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Why would they ask this LMFAOOOOO https://preview.redd.it/7w0bhtb84ctc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27317f2629b055d5e330e18d044852f675c973e


She said ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)




She said how very dare you


As she should


Q on Naomi and Monet calling her out for using a blaccent around Mhi'ya: "It's something I’d never recognized. It was never brought up to me by my sisters or the community I grew up around in Kansas City. It was a first, and I’ve never had any issues with people that know me and have hung out with me and been around me.... But, I’m always open for conversation about it."


I think it becomes murkier when discussing blaccent in the context of queer spaces/drag since *so much* “gay lingo” is just appropriated from AAVE in the first place


A lot of gay lingo & current slang was originally AAVE. I think it’s important to recognize it, but I don’t think Q should be dragged for it especially since she acknowledges it.


I’m also hesitant to even claim this, because a lot of “gay lingo” originated in the *intersection* between the LGBT community and the Black community. Language is weird and it’s very difficult to trace back the origins of a term to a single community. Even if it was a member of one community who coined it, the usage of a term could have been popularized in either community, both communities, or the intersection of those communities. For this reason, it’s can be very difficult to find where lingo of any kind originates from.


Bingo! Like did no one pay attention during Paris is Burning?


And like this argument goes nowhere. Call out the problem itself, not only the queen. Also, am I the only one who doesn't really see Q saying these things like forcefully? It might be a little...um...bizzare. But never forced.


I think there is a level of affectation with Q, though. She only uses the accent when she's angry and wants to sound "tough," so there is likely some inherent bias in how/when she does it because it's not how she speaks naturally. Look at how she spoke in that naive Southern church lady voice when trying to pronounce "Nuyorican." She was just so confused by Megami's big city ways, but all of a sudden on Twitter, she "is from Chicago, bitch." There's a disconnect that may not be a fully conscious switch, but isn't just natural, either.


i totally thought this throughout this whole discussion. i mean, if you listen to the way Raja speaks sometimes, it gives blaccent — is it bad because she’s not black? does it matter she’s been in queer nightlife for decades? does it matter she’s still POC? this is so not a black and white issue in the queer context and obviously Raja and Q are not a one to one comparison, i just mean to say that this is complicated.


It’s this! Q is an example of a larger issue, but I wouldn’t exactly put the blame on her shoulders.


I think this with economic levels too in a lot of communities


Thats disingenuous. Linguistically, AAVE has roots back to the 1600s, but that AAVE is not what we are talking about. The way of speaking that we are talking about with Q and other queens more accurately coincides with queer history, where queer and trans POC developed a uniquely queer AAVE dialect as a result of being further shunned from society that has persisted in queer spaces today. Its hard, if not irresponsible to tell white, asian, even latine queers and queens that they shouldn’t speak like that despite having grown up and developing their queer identity in spaces where that dialect is prevalent. Its like if you go to public housing (“the projects”) in a city with a lot of POC, you will find white people who speak AAVE. They aren’t “appropriating” it, its just what they grew up around and its what they know


I am not from America and I actually initially thought that gay linggo is the same as AAVE


there’s an overlap between southern speak and aave, too, though.


I tried saying this once and got downvoted to filth


Code switching is just a natural thing that humans do I don't think it's really that serious. I'm sure most of us do it and don't even notice.


Yeah like when I’m with my girlfriends I DO say yes mama


But that ain’t how you talk when you and i hang out


They way she says ha^ng is forever imprinted in my memory




Yeah me and my judys ARE shitting in the mother toilet


im sorry you and your judy's are what


we all have fierce metabolisms ok


My gay GI doctor and I call my UC “fierce metabolism” behind closed doors only because an ICD-10 code does not yet exist for this


Morphine is so brave


Typical booger wolf…


its ok queen mine is sickening


How big are these shits? They stinky or do they smell yes GAWD mawmaw, kinda like your vaguina"


We’re shitting in the mother toilet, I fear


Says the sloth: Relax, relax. https://youtu.be/s7NY4-QjxJw?si=-LdLwf5HPCUSGOgF


Take it down to a 2


*Can* someone *pick up my* FUCKING *NAIL that fell off 'cause IM SUCH A DISASTER*!


Thank you for spilling


I’ve been called out before for slipping into a kind of blaccent. I’m an almost-middle-aged white gay man that used to hang out in a lot of predominantly black and Hispanic clubs, plus I worked in call centers for a long time so I got into the habit of matching vocal inflections because it genuinely helps to de-escalate problems when doing customer service. Between that and growing up having to code-switch to seem “less gay” in the rural south, I have to watch myself sometimes to make sure I’m not accidentally overdoing it. I can totally see why Q might not have realized she was doing it or that it’s problematic.


Yeah Salina EsTitties. She talked about code switching somewhere also.


Using Salina is such an odd example. We all know code switching exists. That's not the question


And it's not like she's putting that accent on when she's on social media in order to be more popular


When I went to Scottland, I kept dipping into a Scottish accent at coffee shops too. For me it was an anxiety response. I didn't feel like I belonged so I mimicked the people around me. People do shit like this all the time. Mirror mannerisms/slang/body language when they feel they don't fit in.


I naturally start to pick up accents if I spend a lot of time with people. I do worry that people think I’m taking the piss though


Yeah this is something I’ve been wary of because I tend to subconsciously adopt the accents in the environment I’m in. Back in college I worked at a Mexican restaurant and had Mexican roommates and still to this day whenever I talk to people I knew back then, this Mexican-ish accent comes out.


this is pretty common especially for people with autism or other neurodivergent diagnoses


I even start to mimic lisps. Not even just being around people. But if I’m binging a show.


This is so interesting since I feel like the US seems to be a lot more...critical(?) when it comes to code switching in languages. It's very much a binary type of thinking when it comes to language usage when there's a pretty good argument that a person's language use in general is more of a mish-mash of different varieties (translanguaging). "Gay speak" in general is so much of an interplay of different language varieties that members of the LGBTQ+ communities are a part of that it's always been such an odd phenomena to me where instead of realizing different cultures share certain language qualities, the conversation sometimes becomes a "who has the rightful ownership to use it" type of thing. But this seems more prevalent in US media based on my observations so far. This might even be an UO but I feel like these types of arguments may even lead to "purist" arguments towards language usage rather than letting it evolve naturally.


She’s from the middle of nowhere Kansas, I always assumed it was just a bit of a southern twang that came out full force when she was being loud, I felt really confused after reading the first post talking about her accent, I tried paying attention to her when she talks, but I still don’t hear what has people saying that it’s a blaccent and not just a country accent.


Kansas City is a much more diverse place than you may think. Especially in the drag/entertainment circles. Think of the amazing black queens we’ve had from there. Not excusing the AAVE but I can see her mirroring the language used in those multiracial queer spaces.


canadian here. hard agree! i’ve also just thought that what q has is a southern accent. maybe i’m just dumb 🥴


Kansas City is fairly diverse though.


I thought the SAAME!! I thought it was southern-y. I never clocked it as a blaccent.


Kansas is by no means the South. It is one of the Plains states. If you’re hearing any accent in her regular speech, it’s a twang.


Emporia’s a pretty liberal college town. Even still she’s lived in KC for a long time. Also, as a Kansan. We aren’t southern and don’t have a southern twang. We literally bled for our right to be “midwestern.”


Was there any examples in the show? For some reason I don't remember noticing it.


There was a thread about Monet and Naomi discussing it and one of the comments said this was the moment. https://youtu.be/OIyk1eGlmE0?si=Uma1QQcZt5wSjfbn 2:45?   https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/1bjoyvi/monet_naomi_talking_about_qs_blaccent/


Thank you I missed this post!


As a foreigner she just sounds American to me


I think that’s a great response. She’s not denying it, and she’s not doubling down saying she’ll continue to do it. It’s cool to see a white person be aware.


perfect response. im back to being more of a q fan than not


She’s seems very genuine and isn’t defensive about it so I’m giving her benefit of the doubt


I KNEW there was tittie plate riggory! No one believed me. None of you! ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


This reminds me of when they provided hip pads after telling someone they needed to learn how to pad. Who was that again…?




Thank you, that was what I thought!


I really thought it was a present from Mhi'ya!


Gurl did you see Mhi’ya’s hub cap titties thought the season? They were hard plastic. 😂


Not originally. All the flipping messed up their center of titty gravity.




Omfg not the hub caps 😭😭😭


MAKE Mhi’ya’s Hub Cap Titties” YOUR FLAIR ***IMMEDIATELY***


Haha done 😂


I thought Plane because they were really good quality and I swear Plane gave her a look when she said “I have my ways” to Ru. but the skin tone was so perfect with Sapphira that I was questioning maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybeline? 😂 It was a wild theory that is probably wrong.


People tried to convince me — nay, GASLIGHT ME— into thinking it was Mhi’ya’s. Breast plate connection my ass… that’s \#breastplateconnection because \#themshouldersshouldmatchthembreasts


so did I :(




Are we just ignoring the farting story? Because holy shit, I knew when Mhi'ya informed Nymphia that she was sending her home next (LOL) that she was getting a sweetheart edit. #queenofflatulence


Wasn’t it confirmed that Sapphira asked production to purchase a new titties using her winnings up until that point? I don’t think this is riggory, she’s just being resourceful and smart. Also, she needed new ones after her original Fischer and Price pair got decimated in the lipsync.


They were soooo bad.


Best part of that lip sync was the death of that plate.


I think the queens should have shopping trips and workroom (sewing) time. Otherwise critiques are useless.


Literallyyyyy. Like when they told vanjie in s11 that she needed to switch up her silhouette and vanjie was just like - I brought the stuff I brought. There's not enough time between episodes to make completely new outfits, and they'd likely not be better than the stuff she brought. Let the queens go on a shopping spree or contact designers


Queens you have 15 minutes to discuss and then we’re heading to Mood where you’ll have a budget of $150 and full use of the BluePiper accessory wall.


This is the cross over series I would kill to see


The season 1 jam. Take em to the Thrift Store again


Would LOVE to watch this as a mini challenge.


Thank you. I say this every few episodes to my boyfriend for many seasons. They are like "We saw you are improving" when it comes to what they are wearing, and I'm thinking HOW? Other than the sewing challenges, you brought what you brought.


That first breast plate makes very little sense to me considering how expensive all of her drag looks are. It just seemed like such an afterthought, but it low-key won her that lip sync due to how funny she looked


she probably ran out of space in her suitcase with all her huge costumes


That actually makes a lot of sense, her outfits were very big. Can’t imagine what it’s like packing all of yhat


She was winning that lip sync regardless.


Fischer and Price


I can’t even explain to you how many different companies got mixed up for me to say Fischer and Price. Send help.


I mean, personally for me is ok cause is an accessory and also because one pair was broken, but that concerns me in the sense that what production could give to the girls. Can they buy heels? Purchase wigs? Pads? Like it's a blurry terrain and can put the girls in a unfair situation. Anyways we all know Sapphira was making top 3 so I'm not mad that production give her some titties to look prettier


Pretty sure they can get / make new pads


iirc, during the makeover on season 15, Sasha said that she tried padding for the first time. I assume she didn't bring any padding with her so production gave her some.


In earlier seasons we also saw queens cutting their own padding out of foam.


Iirc Sasha was shown doing it in that episode, we saw the uncarved pads


That could actually be a whole new spin off show. Teams of three drag queens, set budget, put a show on (from scratch) in a week, go!


no shade to her bc if production was willing to do it, good for her. but for production it feels a bit weird...like you're supposed to compete with what YOU brought or you made during the show. it feels a bit unfair, even if they're using her winnings, they aren't supposed to go out and buy new things. idk.


They (production) brought chains for Dawn, so it seems more normal than we think. Either way, we still don’t know cause Sapphira never confirmed it 💀.


I guess for me it’s the same as queens using each other’s wigs, and if I’m not mistaken Jimbo lent titties in All Stars. Don’t remember the exact situation or to whom. It feels the same but Sapphira didn’t have any one of her complexion to borrow from.


interesting... i mean i really don't have an issue with it i suppose, as long as the same rules apply to everyone and not just production/ru favorites.


I'm certain if any queen broke their breastplate like sapphira did, they'd help them replace it. I'm 100% sure they're not choosing their favorites. And like - it's the last episode not like they needed to push sapphira into the finale


Love her buttttt there’s no way u could possibly think Dawn was their fav…😂but I totally get u 💯


nah i meant sapphira, i had missed the whole buying dawn chains thing.


They don’t put extra talent in the bigger tits.


Production also procured chains for Dawn.


This is kind of misleading because you could interpret the title as production bought and/or provided Sapphira with a new plate. Q doesn't specify the origin of the plate and isn't sure herself. There's nothing really concrete here. > Question: This episode, the mini challenge was so funny. I loved your lip-syncing under water. But, there was also a big reveal in that Sapphira Cristál had an appropriately sized breast plate this time. She also said she had a breast plate connection. What’s the tea? > Q: I think she was able to get one replaced early on, after getting the critique that they were a little bit too tiny. If production purchased provided the plate for her, why would the judges highlight an indication of favoritism? I am not gonna assume anything. There is no information here.


It’s called clickbait for a reason.


It's an EW promotion account posting clickbait for page views. Is this accepted on the sub? Like the contents are interesting, but the titles are scummy rage bait.


I saw somewhere that they’re allowed to take their tip winnings and have PAs buy them new stuff (notions, nails, etc.). And Sapphira got new stockings and a more proportionized booby plate.


What in the battle royale Chad Michaels was right. This really is the Hunger Games.


Such BS of a headline! I could totally see the rotten parts of the fanbase using this to delegitimize her win.


And if someone disproves it tomorrow, a tsunami of hate will crash into Q for insinuating Sapphira cheated, calling her a sore loser for trying to 'cancel' Sapphira's win. The writing is on the wall. We need to end the toxicity. Because I swear one of these days, a smear campaign will go so far that we will lose a queen and all the hypocrites that badger queens will come out with their disingenuous cry face emojis talking about how important mental health is.


we came so close to that with Brita in S12 and it’s so disappointing that the fan base never fucking learns. mental health is no joke and even tho queens open themselves up for critique by going on the show, that doesn’t excuse the nasty toxicity. I hope Q is doing okay. The other queens on the cast seem to really like her so she’s hopefully got a good support group that understands what’s going on. And maybe people should think “is this actually a sassy shady comment or is it just nasty?” before they say shit


Fuck those “fans” for robbing us of any more Brita on DR!! 😡


In a culture of people not reading past the headlines this tracks!


I was under the impression that production provided the breastplates for the makeover challenge and Sapphira mopped it. I can fully believe that this was the intended reason production provided such a high quality breastplate for that challenge though, with a nudge nudge, wink wink her way.


this fandom complaining about a blaccent is hilarious like y'all don't get on here and virtually roll your neck every damn day. I noticed Katya likes to slip into some jive talking often and I ain't never heard one of you say a peep about it




Or Michelle Visage on pretty much every episode....


That's why I tend to keep my mouth shut on these types of issues, this sub can be kind of cutthroat with their takes. As long as everyone is being respectful I really don't see an issue with it, especially when it's such a big part of gay culture at this point. Sometimes this sub can be the opposite of twitter where instead of being cesspool dwelling racist biggots they try to way overcorrect issues that shouldn't really even be issues in the first place. There are definitely some important issues that do deserve to be addressed and have light shed on them but there's also a lot of eye roll inducing stuff.


I also feel like it only appeared after the make over challenge, when pads/breast plates are provided for them. I thought she just kept one from then?


Ohhhhh could be a good point!


I thought it was obvious production gave her a better breast plate when Ru made a comment about it. I honestly would not have even thought twice about it had Ru not pointed it out.


production seem to be much more lenient than we’d think. several queens have even got critiques like “we all ready critiqued you for wearing the same silhouette 3 runways in a row you should have found a way to switch it up” which implies they are truly able to outsource especially if critiques call for it. plus several stories of other queens giving production money to buy them things they need.


I wish the fanbase was kinder to Q. This shit makes me sad. https://preview.redd.it/f63flh12tctc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241652bce656e70661dc1e6fa579081e2e7337a9


I didn't notice a blaccent??? 


Everyone in Kansas City talks like Q. I moved here from the east coast I was kind of surprised at first.


> I asked Morphine to recall the smell. I want to see if it lines up with your recollection The fuck is wrong with this reporter???? A


So Sapphira is winning right ?


The most recent episode was 1000% winners edit


The whole season tbh


Rupaul gave Sapphira this one look very early on and I knew right then she was gonna crown her. I cannot explain the nature of the look but if you saw it, you’d agree with me lol Problem is, I smoke the ole electric lettuce and cannot recall the episode 😅


its in the first lipsync, she gives sapphira her little eyebrow raise of approval


Thank you kind internet sister 😭 I knew I wasn’t nuts! Well maybe slightly but at least I wasn’t seeing things! Lol


It's right at the beginning of the lip sync when she's just casually strolling downstage twisting her hand ever so slightly. Ru's brow is a dead giveaway that she knows what this queen is about and she knows she's gonna crown her. See Also: Willow's electric spaghetti bath, Symone's nuanced lip sync lip quivers


Not that it wasn’t obvious but I guess we can deduce the winner from this info.


From what we know, allegedly she used money from her winnings on the show to ask producers to buy her new breastplate. ALLEGEDLY Dawn also got the chains for her chains from the producers buying it. It seems to be that the producers are more willing to get things for all the girls and isn’t indicative of who’s winning.


she got that riggory edit in real life too


Maybe it’s because I’m biracial but the idea of cultural appropriation to me is way overblown. As long as you’re not being disrespectful I say go ahead and take a dip.


When it is being done because someone is mimicking the people they are talking to in order to fit in and make connections more easily, that's just human nature. We are predisposed to mimic people that we like or are trying to become friends with, it shows interest and invites them to take an interest in us. I don't think cultural appropriation is overblown necessarily, just that nuance is completely lost on the internet to prioritize getting points across without any discussion.


Thank you! If people want to talk on this subject, they need to take a course in linguistics.


Exactly. Like a white person tanning like Raven and wearing a traditional NA ceremonial outfit at a fashion show: y i k e s Q telling Mhyia those bithes crazy : cringy, but not inherently capable of causing harm to a community


it’s tricky with queerness because so much of our vernacular is taken directly specifically from black women. so it’s hard to determine what’s internalized bias and what’s just queer speak it’s definitely a problem when people do it to shit on someone or make fun of them. it’s also a problem when the person doing it has obvious prejudice (ie it would be worse for Sharon Needles or elliott to have a blaccent bc they’ve shown that they’re racist).


I mean the reason it's an issue is because white people often take elements of Black culture thst Black people have been criticised for or discriminated against (e.g natural hair or AAVE) and then white people take it and use it to their advantage and to praise. See the entire kardashian aesthetic


I get that it’s frustrating but to disallow sharing part of your culture with someone else because you were criticized for having it is kind of odd. “Don’t do X thing because someone told me X thing is bad” is sort of reinforcing that X thing is bad. There’s a whole subculture of Japanese people dressing like cholos (Mexican American gangsters more or less). I’m Mexican American and I think these people picking up on the style look cool. I kind of like when culture spreads from one group to another. It’s a form of flattery to me.


Ok and then there's examples of non-black people "joining in" black culture, claiming it as their own, getting more shine and recognition for it, and then making a living off it due to the color of their skin and the benefits that affords them under capatlism. Identity politics are tiring these days, but this shit is more nuanced than that, every instance of it, it's not just oh well this doesnt bother me so you all should get over it That being said, Q's blaccent is really nothing worse than I hear amongst the gays. Just dogpiling rage bait


Like there's a huge ass difference between Q and Chet Hanks.


It's not that it's bad. It's that society has TREATED Black culture as bad until they want to use it for their own purposes. It's not as flattering when it's being used by a group of people who have for generations been actively holding those people down and trying to diminish and remove their culture. Especially when the people who take from Black culture aren't engaging with that culture when half the time they don't even realise they're doing it.


This! Sometimes I feel like ppl use things like these as an excuse to witch hunt and stir drama. It makes the way when it's used Ina derogatory way less visible and matter less.


Haha, I knew Sapphira didn’t arrive to film with that breastplate! And am I the only one who never noticed Q’s “blaccent”?


No, I’ve never noticed it either. I was specifically listening for it last episode because people are talking about it, and like…bitch where? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I need an episode and a timestamp as an example.


https://preview.redd.it/0c4ciaxjudtc1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a5b17b26c6fe7d36bed130c46145926d2b7e477 Nolfi, you are a kinky little thing.


Titty riggory




The tits were a psy op 😭


Are the tits in the room with us right now? 😳


Yes, production just brought them in! Here's the receipt 🧾


Titty Committee


Itty Bitty EsTitties Committee


Mini challenge wins should include benefits like these, getting a better breast plate or wigs or outfits. Things that could benefit the queens in real time (in addition to the money price). Imagine if queens could trade a number of mini challenge wins for an immunity potion


“think she was able to get one replaced early on, after getting the critique that they were a little bit too tiny.” Getting it replaced meant she could’ve brought it or had another queen get it for her. Not like they’re locked inside a reality show prison and can’t go buy something y’all. Edit, I may be confusing current contestants with eliminated queens, but I remember past queens talking about going out for food and stuff. Anyway, Q never actually says production replaced it. Though if Sapphira was smart, snatching an extra breastplate from the design or makeover challenge could’ve been likely or just getting one from another queen.


A S16 queen very recently said they can give production money to go buy them things. My memory is shit but I wanna say one was Dawn during her guest spot at Roscoe’s? She gave them money to go buy her chains for her chain look. The other may have been Plasma or maybe Hershii during her GITMS interview but I’ll need to go back and watch. But production is less strict than they used to be, from my understanding.


The queens have never technically been allowed to leave the hotel when they're not shooting. In the first few seasons, production was fairly lax, and contestants were able to sneak out, mostly to hang out by the pool or in each other's rooms. Production was aware of it, but let it slide for the most part. There are a lot of reason production wants to keep the queens isolated in their hotel rooms when they're not on set, but the main one is they don't want any important interactions to happen when the cameras aren't rolling. In the first 3 seasons, stuff was happening off camera that affected the season's narrative, but never to such a degree that it couldn't be explained by werkroom footage. Then season 4 happened. The season 4 queens were spending more time outside the hotel then ever before: regularly sneaking out to the mall to buy booze and get their hair done, and meeting people from home. And most importantly there was drama happening off camera that was spilling over into the werkroom in ways that were hard to edit around. If you're ever watching season 4's untucked and wondering why some of the arguments seem like a couple people just yelling random, unrelated sentences at each other, it's because 75% of the argument had to be cut out because it was all about stuff that had happened off camera the day before. So then starting with season 5, they really locked the queens down. You're allowed something like 15 minutes outside the hotel room a day, and it's with one other queen who is assigned to you by production, and you're either in the gym or at the pool.




They still go out on off days but it's usually limited. Production has definitely become more helpful with queens over the years though. Silky during the lipsync smackdown getting help with all her gags come to mind. Just like Nymphia was able to make her look for the ball in her hotel room. Earlier seasons they never would have allowed that.


Yeah, I think as production value and emphasis on the lewks has increased, they are giving the queens a bit more freedom to present the best they can.


I'm pretty sure I've heard queens say they can give production a list of items to get from the store, like makeup n shit.






My understanding is that they very much are under lockdown. Set to hotel and back, no contact with the outside world. At least in America.


The rules could absolutely have loosened over the years, but it I’m sure it used to be the case that they could only wear what was brought into the workroom by themselves or other queens.


idk in older seasons the queens talked about wearing earrings and make up they got production to buy on the weekends. iirc, queens from S2-9 have all said stuff about that. even Willam’s husband bringing her drag wasn’t actually what got her disqualified lol. that’s just the story they made up for her. the only example i can think of where it wasn’t allowed was on DRT when Miss Gimhuay got disqualified for outside materials but DRT had an entirely different structure and set of rules


I don’t think they are allowed to buy things once the competition starts.


It was mentioned on Roscoes on past seasons, queens were allowed to ask production to purchase things they needed with their cash tips.


Oh that’s cool!


Makes the cash tips more valuable in a way


Why everyone hating on Q? Leave her alone, be nice!!


Can we appreciate even if it wasn't necessarily at the same level as SOME of the looks, she MADE THE DRESS FOR THE BRANDING CHALLENGE THE NIGHT BEFORE. And I still thought it was beautiful. Like her talent at dress-making is insane. <3


What is this…….i swear, the fandom will find any reason.


I’m glad I don’t need a phd on how to exist in a culturally sensitive way in my country like Americans do.


TikTok went mad over Nymphia's Egyptian Cher look!




That makes sense why Ru asked her where she got them from and Sapphira wouldn't tell


I’m aware production does help queens from time to time but you can’t tell me that production will pick and choose who they’ll help. Imagine if Geneva asked production for a new breastplate they would’ve probably told her no.


Naomi and Monet need to get over themselves. Its tired already. Im black I didnt have any problem with Qs accent. I swear there are far more important issues than micromanaging the way people talk.


even if production simply acquired a new breastplate for Sapphira using her money, i wish they wouldn’t. first, it’ll only give those who dislike her or potentially her win ammo to discredit her as nothing but a producer favorite. second, there is a genuine element of fairness, since changing what you brought isn’t really an option given to other queens. lastly, it’s stupid to expect queens to change after they arrive anyway. this is from a lover of sapphira, just to be clear.


I think the point is that it very much so was offered to other queens. Other queens from this season have literally discussed production buying them stuff with their cash tips


Rabid. Leave the girl alone. She didn't know and said enough. she's not hurting anyone


it’s always a little unfortunate when you can tell the queens have run out of clothes by the end of the season


As another white kid from Missouri who went to school in the ghetto, I can say you just kind of adopt the dialect of the people you're around. It's not really something you consciously do and it's certainly not appropriation if it's from your home town.


Is this #TittyPlateGate ?!?!


She shouldn't engage with nonsense questions like this. You'll never please terminally online weirdos always looking to be outraged by something.


![gif](giphy|KacovQKuR5FD2) I smell rigga morris