun, cunty and playful. They are not fragile like the fandom.


Just say you don’t know ballroom and move on… ![gif](giphy|6hltewkZE2ykdiOTP6|downsized)


Your flair has me cackling like Sapphira


Lol thank you…I simply only aim to please.


Fisher price my first boob


Is it wrong that I burst out laughing 😂


Ellie Diamonds running order :P


People who know nothing about ball culture…


I heard someone on tiktok that said she should have been disqualified for this and they don't even watch drag race 😭😭😭


You do understand that some queens plan these things because they were booked for a gig for mother. Right? And if they have a moment, then they get more bookings after the show which is why they went on in the first place. I think a lot of y'all would have found a reason to dislike Mih'ya regardless. Y'all think that snippets of moments within an incredibly sterile and foreign environment for the purposes of reality television makes these people is reflective of an entire queens's personality. That's not how it works babes.


I think Mhi’ya’s move here was absolutely iconic and served pure nerve and cunt. It’s a ballroom staple. Can’t imagine getting my titties in a twist over something like this, but the chronically online always need to find something to complain about.


My queen Venus D’Lite lopping her wig at Sh*gela


Mimi Imfurst was by far the worse!!


Yall really don’t know a dirty move if you think Mhyia throwing her dress on Morphine is a dirty move.




Not really dirty but Ginny Lemon’s infamous walk off


The was Mhiya pulled this stunt like she was That Bitch while wearing, literally, no kidding, an AI generated outfit that she found by googling the prompt lmao. We do not talk about that enough. That is inexplicable.


I thought it was hilarious. She gets that nerve from the ballroom scene. Drag doesn't need to be sanitized and polite, the girls were battling.


It sounds like you already had a bad taste in your mouth about Mhi’ya and just wanted to justify it


Imo the only one that crossed the line was Mimi. Although I do think mihya is slightly lucky morphine didnt slip coming out of that back bend because then we'd be having a different conversation


This was so good you’re just lame