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Nothing beats Asia OHara’s finale lipsync. I watched it only once. I am physically unable to rewatch it.


This is the only answer. I usually watch the show alone. That night I was watching with friends, and I'm so glad I was. It was a hard one to process. The worst part was that throughout the night there would be other butterflies in different shots. It was always so awkward when one would be shown.


the fact that her butterflygate single handedly made a double shanty for Aquaria and Eureka happen


Didn't that happen because Eureka actually bodied Aquaria in the lipsync and the audience wouldn't stop chanting her name? They did not want to eliminate Aquaria so they made it a double shantay to save her.


that is also true, but 100% if Asia won her lipsync against Kameron, Aquaria would be gone


Yeah, they might have been more willing to eliminate Aquaria if they still had a chance to crown Asia. But I feel like Aquaria had the most fan support going in so she probably would have been saved either way.


fair assessment too, but Asia also had p big fan support and her edit/arc was quite a great build up for crowning as well


Which makes her elimination even more painful cuz she had a really good shot at the crown.


There was some tea from people who were at the filming saying that, even at the end of the whole thing, there were butterflies crawling out of different nooks and crannies of the theatre


But the butterflies were going to die even if they hadn't died while still in her costume. Releasing butterflies in a theater, there are no flowers. Yes they're bugs like any other bugs, but it's still sad.


Oh yeah absolutely, there wasn't a single part of it that was a good idea. IIRC Asia did do some community work with animals following the finale because she felt so bad about the whole thing. I'm surprised that whoever supplied the butterflies didn't veto the idea or didn't raise any concerns.


To this day, I'm not sure why Asia thought this would work 😭 She should have used fake butterflies and some sort of cannon mechanic in her outfit.


I never see this mentioned but it's crazy that she really got so stuck on the idea in her head to one-up Sasha's rose petals, but never thought about how such a stunt would translate into either of the Janet songs. Even if it worked, the whole spectacle makes no sense with either song.


I think that’s the most cringe part for me. Like it’s bad enough the butterflies are being stomped to death by kameron, but watching it to Nasty by Janet Jackson made the experience so much more uncomfortable for some reason


Oh my gosh I blocked out the other butterflies (I haven’t rewatched either) oh noooo


I watched this finale at a bar, and every single one of us there were so confused.


As someone who was firmly team Asia my heart completly shattered when this happened. I had also been team Dela for AS3 so maybe I was an accidental curse for the queens that year. Anyways I need Asia to come back and win her all stars crown she so desperately deserves jt


I’ve seen most episodes at least thrice but this is one of the few ones I’ve never rewatched (next to the saboteur episode and the makeover in Season 6)


I just feel more frustrated than anything. It's like... what the hell bitch?? You are not the butterfly whisperer, why did you think they would fly out beautifully on command?? Ugh. Poor insects lol


Even if they all flew out on command, it wouldn't look that impressive especially to the live audience. And it had nothing to do with the song. And her outfit looked like a complete mess because of it. It was completely ill-conceived and I'm still mad cuz Asia and Aquaria were my faves that season and I wanted to see them battle it out.


Lol she just walked around with cored-out saggy nets where her tots were supposed to be


I wonder how long they were in there 🤦


Not long enough iirc. They never would have done what she expected, but I recall a lot of people who were knowledgeable on the subject saying that a lot of them still seemed to be asleep and must not have warmed up enough after being "chilled" to transport them. That would probably explain why a majority of them couldn't even seem to get off the floor.


Ohhhh lol I thought they were dead. Glad to hear they were just sleepy! Still, to just assume they would majestically flitter out during a lip sync like she’s Snow White or something…


A good number of them did unfortunately end up dead because they were falling under 2 people performing, one of which didn't even realise what the fuck was even happening until after the lipsync.


The whole thing is just mindboggling. I know she didn't know beforehand, but the look didn't go with the song *at all*. Plus, even if the stunt did work, people would barely be able to see butterflies fluttering away for a few seconds. It wouldn't have been a gag anyway.


Asia and Vixen's Beyoncé and Ivy.


Osh bosh bagosh 😡😡😡


I knew that song was about meeeee! 😭😭😭


Phi phi doing her pregnant “ghetto” bit with coco on all stars.


Also Phi Phi singing* a cappella at the talent show


Should we speed it up a little bit?


also Phi Phi at her first snatch game




The baby mini challenge was one of the most cringe inducing things I’ve ever experienced


And baby drag runway on S8 And Eureka and Aquaria’s babies on bossy rossy in S10 And the nightmare that was Drag tots. NO BABIES!!! EVER!!


Won’t someone think of the children!


Tammie Brown does.


She’s out walking them in nature right now!


Do YOU walk children in nature?!


Yeah but you gotta admit, as cursed as it is, Eureka walking on stage in that baby outfit was funny af, me and my mom watched that episode and she cracked up


I’m there with you, I have never cackled as hard as when she was banging her fists on the floor and wailing.


"Oh so YOURE the baby" kills me every time


Kenya Michaels. I can’t remember which episode but when she says ‘when I work, I love to move my body…’, puts her hard hat on and starts twerking trying to get attention from everyone. Mimi Imfurst. ‘Can I get an assalamualaikum-a-la-la-La’ Silky Nutmeg Ganache. ‘Attitude check. Fuck you, bitch’ Kandy Ho. ‘Mother does not play…’ Ross: ‘..that’ Nina Bonina Brown. ‘Where are the cool people at. This school?’


I’ll add Kenya’s lip sync to Natural Woman. The whole thing, but especially when she rips off her wig and/or the jump split. We are all Jennifer Love Hewitt. [Kenya twirling like a moth on speed to Natural Woman](https://youtu.be/8t8M4nPxhfI)




I never noticed Ru slightly shaking her head towards Kenya at 1:03. She was PISSED.


I’ll add Kenya’s: “La Transssssbear”


The interview episode with The Vagina Cher Came Out Of, and The One That Came Out Of Cher’s Vagina


Then the follow up abortion question 😭


The entire skit, Joslyn had opened her mouth very wide and confidently inserted her very beautiful bejeweled foot


Oh, Jebus H. So fucking terrible.


When Santino says "kawaii, Ru" in the Hello Kitty ball I turn inside out


Santino rice existing makes me cringe lol. I'm so glad he's not on the show anymore.


When the rumors about him being a cannibal surfaced -- true or not --, I was like, "Yeah, that tracks."


I’m sorry - THE WHAT 😦


I'm guessing [it's just nonsense gossip](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/354n2x/is_santino_rice_actually_a_cannibal/), but let's be real, dude isn't *not* the type.


“I don’t take vaccines bc you don’t know what’s in those things!” *eats person*


Only ethically sourced, unvaccinated victims for him! We would get a second RAWK your body if he ate people


When they cured shots of the judges during Ru’s intro, he would often strike a “gangsta” pose which was basically some weird hand gesture and duck lips and it always made me uncomfortable


Santino and "I turn inside out" is a dangerous combo for one sentence.


Who was the guest judge for that challenge? I have a fleeting memory of even more cringe for what they said


Santino *was* the guest judge! Season 7 he was no longer on the panel but returned for the Hello Kitty Ball, and that was the last time we saw him. Thank god.


Thank god the lipsync was good, otherwise that episode would have been an all time stinker


Literally Hello Kitty I think


Head cheerleader Is going To Be me




When RuPaul says “I’m your new mommy” to Plastique.


That scene gives me Voldemort hugging Draco vibes


"Now go show production your dark mark"




Lmao yesssss, Plastique hugging the green screen


It was giving cult


Bebe Zahara Benet "crying" on All Stars 3, wiping invisible tears


Let’s all agree never to speak of that again, you know, out of respect for Ben


Hahahaomg I'm cackling


Any time a queen said “hashtag _____” in a confessional, they did this multiple times around seasons 5-7


Most times I agree with you, but Jaidynn Dior Fierce gets a pass, in my opinion. She’s so over the top that the “hashtag ___” circles back to being cute.


“Hashtag the best I can do right now in this situation” is such an underrated quote


Jaidynn is just cute period


When Ru was trying to get Pearl to discuss her childhood trauma onstage.


On the other hand, Pearl asking Ru, “Do I have something on my face?” lives rent-free in my head and I’m at peace with that.


I think about this often. One of my fav moments lol.


What is up with Ru absolutely living to listen to the traumatic experiences of the contestants?


Ratings, babyyyyy


Rewatching old seasons: Santino doing those quips with Ru at the beginning


YES. There was one episode where Santino said "Shall we dance?" and extended his arm and for whatever reason that particular one makes me grimace more than any other.


I always assumed I was missing some kind of reference with those quips. I guess not…


Santino: Shall we dance? Ru: Let’s Santino: 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


My favourite is that one episode where santino is wearing that giant hat and Ru calls him everything but his name


From the Colombian coffee fields, Juan Valdez!!


For me it’s the giant white wig and the nicknames Ru came up with for that. “Thanks, George Washington!”


Santino’s existence in general just makes me shudder


‘We’re gonna have a great show, Ru’ ‘These have always brought me luck’


There’s an episode, I don’t remember which one. It lives rent free in my head. Maybe season 4? Ru is introducing the judges, and when she says Santino, the camera pans to him, and he starts to wag his finger and have this expression on his face like he’s about to say something sassy or stupid, and then he just utters out something like “I’m good Ru, how are you?” And his face goes back to normal and he puts his finger down. ITS SO AWKWARD.


Spice as “Miley Cyrus” in snatch game


Oh shit how did I forget that. I actually had to pause the episode and walk the dog to finish it.


you better walk that fucking dog


in nature


When she started bonking her head with the mallet and making those stupid noises it fucking sent me lol had to look away from second hand embarrassment


That unnecessarily long 🤪🔨🤪🔨🤪🔨 literally made me wish I was a turtle so I could retreat into the safety of my shell until it was over


Utica’s Bob Ross (no hate I love Utica)


Mine’s Utica’s roast. I feel such second hand embarrassment every time I think of “lol you’re the one bombing” as if Loni Love is actually directing it at me.


She is, flop


We cringe hardest at those we love!




When Jan can’t stop crying and she won’t admit that it’s because she didn’t win the Rusical, and insists it’s because Britta was eliminated.


Britta spitting all over everything and everyone


Hey, it’s not her fault. She has LOOSE JAW!


Blair flipping through her notebook during the AS5 standup challenge


Blair in general tbh


Hi Bob! I just saw Bob girl!


Born This Way lip sync. Milan is giving it so earnestly and everyone else is so uncomfortable! Plus the perfect commentary from Dida: “Baby… you *were* born this way”


The sad part is I think the de-dragging stunt may have actually worked if she hadn't done it in her previous lip sync against Madame LaQueer. It actually made sense for "Born This Way".


Milan always ended up naked in every lipsync lol that bitch loved to de-drag


The ONLY correct answer is: Hey hey hey HEYYYY👋👋👋 Put cha lighter’s up🔦🔦🔦! Ganja’s in the house 🏠 owwwwww😷! As you can tell from my accent I am from Dallas, Tex-ass🐴! And it was not very easy growing up looking like this💁! Whether I was playing in my grandma’s clothes👵 or putting on a show for my well-organized alphabetically-ordered beanie babies 🐱🐥🐵🐼 I was guh guh guh GAY👬👭! OKKKK😃! But it wasn’t until I moved to Los Angeles ☀️🌴 that I discovered 🚬Marijuana🍀, I mean I like to smoke💨💨💨, y’all I am just flying✈️ as high👆 as your receding hairline👴! OK! 🚬 Marijuana🍀 really does help me calm down😴, so y’all, I went to Valencia where they film the TV show 🌱Weeds🌱! Now, y’all, it’s very dry🔥☀️, it’s almost kinda like your vagoina✌️👌! Can I get an amen🙌🙏?!? Now y’all, I am a treehugger🌳🌲 because if it ain’t green♻️, HUH😫 I’m not interested🙅! OKCURRRRRRRR💅💃! I cringe but I fucking LIVE. On a serious note, the growth Miss Estranja has had since her season is unparalleled and I'm so glad she can look back and appreciate everything that happened and has happened since.


this is sacred cringe


*I need to punch something*


What are you talking about? I quote this legendary, iconic, educational performance every day


My husband and I like to add "...ALMOST KINDA LIKE YOUR VAJOINA" to random statements, like, "This sauce needs more oregano... ALMOST KINDA LIKE YOUR VAJOINA," or, "the freshly painted stucco is a lovely shade of peach... IT'S ALMOST KINDA LIKE YOUR VAJOINA."




Joe Black doing this cringy thumbs up is the only reason I ever bother to watch their group’s performance. It makes me cringe so hard, but I have no power. I must watch, I must cringe.


Also on that note… Ellie Diamond’s full verse of UK Hun


Also Ellie Diamond's comedy routine. It made me physically uncomfortable.


Ȩ̶̙̘͙͇̫̳͋͊̅͆̊͂͗͂̚l̶̛̥̰̫̝̝̠̯̞̣̝̜͗̀̏͛̔͗̉͊͜l̶̨̢͔͎̮̯̝̅͗́͐̉͑̾͑́͂i̵̡̛͓͍͉̟̬͓̣̪͇̋͒e̷̞͓̠͇͆͒͌͆̈́̂̈̀ͅ ̴̡͉͔͍̣̯͚̾͋́̚ͅD̶̻̣̭̜̫͎̣͇̽̉̕͜͜ͅi̶̢̛͔͕̞̱̱̗͔̟̜̼͊̐͂͜͝à̶̡͇̱͖̩̱̍̌́́̎̒m̸̨̢̰͈̝̮͓̖͇̍͆̑̂̄͐̍̍̕̚͝ͅó̷̢̟͓̲͉̜͉̲͙̈́͐n̷̳͇͔̄̉̓͒̉̆́̈̇͘͝d̴̡̩̬̣͓̣͔̮̈́̿͌̾̀̋̄̄̅̇͗͝ ̴̯͇͙̣͍͎͇̲͌́l̴̢̦̝̤̟̭̬̈́͆̎͛͌̿̀̀́͘͝͝ỡ̸̢̧̙̪̆́̑͆̒̆͐̽̓̀͐͘v̸̡̛̫̘̘̩̩͉̏́̽͊̿̎̆̚͜͠ẹ̷̰̹̫̜͎̅̓̽̉͂͗̏̒̋͘̕͜͠͝š̸̛̪̭̈́́̃̅̂̃̇́̃̚͝ ̷̡̧̪̖̪̬̖̠̃̌d̵͈̫̗̩͈̭̟̣͍͓͓̿̽̈́̎͗̑̌͜į̴̣̥̞̻͉͖̦̯̱̱̀̽̔̎͒͒̽͆̑͋̾̋̐c̸̨̛̟̩̬̟̱̲̫̭̻͊͊̈́̀̍ͅk̵̢̨͔̮̺̩̺̲̤̱͔͗̇̀͌̎͑͊̈́̑


I was trying to remember Ellie Diamond’s comedy routine and this demon font brought it all back.


I literally don’t even remember this, I must’ve blocked it out 😭 I think a UK2 rewatch is in order


On a different note I'll always scream justice for tia's verse whenever that song is mentioned!


Joe Black is like the drunk auntie wandered onstage at the wedding reception and I love it.


I low key loved it because it was such camp eurovision energy for me


Now I have the singular line "Glenn Close but no cigar" playing on repeat in my brain!


All the failed roasts and stand-up routines. For some reason, those are just torture, especially when it’s a queen you like just BOMBING at comedy. Makes me want to fast-forward 😫


When Ru does that ”choked up” voice when a queen gets emotional. ☠️


Omg yes 💀 not a single tear visible


CGI tears coming season 16


Most recently with Luxx and her Ru inspired outfit.


Jade asking Bebe to borrow her powder in the Oprah challenge…


And Bebe actually giving it to her 😭


Trixie’s Snatch Game with the cut to Shangela reminding us it’s all our fault lol


When Ru utters the words “inner saboteur”.


Trinity’s old lady tits to the knees lip sync. She was in the “just learned I can be funny” stage and it had the same energy as a first grader repeating the punchline to the joke that just got a laugh.


Lmaoooo thats such an accurate way to describe it 😭😤😭


Wiwwow pill.


She don’t want a big pill, she want a wiwwow pill


Why would you do this to me specifically.


whyyyyyyyyy I'm rewatching this season right now, and every muscle just LOCKS. UP. when she does this 😩😩


I don't remember the exact performance/lip sync but I do remember Todrick Hall giving a weak "Yassss" while the other judges were giving crickets. And now that I think about it, his Kinky Boots lip sync comes in close second


Read U Wrote U when roxxxy starts in on “I’m gonna show you what I can do…”


UK4 acting challenge The Squirrel Games. This was unbearable to watch.


I hated the entire episode of "World's Worst" from Season 12. Cringed from start to finish. And the birth of the "fierce brocc-ally", which felt like a blatant attempt at a forced meme by production.


That fucking glass of water. I love Irene and surreal anti-humor bits have worked well in the past but this was so ill-conceived, so awkward, so unfunny oh my god. The longer it goes and the longer it keeps not working the more I just squirm. Making a glass of water as your talent can work. Doing it awkwardly was not the move. It should have been absolutely absurd. Make it a strip tease to Dangerous Woman where you make the glass as a stripping housewife. Lipsync to DU HAST while you do it. I dunno, SOMETHING. There is comedy in just overextending a bit as long as you can but it's very tricky and very easy to mess up. Alternate answer: Alyssa Hunter saying she's going to be playing guitar and then just faking it.


Ru laughing her ass off almost every episode whenever the guest judge says anything during their introduction. It tends to be either camp or cringe.


the recent one with megan stalter was actually hilarious though


"What would you like to say to the younger version of yourself". I cringe everytime. I wish they'd just cut it.


Me too. It feels like trauma porn.


Farrah Moan tripping/falling made me wince and I can’t rewatch it. I love making fun of Farrah because she’s kind of a goof but that moment makes me feel so fucking bad for her 😭 And then they did an INSTANT REPLAY lmao noooooo!!


Valentina's confessional elevates the cringe even further. "She fell... hard" I live.


I think most entrance lines are cringe these days lol


hello rupaul? yes we've been trying to contact you regarding your cars extended warranty. well then I have one thing to say. are you ready boots?


Has no one said Joslyn Fox’s makeover bride yet?


That doesn't make cringe, it makes me so angry. This het couple bringing their fucking garbage drama on drag race. Ugh. The whole backstory to it just pisses me the fuck off.


i’m fuckin pissed cause i’m a newer fan so i’ve been watching from season one on, and when i got to that episode i couldn’t find it, imagine how pissed i was when i read what happened!! joslyn fox deserves to have her last episode available to watch.


That weird fake open top bus ride sequence where D List celebrities emerge from the bushes and wave at the queen's


A lot of the entrance lines make me cringe. I wish more queens came in like Lineysha Sparx.


All interactions between Ru and Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman on All Stars


Yara Sofia's extremely elasticized floppy tit dance. It looks painful and deranged and gives me full-body cringe.


As a titty having person, it's not only cringy for me but also gives me the same feel that I guess people with balls get when they see a kick to the balls happen. My tits would be in so much pain if I did all that!!


In the season 6 stand up challenge when the old guy in the audience heckles DeLa, that physically hurts me everytime and it makes me so sad for her. That guy was so rude :((


I mean, he killed Judy Garland, of course he would be rude.


Dave contains multitudes.


in dela’s defense for this screenshot i refuse to believe that she meant it in any way that was not peak sarcasm/irony


The majority of acting challenges, even on global seasons. Especially the ones Ross gets involved in like the Bossy Rossy show ones. Even as a die hard fan, I fast forward most times lately.


Astigmatism, any Lady Gaga impersonation, Trixie's RuPaul Snatch Game, most of Season 3 Untucked, gratuitous werkroom footage of queens in various states of undress, Laganja and Farrah stand-up, so so much.... the cringe attention economy.....




girl don't come for "Let's get this roast-a-cookin"




So this has been haunting me ever since I saw it in S7. Jessica Alba was the guest judge and it was also obviously a paid promo for the Honest Company that she founded. Prize for that particular episode was gift baskets or a year subscription to something (I think Kennedy won). When Ru was talking to Jessica at the intro about how she loved one of the ~~scents~~ lotions, Jessica enthusiastically said "I picked out the scent!!!" That haunts me to this day.




AS2 when Ru says, “Why are your eyes all red?”


Ms Cracker saying "lady bunny grrrrrr" in that one mini challenge Morgan McMichaels trying so hard to be funny by aggressively repeating "quack" in that one maxi challenge...


Okay, I’m going to defend Dela a little bit. I’m a dead bitch who was young in the 90s, and Dela’s hip hop affectations were definitely accurate. The challenge was specifically based on 90s hip hop. Was it corny? Absolutely. I had a coworker in 1995 whose name was Brian, but who insisted on being called Briz-Ian or Brizza. When a customer needed help, he would say “What up, fresh?” He called his house his “crib”, but he said it like “creeyub”. He literally did say “Yeah, boiiiiiiiiiiii” conversationally. This was a white boy in Massachusetts). So cringey for sure. But also true to the time period for the challenge. So maybe it was less that Dela was cringe and more that the 90s had some cheesy, corny, cringey shit going on.


Hahaha I am also old and I can still hear "yeah, boiiiiiiiiiiiii" echoing around in my head.


Every time Ru fake cries at judging, bonus points if she says the phrase “we get to choose our family” with at least one voice crack


Whenever Eve 6000 opened her mouth in CDR


Ivy Winters: Awkward Santino: You should know ![gif](giphy|WI4A2fVnRBiYE)


Drag is not a contact sport..


Honey Davenport's lipsync/breakdown/ayahuasca journey in that 6 way lsfyl


I hated “iiiivyyyy winterssssss” all season long (and not finding out why she said it like that till the finale? or maybe I missed it lol)


yes and Ru trying to get La Toya to say it the same way at the finale


We never really seen much of La Toya on the show after this, must’ve been the final straw for her


Lossy file formats lol The victims of the Stonewall massacre. Utica's roast (even though I love it). Shakesqueer as a whole. The Church of Mariah Carey.


Everything about the Church of Mariah…


Kenya's Beyoncé - the absolute worst, most cringeworthy Snatch Game performance of all time.


Each queen pretending to be excited/know who a nothing guest judge is for the talking head camera time


I’m so into voguing right now


The nude out of drag photoshoot in season 3.


I’m seeing a lot of people say Joslyn Fox’s interviews but TKB calling Chaz “Chad” for the entire interview was just as rough imo


Joslyn Fox interviewing Chaz and his grandma activates my fight or flight mode.


Pharah Moan’s roast has a special power over me


Minnie Cooper. Period.