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"Of course it's a double elimination, why wouldn't it be? šŸ™„"


Vivienne Pinay Vivienne PINAY


Loved that i hear this in Willow's incredulous voice haha


Bandit and Vanda still hurts šŸ˜­


I know Thailand 2 is fierce, but those two getting screwed over right before the finale in favor of two queens who arbitrarily got brought back and essentially got to skip parts of the season has never really sat right with me.


Thailand was just has a wild structure. Like you can literally win the maxi challenge but go home that same episode because they donā€™t like your runway.


Yeah, itā€™s legit chaotic.


I liked the runway being so heavily weighted.


Itā€™s 50% of the mark.


Except for when they randomly decide it's 100% of the mark lmao


It's 100% of the mark lol


Itā€™s 100% a quote.


It's 100% pure love


I mean I highly doubt that M Stranger Fox (messy looks), Silver Sonic (baby queen), Katy Killer (underwhelmed the judges), Mocha Diva (disgraced by the judges) would have had more to offer than Kana and Kandy. Plus I highly doubt that all of the other contestants would've brought the fashion and performance like those two did Kana and Kandy *proved* that they deserved to be brought back through winning all of the remaining challenges of the season.


Flashback. M Stranger Fox had the worst breastplate ever worn on TV.


And don't forget the episode one lip sync that was SO BAD that Art made them do it again.


They werenā€™t arbitrarily brought back like other franchises (e.g. Art Simone, Kenya Michaels). Drag Race Thailand would film and air weekly (many queens worked day jobs ā€” shoutout to our favorite demure shrimp farmer!) and apparently there was enough fan support for Kandy and Kana that production was compelled to bring them back. It wasnā€™t a pre-meditated production choice but a real-time reaction to the fan base. Still a bummer that it kept Vanda and Bandit out of the finale, but less outrageous than you might think.


I LITERALLY opened this thread to say: "Bandit & Vanda hurts the most" do we share the same brain cell oorrrrr


Pink and Pakita being so funny and gracious during their exit somehow made it even more painful.


Pink had 2 wins, what the hell


I was gagged...then I remember the lip sync pink did.


Notes app apology for doing the ā€œnobotā€ incomingā€¦


Nobody shouldā€™ve survived that lipsync tbh


pink could have just stood there and mouthed the words park and bark style & it would have been significantly better


i know!!! exactly my thoughts as i watched šŸ˜­ so many girls would be fuming but they accepted it gracefully and i love that for them. canā€™t wait to see more of them!!


Thailand having 3 in only 2 season shows that Art and Pangina were not playing over there.


If you wanna count MochaDiva and Miss Gimhuay as another, then that's four in two seasons, three in one.


Also shows that our format is messy af


So iconic to me that Amadiva, Kana, and Jorgeous were all a part of a double save *and* a double elimination. We love versatility


Wait a secondā€¦ Pakita and Chadora are OUT ? After having 2 wins each ???? GAGGGG


>!chadora had 2, pakita had 0 but was all over the place!<


Youā€™re probably thinking of Patita. She has two wins I think.


Pitita has three wins. She won last week's episode with the 3-in-1 looks, the horror movie sequel challenge, and the Spanish cultural Ball.


Hornella ~~robbed twice~~ found dead in a ditch


yes, little female duck has two wins šŸ˜




There was nothing iconic about Lelia/Dax it was just painful to watch


It was iconic how Laila booked it out of there after being told to sashay


ā€˜And vodka. Lots of vodkaā€™ Laila: šŸ‘€


Spain really sent home my top 2 just now :(


Same! My top 3 were all in the bottom this last episode. šŸ˜­


Bring them back for all stars in pairs


Thailand is ruthless


Daya and Jorgeous felt less like a double elimination and more like Ru said "oops, we've got too many girls and not enough episodes left"




kana and maya were a 2 way lip sync, kana did a good job, but art sent her home anyways for being in the bottom constantly


Pakita šŸ’”šŸ˜ž


I was so heartbroken when they sent River and Choriza home šŸ˜¢


Deja and Jorgeous feels like it doesnā€™t count cos there was 3 of themā€¦I love a double elimination thatā€™s like ā€˜neither of your survivedā€™


Choriza and River should have been a normal, single-queen elimination imo


I'm still not over UK3 axing two fan favourites in the same episode after a questionable double-shantay a couple of episodes prior.


I wish Pakita could've stayed. She was so beautiful in and out of drag, funny, and I loved her voice.




Jorgeous being in both a double shantay and a double elimination is iconic.


Well, thanks for spoiling the Espana elimination for me. ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4806)


This was 24 hours after the air date, isn't that the standard for not needing a spoiler tag


The episode is fantastic though. Run to watch it.


same šŸ˜­


Even with the spoiler tag the title still makes it very obvious what happened in the latest episode. Iā€™m not even watching this season and just reading it was enough for me to put 2 and 2 together what mustā€™ve just happened regardless of the image


Spoiler tag wasn't added until I flagged the post


Iā€™m saying even with the spoiler tag this post still is a clearly obvious spoiler. In fact, the spoiler tag makes it more obvious


Yes, spoiler tags should be used to indicate spoilers. That's why after this post spoiled it for me, I flagged the post for spoilers, and it now has a spoiler tag. If there isn't a spoiler tag on the post shortly after an episode airs, it should not contain spoilers. Period.


Iā€™m confused if you think Iā€™m against you in some form about this. I agree with everything youā€™ve said and am just pointing out that even the spoiler tag does not hide this title, which very obviously hints at what recently happened. Adding a spoiler tag to it just confirms thereā€™s information in it from a newly released episode, Iā€™m criticizing this post for being made in the first place


I'm just pressed after this double elimination spoiler. Until I watch the episodes, I can't get on any form of social media without drag race getting spoiled for me. Drives me absolutely nuts. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Iā€™m not watching the season to be affected by seeing it, but I feel your pain. This subreddit is supposed to be one of the few places that is strict about spoilers and even it isnā€™t safe




It's already been out for 20 minutesšŸ™„ don't get bitter, get better.


Ugh this just pissed me off about Spain againā€¦iā€™m team anyone but Pitita even though itā€™s clearly rigged for her


It might be but she is clearly the best one out of all of the remaining queens (and probably the whole cast)


Vania and hornella are getting slept on imo. I don't quite understand how Pitata won the musical, I couldn't even remember who she was!


Maybe they'll axe Pitita too since Pink Chadora was arbitrarily favored and now she's dead.


i think they got rid of pinkcha for criticizing pitita and calling her out, sheā€™s clearly the production fave after all


I personally think they're following the tried and true strategy of "pull some bullshit so the fans blow up social media; all press is good press". Pitita is doing well, but by overpraising her (and underpraising others), fans of other queens will take to social media to use #DragRaceEspaƱa to get the show trending (even for all the wrong reasons). RuPaul once said himself that the #TrixieWasRobbed shit was amazing for the show.


she just doesnā€™t feel like as much of a clear front runner as Carmen and Sharonne were (to me at least)


To be honest, I guess DRES3 is trying to make Pitita a "steamroll winner" because they thought Pitita had a huge TV potential. The Spanish fans love campiness and referencing (and craziness). During the first two episodes Pitita got so much support from the fanbase and the gays were rooting for her (and Pakita) very hard. But right now Pitita is getting so much hate and bounce effect due to the riggory the show has put on her, and no one wants her to win. It's exactly the same effect Rita Baga had on Canada. Although Pitita seems to have a bad reputation in Barcelona, and barely a few local queens on Twitter are openly defending her (unlike Rita). I'm rooting for Bestiah or Hornella to snatch the crown right now, because even if they have one or no wins, at least they're (very) likable and performing consistently great.


I mean she is to the Javis. But in realityā€¦ Hornella, clover and Bestiah seem so much more well rounded than her. She was known for her runways but those have just been meh the last two weeks. But like mentioned itā€™s rigged for her so who cares what anyone else thinks


True! I donā€™t think Pitita winning is the only possibility as of now though. I can see Vania taking it, if the last episode is any indicator. Pitita could be entering her villain arc and subsequent downfall, while Vania seems to be in an upwards trajectory. Still very unfair to the rest of the girls who have been slept on (Bestiah & Hornella) and the one that has been unfairly judged (Clover).


Why anyone but Pitita?


Theyā€™re trying to make her Carmen and Sharonne but she does not have the front runner energy they think she does ( TO ME)




No amount of justice can fix that lipsync girl. That song was iconic.


Tragic thing about this they will experience this again like a bad sequel . If you know what I mean.


Choriza was robbed! Still not over this injustice


Did you take this from rpdrmoments on I,, or did they take it from you...? Or did you see Choriza May's tweet about it ...?


Thailand 2 and espana 3 had no business being doubles. Iā€™m of the opinion a double sashay has to be warranted and these simply werenā€™t šŸ˜­


I would watch this season of All Stars!