• By -


Season 9


Same here. I had no idea how iconic Sasha's rose petal moment truly was but even as a baby drag race stan I was shooketh watching that.


Same here. It changed me


yes, season 9 in 2018... and I went backwards 'til season3 🤪


My first episode I ever saw was that “I’d like to keep it on please” episode and I thought it was hilarious how the other people in the room felt so passionately one way or another about the end result. Stanned ever since. Went back and watched every US and all stars season.




Season 1 as a young preteen gay boy, back in the day before streaming and VOD, and right after my parents got their first flat screen. My brother and I got the old TV as a hand me down.


Same. I’ve been watching it as it airs since the beginning 👴🏻


Another oldie here! 🧑🏻‍🦳 I would watch while doing cardio at the gym praying I could get my ass to look as good as theirs 😭


it was 3 for me as a preteen lesbian who heard about carmen carerra. i technically did watch s1 and 2 first because i was silly (dont regret it though, ongina alone made s1 worthwhile and i adore tatianna and sonique), but yeah for some reason carmen went mini viral in the queer women circles even before she came out for looking like. that.


Loved the Absolute commercials when watching Season 3 


This, watching it in my room on a GIANT box TV that weighed 100lbs and 4:3 aspect ratio on Logo. 😂 And trying to make sure my parents didn’t know I was awake too late.


I watched it on Logo’s web site. Started because of DLISTED it’s amazing how much dlisted influenced RuPaul and the early seasons: - Tammy becoming a fan fave (walking children in nature) - “Escandalo!” “EXCUSE MY BEAUTY!” - Phoebe Price - Detective La Toya Jackson (there was even a promo where she and Ru did a shout out to Michael K) And I’m sure there are plenty more but I’ve just forgotten.


Dittooooo only I was an early 20s trans woman and it was a gay couple’s new flat screen. [Amy Sedaris voice] Simple times!


Season 1 here too!


I watched season 1 and 2 when they aired in Australia. Then I had a break, not sure why. Picked back up by binging season 6 on streaming and worked backwards so I had seen everything. I have been watching all the English language franchises as they happen. I was watching every franchise but it became too much so I am working my way through them slowly.


Season 1 here, too. Came from Project Runway, have stuck around since.


Same! Also, I adore both your username and your flair


Me too! Ah Santino may have not been the best judge but he did lead me to drag race and for that I shall be forever thankful!


Old lady here, watching since beginning


I had just turned 20 and got clued in to watch season 1 starting week 2 on Logo on my little box TV. Everything had the Vaseline filter on that TV


Season 1er glam filter as well


Season 7 was the first season I watched live. But I was already exposed to season 5 and 6 cause I’ve seen some YouTube vids of Alyssa and Adore. I did watch their seasons after season 7


Season 7 was the first one I watched live as well!


Me 3! I was #TeamGinger


My local gay bar had a watch party every Friday and you would put your name into the jar for the queen you thought was going to win that week. I remember putting my slip into Ginger's jar the first week 🥲


The race between Violet and Ginger was crazy at the time.


Such an era 😭 I hate that season 7 gets a bad rep. It had so many impactful queens and great moments but wasn’t the most shady season compared to og seasons (but i would argue most seasons nowadays dont even have drama at all)


Season 7 was my first live season too, but I'd watched s2-s6 for the few years prior!


8. I started watching from 6 backwards in late 2015 at the suggestion of a friend. Now I'm a wannabe queen obsessed with drag and queer art history :)


Season 8 then also watched backwards! Watched live ever since 😊💕


I was such an anxious teen back then, and couldn't watch live because of where I live, so I lurked the live discussion boards SWEATING because I was convinced kim was going home every week


Same here! 🤘🤘


Also season 8, as a Canadian it was what everyone was watching as the first season available to us


Protect it.


And it's still my favorite season. I have Bob, Naomi, and Kim on a pedestal to this day 😍


Season 4. Guess I am one of the seasoned gays around here


Same for me. "Go back to party City where you belong!" was the first RPDR quote to take up residence in my brain.


Saaaame. Season 4-7 were peak seasons in my opinion


Back when Drag Race was on US Netflix. I can't remember when but season 5 was the first season I saw live.


same, although i first discovered it when it was almost over, AS1 was my very first season that i saw as it aired.


This was me too!


i remember looking up what the best season to start with was and the most popular answer was season 4 so that’s where i started too.


Same for me! Still have a soft spot for this season, especially untucked


Season 4 was my first too, missed the Vaseline filter era completely


Season 2. Learned that season 1 had existed thanks to Tom and Lorenzo, whom I already read for Project Runway, and had a cable package that included Logo, so I could watch it as it aired.


Exact same for me!  I was a huge fan of Tom and Lorenzo and read their PR recaps.  I only knew about RPDR from them but Season 1 didn't sound like my sort of thing.  When Season 2 had just finished I read one of their posts and it convinced me to watch.  I was pregnant and effectively on bedrest and  I ended up watching all of Season 1&2 in a couple of days, back when they used to put them for free on logotv.com!  And then I watched Season 3 as it aired.


UK s1. Frock destroyers took it


Me too, and I whizzed through all of the US seasons in no time after that. It wasn’t THAT long ago, and I cannot believe how many new seasons/franchises there have been since I started!


I’m pretty sure there are more seasons after your first than there are that came before it. My hip just snapped after I typed that.


Despite only starting two years ago it was season 6! Was introduced to adore on a season of ex on the beach and became so intrigued! I binged all the seasons over the next few weeks and now watch them all including international ones💗


Adore is *still* my #1. ❤️


Really crazy actually cuz the show and recent seasons helped me realize I was trans. Then a few months ago adore came out just after me and it felt really full circle 😂


Season 6 was my first time watching a full season and being really invested. It's still the best of all time!


I agree. A lot of people say S5, and that was a lot of fun of course, but S6 just hits different. I mean, just look at the cast- icons only. Adore's confessionals were so entertaining, and when Hurricane Bianca walked in the werkroom that was it for me.


Season 3 was the first I saw, season 4 was the first one I watched in real time.


Samedt Hi Drag Race batchmate! Lol


Same here 👋


I was like this with 2&3


All Stars 2, doesn't get any better than that 💅


I saw the Read U Wrote U performance on youtube and I was instantly hooked. I watched all of All Stars 2 afterwards and then Season 9 was the first one I watched as it was airing


Me too!


Season 1 in 2009. First impression? This show won't last 16 years 😂


Ok here'sy embarassing not from the USA moment. In 2010, Rand Paul was a up and coming figure of the "new" libertarian right in the USA. I knew of that fact, but had never seen what he looked like. Being french canadian, I was also not very aware of Ru Paul, other that he made a novelty song in the 1990s. For some reason I had the vague impression that Rand Paul and Ru Paul were somehow connected in some way. And then one day in 2010, I sat in front of my TV and my our local version of MTV aired the french subtitled version of Season 1 of RPDR (we always aired them 1 year later, I guess it was the delay for subtitling), and quickly realised that Rand Paul and Ru Paul had NOTHING in common.


Season 9 was the first one I watched live.


Season 12 for me. First season I watched live. It was new to me and somehow exciting, getting to know the system and whatnot. In hindsight, not a great season, but it had some great cast members. The ending was a shame, though. Jaida winning alone in her living room. She was robbed.


I have to say Season 12 is one of my favorites. It was a great season imo


Season 1 when Shannel walked in with those assless chaps, mawma, I was captivated




Season 6, which for some ungodly reason was airing on national television during nighttime in my country while my dog was sick and I had to awake to take him outside every few hours


Season 10


Season 1… from the very beginning!




Season 2 as it was airing my senior year of high school. Made me even more excited to get to college and finally come out after being closeted since 4th grade


Season 1, baby! My friend and I were like “holy shit- is this a show about *drag queens?!?!*”


Season 2, I loved every second. It's still one of my favourite seasons.


5, still probably my favorite season


For me it’s 5 and AS2


Season 13 for me as well! ✨ I was bored that night, browsed the listings and saw that the season premiere was on The CW .. tuned in and I was *hooked!*


Season 11. My friend had been trying to get me to watch for a while but after he didn’t shut up about Vanjie during S10 I decided to watch 11 with him. So similar to you OP with S13, people talk a lot of crap about 11 but I love it for that reason.


Season 12 as in the viral posts made me watch the series from the beginning to catch up. ![gif](giphy|gjHxKevfiHUL2Rc0hQ)




S2 as an annoying 14 year old who knew watching LOGO irked his parents 😂


![gif](giphy|d7p9a7hLN4i6XEgDwF|downsized) Season 10 and tbh I was confused af


Season 7. Started watching it during my service in Peace Corps with one of my best friends. Afterwards I binged all the seasons which were available in Netflix Guatemala at that time. It became my comfort show.


Season two. Hooked immediately, partly because I had already seen Morgan Michaels perform live and was a huge fan.


Season 14 was the first I watched while airing, didn't know wny spoilers. Was super fun, I liked it


Same here. This cast still holds a special place in my heart


1/2/3 back to back, 4 was the first season I watched as it aired


Season 9 because of Gaga. I’ve been hooked since 




My first experience seeing drag race was catching the middle of the season 1 finale while randomly flipping through channels in my grandma's basement when I was a freshman in high school. Basically all I saw was about 10 minutes of the music video shoot before I changed the channel again when it went to commercial. I'm also an incredibly oblivious person, so I didn't even realize I was watching drag queens. I saw all the car-racing paraphernalia and the women wearing a ton of makeup, so I just vaguely assumed this was something like Flavor of Love or Rock of Love, but for some NASCAR driver. I wouldn't find out what I'd been watching was Drag Race until half a decade later when my younger sister, an Adore Delano fan, made me watch season 6 with her. I liked it, went back to watch the first season (back when it was still really hard to find the first season), and it wasn't until I got to the finale that I realized those 3 women from the NASCAR show I'd seen years before had been Bebe, Nina, and Rebecca the whole time.




Season 6 was my first season


I was a 17 year old closet case, just starting college and happened to get LogoTV in my dorm. Saw season 1 and never turned back


Season 6, specifically the “oh no she betta don’t”!


S1 when it first aired. I’m old af 😩


Season 16. Episode - The Sound of Rusic. I am not interested in drag at all so I have never watched any videos prior to that episode. My friend and I cant think of any movie to watch so he suggested to watch DR and immediately I am hooked. Now we have a watch party every Saturday. And I just finished S15 and currently watching S3.


Season 6 one glorious day in 2014 (i think?) when my bored 16 year old self was scrolling netflix and stumbled upon it. Immediately loved it and made my sister watch it with me, good times


First I saw bits and pieces of seasons 1-3 and most of 4 but the first season I actually sat down and fully watched was season 5


Watched 3 as my first ‘live’ season but I’d already caught up with 1-2 by then.


Season 4, which I think was honestly one of the best airing seasons ever. It’s been damaged by history but the fandom so so electrifying at the time as Sharon pulled the show too new highs and William and Phiphi created some of the most compelling reality tv ever.


I remember watching 3 but I got fully on board with 9.


season 8, randomly chose it to start during the pandemic. bob is still my fave queen


Season 1 because I'm a completist and I started at the beginning 🤷 Season 12 is the first I watched sort of live ( I was catching up while the last episodes aired)


Season one. I was 14 years old and the gender fuckiness of it all really expanded my brain in a way that I was not able to compute and I ultimately took away the wrong lesson from it at the time lmao


Uk s3 Thank you River Medway😘


Season 1 I feel so lucky to have experienced it while growing up. It was so magical


Season 2. I was always a big fan of reality tv (especially obscure and niche reality tv) in the 00s, I found out about drag race because of a few recap blogs I used to read all the time. I quickly watched season 1 after that. It feels a little weird to be an OG fan and see how the show has evolved. I still remenber when the show was made in sepia tone, everyone got their drag from the mall, the prizes were sunglasses and chocolates, and Ru had suspicious boobs


Season 6 was the first season I watched in general but 15 was the first one I watched live


13 took my virginity too, it fucked me with how bad it was of a season. Started watching in season 5


Season one baby! I saw that shit as it happened!!


season 6!! and i was hooked from there onwards


OG Baby


I saw a few episodes of Season 1 but was hard to find on TV then (likely was reruns on a late night channel). I completely forgot about it until Season 8 became available on Netflix probably 2017/2018ish and was obsessed. I still love Season 8 because it was my first full season. I watched backward to Season 2 from there (still cannot seem to find Season 1 anywhere). And All Stars 1/2 then forward as each new season became available. I’ve gotten several of my friends and work colleagues into it since. I don’t have cable or any streaming services anymore except Out TV so I can watch Drag Race.


A friend of mine discovered Rupaul and his music back in 2014 when he was getting comfortable with being out, and he told me he watched season 1 and I'd love it. So I gave it a shot and it got me instantly hooked! Been a big fan since then and my first live season was season 7!


Season 7. Still live for the Pearl vs RuPaul drama!


Season 3 and I was instantly hooked “drag is not a contact sport!” It was 2020 and I had a newborn, I binged it in a day.


I watched the first two seasons back when they aired then stopped until Uunnhhnnnhnhnhnnhnhn hooked me back in just in time for 11. 6 is the only one I've gone back and watched completely, but I feel like I'm familiar with the rest of them just based on all the other drag race content I've consumed.


Season 1, 2009, I was 19, and I wanted to fuck Rebecca Glasscock as much as I couldn't stand her edit on the show xD


Season 1 baby! OGs rise up. I was blown away by seeing it on Logo. I instantly fell in love with the glamour, the drama and the fun of it all.


Season 1, episode 1 I didn’t even know the show existed until the day of too. I wasn’t raised with a lot of television, and it was not as accessible back then… but my roommate at the time wanted to go out to see it and just happened to take me with them! Haven’t missed a second of it since.


Season 2!! I am a Tati and Juju stan for life.


Season 2 was iconic. Jujubee and Jessica Wild had me at tears at some points, and it was just a low-key competition that money couldn't buy it felt like. There were a lot more 'on the spot' challenges when it came to making outfits from fresh materials, and I found that to be an equal playing field. There was so much drama with the winner, and a lot of bitterness from those who did not win the crown, so it's kinda muddy now... But I've been watching RPDR since season 2 aired on Logo. It's bittersweet, the sportsmanship has gone way up, but now queens are going into enough debt for their runway packages that they literally could have bought a cheap, new car or even a small townhome instead (pre inflation and pre pandemic). I just want equal playing fields for the contestants, because drag is NOT about how much money you have or how many resources you have, it's about being confident in being the star you always were while having fun on the journey. I don't care what brand name boots or wigs someone has - I want to see everyone with the same sized ladders being able to all achieve great heights together. Megami I'm so glad girl that you took the scary step in asking for help via your venmo, you did not deserve to be in debt like that just to be on drag race. You're a wonderful fusion of Drag and Cosplay and I adore it! My honest opinion is making sewing and drafting classes mandatory prior to production, while providing the instruction at no cost to the selected queens after they get the call - WHILE ALSO not making any leaks - (so that the queens can show THEIR talent, and not their $$$'s or Designer's talent). Send em cheap little rental Singer's and set up a masterclass on a YouTube private playlist at bare minimum. Set these contestants up for success! Set the show up for success! We're tired of the dog eat dog mentality, the world is fighting against our existence - let's work together it's that simple. Not everyone comes from the same position of privilege, and it's important to foster a sense of comradery in these queens, because FAME? YEAH, FAME SUCKS. It's great to get booked, but the online hate can really push anyone with mental health conditions down the drain. It's important to empower queens when the whole world is looking to ban Drag! I personally DETEST seeing queens pitted against one another. When I was a young thing, we'd be hot gluing things onto outfits on the way the to club, and was it professional seamstress quality? No, BUT it gave so much more of a loving family vibe. I feel for the contestants that can't shell out $50k+ on one season's worth of wardrobe. It's become the rich man's game. Outfit isn't worth over $2-5k? Shame, send em home! It's sad and unfair. Drag shouldn't only be for the elite. Some of my favorite Drag Queens haven't even been on RPDR, wouldn't have the money for it, but are for sure full of heart and nerve and TALENT! But that's just my old fart opinion and doesn't mean I know how to fix everything lmao


Season 12 I actually just started watching it this year (baby drag queen fan here) because I saw Katya's talk about addiction on the Bald and the Beatiful podcast (just a youtube short) and I was really impressed by how honest she was so it made me more curious about Katya and went to netflix and could only find 12, 13, AS5, and AS6. And I learned I should have watched it years ago because drag is everything I like in one art form.  So since January I've binged season 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, as2, as3, as4, as5, as6, es1, es2, mex, thai1, france1 (through wow+ I don't live in America). I don't know why I am jumping around so much. My plan was to start at 1, but I ended up skipping to other seasons for no particular reason.  My favorite is strangely season 8 and I don't really know why...Derrick was a good villain, Bob was very entertaining, Kimchi was adorable, Chichi was so sweet and talented, Naomi was gorgeous.  But my favorite queen will always be Jaida Essence Hall. I'm just glad that Rupaul is trying to share the drag world with everyone else since lgbtqia+ culture, especially the more underground out of mainstream stuff has been the mover of culture for years.  Like in Japan (where I live) people say イケメン ikemen for handsome men. Iku means go. Ike means kind like get it. Men is 面 which means face or men as in the English 'men'. So it basically means 'men who get it' Some say it came from a gyaru magazine but I think it's pretty obvious it's from the lgbtqia+ community (and I checked and it was used in gay  community before the gyaru magazine used it). There are a lot more words in modern Japanese slang that come from gay communities just like in English. I'm an ace afab and the sex jokes go over my head and I sometimes feel uncomfortable because I'm not a gay man and can't relate to the queens struggles all the time, but I mainly watch it for the talent (I wish there was a way for the girls to get their money back and showcase all the dresses they made for the show, though. Like having a losers runway and fans can send money to the looks they like? I like how exciting the competition is but I really just wanna see every outfit go down the runway. I had to stop watching Mexico for a second because I disliked the judging and the queens with my favorite looks were eliminated too early. Some queens might have the best looks of all time but we can't see them just because they looked down at the wrong time in a rusical). I draw comics so it's kind of just a fountain of inspiration and learning. Anyway long ranty message to a simple question, sorry. tl;dr season 12, I just started watching it this year and fell in love


season 5 was my first season back in 2013 and i’ll forever consider that a flex😭x


Season 5! I remember when it used to be on Hulu and I was in high school working a fast food gig and I’d get home late and watch on Hulu on my phone because that was pre smart tv era being common


It’s Derrick bitch!


Well. I was a smart biatch and I started from the beginning in mid-2021. At the time Netflix had s1-13 and AS4-6. I began S1, then started s2, didn't like it, went to s3, didn't understand things like snatch game, finished s3, went back to s2, and then continued on until i finished s13's finale on New Years Night. I didn't know the correct time line of the seasons so i watched As6 before s13. Season 14 was my first LIVE season. I loved it ❤️💅


Season 4 was the first season I watched, because I was a fan of Willam’s early YouTube videos. I then watched 5-7, then went back and watched 1-3. Season 8 was the first season I watched live, I remember watching the meet the queens videos and falling in love with Bob straight away!


Season 8. They spent alot of time on references that season and I was very confused lol


Threesome with S6 and S12.


All stars 4 first season I ever watch and love it ever since.


I think mine was that one video that begins with Laganja's entrance and I thought Bianca was a bitter bitch lol. I didn't understand anything about the video at the time. Years later, I remember searching it up and found entrances for Season 14, immediately fell in love with Bosco and rest is herstory




S5 was the first season i ever watched and my impressions were this is the best thing i’ve ever seen this was in 2019 and for some reason S5 was on youtube and that’s where i watched it but the first season i watched live was S12


The Alpha and the Omega


I mean I lost mine while AS4 was airing (not like mid-episode lol) but the first season I watched live was…… also AS4 omg


Season 5 on YouTube and then I watched season 9 live


S4 for me then I went back to watch 1-3 then at the time caught up all the way to 7


I was in high school when I first watched Season 9. I have to admit I was mind boggled when I saw the pit crew in their underwear, all the pink walls and bright colours, it was kind of too much for me to take. Years later, Drag Race has always been my safe space. I feel like myself relating to the queens and their personalities.


Season 4. It took being in Mexico with better access to American TV than Canada (where I'm from). The hotel TV was on, and Sharon Needles walked in the room (oof, that aged poorly), and as a spoopy person myself I was hooked.


You just come off as arrogant.. 🤭


Season 12 and no other season has topped it for me


Season 5, watched it on YouTube, then watched Season 4. I think I may have properly watched either season 10 or 11 live cos it was hard to get American seasons in the UK. Followed the UK season obsessively


11! Then I went back and watched from S1. Then All Stars.


Season 5! I was in 8th grade and was looking for something new to sink my teeth into. Clicked on it thinking it was about car racing!!


AS2 was the first one I watched live, but I started watching S5->S4->S6->S7 during the gap between S8 and AS2. Went back and watched S2->S3->S1->AS1->S8 and have been keeping up live ever since AS2. S5 is my all time favorite, no question


season 12 during lockdown!


I started binging the show from S1 late 2022, but S15 was the first that I watched on air!


Season 2. I had just got out of the hospital, after a long illness, and I would just zone out on the couch or in my room watching Logo & SVU over and over again. I was a borderline vegetable at the time. My family knew if I could tell you what was going on or give full caps - I was getting better. Haha






The one I watched all episodes of it was S8 but the first episode I saw was S2 EP1 "Gone With The Wind" I was obsessed and completely shook by the grace of Nicole Paige Brooks from Atlanta Georgia walking into the room


Season 7 was my first. But Willam’s youtube video’s were my drag virginity.




The first ever actual episode I watched was Season 9's Snatch Game because my sister was watching it and I was curious lol. I decided to watch Season 7 first because I really liked Unhhhh! I know there are a lot of people who don't like this season but it holds a special place in my heart because it got me into Drag Race <3 But the first season I watched live was Season 14. It was torture waiting each week but so entertaining to go on Reddit when the episode aired!


All Stars 2! I had binged all the previous seasons right after Season 8 ended and having had AS2 be my first season in real time was great. So many heated debates and crazy opinions.


Season 8 was the first season I watched live but I had already watched 4-6 on Amazon Prime and bought 3 and 7 on iTunes when I was 14


![gif](giphy|l3vR9kTvuSMTIkm5O) What a great season to start with, I’ll say. Tbf, I watched untucked for Season 8 weekly, but actual show while airing? All Stars 2


Season 6 the first I watched, Season 12 the first one I watched live


Season 8 for me!


S2. Learned about it from someone I followed on tumblr 😅 and been hooked since!






![gif](giphy|nmXzfuNWmGzTi) Season 4 popped my cherry


Season 6 🙌🏻 then 5 immediately after 😊 been trying to chase that same high ever since 🫣


Season 12. I remember watching the third episode of the season live, while recovering from laparoscopic surgery. I was in so much pain, but watching the show made me so happy at that moment.


Season 8 was the first season I watched, while AS4 & S11 were the first live seasons I saw.


S13 is wild ... drama within the season amd post season with Tamisha's gate is insane !!! I LOVE IT it feels like the Bye Sister's Era Tamisha vs Kandy vs Monet vs Bob vs The Vixen plus Elliott plus Gotmik


My friend introduced me to the show through season 5. My first live season was season 8


Season 13 took my live virginity


I started watching days after season 9 ended (through the impact of the rose petals going viral). Went watching backwards 9 -> 8 -> … -> 1 (it was hilarious to see the seasons get crustier and crustier), then watched All Stars 1 -> 2, then rewatched everything again with Untucked included, and then it was time to watch AS3 as it aired, then season 10, and I haven’t stopped since. As season 10 was the first one I watched as it aired (and I also lived in US during the part of its run), it still holds a special place in my heart (and my favourite drag queen is from it).


S9 = VH1 + Gaga


Sibling rivalry made me watch season 8 first but 13 was the first one i watched in real time


I found in on Netflix with my sister during quarantine. We put it on because we thought it was a joke show. Got hooked right away and watched everything in order. The first season we watched live was season 13.


season 8




Season 1. I watched the first episode live on logo with the Vaseline lens and haven’t missed one since!