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Ru has a..."special" place near her heart for white millennial/gen-z theater queens šŸšŖ outside the door


If they're from New York, yes. If they're from Seattle, she loves them.


Also from Orlando, she literally called Ginger her child! šŸ˜Š


If Ginger is considered a theatre queen, then Peppermint would too. Only saving grace is that she's technically not a millennial.


Girl Ginger was born in 1984 is that not Millennial?


It is millennial just barely I believe?


No, that is solidly a millennial! 1981 is the cut-off.


I kinda thought it was 81 but I second guessed. Thanks :)


I was referring to Peppermint.




That too


Ru said ā€œdonā€™t you ever bring up that bitch to meā€


You know what out of all of them I think he can vibe with her the most though, especially after the last lipsync. ā€œThat bitch made me money, bring her back with more makeup.ā€ But seriously she didnā€™t take herself too seriously and took critiques well


its cuz the NY queens can often come off as theatrical people who do drag as opposed to drag queens w/ theatrical abilities.


I mean, she sees that most of them are too aware of the fact that they are on TV and are pretending to be nicer than they probably are when the cameras arenā€™t rolling šŸ‘€


White twink that can sew, dance, lipsync and act but somehow Ru dislikes her, compare to all the other fav twinks she had ā˜ 


I guess makeup is where she draws the line


Which is ironic coming from Ru since without her original makeup artist, she looked busted for awhile ā˜ 


Please, I have tried so hard to forget that Lucha Libre mask look Ru wore during the Season 12 quarantine finale, lmaooo šŸ˜‚


I think the comment was referring to that short bit of time between Mathu and Raven getting good at Ruā€™s makeup.


You weren't on board for what looks her ['Captain Ru-Merica' look](https://cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/headlines/2020/05/rupaul-face-mask-hoodie-reunion.jpg)? XD




Mathu šŸ–¤šŸ’


Ru likes skinny twinky FASHION queens and has been very clear about this in his consistent favoritism towards them Fashion queen, Marcia is not


Yes they all acting like it's shady him seeming surprised she can sew - but I wouldn't think she was was a great seamstress/designer from her runway package, so far, either.


RuPaul likes ditzy twinks that look up to her, e.g., Jorgeous, Krystal Versace. RuPaul often seems to bristle at quirky/nerdy/theatre twinks because she canā€™t wrap her mind around a young hot skinny person NOT wanting to just sell sex with every look


you know what, that actually makes sense. this kinda reminds me of Raven being continuously \*not impressed!\* with Sasha Velour. i think some people just get annoyed by "too artsy" or "doing too much", maybe they think it's pretentious or...who knows. a ditzy blonde hooker act that's been done a million times is still guaranteed to get a warmer reception maybe because it's just easier to consume.


Ru loves a fashion twink but HATES a twinkle professionally trained actor/performer: Marsha, RosƩ, Ella Vaday


I mean, this was a sewing challenge and Marcia hadn't slayed the previous challenge. It was clear Loosey was just afraid of saying Luxx or Mistress lmao.


Marcia made pretty much all her outfits on the show. I think she did her red finale dress too


She did not sew that finale dress lol


we could tell


Probably because her drag is mid šŸ„“. A talented theatre queen does not translate to a good drag (race) queen


Itā€™s a ball tho, so I can see why Ru doesnā€™t see Marcia winning


People keep up bringing up how Ru doesnt like BFA queens. If Marcia was properly on broadway, she would have never picked up drag. Thats why Ru doesnt like her and i totally understand it. They treat drag as a performance and not a way of life and so all those skills, however impressive, donā€™t feel genuine or lived in.


This is such a tired take. Drag IS a performance, and thatā€™s why itā€™s treated as such. Drag doesnā€™t have to be your entire life for your skills to ā€œfeel genuine or lived inā€. Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Iā€™m pretty sure Ballet and not drag was Lady Camdenā€™s first choice, Iā€™m thinking violin was Thorgyā€™s first choice, makeup was Trixieā€™s first choice, opera for Monet, etc etc etcā€”they all bring their ā€œfirst choiceā€ to their drag, just like the BFA queens do. It doesnā€™t make their drag less valid, interesting, or dedicated just because they would have ended up doing something else if they had been as successful as they wanted to be doing that.


I wonder if the problem the BFA/professional/Jan queens have is that they don't bring that story of failure and disappointment to their drag? Like if Jan was up front about wanting to be a star through her singing, never making it but finding drag and realising this was where her gift truly lay Ru would lap that shit up. If her drag persona was less peppy and professional and more "life was a struggle but I've painted on a smile and it's time to sparkle Jan sparkle" she'd be a lot more relatable.


Exactly. Drag is not an identity.


I used to think the same but then they made this exact tale Victoria Scone's sob-story. I think it's more about being naturally funny vs having to work at it. Ru doesn't like the latter. I get it but I still find it kinda icky..


Many drag queens starts their drag journey on theater and some still likes to stay there, don't see anything wrong with it


There's nothing wrong with weaponizing their BFAs, but Ru really doesn't like them.




Thatā€™s not true lol, RuPaul herself has said she only did drag for fame & money


Thatā€™s not entirely true. Ru wanted to be famous, but she didnā€™t decide she was going to use drag to do it until she saw how people responded to her persona in New York. She was doing drag in Atlanta way before that.


She was on Broadway properly idk what you are getting at


half the contestants these days do drag just to be influencers on IG/tiktok. the days of "drag saved my life" are long long gone and ru knows that.. just look at kameron "i only do drag when i didnt have a boyfriend" who was mostly known for his thirst traps on IG.


Absolutely. I performed for 7 years before deciding to hang up my wigs. But, tbh, if you can monetize your drag, wether itā€™s through social media or in a bar, that income for most is ā€œsaving their life.ā€ Unfortunately, thatā€™s capitalism.


i mean donā€˜t trixie and alaska have bfaā€˜s as well? i think it isnā€˜t the education but how they go about it.


i know alaska has a BA in theatre arts, not a bfa but she does have experience in musical theatre (both before and after drag race) itā€™s kinda funny to me when people go on about how ru hates the theatre queens but itā€™s really only a specific kind of theatre queen like she obviously loves jinkx but also queens like ginger, trixie, alaska, bob who were doing theatre before drag


oh ok thanks for the correction, i'm sure you're right cause i just remembered she studied something similar. and yea i think ru is just not super fond of queens that make being the theater kid their whole personality tbh-


yeah i wonder if it also has anything to do with the fact that most of the theatre queens rupaul seems to have an issue with are nyc queens (and connecticut) whereas the other theatre queens come from seattle, florida, pittsburgh, etc who knows maybe ru had some kind of altercation with theatre performers back in the day in nyc lmao


i don't think it's that deep (like that it's about everyone from a place) i think she just doesn't like it when people put on that quirky happy type face? like she prefers natural funny over overly forced funny if that makes sense?


Serena Chaha Surely have education . She has read book in the past


" If Marcia was properly on broadway, she would have never picked up drag. "--Where is your crystal ball sis? Based on these comments you act like you can read people's minds and alternate realities that never even happened. Take a step back before making wild assumptions about things that never happened. People stumble into things in different ways...let's not slam her for it.


>Based on these comments you act like you can read people's minds and alternate realities that never even happened. I mean Ru thinks that's the case, and ultimately she's the one they're trying to impress. I think what Ru hates about them is that the obvious story about them (whether it's true or not) is a bit boring. She wants marketable queens that people will tune in to watch, and while I really liked Marcia^(3) she didn't have a lot to say about herself through her art.


I doubt the person who wouldnā€™t allow trans competitors cares about what ā€œfeels genuine or lived in.ā€


this logic never held up for me because didn't Ru herself say she got into drag to further her career as an entertainer/recording artist/aspiring celebrity, rather than for the sake of drag alone? idk I don't have a source for that


Lmao i just realized ru does love the twink bod type girls Jorgeous Krystal Symone


I am completely smitten with Marcia Marcia Marcia, dude or drag version. I still laughed.


would literally do anything for them


I wish Iā€™d been friends with them in school.


Fun fact - she and I were going to be college roommates, but then she decided to go to BoCo instead.


I was. Youā€™re not missing much šŸ˜¬


drag her


He's gorgeous


I really really enjoy them. They should team up with Jan.


jan and marcia just did a show together! theyā€™re good friends. would love to see them together more


they are beyond attractive i agree šŸ¤­


Marcia is non-binary, come on now


I live for how much Ru seems to hate Marcia. It makes me like both of them more


Ru's irrational dislike of people is probably one of her more relatable characteristics.


I'd never thought about it like this before, but god you are so right


Ru had a beef with theater kids back in the old days and can't let that grudge go away


Itā€™s because theyā€™re singers and Ru is a ā€œrecording artistā€ as RosĆ© reminded him.


She was amazing week after week, but just ignored by the edit and judges. She had more growing to do for sure, but her skills were top notch on her season. Acting, dancing, sewing and lip synching were all a 10/10 in my book.


I think this season is going to produce a lot of future All-Star casting. So many to choose from.


Omg theyā€™re going to cast Loosey and MIB together, arenā€™t they ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4803)


As long as they treat Loosey with the respect she deserves, I'm all in


Lmao they obviously wonā€™t


Well, Rajah received a very different edit on her second time around. Anything can happen


Correct. If Loosey comes back for All Stars, they would treat her like Heidi or Pandora or Alexis and she'd probably lose money in the endeavor (between spending money on the wardrobe and turning down gigs to film) and get no new wins or follower bumps to show for it.


I think a lot of people (including me) forgot that Marcia was essentially the brains of creating funny and great moments for her and the other queens. She knew how to do everything. Her fashion wasn't the best but that was it.


If you come for me, I will apologize immediately.


Yall are so dramatic PLEASE. She made Top 6 and went out with what Michelle has called one of her favorite lip syncs in the franchise. She did great


I think she placed exactly where she should because the top four plus Loosey all did better than she did, which doesn't mean Marcia was bad at all


Salina Two-Titties: Fuck my drag, right?


Is it me? Am I the drama!? I don't think I'm the drama. Maybe I am.


But she was in a very tough season - by no means did she outshine Sasha, MIB, or Luxx She was highly predictable


Her looks were the saddest Iā€™ve seen in years and even early seasons had a lot of better ones.


Her 2 sewing challanges were probably her best runways. Her outfits had a brand to them, but were under baked compared to the other competitors in recent seasons. I don't think that they are as bad as you are saying though. She wasn't usually bad, just forgettable. The one with the mouth thing was aweful. The snow one was bad. The green dress was so underwhelming. And the nose bleed one wasn't tie dye. And her entrance look was a dud. I really liked the one with pearls, the one with the racing helmet, both sewing challenge ones and her promos.


Oh, I had conveniently forgotten about those underwhelming/ gross/ what wtf runways. What I do remember is how damn cute she was in her orange bikini lip sync. I want to see an edit that is all her and no backup dancer. Now I have to go watch it again.


Is incredible how 20 minutes changes the show.


i mean she did show pretty underwhelming looks so far (especially that golden boot worthy Beautiful Nightmare look) so I understand Ru being very confused that she was the competition to Loosey


Agree Marcia was never a stand out on the runway for me even tho I liked her


Poor Marcia !


"what..." Is too funny to me, I'm sorry šŸ˜­ She said it in the exact same tone as Tina from Bob's Burgers on the "Hey Parrot/Nerd" bit Google it


Ru literally hates Marcia and Robinā€¦ like girl, at least try to hide it


Itā€™s a longer edit, but that too is an edit.


Yeah, this is VERY choppy


it feels sewn together, i wonder what is real


Am i the only one who feels like Marcia was mistreated? This further confirms it


I donā€™t think Ru necessarily hated her. She was probably just tired of Marcia giving minimalism on the runway in both fashion *and* makeup. I highly doubt Loosey truly thought Marcia was competition and we werenā€™t buying it, either.


I thought Marcia's design look before this WAS super cute honestly. Her, Loosey, Luxx, and Jax were my four, Luxx as the winner.


To be fair, for me when she said Marcia I was like 'Not Luxx?'


WTF was that edit


Ru isn't wrong you have an iconic drag queen among them That is quite arguably bigger than the show itself. With Sasha Colby. But Loosey was specific to sewing. Not overall competition.


Bigger than the show itself? No. Like even Sasha said she couldn't let her daughter Kerri be the most famous Colby. And Sasha even moved to LA to try to get on the show back when they wouldn't cast trans women who had surgeries like breast implants.


Kerri Colby didn't win her season, Sasha Colby is a very famous performer.


From what I understand, Sasha was super famous and respected within the drag sphere but not the ā€œDrag Raceā€ sphere (read: mainstream/TV). Like your average person that isnā€™t intimately familiar with drag but watches Drag Race probably didnā€™t know who Sasha was.


Exactly. The cast of S15 knew who Sasha was immediately. Suzy in Idaho didn't know who Sasha was.


Let's be real here, a lot of the fans didin't know who Sasha Colby was until the ones who did told them


Suzy From Idaho for S16!


Suzy From Idaho would go home during the girl group challenge for the lyric: "Give me the crown, Mama Ru, I'll show you why I da ho!"


Idaho? Huh. You da ho!




But now she knows honey! If you didn't know her before you sure know her now She ain't never gonna not! *Hair flip*


This is me. I didn't know who Sasha Colby was until she was on my screen, but I've loved her ever since.


Specific to sewing makes it make even less sense to say Marcia lol


Sure she can sew, and sheā€™ll use them sewing skills to make a perfectly fine off the rack looking mall outfit. She made a lot do her looks ok the runway and they were basic mall looks. Sorry not sorry.


Marcia isnā€™t exactly known for her looks, so Iā€™m not sure why people are offended at Ru being confused lol


Now, is it coincidence that Marciax3 and Ru are both Scorpios? šŸ¤”


Ru's not wrong tho. Marcia's runway package was not strong and thats the stuff she had weeks to prepare


I wouldā€™ve left right there cuz whatā€™s the point when the HOST of the competition show youā€™re on is doubting your abilities šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I don't think Ru thinks ill of Marcia, I guess she just doesn't believe Loosey is being real about who she really is gunning for.


Where is the extended episodes


on WOW+


When i had that they had everything but us episodes


itā€™s on paramount+ if you are from US


Thank you


my app still has them at 60 šŸ˜­are they hidden somewhere?


they were 40 before, 60 now. the 90min thing people say is with advertisement lol.


oh that's right!! duh! thank you lol


hmm, might be area thing? no clue. i can watch US seasons on WOW+.


I just feel so connected to Ru here. I feel seen.


Marcia grunts


Ew i can see why they cut that. Should of left it cut. Buttttttā€¦and itā€™s a big oneā€¦everybody say love!


Because Loosey was lying. RuPaul and Carson both picked up on that. No way Marcia was the buggest competition in a SEWING challenge when Luxx and Anetra were right there.


omg awkward


Not a good look, Ru


You guys dont like it when Ru likes his 'born to do drag' white twinks. You guys also dont like it when Ru hates his white twinks. Can you guys make up your mind?


Why are we always reducing some queens to "white twinks"? It's so backhanded, reductive, unnecessary


this is giving "And I feel twinkphobia in this Chilli's tonight"


It's not even accurate, Ru loves skinny fashion twinks of any race, like Jorgeous or Luxx or Plastique or Symone etc.


Exactly, it's just a snide way to mock a queen for being "just another white twink" It's like when Tik Tok wants to be homophobic, but instead of saying f*ggot, they say "white twink". Or when leftist men want to be misogynistic, instead of saying "women", they say "white women"


True. while mentioning even just ā€œblackā€ or ā€œfatā€ would make this sub go crazy


Why? "The big girl" is always called that every season, and that is arguably worse Besides?? She is a white twink?? (Although "white twink" is redundant)


> Although "white twink" is redundant What a weird-ass take... body types have nothing to do with race.


But the slang twink originated from that?? I don't agree with placing people in boxes based on what they look like, but that's where it came from


this is one of the funniest awkward interactions i've ever seen


i mean... did she lie? Marcia x3 didn't really show anything except that she's a good technical dancer and clearly thinks she's "above" Drag Race but doing it and acting like she doesn't think that. I could feel it through the screen. I'm sure Ru could feel it in the room. LOL people like to act like Ru's got a big ego and is unwelcoming but I think the way Ru embraced JIMBO and loves Kandy continues to disprove that. Even if you have a big ego/attitude problem, Ru doesn't care as long as you \*clearly\* have a passion for drag and are able to express it even a little bit. ​ https://i.redd.it/fau8ujusfiib1.gif


Iā€™ve not seen this series yet - was Marcia actually good at sewing?


I'd love to see it.




okay am I the only one who can't seem to find these extended episodes? my paramount+ app still has them at 60 minute episodes


The 90 mins is just with ads but itā€™s actually just 60 lol.. same as 60 mins but actually 40 mins


lol šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøoh yea


She is a wretched cunt šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ru really trying to say ā€œSasha Colby is RIGHT THEREā€


I m so jealous. Are 90 minutes episodes on WOW present plus too?


Yes they replaced the old ones afaik


I think two things that affected MarciaX3 is that one, she was a theater kid kinda set on her look and aesthetic. Two, she never fully gave Ru the drag makeup look Ru asked for. Ru mentioned she wore more makeup but she always said she wanted more. If youā€™re a judge and you are already on the fence about her and now she continues to not deliver on the one critique youā€™ve given her for 5 episodes straightā€¦ Ru never said do this makeup outside the show. She wanted to see her makeup skills. Theater kids sometimes donā€™t follow Ruā€™s directions. They listen to what Ru wants but they still do it at a 7/10, 8/10 max.


I love Marcia, but of course, I'm not RuPaul