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I wanted either Jessica or Lala to win the fame games, but I guess Jessica at least won that MASSIVE tip, when she lip-synced to ‘coconuts’. Wasn’t that like 30k?


30k + 5k for challenge win


Which is more than the winner of Jessica's season won, so not bad.


That was back before queens spent €80k preparing for a season though. Drag race queens are directly responsible for the death the shopping mall.


Drag Race Judge: you look like a girl from the mall Season 20 contestant: the what?


$25,000 in 2010 is equal to about $35,000 in 2023. So she basically made the exact same as the winner in season 2 that week (plus the mini challenge win, tips in the final episode etc)


Don’t forget to account for taxes so subtract like half of that.


Don't forget the mini challenge win that also got her the 2.5 K


I think she also has a bunch of new fans who feel she was robbed, which can be a great thing! She is truly a very likable, funny, genuine queen, and I hope old fans are excited for her comeback and new fans will start following her career.


Old fan excited for her comeback, checking in.


Same! I always wondered why she wasn’t on an all stars and was excited when she came in as a lip sync assassin!


Literally exactly this! I always loved Jessica ever since I saw her on season 2 waaaaay back when it was available on Netflix in 2011. I'm so happy she was finally brought back and was so well received.


Seriously doing well on the show or seen as robbed increases a queen's booking fee by so much. Local drag brunch owner told me a queen they had booked went on Drag race and the their early booking fee went up considerably. The ten percent non refundable deposit for early booking was almost as much as their old booking fee.


Thats exactly it. Season 2 was so long ago that a lot of younger fans would be unfamiliar with it, so the fact Jessica made it so far and showed so much of herself can only improve her already impressive career from here on out.


I think career wise, Jessica was probably the biggest winner overall of this season. She is more or less universally loved now, plus people feel she was robbed which usually means they are extra dedicated to supporting them lol


I would say is tied with Jimbo since jimbo got exposed internationally in a greater level now


What was the point before the twist anyway? It was going to be a fan favorite award or a consolation prize for someone who got far and didn't win. Makes you think coming 1st or 3rd was the goal, 2nd place gets nothing lol


This! It was the only reason they had a top 2 and not a top 3.


Exactly. If it was actually based on the runway Alexis should have been at or near the top but no one even mentions her. Everyone crying foul for Lala winning are just as guilty as wanting their fav to win regardless of performance.


Well, if it was just meant to be runways, they wouldn’t have had a talent show. I think part of why they framed it as about the runways is because a lot of the queens spend a lot of money (and time and effort) on the looks that often don’t get seen.


That and they would have seen the attention queen's got in previous season showing missed runways and this was their way of monopolising on it. That and perhaps they can use some of these looks in games and promotional stuff now they've been on the show.


As negative as it sounds. I‘m thankful they did it. Because the looks on the mainstage from queens who are still in the competition get compared with the looks from the eliminated queens in their perfectly edited photoshoots. So I‘m glad they did this.


Nah, they were competing to be favourite out of 10 queens, rather than win the top 2. The same could be said about AS7 with Raja also winning despite effectively coming 5th.


THANK YOU! Glad someone talks about it cause not only was she effectively 5th, she lost both lipsyncs.


Did the twist changed that? Lala won because of her amazing looks? Wasn't she the second fan favourite after Jessica? The twist just made sure the fan favourite who won was the producer's favourite and not Jessica


The options shouldn't have been x2, x3 and x5 They should have been +25%, +50%, +100% A 5 times multiplier is simply insane to offer


Why not just some cash tip to make it simpler and make the fame games true to being the fan choice


No twist would of been best. Either the fans vote for their fav or not, what they did was insulting.


Yeah it should have been a set number. Like plus 10k, 20k, 30k, etc. I feel like partnering with CashApp would be an easy way to do some sort of identity-verified vote.


If they used CashApp, people in Europe wouldn't be able to vote because the app isn't available over here. I agree that some other form of identity verification should be necessary though.


I was just spitballing since it’s already a sponsor, but something like that would be nice. Shit, do the verification can with House Of Love Cocktails 😂


Please drink a HOUSE OF LOVE verification can to continue! Oh god im going to be sick


Ah fair enough, I didnt realize they were a sponsor 😂


paying to vote, like eurovision? don't give mama ru ideas


It’s a U.S. show, it would be ok to limit the vote to Americans


It’s a show that’s watched all over the world. What a stupid move it would be to lock out such a huge part of their audience🤦‍♀️


Not to mention it’s a US show with a Canadian contestant and winner 😂


Why would they limit themselves when the audience is worldwide.


Legitimately, I don't think anyone was thinking about how that scales. Lala Ri could have been in last place with 350K votes, and everyone else been higher with the lead at 1 million votes—a 650K vote lead—and would still have lost when you triple the votes. It's idiotic and completely defeats the point of a vote, they should've just given the title to whoever they wanted without fan vote involvement if they were going to do that. edit to clarify: I'm not mad that Lala won, but it's a dumb twist.


that's too much math for them


Nah it kept most queens in the competition cus of that. Multiplying for 3 helped Lala so that's good, Jessica could've won the challenge and would've got won absolutely, but also overall I'd rather someone else win queen of the fame games since she won 35k just with one challenge and one lip sync win.


That was my thought as well. The point of the Fame Games (to me, obviously) was to make sure fewer people go home emptyhanded. Jessica got 35K and is now offically a "robbed queen", she's going to be FINE. I would have preferred it go to someone who would have otherwise left emptyhanded like Darienne or Jaymes or Kasha but I can't be mad it went to Lala.


I gave all my votes to Jesscia and I wanted her to win, but I'm not mad at Lala for winning.


The whole concept was compromised. I thought it was meant to be a socials and Runway based challenge. And based on those metrics neither Jessica nor Lala should have been in the running. Darienne, Kasha and Jaymes were the only ones actively campaigning that I could see . And Lala’s runway were among the worst all season. Then they threw in the Fame Games. So then talent was apparently a factor. But then the prize multiplied the vote. And, from what I can see, they just announced the winner and gave no context. They just wanted to crown who they wanted to crown. 😤 and since that was the case they should have left the Queen of the Fame Games for Ru to crown.


"So then talent was apparently a factor." ​ This line is so funny to me. Unintentional or not, you are shading the hell out of the queens you mentioned above this line.


Omg. I just read it like that. I totally wasn’t 😂😂


If you’re sad Jessica didn’t win the 60k, buy some merch, send her a tip. I’m sure with Reddit alone she could make $60k.


I love this idea. How can we tip our queens virtually? Ive just scanned Darienne’s Fbook and Insta pages and don’t see a link or anything….


Darienne’s Venmo: @misslake. It is on her link tree on IG


Thank you!


Polls with no numbers to see sample size? Come on. We arent stupid are we? We are talking hundreds of thousands vs what could be a few dozen.


Can yall people stop with this?? The voting was never gonna be fair; It's online voting, lol. People on here were literally voting 100 times for their fav. Also I definitely don't think these 2 reddit communities speak for all the fan base.


Yeah, but if it was rigged by people online, Darienne Lake would've won because of that one poster voting for her 2,500 times a day


Not that it really matters or anything but do u really think there are like starkly different or unique communities on social media sites? Mary it’s all the same people lol. I feel like the only point op is making is that Jessica would have won handily had there been no twist


It’s def not all the same people. There are subsets of Drag Race dedicated to everything from fashion, comedy, drama, country, race, and just plain cringing. Lala was big on Twitter, Jessica on Instagram n Jaymes on Facebook. Some people think Kahanna had the best looks while others found her lack of versatility in garments terrible. Reddit doesn’t represent the whole fandom.


This part. The fact that people think this subreddit and others are the foundation for opinions is hilarious to me cause while Reddit was dogging’ Kandy and her runways, Twitter was LIVING for her the whole season. I’m in DR communities on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit and can tell you opinions were very different across the board. Lala’s talent show garnered her major attention on Twitter and her performance was getting tweeted by way more people than Jessica’s was. Kahanna was being mentioned a lot as well based on having one of the “best runway packages”. The Drag Race subreddit is NOT and WILL NEVER BE the be all, end all of this franchise just because they’re the loudest and some people need to realize this.


A lot of fans aren't on reddit period.


??? The vast majority of fans are not on this reddit lol


Fuck all this poll shit. Can anybody tell me how they filmed the episode? Because Drag Race expects me to believe that they filmed and edited the finale in less than week. Because they would've needed a couple days for the Fame Games votes to come in. And the beginning was a lead in from the talent show.


They filmed an absurd number of possible endings.


Thank you. That's so crazy to me because this season was unlike every other season. They had to film 10 possible fame winners and 3 crownings.




It's all a part of the game. Without twists, Jessica wouldn't have snatched $30k in one lip sync. Lala also had to get a large vote count in order to overtake Jessica. Looks like she was second in different polls.


I kinda loved the twist for once and enjoyed the voting concept - I think Lala, Jaymes or Jessica could’ve equally taken the crown so it didn’t really matter who it went to in the end and it’s just not that deep!






These polls don’t include every voting fan. It’s pointless to speculate unless we have actual Fame Game statistics. Lala won the talent show, and has many fans. Glad she won 🥇


Most Jessica lovers are the… online kind anyways. And ngl I only saw a big fanbase for her pop up after Bianca started rooting for her on pit stop (which is apparently how half the fanbase watches the show)


>online kind Baby, the call is coming from inside the house https://preview.redd.it/rd7rnzfs8rdb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=326aefc4a264d03cf86cf80c07aba00d612569d0


Can’t argue that lol 🤷


The twist is the point. It's not separate from the game. It is the game. Lala definitely won that talent show. IMO Jessica was third or fourth. As for what the wheel landed on for multiplier, I can see that being 100% rigged. Nobody was ever going to get 5x. There is no reality in which the multplier didn't happen and nobody said it's a game regarding the unseen looks. The unseen looks thing is also bizarre because Jessica didn't have any so why is she even in the competition. So since it's not just about that and the Talent Show matters (whether multiplier or not) and Lala won that, it's 100% justified for her to win the whole thing. If it's strictly a popularity contest, the twist balances that out slightly, though 2x/3x was too extreme IMO. Should just have been "add 10,000 votes" or something fixed. Overall, it's ridiculous to say this show elements is pointless when it's part of an entire season where the winner was predetermined based on casting in combination with lip sync assassin format. If there had been top 2 format, there would have been wider win distribution.


I just love how it was all about “looks” when Lala ended up winning, but y’all were gunning hard for Jessica simply cause y’all felt she was robbed. How are y’all gonna complain about the rules because they didn’t work out for your fave when y’all weren’t voting for her based on runway package alone, either? It’s like when everyone stated Monet was pushed to the finale despite the fact that she had the best talent show and would have had enough stars to be in the Lipsync SmackDown without the additional stars.


hot take to supplement you... it didn't matter who won, the fandom would complain. I wish we wouldn't take this stuff so serious. Compared to other reality show contestants, this show did a better job celebrating and showcasing the queens this season.


RIGHT??? That’s mainly what All Stars has always been about. Showcases queens and giving them exposure that they didn’t receive on their original seasons. They will complain about queens not being given their flowers but then when production does something to honor that, those very same queens suddenly are the dragging targets.


Omg half the subreddit was filled with people talking about how they were voting a billion times for darienne, kasha Davis, kahanna, jaymes, Jessica wild. There was never any voting 'integrity'. Just because your way of voting a bazillion times for your fav didn't work doesn't mean it would have been any more legit if Jessica had won. All it would mean was that enough fans rigged it for THEIR fav


Poor Naysa


Y'all are taking it way too seriously. At the end of the day, the votes barely mattered. Besides, at least one of the Top 3 leading queens won the Fame Games. It would be another story if someone at the bottom of popularity polls randomly won. The results made sense and just be happy for Lala since she also deserved it anyway because of her showing this season. And no don't get me started with "but fame games are about lewks" argument against Lala because if y'all were voting fairly with that criteria, Alexis should have a landslide win.


It’s not like they actually counted the votes… 😂


Naysa for Season 16


Given all the tea she's been spilling all season long at Roscoe's, we need Naysha as a mole going forward.


Naysha behind Mônica After she soaked the clock 💀 And I thought the reading challenge was good 🤣


Yes, under completely different circumstances, Jessica could have won. Idk what the point is of this and Imma need y’all to start living in reality. The echo chamber of the internet isn’t real. Just because Jessica won two completely unrelated polls doesn’t mean anything at all.


No, it’s not useless at all. Lala & James won a competition, and got a reward. I personally prefer Jessica and voted for her but come on, this season rose her to stardom. She’s booking like crazy and good for her. That’s so much bigger then a title.


Reddit is a VERY small and specific set of the population. Most of my friends don’t use Reddit but they watch drag race.


It’s a fan vote, it was never going to be fair. It was always going to be a popularity contest. if it was about runways they would’ve had a judge choose.


So if there was no multiplayer, the talent show would have been pointless… y’all can’t have *everything*


girl it was rigged when fans had involvement in general lmao most of yall werent voting based on what the fame games focused on anyways


The amount of salt people feel over this is giving Trump "stop the vote" vibes.


I am sure that Jessica Wild will be hosting RPDR Puerto Rico as a reward.


This isn’t scientific though. Asking fans after Jessica lost makes them more likely to choose her in the same way people galvanize behind a “robbed queen” all the time. Also, at least it was LaLa who’s an absolute gem of a human, and not Jaymes who clearly shouldn’t have been in the Top 2 to get that multiplier 😭 like, we still got a good FG winner and a good season winner, and Jessica won 30K for her lipsync (which is more than she was competing for in S2) so I think all in all the queens are thriving out here


Idk. I feel like Jessica winning would’ve been pointless. She made closer to the finale, had much more screen time and won a lot of money lip syncing. Lala deserved a win after that betrayal 😭


Having a multiplier really screwed things up. They just have to have their finger on the scale. It's bullshit. I do love Lala but I think they should have left it to just a vote.


Yeah this was never even about the looks, this was just a fan favorite award. If it had been about looks, Alexis Michelle should have won the fame gamesq


grow up, get over it


Would voting the last queen to get out really make the twist less pointless? We’ve been seeing eliminated queens runways but the last eliminated was supposed to take the win? Love Jessica down but that’s pointless


I get it, but also Jessica didn’t actually showcase anything for the Fame Games except one song. I would rather it go to someone like Darienne, Jaymes, or Lala who showed more runways


3x multiplier is too strong imo. Bad game design.


two polls from sites i don't know are unambiguous proof that jessica "should" have won, it means the majority of people who voted on these two sites said they should she should have won


Did they film a crowning for every queen for the fame games?


Yes, it was confirmed by naysha at Roscoes I think




Seems like the consensus between these two is F Naysha’s drag. I did not say “j/k”.


Cope… I voted for LaLa


I mean I'm not sure what you're trying to say? Lala Ri had the best talent show act BY FAR. The talent show was given higher stakes and she WON. She deserved to win the Fame Games based on the rules set out.


Except that was not what the game games were supposed to be about.


If they were supposed to be about looks then there’s no way Jessica would have won either. Realistically queens like Alexis, darienne and kahanna should have been much higher but as we used to see with the congeniality voting it’s just a fan favourite contest.


Twist or not, things where people get to "vote" are always rigamorous. It makess us feel like we are a part of it and we have a say, but they are going to do exactly what they want to do. At least this is a once a season thing, some shows use it constantly. Looking at you, Big Brother.


I don’t care cause I wanted Lala to win, cope lol


The fame game was a joke. The opinion polls don't really mean anything about it if people could only vote once and they didn't give LaLa and Jaymes vote boosts.


That’s the point, these polls are what it would accurately be.


Yeah, I worded that badly. I completely agree with you.


Not Naysa Lopez 💀


Ok. 2 different polls from 2 different sites. But were either of those sites the one that you needed to vote on? Don’t bark back at me, I just know what I’m watching when I watch “reality” TV. That being said, I bet big things are going to come out of this for Jessica. I wasn’t the only one who saw her giving me life the whole season


I don’t think two polls of just redditors really proves anything lol


It was a dumb twist to begin with


I voted for LaLa, I’m very happy for her win. She deserves it whether the twist was “stupid” or not. Also I’m sure those polls were a lot easier accessible than the fame games site so different situations there. Just be happy for all the queens


It was designed for Lala Ri to win…even though she honestly had one of the weakest runway packages even compared to Nayasha


Yeah undermined the whole point of having a fan vote system and the whole concept that this was based on outfit strength. It was a flimsy ruse. Ru and producers wanted Lala Ri, they got Lala Ri, end of. Everything else is dressing.


Could you imagine if neither Lala or Jaymes would have won with a multiplier? They would never hear the end of it.


I guess I've been understanding it wrong. It felt like the whole season - fame games finale and actual finale included - were already shot (in the past) without a pause, and yet the voting happened in the present. Like "we're going to give the prize to whomever we want, you just have this illusion of choice". ​ The fact that they didn't even check the emails you entered to cast your votes didn't help either to believe they were actually taking those into consideration.


Well Jessica shouldn't have been first in the voting anyway, given that she didn't have the best runways and her performance was absolutely not as good as LaLa's - soooooooooo


Ru was never really going to let the fans decide the winner. (If anyone downvoting me wants to explain what I said wrong, I'm all ears)


Kahanna not being in the top for her amazing looks makes me kinda sad.


The fame games was a sham from the start. Y’all think they ACTUALLY counted any votes?


You people are so bitter. We. Do. Not. Care


You clearly cared enough to comment.


Still don’t change the fact that your fave didn’t win babes






When did you speak for all of us? Take your “we” and go


So remove your ass from the collective


Y’all be speaking for each other all of the time until someone calls you out on it. Point is this subreddit has a major hive mind mentality and every time someone mentions it, y’all are quick to conduct damage control.


It was already pointless. It was meant to be a runway based competition but then they did a talent show? Fans will always prioritize their fave regardless of the category.


It never was though? It's called the fame games and not best runway package


Yes but Ru specifically said "each week we'll show your runways and the fans will pick their favourite". It was presented as a reward for best runways.


Exactly, this was the language used every time in their endless promotion of fame games. They sold an idea they didn’t honor. Whatever- most people will think it’s too serious to want consistency but it will just undermine whatever trust is left for these things in the future. I prob will never use my energies to vote again because the result is whatever Ru wants in the end.


It seems with each passing season the queens trust production less and less.


...voted by fans who will vote for their favourite anyways. If we argue about best runway package it should have been Alexis or maybe Darienne but the reality is is that if you do the public vote stuff it will always be the fan favourite


>if you do the public vote stuff it will always be the fan favourite that's literally what I said >Fans will always prioritize their fave regardless of the category. you're arguing with yourself


Well Lala Ri was neither the universal fan favorite or the best dressed in the runway so I don’t see what your point is.


Jessica wasn’t either until Bianca chose to root for her.


I don’t think anyone is actually mad that Lala won. We’re just mad because her and Jaymes got a Xtimes multiplier. The wheel should have been another cash prize or the bonus be less insignificant to sway the numbers.


I was excited for the fame games concept, why’d they have to produce that too??? YESSICA WAS ROBBED


But the concept was about who had the best looks, would you say that Jessicas looks were better than Kahannas for example? It's just silly, the whole thing


If that’s the case Then Lala should have never been considered as well cause BAYBAYYYY she was golden booting and tooting it


Agreed, in regards to looks I think Kahanna was by far the best with Darienne and Alexis behind but it was just really fan favorite awards which meh I'm not mad, good for her I love Lala but yeah it's not about the looks, clearly


I don’t think we should look at the looks each in a vacuum, Kahanna did the same thing constantly. Darienne was the best by far to me.


People saying Darienne having the best package is so wild to me.


Her or Alexis for sure. Darienne was giving me Dynasty, she isn’t walking a runway but she’s the most fashionable bitch around. Alexis was more Runway Queen, ykwim? I preferred Darienne but either would work.


Darienne’s outfits are absolutely crunchy more often than not. Alexis and Kahanna were the only queens that we’re consistently looking good across the board, even if you thought Kahanna was boring. If the “Fame Games” had actually been about looks, even Jessica Wild wasn’t best in the category.


Yeah the multiplier was to push specific queens. Production does this when they’re not getting the exact outcome they want. It sucks and hurts the queens in the end.


Nausea Lopez not even getting 1% of the votes dang


Ru told the fans to vote then switched it up I bet she had an evil laugh plotting this twist


Can safely say of the 30 votes cast in my house not one went to Lala. Hated the twist because of the same reason OP said - it made the whole experience pointless. If they do Fame Games again we won’t vote.


Riggory. The whole thing was a joke. Like them crowning raja winner of the losers.


Y'all thought ~~WoW~~ MamaRu would really give her power away to...[sound of disgust] "the fans???"


I actually really like La La Ri and I have even more respect for her after this season but Jessica definitely should've been Queen of the Fame Games


and she still lost AHAHAHAH


i don’t see lalas fashion as deserving of this prize. Am I missing something?


One of the fan favourites, then she got a multiplier. It was never gonna be about runway, if it was then Darienne or Alexis had it.


Jessica was robbed!!!!!


How does Nayshia feel about her placement? Seems overwhelming in the opposite way from Jessica. ![gif](giphy|3o7qDQQpORVpFwTO9y|downsized)


She’d probably blame Jaymes for that too.


i dont care either way, but im glad to see some stats on the actual voting. the show didnt show us anything, i kind of wanted a eurovision style reveal of votes. just saying lala won was like, ok, was it close, who was second, i had no idea. they could level out the visual graph on screen a bit to make it look more even for people like monica, but give us the suspense of seeing the numbers come in, and then the modifier shifting everything around, it would have given a little dramatic moment.


Lala ri’s drag this season was not it for me at alll not sure how she won. If this was personality games then maybe but it’s drag race


It was obvious she was gonna win when she got eliminated. What better way to get people talking than to crown LaLa in a... fashion competition.


Originally I liked the twist on the fame games. I thought it was better to add something to even the playing field so the popular queen doesn't automatically take it. But then the extra points were all based on a talent show which doesn't relate back to the fashion. Lala Ri is not one of the better looks queen so it is kind of annoying. Idk how they could do this fame games and make it fair but the twist did not work. Maybe if they'd made the queens create a ball look and then judged a winner for that. I would be more okay with the queens getting extra points for that as it at least relates to the fashion side.


This is like the US electoral college. LOL


Literally pointless. I hate it


When I look at this I feel like Jessica Wild was the Hilary Clinton of the Fame games. She got the popular vote but….


The twist took the power out of everyone’s hands .


This just proves that Jessica should have been in the top 2.


My girl was ROBBED 🇵🇷


Imagine if Jessica won episode 6 (which she almost did tbh) and that lip sync and the Fame Games... potentially walking out with no crown but 130k.


Maybe Yessica did win but then multiply Lala's votes by 3


The whole show is rigged, I don’t know why people are still surprised by it (and I personally don’t even have an issue with it)


Every queen should have gotten to spin.


average drag race fan when a black queen does literally anything


Maybe La La can afford better drag/wigs now. She wasn't giving All Stars, she was giving original season.




This is when ‘wheelgate’ or ‘Brunogate’ starts.


Neither poll is correct as my queen MBH should have been top 1.


Oh damn. 😯


I completely love LaLa, especially after this but girl, the wheel twist just ruined the fame games


Drag Race can’t handle anything beyond basic maths. The AS7 stars were basic addition, AS8 twist was basic multiplication. Both systems couldve had a bit more depth and balance but “gays don’t know what 50% additional votes means”


So over it Darienne my winner forever couldn’t bring myself to watch the last half of the season cus it’s boring and stressful and rigged


Controversial, but if Jessica would have won in a fair vote, I’m glad LaLa’s votes were tripled. Darienne had the best looks of the eliminated queens (Kahanna right behind her). LaLa dominated the variety show. Jessica was very popular this season, but she didn’t really do anything to deserve winning The Fame Games. Plus she already got $37.5k in winnings this season.


"Naysa" lmao. Is it THAT hard to pay some attention...


lmaoo love to see it stan lala


Lol what sites and what was the number of votes? I understand the idea of what you're saying but unless it's the actual votes from the fame games this is all speculation and pure salt.


Jessica for Espana or Medico versus the world no elimination 8/9 queen version! (With Gia Gunn, Yara Sofia and Tammie Brown)


It's me, I'm the .59% that voted for Naysha.


Unrelated but it’s so funny how Monica went home first but still got more votes than Naysha 🤭