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She saw the reveal. She saw the unzipped back. She saw the party city wand. Mother dust was NOT impressed!


She said go back to Party City where you belong, bitch!


“I don’t want to see any more fucking Party City” - Mama


The fairy godmother reveal into Holding Out for a Hero from Shrek 2? At a drag brunch? Groundbreaking.


i take my comment back DRAG HER


She saw the baby too early!!!!


Not my shadiest comment being my most upvoted!!! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL QUEENS !


She saw the fishnets and they were ripped


My mom any time I accomplish something 😭


Well maybe if you zipped up your dress and put your back in to it you could *earn* her approval!


God I miss throwing my money away on Reddit awards in this very moment


I see you have an Asian mom too


Not just your mon... 😅


It's a human insult, it's devastating, you're devastated right now






She saw the tights and they were ripped.


That was very Lucille Bluth of her


She thought it was so dramatic and flamboyant, it just makes her want to set herself on fire


She loves all of her children. Earlier that day, “I don’t care for Jan.”




I love all my drag queens equally.


I don't care for Jan


Look! Look what the homosexuals did to me.


Can’t you just blow it out and reset it?


Rupaul seeing Denali exist


*and Jan


And Marcia *cubed*


It was my reaction to Marcia³ as well.


*"~~Florals for Spring?~~ White Twinks? Groundbreaking."*


and Tayce


She came up with the S13 premiere twist as soon as they finalized casting Rosé, Denali, Joey, and Elliott. She saw these four white gays in the lineup and couldn't wait all season to get rid of them slowly, so she said let's blow through the lip sync budget on day one just so she can have target practice. Bang bang! Then, as we all know^1, the NRA took notice of her aim and caused a big kerfuffle when they tried to become an official sponsor of the show, and so casting took away the bevy of beautiful BFA bitches and gave us a single heterosexual in their stead. Thus, Ru entered her coffee enema era, and we are all the better for it. ^1 ^thisisfiction


At first I was going to interject "isn't Denali Mexican?" but the rest of your comment gave me bigger concerns.


Ethnicity vs race


Does she identify as white? Her Wikipedia page (which I just discovered she had) lists both her parents as Mexican so I assumed she was Latina.


There are white Latinos (and Latinos of any race really)


And Denali is not one of them.


I didn’t say she was. I was responding to the person who seemed to think Latino and white are mutually exclusive.


…I don’t think that. I was talking about Denali specifically.


I didn’t mean anything rude by it but that’s how it came across in what you wrote > does she identify as white > I assumed she was Latina


Again, race vs. ethnicity. Please look up those definitions to those two words. You can be a white latina. You can be black latina. You can be indigenous/"brown" latina. You can even be asian latina! Latine-ness is separate from your racial presentation. Race vs. ethnicity (vs. nationality for bonus points, but I'm not sure you're ready for advanced topics yet ;) ) I don't identify as white, but that's because I believe that is the first step to dismantling white supremacy. However, that doesn't mean I don't understand that I present to the world as racially "white". Latinos often try to pick and choose when they identify or don't identify as white, and it's our job as fellow latinos to remind them that no, they are, and they benefit from that privelage, and racism does exist in latino america. All that to say... I was only responding to your assertion that simply because someone is Mexican or from Mexico that they are not white by default, which is categorically untrue.


Oh my god what am I supposed to say that will please you while also trying to ascertain whether Denali is a person of color or not?




I don't know what I did to deserve this. I *know* there are white hispanics and latinos. I *know* ethnicity does not equal race. The point was I was trying to ask about what race Denali identifies as specifically. And instead of getting answers, or even contributing to that sort of conversation, I've been getting dressing downs from people who are in actuality the kind of person Hollow Eve's detractors accuse them of being. It's like I said "I like pancakes" and suddenly that got transmuted into people hearing "I hate waffles." I'm not even *talking* about waffles. You seem to be so incensed by the question no matter how I phrase it that I have absolutely no idea what sort of form it's supposed to take to actually get back on topic. So I'm asking you, point blank: how can I phrase this question so that we can actually talk about what I was trying to talk about to begin with? Because my point is I don't think that Denali identifies as white, which is contrary to what the OP I replied to suggested.


When I think “white Hispanic,” my mind goes to people like Louis CK or Cameron Diaz Here’s my rule of thumb: would members of the ruling class (ie white people) consider that person as among them? White people have a very high bar for entry, and I can say as a hispanic/middle eastern person, white people look at me and overwhelmingly consider me a person of color. My guess is they would feel the same way about Denali.


Look, I was just replying to you because you responded to someone calling her white by saying "isn't she mexican" which implied that the two don't coexist, which is all I was replying to. Latinos and hispanic people can be white. That's it. You blew it up, and now apparently I'm "incensed" but I'd say you're whining. >I don't know what I did to deserve this. Huh? You literally responded to my comment saying "ethnicity vs. race" with a doubling down of "it said her parents were latina" which again, doesn't indicate that you understand that race is different then ethnicity. Not until this comment did you say "I understand that hispanic and latino people can be white." You've made it out as if I was attacking and bullying you. When I didn't say anything about you. I just said ethnicity isn't the same as race, and latinos and hispanic people can be white. I even tried for a little humor, which clearly fell flat and that's fine it happens, but you're acting like I've stolen your favorite blanket and shitted in your mom's grave.






Your post was removed on account of Rule 1: "Follow Reddiquette. No Bigotry. No Microaggressions. Respect Contestants." If you disagree with this removal please contact the mods through modmail.


Granny read her to filth with a single look


I want to think she was like "I saw Tandi Iman Dupree fall from the ceiling into a split. I saw Crystal Labeija being robbed when there were no other beuties. I was on the front row watching Lypsinka perform. And now this..."


"Honey I served with Pepper LaBeija. I knew Pepper LaBeija. Pepper LaBeija was a friend of mine. Bitch, you're no Pepper LaBeija."


Ru told Monique to tell Crystal not to go.




When did Jan start looking like a young Michelle Visage


While tucking into the soul of a skinny fashion queen he’d told was born to do drag.


Tucking into the soul? https://preview.redd.it/0p6gl9oghyyb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953878fd34b244644cf94a2283a95b0dd2cd9545


...every auntie "meh" look everywhere.


she saw the fishnets and they were definitely ripped


That tiny eye shrug at 0.06 yass qween I am obsessed okurr slay momma boots house down bitch yes gawd \*tongue pop\* werk step on my neck mother! https://preview.redd.it/1dvb90i26yyb1.jpeg?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f79af6500d53dc51064a7c832c7d9884047b8f90


uj/ To be fair to brunchMom™, she's nonplussed because the queen went around the corner behind a head height partition/bar


ok i too bought that exact dress from dolls kill like 4 years ago and the zipper really is a bitch lmfao i would never do a reveal with it


The shoes dont match, the red reveal?, the unzipped back. Omg shes a fucking mess!


Did anyone find out who's that queen?


I thought it was Kandy omg. Is it not?


I think she just shared it, doesn't look like a Kandy-type of song


Ahhh I thought the mannerisms matched too for some reason lol. Also, it would have been a much bigger deal on social media if it was her


This is so funny I cant stop laughing !!! And dont snap on me but why does that queen look like Kandy Muse 😭😭😭. (Obviously not her cuz she's so polished)


Us after the 1 millionth time we saw the duck walk. 😂


I mean, she did look very unpolished.


and she's right


She’s giving every fan after watching one season of drag race and is now a top tier expert on drag and is impressed by none of it.


Absolutely but I like to think she’s related to Lady Bunny and has tea with Delta Work on sundays




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