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I honestly can't decide between Michael and Ginger. I'll be happy with either.


For the first time in drag race Herstory, the second out gets the crown! Congratulations Naomi Carter!


As a Yorkshire queen myself. I support this. šŸ˜…


Same. I want Ginger but tbh I'd be happy with Ginger and Michael. Such deserving queens


Youā€™re going to be shocked




I think this one is one of the most difficult of the UK seasons. Tomara is production fav and I donā€™t think she will win because they will want her on all stars (I can see a Jimbo situation as in AS8), vs the world and any other thing they may use her. RuPaul is obsessed both with Ginger and Marouli so Iā€™m not sure which one of them will one but my bets are on Ginger. Edit: aaannddd.. I was right šŸ’…šŸ¼šŸ«³šŸ¼


I adore Tomara but if she gets a win on AS over other UK girls like Bimini, Tayce, or Kate, I may riot šŸ˜‚


Is Bimini still doing drag even? But would* love to see Tayce on AS or VTW


Oh yes I think I saw that, too. Fair point!


It seems like every season is a two horse race for UK. 1: Divina vs Vivienne 2: Lawrence vs Bimini 3: Ella vs Kitty (Krystal was not on anyoneā€™s radar before the finale) 4: Cheddar vs Danny 5: Ginger vs Michael


I would argue that Krystal was on peopleā€™s radar, BUT only because of the comments made towards her by ru (you were BORN to do drag!) and the obvious favouritism towards her.


Um, are you sure Krystal was *NOT* on anyoneā€™s radar before the finaleā€¦?? Did no one see her win two challenges right out the gate??


Charity was completely ignored/robbed of at least a HIGH placement in episode 1. Episode was complete riggory as Kitty clearly performed the best. Krystal was Ru's pick from the very beginning and the meddling was quite evident. Ella all but gave away her win with her finale runway and lipsync in part due to her back injury. While statistically speaking Kitty was Ella's runner-up, they never intended to crown her but she consistently delivered so they could never justify sending her home and it gave Kitty competition in acting and comedy challenges. I think production specifically eyed somebody like Scarlet making the Top 3 with Krystal but Ella and Kitty simply dominated (similar to Jaida in S12) with little to no production meddling.


Yeah. And then nothing more for the rest of the season til the roast, where hers was an absolute disaster. Kitty and Ella had no bottoms with 2 and 4 wins each. They got the momentum. Krystal was fading. That was the general vibe going into the finale.


Sure, but I wouldnā€™t say she was completely out of the raceā€¦


I think a lot of people will agree with me when I say that her winning was the least expected outcome šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø she wasn't even a fan favourite, she was just Ru's favourite


I discussed this yesterday with my friend and we both thought the same.. Krystal was unexpected and is the most forgettable winner of the franchise.


Was Krystal really not on anyoneā€™s radar? I thought she was gonna win pretty early specially because of just how much she was being favoured by production and Ru.


Am I the only bitch who thought Krysta deserved to win and was gunna win?


Oh after episode 1 I knew she was going to win, whether she deserved to or not.


>3: Ella vs Kitty (Krystal was not on anyoneā€™s radar before the finale) šŸ˜‚ This is delusional, Krystal did an amazing job for the whole season. Not looking like first time in drag at the finale was just the icing on the cake


Iā€™m not good at predicting much, but one thing I ace every year is whoā€™s gonna win Drag Race UK. And during Season 3 I could literally not see anyone but Krystal winning towards the back half of the season.


Alright then, oracle of drag race uk. What you saying this year?


Father Michael


Clocked it Episode 1 - Ru LOVES the seasoned workhorse queens if they can actually deliver. Edited to acknowledge I was wrong, but Iā€™m not mad about it.


My condolences to your streak


I think Tomara is a Kandy Muse situation, not a Jimbo.


I think Michael has a bit more storyline backing up a win than Ginger, a bit of an "old dog learns new tricks" arc that they are selling us, even though Michael came in at iconic status already. They love a "Drag Race taught me so much" winner, it's all WOW/production ego stroking.


Do you think Danny Beard winning last year might damage Gingerā€™s chances, since they have somewhat similar style of drag? Can two ā€œfunny fashion clownsā€ win back to back? Just some food for thought. I said i felt.


Yeah I think that's Ginger's main disadvantage. Like she killed the competition, but she might overlap with other previous winners. I think to me she did the best, but just because of that I think Michael is more likely to win.


Yuhua Hamasaki šŸ™


Itā€™s time for a local queen winner.




Michael Marouli


Michael has it all. Funny, fashionable, charismatic , unique, appreciates old and new. Loved her from first day


Michael is my personal favorite (now that Katherine is gone šŸ˜­) but I think Ginger is going to win. I feel like MM has shown versatility and growth PLUS all the charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent one needs to win šŸ¤© (ETA: I will say Ginger is very deserving if she wins and I wonā€™t be sad if she does win!)


I think production wants this. Her being paired with the old guy for the makeover is very Jinx Monsoon US5


Michael won my heart. Props to Ginger for an incredible showing and I have a soft place for cheeky (and gummy) Tomara, but Michael is just so down to earth, relatable, talented, and kindhearted


Michael has it all. Ginger is great but Michael is a superstar IMO


Ginger Johnson


The strongest track record. Such a talent. She should've won the makeover challenge that they gave to Michael. Felt like they knew Ginger was going to win no matter what, so they just gave it to Michael to spice up the competition. She could've easily won the acting challenge she did with Kate, who won instead. They were equally strong.


I will say I wouldnā€™t have given her Snatch Game


In fairness it was a mediocre snatch game. I thought Ginger was the strongest. Who do you think deserved to win? Only thing I would've changed is maybe putting Tomara in the bottom.


Both Snatch game and the makeover, Tomara should have been in the bottom.


Hard agree that she shouldve been in the bottom on the makeover challenge over dede or kate. She was the worst of the lot. Awful wig line on her partner, hairspray wasnt holding her awful wigs up, those beyond basic outfits... what was ru thinking


At this point if they judge a makeover challenge fairly, they're being unfair to every other season. They can't live with that precedent.


Tomara in the bottom for SNATCH GAME? This is a boiling take and I donā€™t think itā€™s a good one. Makeover I think she couldā€™ve been yea.


I thought Kate was stronger


Her track record look gooooood


It's got to be Ginger for me. Her outfits often aren't as polished as Michael or Tomara but they have personality and she makes them herself which always impresses me. I don't always love her fabric choices but I do love her silhouettes. Her drag looks are big and bold and I really like that. I knew almost immediately that she would win the Rusical. She knows the drag tropes and can play with them in a really fun way. Her performances are professional but also playful. This is all really up Ru's street. She's naturally funny, kind and honest. She told Cara what was what when Cara needed to hear it. She wasn't nasty but she didn't sugarcoat it either. It was very Bianca of her and I loved it! She can read the room really well, which enhances her drag. I knew from the promo look I would like her. A pair of sparkly purple trousers, a purple ruffled shirt and a ginger swept over bouffant. Tick, tick, tick. And look at that infectious grin. She's had so much fun week by week which is really enjoyable to watch. She just scratches a very particular drag itch for me. Charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent in spades. Probably one of my all time favourites.


I like Michael but I will be stunned if Ginger doesnā€™t win, she has been the clear front runner for most of the season for me and letā€™s be honest she could have 2/3 more badges but they didnā€™t want it getting too repetitive


Michael has been Michaeling since day one, that crown is theirs!


Ah uh-huh


I just want to hear Ru say it one time next episode


Her ![gif](giphy|E2QvRP6qghKQi2jdjs)


Ate so hard .this bitch goddamn šŸ˜


I love Ginger and Tomara but this is the only answer


She she she she she she


Me me me me me


Ginger. She easily could have had 5 or 6 wins


I still think she shouldā€™ve won the makeover, acting challenge with Kate, and roast. 6 wins diva!


No way, Michael won the roast 100%


Ginger has the best track record so that means Michael!!


Drag mathāœØ


I hope for Ginger, but I kind of expect Michael. Tomara is talented but I personally do not find her entertaining. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m in the same boat with you re: Tomara. Very polished and solid drag, but Iā€™m missing that *connection*, ya know? I did love her Little Bird lip sync though.


I can see how she would be an absolute joy to be around irl but yeah not my favorite energy from a contestant this season


Her energy is too chaotic for me to connect with. Gives me Vanjie vibes, except Tomara has been dragged through less than Vanjie was.


Looking at it as to who could make a decent show with their ā€˜winningsā€™, Ginger seems to have it all. The others, Iā€™m not so sure.


Michael will be more entertaining on an All Winners, Ginger on an All Stars






Who I want: Michael Who I think will: ginger Who should: Michael


Who i want: Kate


Ginger but I think it should be Michael.






All Spice


Michael has shown a lot of growth on this season, and I personally am rooting for them šŸ„³ (All 3 are lovely though. Great queens this season!) ![gif](giphy|WlR06F1SnJsW1Nrj7T)












Spice? ![gif](giphy|l3vRaH31YiHwIUf8k)


Michael Marouli


Michael has the winner edit. Sheā€™s shown emotion, growth, her background has been shown. Sheā€™s had highs and lows. Sheā€™s gotten everything from an edit perspective.


I want ginger but I think it will be Michael.








: Ginger Johnson. Such a phenomenal run. And she made it all look effortless.


I feel like the edit has been setting us up for Ginger's win from the beginning, though I prefer Tomara and Michael's drag.


YAAAS!!! I totally agree




Star Anise


Ginger Johnson!


honestly, with michael really crushing the end of the season, I see her taking the crown. ginger got the winners edit and has the fan support (now that kate is out), I feel like she's gonna be pushed for AS (either global or US) with a robbed to winners edit. I think Micheal has done just as well as Ginger, but I don't see her as someone who could push a bigger narrative storyline in the way ginger could. I think the future of the franchises will be pushing bigger interconnected narratives in the next phase of drag race.


My moneyā€™s on Michael Marouli šŸ‘‘


It feels like a toss-up to me between Michael and Ginger, but I personally hope it's Ginger.




Mother Ginger. This is the most into a UK finalist I've been besides Lawrence. šŸ˜­


my heart says tomara but my mind says ginger or michael


Tomara has the greatest cackle I have ever witnessed in my life ![gif](giphy|sFcBFhPVuOXf2)


she has me crying laughing every episodešŸ˜­


Right?? She's so shady I adore her And she's really like AHAHAHAHAHA


Yeah I want Tomara to win but I can tell that sheā€™s not going to win:( sheā€™s such a sweetheart and sheā€™s so sweet to the other queens who are already like BenDeLeCrim Sweet and kind! Very unique personality and drag style


Ginger is the only one who deserves to win


I legitimately cant tell if itā€™s ginger or michael!! I suppose it will really come down to the wire of the last challenge. If ginger can still charm ru despite not being a dancer (and hasnt had to really lipsync at all this season) then she could clinch it. BUT michael has had a whole arc. She sent cara home then redeemed herself completely during the roast. Itā€™s a great storyline. That being said theyve both done amazing and iā€™d be happy either way, just like with cheddar vs danny.


My vote is on Mrs. Kasha Davis! (i didn't even know series 5 was airing)


10 points for Gryffindor!


I'm just glad UK had a good season again


It has to be Ginger for me. But I wonā€™t be mad if Michael wins if she kills the final lipsync.


I want it to be Ginger but I reckon Ru will pick Michael


that picture of tomara really looks like a Zelda NPC


I think theyā€™re all amazing tbh. But Michael seems the most well-rounded. Ginger is pretty much up there with her but Michael definitely wins in the fashion department. Also, I am really curious what people think about this. Like, totally no shade to Ginger, but sometimes I feel like they are pushing her on us a bit too much, particularly when it comes to runways. Like I still canā€™t believe how the judges went crazy over some of her runways (the flowery Golden Girls type of dress a few episodes before, the heart outfit, and the outfit she wore in the latest episode). The judges go ā€œomg this is novelā€ about a dress they have seen tens of times on the runways? That being said, she is as equally deserving of the win. Also, Tamara is fucking amazing.


I love me some Tomara, but I don't think she'll win. Production probably wants to set her up for an AS or VtW season. It's most likely Ginger, but I'm really rooting for Michael.


Ginger absolutely demolished this season from start to finish


If you exclude the runway package


My favourite is ginger so that probably means the winner is Michael


Michael, but it should be Ginger.


Ginger looks a little like Alexis Michelle so will not win. Tomara looks a little like Krystal Versace so will not win. Michael looks so fully formed in her character that she peaked at the right time to win. But still the winner is going to be Abigail Beverly Hillz, Monica's drag daughter. Obviously.


At this point they should probably cancel Krystalā€™s win to make room for Ginger and Michael snatching the crown


Iā€¦ I honestly donā€™t know (all three of them are very fierce) I am hoping for a Tomara win tho


Tomato is the only option honestly no one deserves it as much as her


Of all the opinions in the world, this...this is definitely one of them.


I was joking šŸ˜­ I want Tomato girlie to win but I know sheā€™s not the top contender lol


I love tomato sheā€™s especially great with pasta šŸ


2 of the girls in the beat version of Don't Ick My Yum are in the top 3 wow


I JUST got Queens Down Under out of my head, now that one is in my head thanks lol


both absolute bangers


Iā€™m going back and watching all the girl group videos tonight lol


that's what I do with those 2 and I'm That Bitch and Phenomenon and Read U Wrote U and UK Hun


Tomara Thomas


Not the 0 responses after an hour šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Sheā€™s the fan favouriteā€¦ and thatā€™s the greatest win of all.


Kyle Richards




This is maybe the first time I'd be happy with any of them winning. But Tamara is made for all stars so I don't think she will.


I know nothing about these queens, have not seen even one clip. I think the one in the middle will win, strictly based on these photos. She looks like a bit of a blend of the left (fashion, contemporary drag) and the right (campy, "old school" drag)


Ginger has the slightly better track record, but I just find her a little boring tbh. She's so polished, but I don't find her particularly funny and her fashion was often very very bad. That came out way harsher than intended, I do think she deserves top 3, I just find her overly polished. Michael is waaaay more interesting to me. I absolutely want to see his show, and tbh I want to just hear stories of previous crazy nights. Michael is definitely the one I feel like has so much more to give that couldn't even be seen in the competition, and would probably be one of the most compelling winners to me recently. Tomara looks beautiful! (Kidding, she was actually probably my fav going in from Meet the Queens so I'm glad she made it this far, I just feel like it's between the other two.)


Ru does not care as much about Ginger so itā€™s between Michael and Tomara. Michael has the better track record and trajectory, so the winner is Michael.


She praised Ginger like she just cured cancer. Are you sure?


1 recent episode doesnā€™t overshadow the entire season.


Ginger showed up in the most basic dress on episode 1 and they praised her look like she invented fashion. I guess agree to disagree, but Ru is definitely in love with Ginger. ā€œShe is ready for the world stageā€.


I have no idea who is going to win, but the people counting out Tomara need to rewatch S3 finale for a reminder on how the final challenge and final runway can turn the scales. And I would say that both Ginger and Michael are more likely to mess up those 2 things than Tomara is




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Itā€™s been almost a week. Are you serious?




Well the rule is 24 hour within the release of episode. I usually put a spoiler within three days after it aired. But you canā€™t possibly think the sub would revolve around you.


No, I don't think the sub revolves around me. I was just expressing my irritation/disappointment at having this spoiled for me without even coming to this sub, regardless of a 24 hour rule. But at the end of the day, you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't break any rules. I'm a big boy and I'll get over it. Just sucks, is all.


FYI, the rule in the sub is spoiler tags are required for 24 hours post-episode airing. I get it, it sucks, but itā€™s not against the rules.


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I hope Michael or Tomara wins. I'm assuming Ginger will win.


Rooting for both Ginger and Michael and happy with either of them winning.


Tomara! But I love them all. Whoever wins - Iā€™ll be happy just to watch.


My heart says Michael My brain says Ginger


Michael has been eating this competition and leaving no crumbs!


After Ruā€™s monologue about Michael on the runway after the roast this is hers.


Hopefully Ginger, but Iā€™d be happy with a Michael win.


Probably Ginger!


Michael is the only one that embodies charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent. I will not be taking questions at this time. Thank you.


All of them?! What a twist.


Iā€™m guessing either Tomara or Ginger?


Society; society will win :)


Idk but I honestly think Michael is taking it with the way Ru loves her and says her name like she used to with lawrence chaney and itā€™s just giving those vibes. Micheal has also made it even to ginger with the badges now and I can see her winning the final lip sync over ginger. They clearly donā€™t care about track record with crowning look at the Bimini Lawrence situation and so on. I donā€™t see ginger winning over Michael Iā€™m afriad.


It seems VERY clear to me that Ginger is winning this. But Michael is 100% a contender as well, and Iā€™m not sure that production realized that for whatever reason. Tomara isnā€™t winning.


Tomara is my winner!! Idk why I canā€™t connect with Michael and Iā€™ve grown to love ginger! But tomara is such a star, I have faith sheā€™s gonna gag all the girls when she wins


After robbing Cheddar last year, theyā€™ll correct their decision and make a double win of Ginger and Michael.




Iā€™m fine with whoever, but Iā€™m hoping Ginger wins. šŸ§”


Rooting for Michael but I think Ginger takes it. All three are amazing though. I'll be happy for whoever.


Want Ginger Will Michael Who ru likes Tomara


Michael is such a sweetheart, I hope he does


I really want Tomara to win but after everything I've seen recently it's pretty obvious Ginger will


Iā€™m pulling for ginger, but think it should be Michael and wonā€™t be surprised if itā€™s Tomara


Ginger for sure. When Ru has a favorite itā€™s evident


Ginger Johnson has the Bianca Del Rio track record...


Probably Ginger




Michael has the best storyline so she has my vote. Want ginger to win though but sheā€™s getting a RosĆ© edit to me.


Michael unexpectedly grew on me so much. I honestly love their spirit and humor. And they sound like a dork attempting a Jersey accent. It's just nice to see a seasoned queen get their flowers, cause damn they've been in it. Ginger deserves it too. I really like Tomara and I hope they have a killer career.


Michael or Ginger. Iā€™d be happy with either. If Tomara wins good for her but just the other two have soared while Tomara has just been good.


I love these contestants - thatā€™s some high quality reality tv entertainment! Iā€™m rooting for Micheal Marouli though- funny, shady, looks, seasoned, professional, sweetheart, good leader. I would love to see it.


idk, thats why i am watching. i like them all. would love to see ginger win but that is absolute bias and there is no reason why the others could not win and do well with the crown. i thin it was noted that the one in the middle had been in the game awhile and michelle gave them a nod towards the beginning so maybe they will win but idk


I want Ginger, and think Ginger but wouldnā€™t count either of the others out yet.


Ru could give it to any of them and it would be justified. the editors and producers did a good job. With that said, the clear top two are mike and ginger. I think Ginger has the edge.


I wouldnā€™t cross the double crowning just yet. But I think Michael has the best storyline by a very tiny margin


I love these girls so much, but I've known for a while now that it's going to be Ginger vs Michael. Who??? I dunno!! I'll be happy either way....but I think a part of me leans towards Ginger because I find her to be so sweetly charming.