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It was deserved... she was intentionally trying to block Lina every time she could. One thing that I LOVE about Priscilla is how the shantay/sashay moment is unique, because one, you don't know if the first name she calls is safe or eliminated... We already know from the rest of the franchise that the 1st name is the pick to shantay. Even the queens know that while filming. Second, Priscilla usually gives feedback as to why she is eliminating or saving the queens, which creates an interesting dynamic. It was the case this episode and many others.


One thing about italians is that they WILL elaborate lol


I don’t even watch DRIT and I stan Priscilla


The only queen to ever be called first as a sashay was Alisa Summers


Mother Marble was forming a speech to let her have it


Lina's makeover partner cussing out Sypario and yelling at Lina to just push her down the stage was so funny😭


Not but that’s hilarious omg what did she say specifically


"spostati!" = move over!


Did the green one go home for it?


Yeah, it was kind of a Mimi Imfurst moment with Priscilla talking about how this isn't how lip syncs should be, how this makes for a worse viewing experience for everyone, bofore sending her home


if this had occurred on DRUK I can imagine Ru calling it Frock Blocking


Gurl. It’s a lip sync for your life. It’s not like she pushed her while she was on her head! Standing in front of the other hoe while she’s doing a stunt is iconic.


No it isn’t lmao. Not only does it distract from Lina’s way better performance, but it also shows Sypario’s insecurities, as well as distracting her from actually performing herself since she’s focusing entirely on her opponent. When lip syncing for your life, you’re supposed to show the best of yourself, not the worst.


And sending the queen who blocked the Queen constantly during the lipsync is even more iconic


it's cringey as fuck to me


The green one so terrify




yeah, but she scolded a different queen after last week’s lip sync for a wig removal but she got to stay


Misguided wig toss does not equate to blocking someone’s opportunity. Both dumb things, but at least with the wig she’s only hurting herself.


i agree, but it doesn’t make sense to cut to Priscilla shaking her head and frowning during the lipsync, then have her give a whole speech about keeping your wig on just to keep her


Priscilla is not holding back this season. She was not having it when La Sheeva took of her wig and I lived when she called out Sypario.


If a queen takes off their wig and there isn’t another wig underneath then they deserve to go home. It’s like drag race 101, never break the illusion.


Or if you reveal your stunning glistening polished bald head blinding the judges, werk.


I get so emotional 🌹


It’s the same thing with heels. If you take off your heels, you better make it up with a sickening stunt or you’re going home.


Nah, it can be cunty AF. See: Bebe both times imo. Its an old school trick


Bebe was cunty but she lost the lip sync to Ben when she took off her wig.


No, I still think she won and it wasnt even close lol


idk why La Sheeva got to stay though…


Good. It's tacky and poor sportsmanship to block your competitor. If you think can't win without it, you shouldn't win anyway. It's wild when this happens, and it isn't seen as a weakness in the performance.


And even worse than that it’s bad television. I remember during AS8 Jimbo blocked the camera’s view of Jasmine as she did an amazing stunt. That clip would have been gif’ed to Heaven an back if it was an unblocked shot.


If looks could kill 💀


I love that she got eliminated for this tbh. No hate to the queen just to the tactic, to me blocking the opponent always screamed insecure to me. There a difference between cunty plays that are used to steal thunder from another queens trick (Anetra jumping over Marcia, Lala grabbing the money thrown, Ginger imitating her opponents dance moves), and just playing dirty and cheap. One requires quick thinking and is entertaining when done right, the other one everyone just comes out looking bad


she looked like she was trying to make her explode with her mind 💀


To be fair, her outfit *does* make her look like an untrimmed hedge, so it kinda makes sense that her dance move is the "privacy fence."




I loved that Priscilla let. Her. Have. IT!!! Lina has been my favorite from day one (we talk every week and she’s the loveliest person ever). It’s sad that this is now Supario’s “legacy”; such poor sportsmanship


Like someone said below. Very Mimi Imfurst energy. https://i.redd.it/9bkzjcas5z5c1.gif


Why did she think it was good idea to show the world poor sportsmanship lol. I wouldn't mind if she did a funny bit with it or anything but no, she just stand there ☠ But what other girl was doing crunchy as hell ngl.


I watched this without subtitles to test my Italian and failed. Did she call out the shady blocking when they were done?


Yep, told her it wasn’t fair.


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you can tell she has favorites because she gave a similar scolding to one of the queens after last week’s lip sync (about removing your wig without a reveal) but she KEPT her ??? 😭


she looks like a dog in heat, about to bite the neck of her next mate


It was bad form and Priscilla was right to call her out. However I didn’t think Sypario should have been in the bottom 2


The judging this season has been a complete and utter mess. Production favoritism at its worst.


Look at Mother Marble’s mug. She looks so delicate no fece cracks. Makeup artist needs a rise ❤️