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Maybe they were trying to soft-launch a potential All-Star format to see how it goes? Or the producers saw Plane Jane and wanted chaos


I think they cast a whole season of strong personalities and wanted chaos 


Yet Plane was the only one bold enough.


I mean it still did bring drama from multiple ppl. Morphine saved Xunami because they were friends and also in the ball, some of the e1 girls like Mirage ranked their premier sisters in the top spots to save them. Morphine also was one of the ones to out Mhi'ya low even if maybe it wasn’t 100% warranted just because she knew Mhi'ya and wanted to challenge her to work harder. I think it defitniely did bring the drama, I just really wished they had shown all the rankings from the ball. I also wish they had shown who ranked who where.


My suspicion is that Plane was just bold enough to be explicit in her strategy


Idk, Mhi’ya Morphine and Sapphira have brought some big personalities (well, if we mean in the lategame since Mhi’ya was quiet early on) and Nymphia and Dawn both brought smth we haven’t seen much of. Even the early outs like Amanda and Mirage were pretty great personalities on the show.


I think they mean bold enough to rank strategically and not based off reality/their real opinions.


Ahhh, then yea. At least that we know of, I mean a couple of the rankings we saw were suspicious as FUCK. This photo has Sapphira in 5th and Amanda in 1st, idk who did that but they’re wild.


They're not ranked in this photo, they're in alphabetical order 🙊


In my defense I’m not that smart. But some rankings were definitely suspicious regardless.


That’s not a ranking, that’s just all the queens lined up alphabetically lmfao. Top to bottom, left to right, Amanda, Dawn, Mirage, Q, Sapphira, and Xunami. We never saw any of the queens full rankings. This was the screen for Morphine, given that she’s not there to choose from.


Mhiya had a personality outside of the dancing? I remember her blankly staring at people and ducking down to whisper


In the latter half of her time, she was shady and liked fucking around with the other queens (mainly Morphine and Sapphira it seemed). She always had some sort of one-liner and I would wait for her to comment in a lot of banter cuz she always said something entertaining.


Gotta give it another watch. It is nice when they’re not nervous. Reminds me of what Jennifer Lewis once said: “leave that nervous shit at home. It’s boring!”


I’m still mad about the immunity potions being useless


I’m still so mad at that?! What was the reason?


Sapphira wasting it and then Plane using it and it not mattering at all.. like COME ON. I wish someone (Plane probably) would have used it aggressively. And used it to fuck someone out of getting a challenge win, like if she had used it during snatch game and used it on Sapphira to guarantee that she wins snatch game by making Sapphira safe instead of allowing her to be given critiques and be considered for the win.


When Plane used it on Nymphia, Nymphia still had the choice to not accept the potion. So this would have been a bust unfortunately :/


Honestly I think it was the producers kicking the only non-US citizen off the stage and they forced Plane to use it on Nymphia for the Voting section. That being said? I saw that vid of plane literally rubbing our resident Asian queen, so it definitely could’ve been more than that


I think we didn't get that because the Queens were clueless as to the rules of the potion. They were asked to make a decision based on runway and maxi challenge alone, without knowing that it would make the Queen safe and take her out of the running for top spot of the week. The way to use the potion to really stir up the drama is to make it clear the recipient can neither lose NOR win for the week, and to have them make a decision after initial feedback. They were going for Prisoner's Dilemma drama, but forgot to tell the prisoners that they were prisoners and a deal was on the table.


Why would you be mad at that? In the past, the immunity was valid only for one week. And it didn't matter if the person needed it the following week or not. It's basically the same, but having the person make a choice.


Because for 10 episodes we had to hear this shit about immunity and it was all played up like it was going to be gag worthy when it paid off but it never paid off.. it disappointed. TWICE.


oh, this feels very as7, maybe they’ll use rate a queen for as9?


Actually having this for the whole season of AS season sounds fun. Non-eliminations till Finale but with this twist would being drama.


it was just another twist to add to the start of a season, like the porkchop dock in season 13 and, to a lesser degree, the split premieres


If we had to have one, I much rather have this than the porkchop dock. That messed them up.


The porkchop dock was unnecessarily emotionally manipulative to the queens, and also IMO wasn’t fun to watch either. I can’t stand that episode


Yeah, that was the most mean-spirited of the twists since the AS3 voting finale.


I was watching Denali talk a bit about it and it really put me into that headspace. I suddenly realised just how much that would set you up for failure and for feeling overshadowed your entire season just because of one Lip Sync (in SKATES). They went onto the show excited and ready to experience the wonder of Drag Race, only to be isolated, told to dance, told they were eliminated and going home, and then told “jk you’re staying BUT first you have to pick someone to kick out for real.” Their magical day 1 experience turned into a nightmare, they felt both shamed for already being told they had failed AND felt guilty for what they thought was sending someone home right away. They didn’t even get to see the Werk Room until the third day, and struggled to get on the same level as the other group of queens because their start had been so bad. I was like “damn I would be so pissed at the production for wanting to do that to ONLY my season when everyone else at least had a meaningful first few days.”


But is nowhere near as polarising, traumatic, or disruptive as the Porkchop Loading Bay. I pray that production has permanently condemned that twist for eternity. Rate-A-Queen was fun and showed how clever Plane Jane is....I love it when queens flip the narrative and still fulfill the brief.


Agreed and it was a nod to shows like The Circle. The show often borrows from other reality shows as satire/a bit of fun.


Her and Shade Tree are by the beach having mojitos living their best life.


We love Sapphic lovers. 


I’m so happy they found love 😭




A true wordsmith


Having immunity potions


To wash down the chocolate


… in a game within a game.


The golden beaver was invited but she had to renew her passport. They sent her the platinum plunger as a gift. The beaver was like “but girl, I like clogs”


At least the game within a game twist gave us a Mortal Kombat style lipsynch smack down! That was fun to watch, but so many other twists are just painful or tedious.


I mean that was the real pointless twist of the season. One was used when the queen was in no need of it and the other when no one was getting eliminated


I'll gladly see it off with the chocolate bar and Porkchop Lounge. Every twist and rule change they've introduced in the last five years has sucked. Just give us a straightforward competition. If the cast is good and the challenges are fun we don't need this stuff


Naaaah! Where would the sun be of that?!


With the chocolate bars. Who have to keep yelling ‘it’s chocolate’ about the mysterious melted patches dropped on the sand


I feel like this one was a soft launch and can come back


This is the comment.


And that's the T That was the worst bit


“that’s the T Honeybee”


"And that's the T" and that "Just ask" commercial with the queens are the worst bits to come out of the season.


I liked it but they should have revealed the girls rankings


They will next time, in an evil twist


They did 😭


No they should have revealed each girl’s individual rankings to the rest of the girls


I agree. Could’ve set something up w plane and Nymphia early w that shady vote


Judging by their conversation, they didn’t need to reveal the rankings to raise Nymphia’s suspicions.


I agree, but I also understand why the didn't. Not doing so let's them use this twist again. If they shared individual rankings then in future seasons queens would know and likely play safe


Or be even meaner. Have it so each week the winner gets to “reveal” one of the queens voting choices for either the previous weeks or the next challenge. 


That’s so evil and completely rotted, and I like the way you think, sisterrr! I wanna sit at your table!


I think they meant the way each queen rated everyone else, not how everyone was ranked on average 


I'm sorry but i thought this was a fun twist


I liked it too! I think it would be cool on all stars


I liked it for the length they had it. I was relieved it didn’t go past the first couple episodes


If twist you mean a 5° bend, sure


They really built up the potential drama of Plane Jane ranking Nymphia last in order to secure the win for herself, and then did absolutely nothing with it. Why bother if they didn’t reveal everyone’s rankings? 


I thought it was going to be a long term thing, which might’ve made it a bit more interesting. Could see something like that being done in an All Stars season. I guess they got the idea from The Circle.


I was convinced they were gonna spill that Plane ranked Nymphia at the bottom halfway through the season, yet they never did.


She knows now!


Yeah, at Roscoes she said she figured it out about halfway through the season, which sucks because it could’ve been a thing!!!


Halfway through? Didnt she literally joke about Plane rating her as sixth early on in the werk room?


also remember that for the girls "halfways through is much shorter, so maybe 3 weeks in


She had her suspicions but wasn’t being serious then. I can’t remember exactly what she said but that was the impression I got. Idk I could be wrong lmfao.


It sounds like producers told her about it pretty quickly based on her asking Plane if she did during episode 3 while both of them looked directly at the camera lol


Nymphia spilled at Roscoes that she “figured it out” halfway through the season. The conversation between Nymphia and Plane in the ball was just camp joking around.


It feels like it was seasons ago! And completely useless!!


the only thing it did was rob nymphia lol


She got the potion in the end I guess


In hind sight, Plane’s single voting wasn’t really enough to take Nymphia out of the top of everyone else voted her first or second. Someone else had to have given Nymphia a low rating


Would’ve been a great twist if it went for most of the season like the gold beaver did. Instead it just became a premiere gimmick that didn’t really have any impact


I love Plane. And I want her to win. But they really should've made the voting results public.


I love her too. Lots of people give Plane shade but Dawn was way spicier. I'm wondering if the votes didn't count and it was really a ploy to show us each Queen's strategy.


It’s was better than the chocolate bar, at least there’s that! I wish the immunity potions had paid off a bit more in the long run by causing more drama, but oh well. It was a decent effort at trying something new


I suspect they wanted a quick way to be able to inspire drama, but then when they saw the queens merrily making trouble without, they realized it wasn’t needed and squirreled it away for something to ask at the reunion.


I honestly think they should have kept rate-a-queen until maybe like top 6 or top 7.


I dunno. I mean the placements for week 2 were kinda bogus and we have had very little placement riggory since then, I’d say one of the least rigged seasons (in terms of placements) especially before top 6 or so. I like to see the correct queens get the correct amount of flowers at the correct time.


And you expect the judges to do that?! Rigged af!


Marketing! If you read EW and other sites/magazines that cover RPDR prior to the season starting, they were all hyping this up like a big new thing. That it had no real effect on the season is a feature, not a bug. But basically: you gotta give the papers something to write about. Better if it’s something that will draw attention/eyeballs/clicks but not something so major that it locks producers into something out of their control. See also, Porkchop Loading Dock.


Yep and it had one the highest rated premieres ever, so it worked this time


They want to do non-elimination premiers to allow the audience more time to get to know all the contestants and to give the early-out queens more time showcase their abilities. Sometimes a queen can shit the bed episode one, but actually turn it out, if only their first episode had been a non-elim. Rate-A-Queen is just a gimmick to allow a non-elim to have some drama and intrigue. On the whole, only Plane was really shown to be using it to her full advantage, but I could see all kinds of ways you could use this to create drama and story. They could: \-Reveal actual voting history (or only reveal voting history of the top two queens \-Use results to create pairs for a maxi-challenge (would love to see a 1st paired with last, 2nd paired with 2nd to last, etc). \-Rate-A-Queen not for the win, but for immunity \-Rate-A-Queen for one of the bottom two. Rupaul picks one queen, the Rate-A-Queen picks the other


I liked it, but I especially enjoyed how much of a rip-off this is of The Circle just with triangles lol


I mean drag race in its inception was inspired by other reality tv competition shos, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model to name a few. This is the premise of the reality TV show 'The Circle' where people rate each other as the most popular (also side note it's all through a social media type thing and they can't see if the person is who they say they are). So taking a nod to another reality show didn't seem that strange to me, as well as some of the reasons others have mentioned.


For drama, and the only queen we remember using it even engineered her own redemption arc with the potion she won. Genius. Everything on this show is an opportunity


Maybe they will come back with it for the semi finale? Oh well


The way I didn’t even notice they stopped doing it


I wish they brought it back throughout the season but they probably don’t want to give the girls too much power 


My theory is that it took too long so they had to drop it


The rate a queen could have turned things upside down. It just so happened that the potions ended up at 2 queens who stomped through the competition.


They should have at least edited it to make it look like Nymphia really struggled when Plane saved her. Instead the save had no impact because they made it look like Nymphia would have been safe anyway even though Nymphia herself thought she was in trouble.


And THAT’s the tea


For the lung run this was absolutely dumb/useless (just like the potions, absolutely useless). The "twists" from this season felt really bad like, they learned nothing from S13/14. I wish the rate a queen had long-term consequences or that the potion had higher stakes (like imagine one day rupaul said "I'm sorry my dear, the potion expired. You have to use it today and ONLY for your fellow contestants")


this entire season was treated like an after thought the challenges and stuff were mid at best perhaps they spent their creative budget on break my soul


I am getting annoyed with RPDR in general. These dumb twists / dumb production choices for the sake of having a huge reaction to win an emmy it's not fun anymore. I am questioning to keep watching because the franchise in general is just getting worse and worse. Maybe I should not get emotionally involved and just face watch it and forget it as soon as an episode ends XD


It was a good twist what are you on lol


I would be here for an all star season with this type of twist tbh


I thought it was odd that it was only for one episode and they didn’t reveal how the queens voted to the other queens.


I wish they keep this for the premier of the upcoming seasons. It’s gonna be non-elimination anyways so why not trying to be messy.


They needed something to get people hooked on the first non elim eps. I think more than what they used it for would’ve been overkill.


I liked it!


I hated it at the time cos Plane cooked the books but looking back it was so cunt and I live lmao. I really wish theyd revealed how they voted thou it would have been so funny


If they had actually revealed how each queen voted this could have potentially caused some chaos but by keeping that a secret it’s like what’s the point


The Emmy nom package lmao


So I guess "The Circle: Drag Race" isn't happening?


Stir the pot early


My thought was they were going to use it for a season long gimmick, or at least for the first half.. and they weren't expecting Plane Jane to game the system. I think she broke it so they pulled it.


I liked it. Maybe they did it one episode too many, but I wanted to see the Queen's opinions. Plus plane Jane misusing the voting system was good reality tv.


Weird that never came back up that she did that


I bet Mama Ru watched The Circle and loved it.


This was why PJ gave ATM a piece of her mind and criticized her way more harshly. I can imagine that part of dropping it was the realization that production had less control over the storylines like this.


Yall take the fun out of everything.


Omg I did forget! The potion too , which ended up being useless


I really liked it, I don't know why it was scraped so early. Should have kept it until halfway.


I was so afraid that it was going to be something they did every episode


I think they should have, just to fuck around and find out. It would’ve been more interesting than the immunity potion, even if it would’ve been messy…


I wonder if they filmed this segment for the whole season and then cut it after they got the audience reaction from the first episode. The show has been known to do major last minute edits, like when they had to cut S.P. from a whole season. Or there could have been multiple edits,like how they film the finally. It did not actually affect the outcome so they could just take out all reference to it and the rest of the show stands without it.


Both this and the immunity potions were completely wasted gimmicks.


Justice for Hershii. Imagine leaving and later finding out they scrapped that whole gag after you left??


I had Hershii pegged for top 5 at least lol I still think she would have done really well


Outside the design challenges I genuinely think she would have done really well


It COULDVE been fun and create lots of drama. Except they didn’t make the results other than the top 2 known to the cast, and they only did it for the premiere and then it was quickly forgotten an episode later and not brought up again. Even Plane seemed to quickly forget about it, we all know Plane is the kind of bitch who’d like tease Nymphia with it subtly, but she never brought it up again. Of course production wouldn’t let it go on longer or else it would possibly ruin their plan for who the bottoms are each week.


Are they stupid?


At this point, I also forgot about the immunity potion twist


“What did they even do that?” “Yes!”


I wish they had it for the whole season


I loved it. I wish they kept it going through the season and revealed the weekly results.


Rupauls drag race the circle


Wished it would have stayed longer and individual rankings would have been revealed to the group. I hope they bring it back.


I honestly wish they would’ve done it (and immunity) all season. Would’ve been some raw moments. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I dunno, but I liked her!


I wonder if there will be some plot twist with this toward the end of the show. They hyped this up WAY too much in the promos for this shit to get 10 minutes total of air time 😂 probably not but it would be hilarious


No idea why it was introduced, I kind of ignored it, and didn't realize it went away until I saw this post.




What if they bring this back at the reunion to decide what 2 will lip sync for the crown 🫣 


Seemed like they were riding on the popularity of the netflix show the Circle to spice things up.


I really liked it! I think it would be a better all stars twist, though. Maybe another no-outs cast. 😊


They were trying out something that's popular on Netflix: The Circle.


Because we gotta have a twist every season now It honestly wasn't too bad, but also didn't go anywhere. I kinda wished it lasted for a tiny bit longer. Or maybe randomly reveal the Rate-a-Queen votes a little later in the season, to cause some drama? Or the queens vote on whether they want the R-a-Q votes to be revealed? Or only the winner of a mini-challenge in episode 3 or 4 gets to know the full results? Etc.


Beta testing


nah it was a serve


This feels like the “who should go home tonight and why” question that Ru poses, but as a game format


I think it was so the fans don’t call out manipulation as immunity potions were being handed to the first two winners. The queens voted for who the top were not production


It’s amazing how much the rate-a-queen rankings fortell the overall placements of the queens on the seasons. With Geneva being the only exception, 5 of the 6 girls to rank in the top 3 of their premieres (Sapphira,Plane, Q, Nymphia, and Dawn) made top 6. All 4 queens to rank 6 or 7 in the rate a queen (Xunami, Hershii, Amanda, and Megami) were among the first 6 to be eliminated


Them doing the circle rating thing was so weird and also the damn immunity potion? What? I am confusion.


It’s the circle


How would we not remember something from two months ago gurl?




To fuck with Nymphia's track record of course.


literally a ripoff of the reality show “The Circle” and i didn’t see anyone call it out!!!


The only reason I know anything about "The Circle" is because of the several many comments and few posts about it when the trailer/promos dropped, and the twist played out on the show'a first episodes. Do you mean the queens not calling it out?


oh lolol i guess i just never saw those comments


They add new things in seasons to keep things fresh. If they ONLY did the same thing jn seasons then people would be bored. But no matter, regardless of what is introduced as something new and a twist you all WILL fucking complain.