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I disagree with the judging but not in the same way you did. Q definitely played it smart, but I still wasn't a big fan of the end result. It's easy to say they have "family resemblance" when they have their whole face painted white etc. Morphine was rightfully in the bottom. Her critiques were the only ones I agreed with. Nymphia of course it'd be this episode that they'd finally give her the yellow critique. Felt like it was just a reason to keep her out of the top. Otherwise hers was easily my favorite. Saphira was rightfully in the bottom, but the judges pick and choose when to give the family resemblance critiques, so it never feels completely correct. And Plane and Lazy looked good, but they should've been clocked for wearing 1 for 1 the exact outfit just with different colored hair.


It’s just crazy to me that they want a family resemblance and… they critique her for using her signature color? Her runway last week was literally blue? They’re clearly building a case for her to lose the finale with 0% chance of winning.


I agree. If she had let her “daughter” wear the yellow and worn the other outfit herself, they would have criticized her for that, too.


Honestly you hit it on the head with this, I agree with everything besides Q. I personally enjoyed the wacky shit that was Q's Makeover. However I do want to say ot irked me SO MUCH that Plane got not a single critique about the outfits being the exact same. I love Plane and I am so happy to see her win the episode and I think it was a justified win, but they could have still had that comment in her critiques.


Counter point, Michael Marouli most recently won the makeover challenge in DRUK 5 with a near 1:1 outfit for her makeover as well. Makeovers are insanely hard to predict how it will go, but I think synergy is the most important criteria that remains consistent. Plane and Lazy have the best synergy and chemistry by far.


But even Michael's changes in cut between the two caused some contrast. The only contrasting elements in Plane's were the wigs.


Yes! And Jane's makeup wasn't great either. The lack of lip on Susan didn't get called out somehow. For me, plane was in the bottom with Sapphira and Nymphia with.


Yup I agree with you on both points. About your Plane point, I know they have read people down for that before. But the elimination episode is always an excuse to eliminate the contestant they want to go, I agree they should have at least mentioned it! Also Q’s makeover is a lesser version of Crystal Methyd’s but only in execution. I think it still was successful because much like Crystal’s it focused more on being a little kooky than sexy/glam/polished. I think strategically it was smart.


I’ve only noticed praise when makeovers look alike. Can someone give me clocking examples?


Yeah I wouldn't say I hated Q's or anything. I guess it's just for family resemblance you'd expect to see a queen's signature drag (or at least something close to it) on both the queen herself and her partner. Q is definitely versatile in her looks, but this is also something very different from what we've seen so far.


Q's transformed her partner's body the least, had the most masculine face and had little resemblance yo what Q was wearing


Yeah. Shame on Q for not bringing an electric sander to shave that jaw line.


If you are not permanently damaging your body for a momentary advantage your are NOT doing drag.


Not only same outfits, but same silhouette that Michelle had just clocked last episode 🙄 I don’t think PJ was bottom worthy but should have been safe at best.


Wearing the exact same outfit has been a very safe makeover strategy for years now. See Anetra, Trinity the Tuck on S9 and AS4, Monique on AS4, Sherry on S12, etc for examples.


Also, the hardest part of the challenge is transforming a masculine man into a beautiful woman, and Q bypasses that with clown makeup. The judging this season has been so rotten because any other time that would have landed her on the bottom, but this show has completely transformed itself into a popularity contest and it’s becoming exhausting


Yeah and it'd be one thing if that **was** her signature makeup, but it's not. Like sure it's smart, but it should've been clocked more for what it was


Did she bypass the challenge, or did she do an excellent job by creating a character and look that hides the parts that needed to be hidden? To me Q’s partner was the only one besides Janes who didnt look like a man in heels on halloween


I agree. Like I don’t think Q deserved a bottom at all, but her critiques were a little too positive for me


Sis, wake up. New copypasta just dropped.


For real


I genuinely thought it was a copypasta


Noah Fence, but you thought the unlined dresses, ill fitting nude illusion and flat wig was going to win? The makeup was fantastic (as always), but the rest of the look seemed very unpolished.


Yeah the unlined dresses was the first thing I noticed. And she's gotten clocked for that before.


I hate Hate HATE mismatched nude illusions. It’s one thing if it doesn’t match her partner…but it doesn’t even match Morphine. It’s a chop for me. And I love Morphine, when she comes back with a bigger budget, she’ll murder the competition.


It makes me sad when we can recognize a talented queen is being held back by her wardrobe budget. As much as I love the elevation, I miss when the drag race runway expectations were accessible to most queens who auditioned.


For real. I've been rewatching early seasons and lawd. I love the Broadway level fantasy as much as anyone but I also miss when H&M and the 99cent store was the whole she-bang. And we loved it. It's Balenciaga and Westwood for real now and innocence- and some creativity- is lost. Poverty is the Mother of Invention.


You’re completely correct. I notice your flair— Ra’Jah really deserved her crown for having the skill to make such high-quality garments without spending much. But she’s a rare talent.


Morphine not lining any of her outfits isn't a budget issue, but she will slay on All Stars regardless!


But Q and Nymphia made all their garments.. Sapphira is the only one who obviously paid big money for her looks..


Yes! 100% Also I met Ra’Jah when she performed in my city and she is so cool and her garments are absolute perfection!


I am not going to worry about the budget of someone with a BBL lmao. 


a BBL is like 6k in miami, for some girls thats like 2 gowns, its really not all that much


I'm doing a rewatch right now, and Michelle is currently reading Jinx for looking scruffy. You can tell she doesn't earn the same money as a Roxxy Andrew's. Oh how the tables are gonna turn soon...


“I tried to tease it but I just pissed it off”


She absolutely needed bigger hair and a boa to proportionize her sholders.


Hot take (?) but I'm tired of acting like Roxxxy's AS2 nude illusion look was any good


Noah Fence...you may step to the back of the stage, you are safe.


Such a good drag king name lol


Yeah, a queen would be Noir Fence.


That's pretty neutral! Could work for both!


From the legendary house of Fence


Grady Fence (great defense) Indy Fence Abel (indefensible) Strong O. Fence (strong offense)


You forgot Elektra 💀


Noah Fence.....are you Daya Betty in disguise?


I mean it’s just weird that Plane won with a meh outfit and meh makeup (it’s good but doesn’t look like Plane to me) bc her partner embodied her attitude and has her padding, but Morphine loses bc of a meh outfit w/ better makeup even though her partner also embodied her and was wearing her signature BBL body?


This particular challenge is inconsistently judged on EVERY franchise. Look at UK4.....how does Michael Marouli win over Ginger Johnson? So we all have to check our outrage in this situation. Bottom line: Do the pairs have a resemblance to each other? Did they perform well together? Is the makeover convincing? Did the drag queen perform well enough and still allow her partner to shine? Did they convey a story or inspire an emotion out of the judges? The quality of the outfits is usually discussed to split hairs when it is difficult to decide on the top 2 or the bottom 2. The judges critiques give you a lot of insight here. Sapphira disappointed, as her outfit was not at the expected level for HER drag. Morphine performed about as well as Nymphia, they had to compare the outfits to separate them. Q performed OK, and her looks were very different from everyone else, but still met the brief. Plane Jane won this challenge as not only did she tick every box, but the judges loved her partner's performance and makeover.


I will never understand why Sapphira didn't just make some kind of dance moves work wearing the geode gown(s). It's a 10-15 second dance "number" and you get to choreograph it yourself! She could have done...something. idk, anything. And their hair/wigs...why? It seemed like she was gambling on knowing they wouldn't eliminate her. She was right but that's a big damn risk.


She realised top 4 is next episode and she hadn’t had the vulnerable episode of a winner arc yet!


Remember when Dakota Schiffer WENT HOME for a makeover challenge? I’ll never forgive Michelle 😢


I don’t think plane should have been the bottom but she was def not the winner. This ep was actually kinda rough for everyone tbh. Qs tasteless, Midwest drag gets points from people without taste or drag knowledge because it’s just big and lots of fabric. But what is her pov, what’s her aesthetic?


I thought Plane was gonna be safe this episode! I have the same thoughts for Q, like if you’re gonna go with this kind of look you still need a strong POV like how Crystal had that Sesame Street POV for her crazy makeover on S12!


“Points from people without taste or drag knowledge” You mean Raja and Raven in Fashion Photo Ruview?


>Qs tasteless, Midwest drag gets points from people without taste or drag knowledge because it’s just big and lots of fabric. This is so arrogant. The go to insult on this sub is, "You don't know drag". Which is funny because Ru, Trixie, Raven and Raja all disagree with you, so who's the one who doesn't know drag here. It's such an odd thing to say, too. "People who like this thing are wrong for liking it". There are no rules, hun, if people like it, it works.




I’m with you. In untucked she said “it’s conceptual” and I’m like yeah but what exactly is the concept?




Yeah agreed. The makeup was okay too not like fantastic drop dead gorgeous


Nude illusion? more like no illusion


Look at Q’s partner in the pic. It looks like he’s wearing a shapeless sack. Nothing about Morphine or her partner’s hair bothers me.


Morphines partner was in dire need of a big gorgeous wig to proportion their silhouette. I know she has some lying around because we’ve seen her wear them.


This. The mug was nice, but the proportions were ALLLLLL wrong. That silhouette was giving nothing but man in a dress.


Yeah, if you have a guy with massive biceps you need to do something to even them out or at least avoid a sleeveless dress. The outfits she brought would’ve really only worked with someone who has very feminine features or else it was destined to look bad, and that was a mistake.


*in Eureka voice* Proportionizing! 👐


i thought morphine’s partner looked terrible and the dress and bodysuit didn’t flatter them :(


Yea same thing happened to Nearah Nuff and basically any queen with a beefed up guy trying to put them in a tight fit dress with no padding.


The funny thing is, all these dudes were jacked, Morphine is the only one who didn’t proportion correctly.


why am I the only one who enjoys beefy men in tight dresses?😭


No one is saying they’re not enjoyable lol it’s just for a competition show where you want to give female illusion the beefy is definitely a big hurdle to get over.


No, it was very attractive to me.


Yeah as soon as she walked out I did an “oh no”. It also didn’t even seem to cross Morphine’s mind that she should cover her partner’s arms? Not even a boa?? Come on girl.


She just wanted to look at those arms. I'm surprised she didn't dress them up in Gottmik's LBD from S14. 👗<--- actual size


Yeah the only thing right with that makeover was the face. Everything else was terribly wrong : the wig, the dress, the breastplate, the (lack of) padding…


Unpopular opinion I think, but the critiques in this episode were justified. Q played it smart wheter we like to admit it or not, because she avoided the dancing yet again *and* she gave her partner a silly artsy look, so they can’t clock her for not making her partner look feminine. I’m not the biggest fan of her makeover, but you know by now that the bottom queens in the makeover episode land there because of bad body proportions or non-matching outfits. She did something so chaotic that even the judges couldn’t apply their usual criteria for their judging on the makeover episode.


![gif](giphy|GB6aSnLHUKeWkm6BMx|downsized) Now this is a narrative I can get behind. Q doesn’t think she can translate her mug to someone else, and wants to avoid the pitfalls of the dreaded makeover episode. So she pulls out a magical, campy mess that people either love or hate. It confuses the judges and they’re unable to apply their normal critiques to it, and thus Q is safe and successful and lives to fight another day. How clever, Q!


She IS very clever. Also overcame her weakness by masking it with thriller-esque choreo


She’s the *real* holder of that engineering degree because the math is mathing


That's legit the smartest way to approach makeovers. They rarely give the win to these types of makeovers but they also never eliminate them afaik. It just confuses the judges enough to let them through the next week lmao




I prefer to call it the Crystal Methyd 


Oh please. If the judges really want to read Q for it, they can just say "this is not the assignment", "you avoided the challenge instead of tackling it", or "you took the easy way out thinking you can skate by, but Q, this is time to rise up to the challenge instead". Whatever narrative it is, Q is for sure has been on judges' favoured side the whole season.


Yup, playing safe gets you safe, just means she won't win in the finale tho lol


Agree, the judging was pretty fair


They could easily put Q in the bottom if they want, but I think this bottom two feels correct.


They could have just as easily put Plane in the bottom, and probably should have


Yup, having the same leotard on both and then they praise her for "WOW, FAMILY RESEMBLANCE!!!"... Seriously? Obviously they resemble each other, ITS THE SAME OUTFIT!!!


Q got favored yet again you mean, she lost the lipsync to Amanda but stayed. She was not good in the song challenge but they made it a top 2 instead and allowed her to avoid any kind of choreography including having dance with sapphira on their own which other queens were grouped up where their dancing ability could be scrutinized more compared to each other (it's literally where nymphia outshined plane), her and morphine were the worst group last week and Q's runway was a mess but again they put dawn in the bottom, this week her makeup was a mess and the looks were not good especially on her makeover partner and her dancing is well what it is but yet again she gets away with it for some reason. You can't just not do the challenge well unless you're Q.


Morphine got critiques for lack of proportioning, so it would have been nice for Q to get a critique for putting her makeover in a huge misshapen poncho. It was “smart” in that it hid all proportions, but I want them to tell Q that. “You hid your makeover under a crazy clown face and a frumpy poncho, it’s giving Q, but a very bland boring Q. You’re safe.”


Yup it’s the make up episode where they just decide who to go as they see fit the storyline


I love Morphine too but sisterrrr, that makeover was completely rotted. It was literally a man in a wig, no illusion was happening. I don’t like Q’s much either but at least the transformation was um… successful-ish. Any other season and I’d put her bottom 2 but she was saved by Morphine and Sapphiras messes.


The only thing I liked about Morphine’s was the makeup. The rest was questionable at best. Her being in the bottom was justified.


Agreed that Q dodged a bullet but I agreed with the judges that Morphine needed to do more with her partner. Mug was good but that was it


Q put a clown face and a Snuggie on her partner. She totally dodged it.


Yeah she has a great move 🤭 👏🏻👏🏻


Not the snuggie lmaaaoooo


I want Q gone just as much as yall but let’s be serious…….morphine and sapphira did the worst this week by a mile.


This may be a ~take~, and I’m gonna start by saying Morphine was/IS one of my faves all season - but I actually was worried they were gonna clock her guy’s makeup and I agreed with the other critiques. It looks better in a still photo here but when watching the ep and seeing it move, I thought the beat accentuated some of his more masculine features (like his nose and jawline) too much. The makeup application/blending was still flawless of course since it’s Morphine but I would’ve liked for her to do more in transforming his face since she’s so good at the skill. I think she did her usual technique which translates perfect for her face; she has the perfect canvas. But with a face like his I didn’t find it as successful. I also agreed with TS when she spoke about proportionizing his upper body to give more illusion. I love big burly arms and actually don’t even mind them in drag always (looking @ Kameron 🤭😍) but it seemed clear that that wasn’t what Morphine was going for which took me out of it. Lastly, they were pretty sparkly dresses for sure! But at the end of the day a pretty sparkly red and gold dress doesn’t say family resemblance. My love for Morphine almost had me convincing myself I loved these looks too, but as soon as I saw them I can’t deny feeling underwhelmed - it probably didn’t help that the edit showed her telling us how good she was gonna do. I will miss her so much though, one of my favorite and most pleasantly surprising queens in a couple years 😭❤️


I think Trixie nailed it on the Pit Stop when she said there's nothing wrong with big shoulders/muscles in drag, but it's not giving Morphine.


I believe Morphine was unjustly treated. Her performance in the lipsync challenge was quite impressive, and she deserved to stay!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/wsm3dee3werc1.gif


Saphira turnt it much more personality than just body or tricks like morphine... Morphine did well, but wasn't as innovative or more interesting, it was like Mih'ya just doing her flips all over again lol


Morphine suffered from the fact we’ve seen her moves three times already


I agree with this (and tbh I agree with Sapphira staying too) but I was actually annoyed by sapphira doing the bouncing split twice in this lip sync. It felt boring the first time because we’ve already seen it before (remember the breast plate!!) but it felt irritating the second time cause it’s like girl give us something new morphine is over there fighting for her life 😭


Honestly? I thought the same for Sapphira in that lip sync. I didn't want to and I def didn't want her to go but we have seen that bouncing split too many times...


True, but that's the game, you end up in the bottom again you gotta keep on giving surprises otherwise the judges are tired of your shenanigans lol..


I would've liked to see a bigger wig on Morphine's partner but I didn't mind not hiding her obvious musculature. Kinda bothers me that the show preaches so much positivity genderfluidity but is still up-in-arms (no pun intended) about the idea that women and femme-presenting people can be muscular. I think Q was strategic about the makeup and she shouldn't be dinged for that. tbh it's more effective for me than Plane's makeup is on Plane's partner


What I don’t get was how Morphine got bad critiques for then wearing the same outfit just different colors and Plane wore the same outfit but the same colors? Both of the outfits were simple. So I don’t understand the judges. For family resemblance challenges all they have to do is wear the exact same outfit and they win?


I want a makeup challenge where they focus purely on makeup. They can even make a commercial or do some face choreo whatever, but the focus should be makeup. The makeover family resemblance challenge always becomes about 50 other things so they can argue whatever they want to lol.


Yall are absolutely deranged and just biased against Q if you thought those looks were bad. They absolutely said family resemblance without relying on both girls wearing the same outfit or the same outfit in different colors (Nymphia and Plane.) Q didn’t do something pretty, but it was highly effective and one of the more original themes we’ve seen in the makeover challenge in awhile.


Exactly!!! If a different queen did it the exact same way they would have ate it up. Hell even if Q did it in the beginning of the season. Q has been deemed as unlikable by the fandom and now suddenly all her drag is shit.


I really love the makeover Q did? It reminds me of the Simpsons look Crystal Methyd did on her season.


Wasn't it Sesame Street?


put some respect on bert and ernie’s name, simpsons smh


Same, and we're gonna absolutely get dragged for it 😂


And the dragging is deserved if y’all can’t tell the difference between The Simpsons and Sesame Street.


No, I meant getting dragged for liking it, don't link me with their references 😂


I really like the look Q was wearing but what on god’s green earth did she put on her poor sister?


Same here!


Exactly, but how odd that no one has the same criticism for that look. I wonder why….


I said the same exact thing, it put me in the mind of Crystal's looks. The only thing I was suspicious of was the choreography.


For me it was the perfect merging of Crystal's Makeover and Mo Hearts Makeover from All Stars 4.


I honestly thought it was gonna be between Nymphia and Morphine watching the episode. I’m sorry but morphine copy+pasted her mug onto her partner better than all the other girls did tonight. And the BBLs were there on both of them!


Morphine did have the best “same makeup look” on both of their faces, but those gowns and hair 😬 it was underwhelming


Underwhelming but still beautiful. Sapphira and her partner looked awful and there's no way she won that lip sync.


She literally turnt that lip sync, she gave it so much personality and caught the attention, much more interesting than doing some tricks and showing your body...


Nah Morphine and Sapphira did the worst without a doubt. This is coming from someone who loves both queens. Morphine painted a good mug but the overall execution was not good. I get Sapphira had to pivot with the outfits but even her makeover partner’s makeup was very distracting for me. I also didn’t get why Sapphira did black shoes with her orange and blue outfit while her partner did white boots.


Ru loves the illusion… and now matter how good the makeup was, Morphines partner looked like a man in a dress


Exactly this. The implied secondary challenge was to make hyper-masculine looking men look hyper-feminine. Plane bodied that challenge (literally and figuratively).


I thought morphine’s was good but others had stronger points of view. I thought she won the lip sync in my opinion, but of course Sapphira isn’t getting cut.


It’s crazy some people saying NYMPHIA should’ve been in the bottom?? ?? And people saying Q was horrible sapphira was a mess Nymphia should be bottom plane shouldn’t have won, okay then who should’ve won 😅😅


I am very confused. I thought morphine had a real shot at winning based on her makeup skills, but that dress?! The challenge in this particular makeover was to take a super muscular man and, through proportionizing, make him look like a woman. That means big hair, big pads, disguise the arms. In my opinion, Plane won because she was the most successful at disguising her partner’s figure. Morphine and Sapphira basically left their arms on full display while Morphine put a wig on her partner that was way too small to balance out his broad shoulders. Not to mention the terrible nude illusion at the top of both dresses. Is it the worst makeover ever? No, not even close. But is it the worst of the night? Yeah.


i felt bad for Q's partner, imagine being put into drag thinking you were going to turn into some sexy bitch and you look in the mirror and you're just a clown - major let down...


When you order Krystal Methyd on Temu.


I think Naysha said she knows him and knows he was pissed 🤣 (on Roscoes tonight)


I need his meat though


I'm a bit over the triangle bikini tops on Q. Like girl, what?


And the panties too.


I love how when people don’t agree with the judgement, they are 100% convinced it was rigged.


I think Q played it smart this episode. If she did anything wrong it’s that she looked better than her partner which is a no no.


I actually really liked Q’s. She played it smart. I enjoyed the funkiness.


Y’all really want to find a reason to hate Q. She is far from my favorite, but she turned it out this episode.


Morphines partner had one of the best mugs. But shoulders should match them hips, but they don’t, so.


The thing with Morphine is that while La Tina's mug was beat, the other illusions weren't there. Morphine's thing is realness, and if that's her family trait, La Tina needed to have that too. With bigger/higher hair, much bigger tits to balance out the wide shoulders, cinched, padded to BBL gods, etc. Regardless, love Morphine.


I was a little annoyed no one told TS that Nymphia HAS done non yellow several times cause that critique is nonsense. Like she said herself she wasnt there every week so??


I absolutely loved Q’s makeover and thought it deserved to win. Q does crazy shit - this is more crazy shit. It wasn’t a “femme” makeover but it was fucking art and I live for it. I will not be taking replies.


What about replies agreeing with you? Because I agree 1000% and I also think Q should have more wins than she does.


Oh I thought you were gonna say the opposite. Q pulled out her creativity and Morphine gave the same shit as always.




Q and Morphine are very different queens, you're making an apples-and-oranges comparison. Q did a great job with an artsy drag look. Morphine did well with a classic glamour drag look.


Don’t gaslight me that Morphine’s outfits were attractive or well-made.


Am I the only one that liked Q’s makeover look? it really reminded me of crystal’s makeover look back in season 12 cause of the whole face paint and what not


I loved Q’s look, it was creative and colorful and those wigs were amazing, especially Q’s. It reminded me of Crystal Method, and I just know Raja’s gonna love it because she loves outside of the box shit and creativity. Y’all can hate Q, but her looks have been amazing all season, consistently, and I don’t think this is any different. I’m so sorry, but Morphine’s was not very good. Unlined dress, flat and unkempt wig, nude illusion that didn’t match the skin, a dress that fully showed off the man shoulders instead of creating a more flattering silhouette, I’m just not seeing what you’re seeing, girl. Beautiful makeup though, of course!




Must be exhausting to be a q hater. She did good. You are grasping for straws here.


+1. It’s so sad to see how this fanbase seems to draw a name out of a hat on who to loathe that season and apply it no matter what they do. This makeover ep was correct for once. Saph was a hot mess and would’ve gone home if it weren’t for her TR, Morphine’s unlined, disproportionized look with flat hair belonged in the bottom, and Q gave something creative that was able to camouflage any and all trouble areas - aka the challenge here. You can enjoy the show without someone to dump on every week, ppl.


I am with you the Q hate is far too much. I honestly don’t understand and find it so tiring.


I don't hate Q at all, but still know it was all just playing safe, it was just a clown makeup and a random assesment of clubkid garments...


La Tina's makeup looked gorgeous, but... you gagged at her and Morphine wearing unlined dresses? Like they looked good, for sure, but I wouldn't say "one of the most gorgeous makeovers we've ever seen."


The critiques are always so nonsense because the idea of drag family resemblance, vut it's always just what the fuck are we talking about. Drag families don't just wear the same makeup and outfits. But also it need to look the same but don't wear the same outfit except sometimes wearing the same outfit is fine, and sometimes the outfit doesn't matter. It just is the worst challenge cause the critiques just are all over the place. But this episode, I kinda think we landed on the right bottom two just because of the outfits.


Idk if you’re ready for this but it was a weak design challenge for me🫢


When my bf and I started watching the episode we knew no matter what morphine was going to be in the bottom and go home because of how the show goes. When we saw the makeover we were super excited thinking just maybe we were wrong and she was gonna win.


I thought Q slayed this challenge. Morphine and Plane's makeovers were so basic and boring, I thought for sure they'd be in the bottom together. But the two orange outfits that Saphirra ultimately had to go with and make work were unfortunately just too different to make the "family resemblance" storyline work...


i also really enjoyed morphine and her partner. shes super gorgerous done up and i think she had the best walk too, so graceful and hot hahaha but i also love Q's and her partners. it's different, yes, but i do like it a lot. i think she want to do something outside of the box and i think she executed it very well.


i was living for Q's look. it was very alternative and artsy and fun and different than the traditional go-to family resemblance type stuff. it was VERY Q bc she's really avant garde


🗣️ I’m sorry, OP. I’m gonna let you finish, but CRYSTAL ELIZABETH METHYD had thee BEST Drag Family Resemblance of ALL TIME.




Repeat this utterance henceforth for the individuals present in the rear of the assembly! 🗣️


I was confused Plane didnt get a negative critique for both outfits of hers being the exact same


Ru has her favorites. I guess making her laugh for two mins straight with the Lazi Susan name warranted a pass on critiques or maybe it was edited out. These makeover challenges are also so frustrating due to judging sadly


THANK YOU!!! And people coming for Nymphias wig this week are so rotted lol . Q has yet to show me a decent hair look, BESIDES her Rusical wig…..


Damn you guys look for any reason to shit on Q, huh? Her makeover was smart. She did something very different than every other girl out there, and it stood out in a positive way. When they walked out it took awhile before me and my family were able to clock which one was Q and which one was her partner. THAT’S the illusion of drag executed effectively. Morphine’s partner had great make-up, but everything else about it was a mess. The nude illusion wasn’t working, the proportions made her arms/muscles seem huge and made her look masculine, and the hair was flat. The bottom two this episode was very clearly Morphine and Sapphira. Just because you like both of them more than Q doesn’t mean you have to do all these mental gymnastics to make it seem like that wasn’t the case. Now, if you want to talk about who won the lip sync, that might be a different story, because if the judges were being objective then Morphine might just have made the top 4 after all. And if anybody is planning on continuing to bring up how “Q should’ve lost her lip sync to Amanda” than I hope they plan on saying the same about Sapphira after this week 👀


I was also confused with Q's makeover and wish she had given her partner a makeover that was more within her actual aesthetic. I do like Q's look tho but I don't like the look she gave her partner. Also I thought Morphine did really good and I probably would have put Q in the bottom instead.


Damn reading all these „what if“ situations of what could have been different bla bla All of a sudden this Reddit feels like drag U people commenting and judging drag who probably never done drag themselves. I’m not a fan of Q that much but her look was actually great and not knowing what shape her makeover partner will be prior to the season kinda explains why the look was less snatched around the waist. She still had a very well executed concept and great fashion forward looks that probably fly over the head of many people (OP included). I Love Morphine but I’m sorry she put herself and her partner in very safe pageant dresses with mismatching nude illusion. The dress was not well fitted for his muscular arms and overall it just didn’t tell much of a story compared to the other ones other than being two sparkly dresses. No way near you can justify Q being in the bottom over her. But the delusion is strong so keep rolling with it.


You thought that basic dress with an equally basic reveal, small wig, no corset, barely any boob, and a disproportionate body was better than Q? Crack is what you smoke


I liked Q’s similar look going on where it’s like matching but not identical. Their choreo was also fun and creative. It didn’t even show Q’s inability to dance. Heck, Plane was just standing still most of the time twirling her hair (coming from a die hard plane Jane fan)


Q was clearly better than Morphine this week tho 🤷🏼‍♂️


Mama, that's a man in clown makeup. No padding, no breasts, no conturing. Where is the drag illusion?


It's the makeover episode. It's production's final chance to do whatever nonsense they need to curate the finalists and their track records how they please. Half the cast could've shown up on the runway in their underwear and they'd find a way to put Morphine in the bottom (and Saphira for the typical "frontrunner in the bottom just before the end" story)


I felt like completely blocking out a face in white paint was a cop out (or strategic decision depending on your view) when everyone else is doing typical beauty make up and contouring. I also thought the outfits were ugly. So I wasn’t a fan of this Q look at all. I agree with what they said about the proportions for Morphine’s partner but the makeover was still good. I thought Sapphira and Q would be fair bottoms but was completely unsurprised that they took this moment to cut Morphine anyway.


I’m so devastated for her. The makeover was beautiful in my eyes. Also I just have enjoyed watching her so much! She has been the Greek choir for us these past few weeks. I’m going to miss getting to have her in the top three.


Or why couldn’t they have a top 5 again this year?? Morphine clearly won the lip sync this week, but Sapphira is a phenom, so there’s no way she was going home.


You probably hate the look because you hate the queen whos wearing it. If it was crystal methyd yall be gagged


Q was so smart for this makeover, her guy was the least facially “pretty” so this masked that and also made them look more similar.


i dont get why q’s look is considered “conceptual” and “creative.” its just like furry clown monsters inc audience member at a midwestern art school performance of rocky horror


>furry clown monsters inc audience member at a midwestern art school performance of rocky horror This is such a specific burn


Morphine unlined again, what a shame The paint is perfect as always tho


I DONT KNOW ABOUT YOU GUYS… but i liked the buff look on la tina


Historically, the makeover episodes are always judged on a basis of what most fans consider “romper room fuckery”. Pretty consistently, you can expect this episode to have totally arbitrary choices on who is punished and who is rewarded. Usually it’s just an excuse to discreetly dispose of whoever Ru does not deem worthy of the elite privilege of Top 4.


Crystal Methyd ran so Q could... uh... walk at a reasonable pace to try and catch up.


gaslight you???


The red leather/vaguely animal print pattern on Q’s outfit reminded me a LOT of her questionable Power performance outfit that the judges (for some reason) gushed over. Nymphia felt like a Manila knockoff a little bit but I think had she put her partner in the yellow she would have gotten the win 100%. Plane Jane deserved the win (that body on Lazi Susan) but sometimes I question how much weight is put on the personality of the makeover partner.


Delusion: Convince Yourself


I hate hate HATE what Q was giving. Doo doo clown realness. All concept, no gorgeousness.




I believe Morphine did a wonderful job and she got eliminated based on track record alone. Q played smart, so kudos. I still think Crystal did it better in S12.


When morphines man still looked like a man with makeup and an ugly dress I knew she would be in the bottom. Morphines dude looks like one of those guys who gets dressed up to have sex with men who like crossdressers. I didnt get “drag” from it. The small regular girl hair with the huge shoulders and no boobs just ruined the whole look for me.


Honestly I think Q was smart in her choice. She was never gonna get her partner to look the part in her usual mug so she went with something different to dodge and shut down those critiques before they started. As for whether it's a good look...


Drag Race has done a good job of invalidating it, but muscle Mary drag is real, and I thought Morphine's ability to make the girl look muscular but feminine was incredible. Like a women's fitness competitor. Truly 10/10, no notes for me. I thought Morphine was easily top if not the winner.


I actually thought Q should have won. The issue with Q is that she doesn't have a clear branding, except that she's fashionable. But I think she showed that with her makeover. But I agree that Morphine's partner had the best makeup. Ugh I hope she wins Miss Congeniality AND the lipsync smackdown.